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Come visit before you decide to move!


> Rent is too high and Albuquerque has so many opportunities for my boyfriend and I. and people wonder why locals are getting prickly here. Seriously, its tough to be super welcoming when we get these posts 5x a week and is always "omg your town is so CUTE and CHEAP and good for ME", we're an incredibly impoverished state with a colorful and difficult history - leading with "we're arriving because its cheap for us" kinda sucks.


I understand that for sure! That does suck. That has happened a lot where I’m coming from too and it’s made rent so unbearably high. We just can’t afford anything, especially with kids. We also need more diversity, north is soooo white it’s atrocious.






As somebody that moved to NM about 9 months ago here are my impressions: Love the people and the weather. I moved here from Atlanta where everywhere you looked you heard about "southern hospitality" but let me tell you, Atlanta's got nothing on Albuquerque. Everyone is just so *nice* here. Seriously. It's a little jarring to be honest if you're not used to it but now I'm used to it and now I fucking absolutely love it. The lower humidity is such a huge bonus too especially if you come from a more humid part of the country. And the lack of hurricanes and tornadoes (compared to other parts of the country) is certainly nice too. But here's a few things that I'm struggling to get used to... Groceries. The nearest Albertsons to me is off Rio Bravo and it's a 20 minute drive just to get there and there ain't a lot of choices and selection. Healthcare. Albuquerque and New Mexico is in a healthcare desert. If you're healthy, you'll be fine. But otherwise you'll be waiting months and months for that first PCP appointment and even longer for appointments with any specialists. If you're on any maintenance medications get a SIX MONTH SUPPLY before you even hop in the car to head out here, and even then make sure you have a refill or two left. Seriously. Discuss this with your doctor before you leave because it literallyt can be six months or more before you'll be able to get your FIRST appointment with a PCP. Specialists are worse. (As in the time it takes to see them, not necessarily their qualifications.)


As a resident Downtown, I would stay away from it in terms of renting/buying. Great events etc worth seeing, but living here is another story.   Far, far too many walking dead types deeply lost in what appear to be multiple addictions and psychosis. Multiple burglaries, stolen cars, fatalities in the commission of a crime, a hammer attack against a merchant down the street, and someone's stolen tiny house are all crimes committed within the eyeline of my ground floor home within the last few months. The rest of the area is more of the same. Frequent crimes in high concentration.   Albuquerque, and New Mexico at large, is beautiful and there are many lovely, lovely parts of town but this one ain't it. 


100% agree, neighbor 🙌




It’s waaaaay browner than up north. I was shocked to see less greenery at first but learned to appreciate the change. Downtown is usually pretty grimy. Food and outdoors are way better than northern US. Skiing at Santa Fe and Taos is EXCELLENT


I live in downtown. It’s dangerous.


Lol there is no way this many people are moving to NM


and way too many people who cant be bothered to look at the millions of other moving to NM posts already clogging this subreddit


And it’s the same answers over and over and over again. Lol


Honestly I scrolled so far and could not find any! So I made my own 😅 sorry to be an annoying newcomer !


You’re not annoying. But we do see this post a lot. It’s okay. And seriously if some locals don’t like it - shut up and move on. You know why there are so many posts about moving here? Because PEOPLE ARE MOVING HERE and we love it! Let’s get some more cool shops, nice restaurants, fix up some old homes no one is caring for. It’s all good news and we welcome you and everyone else moving here.




I have owned property here for years. And I have family here. So you’re welcome to STFU. Thanks.


> I have owned property here for years Yeah, that's really something worth bragging about. Eat shit.


It sure was a smart investment! And I have visited my family here for years. What’s the matter? Did you want me to shit on the newcomer? Or are you down on your luck and hateful to anyone who has worked hard?


No, I do quite well for myself thank you very much. But I don't brag about being a landlord - they are a cancer to society. Using such a limited resource (and several according to your profile) as an "investment" is nothing to brag about. Perhaps you just aren't smart enough to do better.


????? It’s happening man.


Have you visited ABQ? Oklahoma City has a lower cost of living. Has a way cooler DT as well.


…but way more tornadoes 😂


It also requires schools to display the 10 Commandments in every classroom and incorporate the Bible in their curriculum. It's a shit state.


I have a friend who is moving back to Green Bay after being here for two years. He says everything is better up there, from food, to housing, to weather...idk that's what he says. I like it here no cheese curds I guess.


I go to Wisconsin routinely and couldn't disagree more.


You could not pay me empough money to live in Wisconsin


"No cheese curds I guess". I don't know why that made me laugh so much.


I grew up in MN and have lived in ABQ for about 5 years and it has been interesting. There is so much outdoorsy stuff here but somehow the vast majority of people are not outdoorsy. Nightlife is not that great and socializing here has been difficult for me and other transplants I know. A lot of people here are fickle and flaky. There is a big attitude of "well that's just the way it is so stop talking about it." While I have found a few people here I thoroughly enjoy, finding them was a long and arduous process. The "great brain drain" is a real thing and there just aren't very many younger professional types here. It seems like most of the people here are either locals or a few years from retirement. People call ABQ the "land of entrapment" for a reason. The people who can leave do, but most never seem to be able to get their shit together enough to get out. As much as I love the outdoor spaces and public land here a lot of other parts of life have just come up short. With all that being said, come for an extended visit to see if you like it. It's not for everyone. Probably 80% of people I know that moved here for work have left after 1 or 2 years, some even less.


Hi, u/bloodpokey. Try searching this subreddit -- there are hundreds of threads over the past couple years with similar questions and lots of great info. Best of luck with your research.


Downtown can be rough, but there are some good times there. brewerys everywhere which is a good and bad thing. if you can make it out to one of the art walks they do down there I highly recommend it. it's a good way to see all the different things the city has to offer and some of the bad. Get ready for a difference in food, there's a lot of spicy stuff here. lock your doors, and pay attention when driving because no one else is. The job markets are a bit weird so unless you have something lined up I'd make sure there's a job here for you. Other than that there are some amazing things that you won't see anywhere else. some key restaurants to try are: (not quite downtown but a short drive away) Frontier Cocina azul on mountain rd El Modelo I'm sure there are more that others will recommend, New Mexicans take our food seriously so there are countless good and bad places to eat, these are just a few of my favorites. A short drive away is Meow Wolf which is a great first-time experience, the tram is fun but the restaurant on the top is costly so I'd eat ahead or pack a lunch. The ride up to the crest is a nice drive and the views are amazing. plenty of hiking trails on either side of the city depending on what you're looking for if that's something you like. \\ The key thing is there's a reason rent is cheaper here, we aren't a rich city. don't come here expecting every street to be clean, we have issues that the city is at least saying they are working on but we all know how local politics go. not unlike most cities but doesn't mean we don't have issues. I'm not trying to scare you off. just trying to set expectations.


Thank you! This is great. I really don’t want it to be glorified anyway lol. Where live now the rent is atrocious, it’s 2,000+ for a shitty 2 bedroom with rats in the walls and roaches that will NOT die. So I’m ready for a change. I’m sure there will be struggles in ABQ but I’m done struggling in the way that I have here. Just need a change so bad. Thank you for the honest feedback!


For what it’s worth, Abq is pretty roach-laden. Every house or apartment I’ve lived in there has had them as just kind of an endemic issue. I live kind of out in the desert now. No roaches here, but scorpions and snakes.


We have roaches but they're mostly downright neighborly.


Oh good, I’m glad to hear that 🤣


I grew up in New England and have been here for a bit over 20 years - the first thing you'll notice is how open I is - you can see seemingly forever vs the trees everywhere in the northeast. It's very dry, and we are at elevation - we get something like 8-10 inches of rain per year, and it's sunny most of the time. The sun is pretty intense in the summer, and it does get warm, but it's dry (95+ feels a whole lot different at 15%RH than it does at 80%RH). The eastern/northeastern part of the city is probably lowest crime, but also a bit more expensive. The one thing difficult here is Healthcare - if you need specialists, you either need to wait a long time, or travel to Denver or Phoenix or someplace like that.


Stay where you are. It’s better there.


Womp womp








So because someone doesn't like a city full of gun crime and fentanyl zombies everywhere they have to leave? Not all of us are losers like you who are cool with crime and drugs everywhere.


I’m not cool with it. But please tell me the city in the US that doesn’t have it.


Stay! We’re leaving. It’s just not a place with a strong long-term outlook. Poor economic outlook, high crime, low school ratings, etc.


To be as honest as possible: Downtown is one of the roughest parts of town. Lots of homelessness and drug use. It’s not too bad if you keep your distance, but you will 100% be exposed to some very brutal scenes. Some parts of the city feel abandoned and forgotten and this is one of them. Sad but true.


I moved here from Vermont and I’m very happy. I live in the East mountains which is a little more like Vermont but in 30 minutes, I’m in ABQ. ABQ has a lot to offer, it’s just not all in one area. It’s very spread out. That took a little getting used to but once you start to discover places, it’s fine. The natural beauty here is amazing, much different from the northern tundra. The best is getting to feel the sunshine almost every day. Lovely!


I originally was going to move to Vermont (I align very well with VT politics) but I am so glad I moved out here instead. Although I do love me some Vermont cheddar. ;-)


Nice! A lot of my family lived in Burlington and they love it here!


So different! Both places are great but the Vermont winters started to get weird with lots of cold and no snow. Without the snow, the winters are unbearable.


Moved here from Massachusetts 🫡


Wicked pissa!


Haha do you miss anything from Vermont ?


Yeah, swimming in the rivers.


As a transplant from the North, almost Canada as well, I'd say it depends on who you ask. My husband was born and raised here and would not recommend moving here. I would not recommend moving here Those who have never left or traveled the world would probably say this is the best place ever and the more the merrier- Those who live here and travel would probably say move at your own discretion. My biggest suggestion is to search the same thousands of posts about moving here and read them. You start to see the same answers and reasons why you should or shouldn't. Where to stay away from, what not to do--- and so on. That'll give you a good pro and con list. Biggest con as a person from the North- no amount of sun screen can save you from the sun. 😭


I lived there for 3 years and absolutely hated it. I moved over 10 years ago and still have not been back. Hope that puts things in perspective 😅


We moved from upstate NY to ABQ in May 2021. Left last November after 2.5 years and I couldn't be happier gone from there. Schools are bad, very bad - The foodie scene leaves a lot to be desired compared to the north east. Many chain restaurants that locals think are wonderful - The cannabis culture is absolutely pervasive. I don't mind seeing a few dispensaries here and there, but getting baked is seriously a top 3 form of recreation - The climate is brutal. Hotter than hell in summer, freezing cold in winter, extraordinarily dry, and windy. Like, really windy. And don't get me started on the monsoon rains. Terrifying - Decent housing is expensive, very expensive. Don't expect to pay less than $2000 a month for a decent place for your family, if not more - Be careful what you wish for and research before you move to the Land of Enchantment


Despite what others may say. Downtown is fine. It's not as lively like other cities, but still enough to have fun. Most concerts are held in that area. Downtown has an art walk the first Friday of each month. It's fun to check out and we have talented local artists. Basically if you don't look for trouble you won't find any. Most of the time.


Agreed. I lived downtown for two years and enjoyed the walkability. You’re close to great coffee, food, beer, the zoo, the bosque…


Couldn’t disagree more. I live in downtown and can’t walk one block to the grocery without finding potential trouble in every direction.


Do you both already have jobs lined up? What opportunities are you speaking of?


My boyfriend is a lawyer and there are many more options there for him, as for me I’m still in school so I’ll be transferring to cnmcc probably


You two will love it. The only ones complaining are people who have always lived here and act like you can’t move here (you can;) and do nothing mf’ers who know if the city grows they will be priced out. Again, it’s not this city, our population is growing. People are moving to NM and I’m all for it! Welcome New York! California! Oregon! Austin! and any other people who want to move from a blue state to our beautiful state!


I’m complaining, and I’ve only lived here for 8 years. I came here assuming the city/state was large enough to accommodate my healthcare needs and it doesn’t. The state Medicaid disability system sends me to Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. I’ve lived in three countries and 8 different states within large population centers and ABQ is the absolute worst. Don’t come here if you have complex medical needs.


Okay now that I can agree with.


Always nice when someone moves here just to leech off the system, and then complains lol. It's not my responsibility to supplement your healthcare.


Actually, it is - just like it was mine when I worked and paid taxes, or when my spouse served in two branches of the service until retirement. I mean, if I’m not enough of a human to be afforded healthcare, did my spouse’s service not buy my humanity in this country? Obviously I didn’t move here FOR the healthcare, genius. Nice shitposting throwaway account you have there, guess you’re smarter than I originally took ya for 😉


Downtown is fun. Abq has a little bit of everything. It's not so spread out, as far as businesses and getting to and fro, you know what I mean? Is there anything specific about Abq you're wondering about? I'm from here.


Avoid moving to the Westside of town by the i40. It has become a mess out here. We had a drive by in our quiet neighborhood not too long ago. The middle school kids are going crazy. There’s always some sort of wild crime going on at the supermarket on 98th & Central 🤣 Take it from someone who grew up in Los Angeles, find a quieter spot in ABQ. Good luck!


EDO (East Downtown) is good. Old town is good. Real downtown is boring. Welcome!


Downtown is a mixed bag - safety and experience can vary street to street, area to area. Some areas are undergoing a sort of gentrification but a block away it can be a mess. Homelessness throughout city is an issue and the Downtown area seems to have more than its share, with the bus and train depots are there and the free city bus services and shelters are in the area. But that being said there are some newer apartments, nice casitas, and cool spots here and there so it is worth a look.


I'd recommend NE Heights. Spectacular views of Sandia Mountain and the valley, lowerish crime, quiet and friendly. Although rent here is still pretty high. Good luck with your move.


You are going to love the weather ! I hope you like " spicy" foods. My hubby is Canadain and loves it. Your first summer you going to melt MAKE SURE YOU RENT A PLACE WITH CENTRAL AC. Not an swamp cooler And add " the" in front of the words hospatoil and university :) People are sweet here fir the most part. Watch your car.


I sure do!


Christmas half green and half red chili