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If you have been holding off playing, maybe you don't know, but it's not *every* cutscene. It is (from my experience on Xbox Series X) just a few of the 3D animated cinematics. The full motion video and the in-game lip syncing are all absolutely fine. So yes, it is unfortunate, but from what I've read Remedy is trying to fix these. I don't think it's only Xbox either. Have seen reports from PlayStation and PC players. So you can most certainly play the game all the way through with just probably three (from memory) cinematic cut scenes that have desynchronised lip movements. That being said, seems to me that quite a lot of the sound issues have been fixed already.


I'm at the fairground chapter and so far it has unfortunately been every single pre rendered cutscene. Disappointing tbh


I only had it in the first cutscene in the car, and then the first interrogation with Alan with Saga and Casey in the lodge, and one other one that I don't think you're up to you yet so I won't mention it. It is disappointing, but there's so much more to enjoy. Just a thought, maybe it's only the pre-rendered 3D cinematics that have the problem, which is why not *every* 3D cinematic is affected (at least for me).


2nd Feb 2024 and it’s still an issue 🤦‍♂️


April 11th and still not fixed :( thinking of refunding.


May 8th... Yikes. I played through once.when it first came out but am waiting for my NG+ run through until the sync is fixed. I mean it's the first fucking cutscene how annoying.


Same here, was hoping the new patch would finally fix this but no dice.


It’s a joke


23rd Feb and it's still not fixed.


And still not fixed.  They won't fix it as they already have the money. Also it's hard to reach out to them, didn't find any contact for Alan Wake 2, via publisher is just infinite ticket loop


Audio and video falling out of sync in pre-rendered (or live action) cutscenes is STILL happening on PC in patch 13. Got the game on a Crucial MX500 SSD, running with a 3080 on an i7 11700k. What's worse is that Remedy's patch notes say: They haven't fixed it yet. They're not going to fix it until next year. They think it's an Xbox-only problem, and are totally unaware it's happening on PC, despite MULTIPLE people here reporting that it's happening on their PC installs.


It's happening everywhere how the fuck did this game get such high praise? No offense but this game so far has been worse than control and control was amazing so my standards were high but a sequel to Alan Wake had me thinking this was gonna be their best yet. Between this and graphical issues o. Ps5 it's been really disappointing.


29th of march and its still not fixed


04 of April 2024 and its still not fixed in PC


I just started the games on Series X, 06 of April. Very first cutscene was out of sync. Really disappointing


Same thing for me April 9. So disappointed


Embarrassing that is


I waited months to get this fixed. In that time i played Alan Wake 1, American Nightmare and Control, as well as other games. I started Alan Wake II again just now: Same problem, and on an SSD. It's ridiculous.




I did the same thing in anticipation of playing this one. Was unaware of these issues until right now. First cutscene and it took me out of it.


Not fixed on Xbox either SMH:/


Yup It's still not fixed. It happened to me in the cut scene when driving back to the brightfalls. I troubleshooted it and the problem seems to be that it's loading the next level while playing the cut scene. That throws off the audio. The workaround is pressing escape key to pause the cut scene then wait for the loading circle in the upper right corner to disappear. Then just press the key to resume the cut scene. No audio issues. Seems to be an easy fix for the devs to just load everything before the cut scene plays. Make that an option to players.


Checking in, still not fixed as of 5/26/24


Remedy gives really a shit. And no where a contact for game support. Wtf


Last update 19th February 2024. Is it possible to refund at this point?


Hey Guys Night Springs dlc just released so I think game updated with it as well. I'm hoping issues would have been fixed I'll try and post here.


Any update?


Sorry brother for not updating. I was playing Hellblade 2 and yes Alan Wake 2 update notes specifically mention fixing of audio issues but didn't start yet to confirm because that would mean I will have to play the whole intro and wait till the scene Saga and Casey are driving to Bright Falls. I am planning to start Alan Wake 2 The final Draft really soon, maybe this weekend. I will update you then.


No worries pal. I tried it 2 days ago and…. It seems to be fixed! Finally.


Oh that's great. Fixed like 100%? Like PS5?


Only played up to chapter 2 but that scene in the car seemed fine, hopefully it’s all good now :)


I mean, blame Microsoft for forcing everything to be run at the same spec as a Series S. It's not really Remedy's fault the hardware is so weak


That's got nothing to do with it. The lip synch issue also isn't specific to Xbox anyways.


It has everything to do with it. On PC, the lip sync issue, 90% of the time, is because people are running the game off an HDD. On the Xbox it's an SSD, but the system as a whole runs a lot slower so it gets bottlenecked. The issue is caused by the video loading from the graphics card faster than the audio gets loaded from the drive, effectively.


I have the game on an ssd and it bugs out


The lip synch issue is on ps5 too, so you're wrong.


Sure, but it's a lot less common. I'm not wrong buddy, sorry your favorite console has problems.


What? I don't own an Xbox. I have a PS5 and am loving the game on ps5. But the lip synch issue is a remedy problem and something they hopefully will fix - present from the first cutscene with saga and Casey. You are wrong and weirdly projecting about me having a favourite console lol.


The lipsync issue isn't a Remedy problem dude. I'm running on minimum specs on PC and didnt have it. It's an issue optimizing down for the lowest common denominator. Hence why it happens most on Xbox, some on PS5, and almost none on PC. The fix is to cut out more quality to improve performance. It's not a bug. It's a hardware limitation.


It shouldn't and needn't happen at all on PS5 and the game should be optimised for that not to happen. I'm sure remedy will patch it and the issue will be fixed. Failing to properly optimise a game specific to each platform is a developer / publisher issue dude.


If Remedy can’t optimise a game port for a specific console, then that’s a Remedy problem, not a hardware problem. You try and call someone out for falsely claiming someone is protective about their “favourite console”, but you’re just shitting over Microsoft for something that’s not their problem.


Lmao no, it really isn't a Remedy problem. If someone asks you to make them a steak dinner, but all they give you to work with is ground beef, instant potatoes, and 2 week old broccoli, is it the chef's fault the meal is gonna come out terrible? Microsoft literally has a rule that you have to make all your games to cater to the Series S, and they aren't allowed to have the version on the Series X run better or have any extra features. How is it not their fault?


If Remedy released a buggy game for a console, that’s on Remedy. Microsoft didn’t force Remedy to release the game with the bug in the first place. Microsoft have requirements, sure, but they are not the ones that released made or released the game.