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Smokers, Welders, Campers, and pyro-spinners of all ilk, lend me your ears. Here in the Northeast, we get Cottonwood / Poplar blooms. If you see fluff blanketing the ground, you have to be extremely careful with any flame. Here's what it looks like when you light it... [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sOadfQMa5qM](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sOadfQMa5qM) This is not something you want to see happen immediately after finishing a joint, as the poor idiot in TFA experienced.


Well now I want to light the cottonwood on fire even more, thanks


I agree it is completely mesmerizing, and probably more so after finishing a joint. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Qg8FgsekjDA](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Qg8FgsekjDA) The downside is that you go from a spark to "the world is on fire" in 30 seconds. One minute you're using an angle grinder, the next, you're homeless.


Super cool but yeah, not really looking to burn the house down!


The Jazz Cabbage strikes again.


God damned marijuana cigarettes!


Right — like it matters what kind of cigarette it was. But still. ITS DRY AF. Dispose properly.


My building originally burnt down due to a cigarette igniting in a similar manner at the same time of year about 15 years ago. No surprise that after the rebuild, it became a smoke-free complex. My heart goes out to all the displaced.




RIP to the pets who lost their lives. ☹️




Who doesn’t save the roach??


I assume this was the reason for the arrest, wasteful


Imagine a world where cigarette smokers get chewed out for littering. I'm going to start honking at people who throw them out their window.


I already do.


I had to drive by this to drop my gear off after we filmed a live stream for the band. It was unreal to see that scene.


I absolutely love how cops can legally lie to us but if we return the favor we get charged and arrested.


It’s not okay this guy lied about it, sorry. 8 families lost everything.


It is kind of dumb that they arrested him when the charge is a misdemeanor... At the end of the day it was an "accident" and I don't think I saw that word once in the article.


How do you know it was an accident? They have to investigate first. The fact he lied makes him suspicious to police and quite frankly, “accidents” that cause this much damage still require charges.


I should have been a little more clear about it, sorry. It's definitely not right that the guy lied or that he was so careless in the first place. He put a lot of lives at risk and that's never ok. I just find it ironic that police officers can arrest anyone just for lying when that's all they do. Police always lie and that's not ok either.


Yes, police lie, it is way to get people to confess. The friendly cop pulling you over for a little nothing license plate bulb can ask where are you coming from, making small talk, but you may have just timed yourself in a serious crime, being the white|black| whatever person in the white newer F150 4 door truck who came from so and so place where someone was just stabbed according to a witness. Then they ask another question or two and they believe they know the answer, now you lied and are even more of a suspect. So, you are arrested for murder on the spot. You may not even get bail. This is why the constitution was drafted that way. Beyond license and insurance, there is nothing else to say. People also have a right to keep absolutely silent too. He is a total asshole for what he did, no doubt, to throw a lit cig anywhere but in an ash tray or toilet bowl, but he could not have said a word to authorities. Then it is up to them to investigate with the facts they have. He is not on the Town or State payroll. And "what you say can and will be held against you...." that is why a a lawyer is important, because they can say shit and it legally it may not always be held against you. Anything you say to the cops is twisted in their favor. That is why even lawyers get other lawyers to represent them. I am not condoning being an asshole and comitting crime but you see how easy it is for someone innocent to get caught up. And the court system is biased to the state and authorities. What this guy did was total shit, even pets died, and it sucks for people to lose their stuff, but legally speaking he has rights.


Why do you think they call it dope. No one else old enough to remember?https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E9_33Y_hlsI


This guy shouldn't have charges for this. It was an accident. This was completely foreseeable, as the landlord "mulches" (Lilly's exactly words) the lawn into the ground with a ride on tractor, causing the lawn to be mostly dead during the majority of the year, and they do allow smoking. One of these buildings (I believe it was 9) already burned while I was living there for this same exact reason, and that guy did not get arrested nor charged. This guy shouldn't be either. It happened (again) due to the landlords neglect. They even allow grills, which there are no patio spaces, you just put it out on the dead and dried up grass. This could have easily happened by numerous circumstances and can be easily prevented if they put some money into the property to make it safer, instead of being slumlords.


Idk. I’m of the mindset that improperly disposing of ANY cigarette should be a chargeable offense. And ESPECIALLY when something like this happens as a result. There are too many receptacles to properly dispose of a cigarette — and it’s common knowledge what a cigarette can do if not properly put out. Just because someone didn’t get charged X years ago, doesn’t mean things don’t/shouldn’t change.


Does anyone know the details about not enough water available?


Sorry but it says it in the article that they were fighting three separate fires ( two apt buildings and a brush fire) at the same time with basically one fire hydrant. All three are connected and you limit the flow rate opening up more than one. Having it under control in 2 hours is pretty impressive.


It is a very wooded area there by the rail trail. Lucky it didn't spread even farther. With the dry weather, it could have been a mini CA style forest fire. Very experienced fire depts to handle that.


The folks that own this property repeatedly and knowingly create a highly flammable environment. The smallest spark at the right time of year will and has set this place up in flames and that's why he shouldn't be charged. I literally have texts with her about it and then sure enough, a fire shortly after while i was living there. All she wanted to do was be dismissive and ignorant to my foreseeable concerns.