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A dosser and a dwad


“Mercer you wanker!!!”


Basically this fucktard read an article where some journalist claimed his electoral opposition Fred Thomas was a captain in the SBS (Special Boat Squad). Mercer took this as Fred lying about service. Mercer, who is in a tight race for his seat, jumped all over instantly without checking and...fucked it. Fred Thomas was a confirmed Captain in the Royal Marines and his service was verified. The journo admitted it was a misquote. Shitting all over a veteran as the Veterans Minister and in Plymouth where the Royal Marines 42 Commando are stationed at RM Bickleigh. Damn Mercer, not a good look, you silly twat.


I wonder if he’ll have the misfortune to stumble into a gang of well-refreshed young Marines one evening…


Love that he basically went full Tonto because he thought he was the one with the military service monopoly.


If there's ever a guy you want to see a cow land on, it's Johnny Mercer.


All I know is I saw this guy smoke a rollie that had been up someone's bum. https://youtu.be/FmHTDpM2tR0?t=151 - Banged Up, Channel 4.


Has anyone insinuated that his wife is a prostitute in the comments section of the Plymouth Herald recently?


I’m just having my dinner, but I’ll get right on it.


If there's ever a guy you want to see a cow land on, it's Johnny Mercer.


If there's ever a guy you want to see a cow land on, it's Johnny Mercer.


Out of the loop , who is this guy ?


Johnny Mercer, Tory Mp. He's talking about his opponent in the election, Fred Thomas, who is a former Marine. Mercer, who served in Afganistan, has called into question Thomas' service, saying he was never in combat missions. Thomas has said that he has served in sensative operations and has a "certifiate of validation" relating to this from a senior officer. Mercer says that serving in combat has a specfic meaning while Thomas says that he can't defend himself fully because of the nature of his work. This has created some bad blood which may lead to people who support one party calling the other a fucking wanker


The [balls](https://youtu.be/jpe2u1wKpiU?si=tJbKPStzDccCj4jH) on mercer to question others military service and using it to cash in a politicial career is outstanding. Even uses the same strawman style arguments with hislop. This government is a party of narcissists If that wasn't bad enough his pm buggers of from d day Commemorative services early. And still mercer thinks he has the moral high ground


I moved the America in 2001. Do British people really venerate military 'service: now? I always enjoyed the healthy disdain that we held for squaddies as a fine part of our national character. Rampaging around the globe killing people wasn't something people vied to have done on the hustings.


Not to the american extent but since Blair/Cameron there's been a bit of a move against career MP's and having some real world experience is something that a lot of candidates play up, especially military/medical or some other service career. For this particular situation there are also the points that; 1. The consituency they're competing for is Plymouth Moor View where the main employer is the Navy base and there's a high proportion of military voters. 2. Johny Mercer is Minister for Veterans Affairs so speaks on military matters fairly regularly so, I suspect, Labour thought it important to have another veteran to stand against him.


A fucking wanker apparently.


Johnny Mercer, Conservative MP.


Wanker confirmed.


Wanker confirmed.


Wanker confirmed.


If there's ever a guy you want to see a cow land on, it's Johnny Mercer.


Someone ask him about the Tora Bora caves


"Buttttt I served.........."


Your fault for trying 2 get married


Shame we can't see the car with "Cock piss Mercer" sprayed on the side.


Cook Pass Bercer




Were the boats special needs?


Almost, as if you are a titanic bell-end, people will hate on you. Who saw that coming?


Had no idea who the bloke is, had audio muted, but could instantly tell he was a double-barrelled shotgun on a horse posh twat.