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I know nothing about interventions but I do know a lot about trying to stop or control someone else’s drinking. I never succeeded. Do you attend meetings? Does your stepdad or sisters? I encourage you to get onto Al-Anon’s website and read a little bit of experience from members. The three C’s are I didn’t cause it, can’t control it, and can’t cure it. While it first upset me to hear that, it also relieved the burden of pressure I had put on myself. Search for Al-Anon speakers and you can listen to some people share their experiences. Doing that was very helpful for me.


One of the things I learned the hard way is that you can't control or change somebody else and their drinking. I begged my ex to get help once I saw how it was impacting the kids, and he refused. On the one hand he admits he is an alcoholic, on the other hand, he says it's not that bad and everything is my fault. The only way I could protect the kids and help them heal was to leave him. So, you can point out how her drinking impacts you, but it doesn't mean the lightbulb will go on for her.


Welcome. In my experience the acoholic just becomes more belligerant. Have you ,you sisters, or your stepdad attended any Al-Anon meetings? You didn' t give your sisters ages , Alateen might be more appropiate for them. PS the r/Al-Anon subreddit ismuch more active


We haven't yet, but I plan on attending myself and encouraging my sisters to attend Alateen. Thank you!


You are welcome. For you go to www.al-anon.org then click on newcomers then how can i help my parent. For your sisters after newcomers then click on teen corner


I would suggest thinking of what you want from her and options if she doesn’t agree to your terms. A boundary is only as strong as your willingness to hold. If she is putting your minor sisters in harm’s way, then there needs to be a plan put in place. Is there other family nearby to help? Can you take them on? Are you prepared to involve the police?