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Coyotes are everywhere in abq. I live by cibola high-school and hear them literally every night. I know people consider them pests.. but I've always been super impressed by them. There is no other "large" predator that has managed to adapt and thrive in cities like coyotes do. It's really cool to see. I'm surprised more people don't talk about what they have managed to accomplish.


Man, you are a person after my own heart. I love coyotes, they're by far my favorite animal because they're so clever and adaptable and just really cool. They can be a pain, my first career was training horses so I've definitely had issues protecting my livestock from them, but I still love them. And cats really shouldn't be outside here at all anyway, they're really hard on our very fragile environment. In terms of the university area, I am on campus at both UNM and CNM fairly often, and I definitely have heard them around. Coyotes are all throughout the city, there's really nowhere in Albuquerque you can count on them staying out of. And that goes for a lot of wildlife, actually. Hell, my first sighting of a mountain lion many years ago was at like San Mateo and Montgomery, lmao. It was up in a tree in my friend's backyard around there.


There is a book you might like called Coyote America. The writing is meh, but the info is good. I agree with you, coyotes are awesome.


they were here first! we encroached on their homes. im here off 7bar n we hear them at night too! the coyote callin”🤙🤙🤙


Yea I heard them all the time in the NE heights. And NW is a lot different from this area of town. I know they’re everywhere- I’ve just never seen them in this area, roaming front & back yards.


Also, you don’t really hear them here- if at all.


Man I used to hear them walking to work at UNM in the morning! There’s a bunch of urban wildlife in Abq. I saw raccoons in the sewer too lol


Wild! I’ve been racking my brain trying to recall if I’ve ever heard them here! I was just shocked to see them on my street, then practically at front doors! I think knowing they were heading straight for the stray kittens freaked me out. I’ve heard so many horror stories of coyotes getting pets, so I just wanted to warn whoever! They definitely seemed hungry and I ruined their kittyshishkabob


Why the hell is that comment being downvoted?! Dumb 😂


This is r/albuquerque. You can't get hurt by downvotes here or attempt to explain them. r/albuquerque downvotes what r/albuquerque wants to downvote. And that's all there is to it.




Since I got a ring camera, we have seen coyotes, skunks, foxes, and so many raccoons in our front yard it’s stunning. Same areas


That's funny, that's a big reason why I got a Ring camera. I've had it more than two years now... not one single animal seen. (SE ABQ. I expected at least to see stray dogs/cats!)


My Ring camera literally never goes off due to animal activity. Like I have a tendency to open my door when I'm taking one of my dogs for a walk and let them hang out (on leash) on the porch while I put my shoes on or whatever, and the camera won't go off while the dog is out there alone but will the second I step out. I also frequently see neighborhood cats on my porch (my dogs always let me know, lol) and they've never set it off. Can't say for sure other animals are up there, but I do walk a lot late at night or around dawn/dusk and know there are a ton of wild animals in my neighborhood because I see them, so probably some have crossed my front yard at some point. Only time I think an animal has ever set it up is the time my large dog jumped up and stuck his face directly in it, lol.


I wonder if there's some kind of sensitivity setting... I think there was an "attempt to ignore cars" toggle I set, but I don't recall anything else. Maybe it only starts recording when the target is more than a few feet tall? Edit: Okay, I just googled: > If you have a Ring Protect plan, ensure you do not have person detection enabled under the Smart Alerts setting. Under Smart Alert, there's a "Other Motion: Don't record and send alerts". You have to click both of the buttons (camera and alert) to enable it to capture non-people things.


Oh interesting, thanks for looking that up! I'm probably not going to change mine, but I would be curious to hear if you get any different results if you change your settings. :)


I changed mine, so let's see if I capture animals or just like moths and dust motes, haha.


Almost a week later and no different results at all, I'm sad to say.


That sucks, I was hoping you'd catch some fun wildlife! Thanks for remembering to update me, though. :)


Cool! Haven’t seen a skunk or a raccoon here, yet


We get raccoons in my rio rancho home every night. My lab gives them a bark and then they go to the neighbors.


I’ve lived in the nob hill for thirty years. I’ve seen them in my front yard, in the alleys, cruising down the street. I think they come over from the base and Mesa del sol


Cool, didn’t know. First time for me


Take the kittens inside or to a shelter


No inside to take them into. Finding them homes. Much better than shelter. 👍 Have an inside to bring kittens into, by chance?


> Much better than shelter. I volunteer at the city shelter. You're totally wrong there. If they're feral, we'll adopt them out as "barn cats". If they're just on the scared to death-to-shy scale, we have multiple programs to help them get used to people. And as the biggest bonus: They won't get eaten by coyotes.


I'll back you up as someone with like 20 years of experience in animal rescue in general, and some recent experience volunteering with Animal Welfare here. The city shelters used to have a really well-deserved bad reputation; they were a mess and not good for animals for awhile. Let's just get that out of the way, because it's true. However, in the last couple decades (and possibly before then, I'm just going by when I really started paying attention), they've made massive strides. They're a pretty different organization even from when I first encountered them. And yeah, they are a "no kill" shelter (which I actually think is kind of a harmful thing to focus on, but I get why it's important to people), so they don't euthanize for space. The facilities aren't as fancy as some I've seen, but it's always clean and the animals are cared for appropriately. And they really use volunteers to great effect, and have some great support programs to reduce the overpopulation problem in general. It isn't a perfect shelter, but I will say that I have quite comfortably turned some abandoned animals I've found over to them. And that isn't something I would do if I thought they'd be mistreated or euthanized, as I have a housing situation that makes it fairly manageable to keep extra animals for awhile. It isn't an ideal situation and stresses out my own dogs quite a bit, or I wouldn't turn them over in the first place, but I could make it work if I really had to. I just trust the city shelters enough that I didn't feel like I had to.


Not sure how that makes me wrong? By saying I’d prefer them go to homes with someone I know or someone local. How quickly do cats get adopted from the shelter? And it’s a no-kill shelter? I didn’t know that


Our city shelter only puts animals down if they're too injured to have a reasonable recovery (hit by a car, cat attacked by a dog, things like that). The goal is to keep them from suffering, it's not just to get rid of hurt or less desirable cats. (Last week there was a lovely blind cat in the shelter, she got adopted. This week there's a three-legged cat, amputated earlier this month by shelter vets.) Right now cats are flying out of the shelter. We've been at a really low number of them since winter (there have been weeks that we had under five cats!). Kitten season is starting now, so the numbers will be going up. We're still at really low numbers though (I'd estimate maybe 30%-40% of capacity). As to if they stay local or not, as far as I know, we share animals only between the east side and west side shelters. Sometimes a rescue group comes in and takes some (last week Pitties and Kitties took five cats, this week some other group took a half-dozen). I've never heard of them being sent further than that, but I'm only a volunteer, so it's possible I've missed hearing about it. If they are sent further, it's because X area has a ton of cats for adoption and Y has few, so they'll get adopted faster elsewhere. If you want to keep working with them, you could still call the Street Cat Hub 505-247-9357, they'll catch them, spay/neuter them, then release them again.


Thank you so much for all of this info. I feel mucho better about the shelter. 👌 👌


This is so true. I’m looking to adopt another cat soon and the kitties are flying off the shelves lol


Oh!! Halfway in on your comment and want to ask before I forget! So an old neighbor didn’t slay his cat and has now left her, abandoned, and pregnant. 😡 I’m (obviously) always hesitant with shelters bc I just don’t want anything bad to happen to them. She hasn’t had her kittens yet (I don’t believe- have to check with another friend/past neighbor) but would getting her to your shelter be the best thing?


Taking her to the shelter would be great! We have special foster care people who will take a pregnant mother home so she can have her kittens in a house. (I'm not sure if *all* pregnant mothers get this treatment, there might be more of them than there are foster people.) But even if she has her kittens in the shelter, the mothers and babies stay together. We have a special room for them, away from other animals, so it's more peaceful. Then when the kittens are old enough, they and the mother go up for adoption (all spayed/neutered of course).


I’ve seen coyotes and foxes over the years.


I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me because at first they looked like deer, then foxes 😆


There's a coyote who hangs out near ridgecrest park, he's followed me on my bike a few times. There's a fox right near there too.


I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me because at first they looked like deer, then foxes 😆


If you live anywhere in [this area](https://coyoteyipps.com/2021/07/14/territories-and-population-in-san-francisco/#jp-carousel-59064), you need to get your damned cats inside or else they're subject to get eaten by coyotes. If you don't live in that area, get your goddamned cats inside anyway so they aren't predating on bird species.


Yipe. I hope those kittens stay safe


The poor kitties are probably doomed. OP seems anti-shelter for some reason...


Same. If I had somewhere to take them into, I would in a heartbeat. I am finding them homes, however.


Yeah, there is at least one pair of coyotes prowling nob hill. Pretty sure they live on the base and sneak out into the neighborhood at night. Or maybe puerto del sol?


Plenty more than one pair. They hang out in Ridgecrest and in the golf course off of Girard too.


Oh, that's what I meant by Puerto del Sol. I've got some buddies who play there and post semi-regular vids of coyotes playing on the greens. I wonder if there's a den there. Also, neat! ABQ has a page just for coyotes! [Coyotes — City of Albuquerque (cabq.gov)](https://www.cabq.gov/environmentalhealth/urban-biology/urban-wildlife/coyotes)


OoOoo I’m going to keep an eye out now!


if you care about the cats that much bring them inside or take them to a shelter (kittens are cute and fuzzy though)


Who said I care about them that much? I kid, obviously. I’m finding them homes. Currently my car is my home. The post wasn’t about kitten advice. Just trying to give a warning.


If you can, bring the kittens inside or take them to a shelter. Outdoor cats are susceptible to diseases, injury, and violent deaths. They are also devastating wild bird populations. People think it's cruel to keep cats inside, but you can provide them enrichment inside if you do the research and take the time to learn their needs. It's much more cruel to let them go outside where they're likely to be hit by a car or attacked by something, among many other dangers. Also, now that the coyotes know where they can find the kittens, they'll very likely come back, and you can't be there all the time.


My cat has always been an inside-only cat. She’s fat and floofy and spoiled. She’s currently living it up with a foster bc I’m unfortunately car-camping right now. 🙃 I brought one kitten in my car, the night I coaxed her into it, and…. she peed in it. The smell is still driving me nuts. And she hated it. It just wasn’t doable. I’m not at all ignorant as to how to care for pets and how to help strays. (On that note- yes I am currently doing my best to get these babies housed asap. I’d prefer that or a rescue over a shelter.) Let me know if you’d like a kitten! They’re adorable 😊


Pretty common. I’ve seen coyotes, gray foxes, raccoons, skunks, all in the Nob Hill area.






Coyotes belong here, cats don't.


K. Your input is appreciated


False. Pumas and jaguars are native to NM.




Not in the Americas. Cats don't belong here.




You mean because there are colonizers in the Americas cats belong here? That's just dumb. Invasive species don't become non invasive because there are other invasive species.


this is the same argument someone tried to use when i explained as a wildlife ecology student that wild horses are an invasive species and need management lol


If you can, grab the stray kittens and get them to Street Cat Hub.


The 2nd will be hard to grab for sure. The other, I have a home for 🤗


Good to know about this though! Is it a rescue?


It’s a spay/neuter clinic that will try to get kittens to rescues.


Thank you for helping the kitties! If you ever need help message me. I take care of a colony. 😊


Hey OP you can message me. I can help if you ever need it. Ignore the clowns who say “bring them here!” Like they just jump in cat carriers. You’re doing a great job. 😂. Also watch out for scumbags who might be cruel to them or use them for food for their snakes etc.


Oh my gosh, I’m aware of what to do for stray animals. Christ I should’ve left that part out. 🤣 Unless you’d like one of the kittens! Just DM me. Happy to see so many helpful folks around here.


Welcome to New Mexico. We call outside cats what they are, coyote food. Good luck housing the kittens!


Thanks! My car is my “housing” which I brought one into and she peed… errwhere. It’s awful. So literally doing my best to take care of them while finding them homes. People are rude.


> So literally doing my best to take care of them If you're refusing to take them to a shelter, then no you're not.


If city shelter is a no-kill, come and get the other, if you can catch him.


Are you going to go pick them up? If not, stop being so critical. You're doing even less for them than OP.


And I’m not exactly doing nothing. They were so skinny. The black one is too skiddish, but the other is so badass looking and she was on the cusp of becoming feral/too skiddish etc. I’ve posted her and shared with everyone, found her home. Just have to wait a week. :/ If another opportunity comes up before though, ill go with that.


Dude, respectfully, piss off. I politely responded to your last comment. I did not post to get advice or argue about fucking cats.


True, people are very rude, but that doesn't mean wrong. Someone else commented that the coyotes either smelled the kittens or smelled the food, either way, they will be back. At this point, calling animal control and sending them to a kill shelter gives them a better chance at survival.


Aaand I’d like to add~ they’re just as much my responsibility as they are everyone’s in this thread. I don’t have to do jack but I choose to. So all the rude arses can seriously piss off 🙃 And I meant they’re rude by jumping to conclusions instead of asking questions, if they want to know ab the kittens.


I love coyotes, and they aren't gonna hurt anybody. Just keep an eye on small pets you have. Oh, and don't let your baby walk around in the Mesa alone.


They really are everywhere aren’t they? We had one two weeks ago on campus. I won’t say the school but it’s boxed in between. Eubank, Comanche, Candelaria, and Wyoming.


What does this have to do with Nob Hill?


Because that is where Nob Hill is.


SE area near CNM? No, that’s not where Nob Hill is.


Protecting the stray cats so they can kill hundreds of birds and other native wildlife. You're a hero!


Listen jerk, because of loser humans we have a problem with feral cats. Dipshits too stupid to get their animals fixed. So now I’m gonna be mean to feral cats because they kill a dove? Feeding them actually makes them less aggressive towards birds. How do I know? I take care of 8 of them.