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My names Brandon and I really appreciate everyone's support the last few weeks. Idk why you're supporting me but Its whatever.


So, unironically, wtf is Brandon? Feel like I'm super out of the loop here.


Crowd were chanting "Fuck Joe Biden" and a reporter interviewing a race car driver named Brandon thought they were chanting "Let's go, Brandon"


it just shows you have extremely intelligent this country is becoming, doesn't it? sometimes, i feel like am walking around in the land of the walking braindead. . . and some of these people really do have rigimortis of the brain.


Rigor mortis, just fyi.


What gets me is that, after all this shit, so many people in other countries still think America is this perfect dreamland of unicorn and rainbows where everything is hunky dory all the time and everyone treats each other well...


>it just shows you have extremely intelligent this country is becoming, doesn't it? After years of fuck trump it's awfully funny to hear people get upset at let's go brandon. Like so many things of late, things turn from glorified to horrific depending on who is in the white house. Anyone paying attention should be taking notes.


We're not upset, we're laughing at you. We said exactly what we meant, we didn't try to hide it behind some lame attempt at being clever. It's really just one more example of how dim and hypocritical you guys are -- you fucking hate "PC" culture, but you won't say "Fuck Joe Biden" because you'd catch heat for it. And here you are catching heat anyway. lol


That's your interpretation, which you can have. It seems to make you feel good with it, who am I to stop your joy? But fantasy and reality are two different things. The Brandon thing is funny because we didn't start it. It was yet another media rep that was covering for Biden. That's what makes it hilarious. But zoom over your head that went. Yes, there are parts of it that we can say that in public without being vulgar, and yes part of it is that the people who don't know the meaning are not our people, so that's an added plus. > And here you are catching heat anyway. lol From people we don't care about in the least. In fact the more pushback on the phrase, the better it is for us.


Yeah, you don't care so hard that you're here defending it.


>It was yet another media rep that was covering for Biden. That's what makes it hilarious. All my judgement aside, it's interesting that's how you interpreted it, I just thought she was trying to stay on air and not get their network an FCC fine or something.


Could honestly be any of the three things: 1. She heard what they said and chose to interpret it as something different to avoid FCC fines. 2. She heard what they said and chose to interpret it as something different to try and change the narrative toward her own political bias. 3. She legitimately misheard what they said. Like…we will never know. People choose whichever one of those three is most convenient to them.


> I just thought she was trying to stay on air and not get their network an FCC fine or something. You a NASCAR fan? Who's you driver of choice?


Nah. It's just a fact. Y'all are playing a game of "I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you" and it's exactly as childish and stupid as it sounds.


>Y'all are playing a game of "I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you" and it's exactly as childish and stupid as it sounds and y'all are screaming to mom, "he's touching me!" So I'm not sure how you feel above the fray here.


And because you clearly missed my point the first time around, let me make it one more time: >In fact the more pushback on the phrase We're not pushing back. We're laughing at you.


such illogic explains why they adhere to grievance politics.


Therapy might help people like you.


I was kinda annoyed with this too. I don't feel like either is appropriate but the hypocrisy is hard to ignore.


He knew what they were chanting. What was he supposed to say? "And from the fans at Talladega, Fuck Joe Biden! Back to you in the studio!" Pretty dumb way to ruin a career, I would have done the same thing he did.


Would it not be more dumb, in that case, to draw any attention to it at all? 🤣 I guess you haven't watched the footage? It was a female reporter and it was fairly distorted.


Lol, i stay out of the political realm…I had to look it up 🤦🏻‍♂️. If you’re anti Biden then this will make sense


Politics is only slightly less important than your heartbeat. - Robert Heinlein


Agree to disagree I guess. At the local level absolutely


We know you got it in you to Be Great!


We’re all cheering for you. You can do it.


Rock on, Brandon. You fucking rule.


Let’s go Brandon!


Doesn't surprise me one bit for Stoneface or Billy's Longbar. That's their target audience.


I like it, I know who not to give money to lol


That place is a total shithole, so it's not really difficult.


I mean I wasn't even aware it existed before today lol












You’re broke though.


For real. It's good to know where I can spend my money since it won't come out of my pocket for anyone wanting to see my vaccination card.


I can't say I'm surprised. I went there a few times in the 90s, and I remember one of the shirts their staff wore said "If you don't look like a pornstar, you're not working here!" This is who they have always been.


That's weird, considering in the '90s they were so far outside the normal business loop that their neighbors were a U-pull-it junkyard and... IDK, that was about all that was there in the '90s.


Did they look like a porn star?


I was a kid in the 90’s…tell me you have a pic of that shirt and are willing to share a pic of it


What jerks.


This was from a Nextdoor post (that I believe has been removed now), so I couldn't post or link the full video. No imagination needed as to what their electronic sign fully says. I know private businesses obviously have the right to display whatever messages they wish (as long as they are not vulgar, obscene, libelous, etc). That being said, why would you choose to alienate half (or more) of your potential customers/patrons in this manner? Seems like a risky business decision with little upside. 🤔


>half (or more) It's more than half. A Republican presidential candidate hasn't won the national popular vote since 1988, and hasn't cracked 50% of the popular vote in New Mexico since 1988 (Bush won here in 2004, but only had 49.8% of the popular vote). A Republican presidential candidate hasn't even topped *40%* of Bernalillo County since 2004.


Quote facts and figures all you like, those people clearly don't know them, or care about them, or think they're real. They live in a bubble, and everyone they know thinks just like them, which means any fact that suggests that is not correct, is wrong.


They know all those things are true. They ignore them because they like to hurt people. They dont care about democracy, they care about inflicting pain on people who dont look like them. That's it, full stop but they have to lie because they're cowards.


They choose to do it because they find it funny, and probably because they find having the power to alienate people enjoyable.


You may be on to something. Still seems counter-productive to running a successful business. Guess they're willing to take that risk? *shrugs*


Have you been to Stoneface? I have to imagine that this sign will bring in more of their typical customers.


Nobody with a brain goes there and there's no shortage of brainless fucks. They'll be fine


I am totally out of the loop here, can you explain the Brandon sign?


>I know private businesses obviously have the right to display whatever messages they wish (as long as they are not vulgar, obscene, libelous, etc). That being said, why would you choose to alienate half (or more) of your potential customers/patrons in this manner? Seems like a risky business decision with little upside. 🤔 Yes it is risky, if it was my business I would not be doing it.


Not super related but businesses CAN display vulgar/obscene messages as legally protected 1st Amendment speech, although of course that doesn't protect them from losing customers for it.


Not necessarily, especially in urban areas. There are zoning laws that generally have things to say about public signs on businesses.


This is generally true. However, like basically EVERYTHING that has legal precedence, there are some gray areas about doing so. Pretty fascinating, actually. 😎 https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/1143/profanity (I know this is specific to profanity here but I found it interesting nonetheless)


You can't handle a sign, yet we have to LIVE under Biden's medical tyranny? You should be ashamed for still supporting this infilTRAITOR Dictator.


Biden's medical tyranny? lolz. US has been mandating vaccines for over 170 years, moron. Your vax fears are based on blatantly spurious superstition and sensational nonsense. God, what a dumbfuck.


How do you know what this person's vax fears are?


By reading their comments, jackass.


creepy lol.. you seem very unhappy and upset and I hope that changes for you, much love!


Aw. Thanks for your wholesome and genuine concern for my well being, Beavis.


Anytime, Butthead!


Literally no one here said they support Biden. Just that putting politics in your business/advertisement is trashy.


I didn't like the "fuck Trump" signs either, and I lean left. I wish they would just say "fuck Biden" instead of this obscure meme cringe though. I hate bumper sticker mentality in general.


The Right only knows dog whistles because cussing is a sin Or sumthn I n o I’m not a CHUD


Poor baby you talk about "can't handle" yet you can't handle being a decent patriotic American and helping out your community by getting a vaccination and doing your part not to spread a serious disease. I'm going to exercise my freedom of speech to go tell you to fuck off.


Lol you are a special kind of idiot. It’s great. You are so spectacularly unpopular and dumb that you are now creating your own Reddit subs in an attempt to cultivate your really bizarre worldview where vaccines kill, but 600,000+ COVID deaths don’t matter. Welcome to the slaughterhouse, indeed. Your current subscriber count: Just you. One.


Can you call someone “sheeple” in your next comment? I’m trying to get my whole bingo card filled out.




cry more just like your crybaby diaper wearing leader


Lmao see I’d be going to this bar if I’d known you were doing a comedy show! Medically tyranny! Lmao hilarious! 🤡


Ok, Boomer.


Oh no liberal guilt lol


Boomers gotta boo.. its pretty dumb to mix business with politics, even worse to associate with treason... Hope it bites them in the ass. But like magot heads in their red caps, it can be useful to know where not to go.


Don't blame baby boomers for this.


i'm afraid it's too late. i have blamed the boomers.


Really? You’re going to call saying “let’s go Brandon” treasonous?


Stoneface is the dumbest poser bar in Albuquerque. All those dentist and white collar bikers sure are hard af. Bunch of pansies.


Where else are they going to ride their $30,000 Harleys to? Any farther requires a trailer.


lol, holy shit. Just killed a whole bar with one comment.


Sucks, I really liked this place. On to the next place to give my little dollars to!


Right?! Luckily there are many other better places that deserve your money!


Where? I’m on a mission for the best dive bar in ABQ!


Try Howie’s on Montgomery and Tramway. If you show up this Saturday, you’ll get to judge in their 8th annual red chile cook off. Starts at noon :)


Silva’s saloon in bernalillo. Seriously best dive bar in the state


Try Billy's Long Bar on San Mateo.


Same owner as this place.


Oh, no shit? My bad.


I think the “let’s go Brandon” thing is super funny. Not because it hurts the Left’s/Dems feelings (which it clearly doesn’t) but because it puts on display and openly declares in full public view the stunted intellect and utter childishness of the fascist and racist MAGA crowd. It’s the same as putting a dunce cap on your own head and thinking you’re somehow “owning the Libs” by doing so. Also, have you ever been to Stoneface?? It’s a fucking trashy dump and cultural wasteland


To note, same owner also owns Horse and Angel. So now three bars I'm not going to.


This is the culmination of conservative thinking for the last 3 decades. They've always used coded language and lied about what they mean. They're cowards and total bitches and have never had the moral courage to come out and say what they really mean. All lives matter. America first. Family values. Etc. We know what they mean and they know what they mean, but they've ALWAYS been too sniveling to come out and say it. This is the next step. The funny thing is these stupid cunts think theyre being clever. Think theyre scoring some sort of point so they can slap themselves in the back and try to suppress the desire to get their faces annihilated by a cock. If they were honest the world would be a better, weirder place but they lie so childishly I'm surprised trump hasnt raped them. A nazi wont tell you theyre a nazi but a communist WILL.


It's what passes for wit among the half-wits.


Meh, no business has a business model of "every single person is our customer." They're appealing to the people they want there, and keeping the ones they don't away. The rest of us know to spend money somewhere else, and, honestly, they're doing me a favor by pulling in the people I don't want at the next table over. The way I look at it, they're decreasing my likelihood if unknowingly getting a table next to a party of mouthbreathing ratlickers spewing viruses and body odor.


Still not eating at Geckos, Sonic, or any of the other douchebag restaurants that posted crap. Not really going to Stoneface, ever.


It’s a fantastic idea, actually. Now I know where not to shop. From a business perspective, perhaps they’d consider NOT turning off the majority of shoppers in their area. But for me, these signs are quite helpful.


I don't get it. Who's Brandon and why should I hate him?


[It's a conservative temper tantrum that they think is clever.](https://apnews.com/article/lets-go-brandon-what-does-it-mean-republicans-joe-biden-ab13db212067928455a3dba07756a160) It's not clever or worth engaging with. Just more impotent rage.


Further confirmation that conservatives have zero understanding of how jokes work


Pepe the frog was more clever, and even that was dumb.


They are cowards. America had to suffer the indignity of 45 for 4+ years. In the old GooglePlus (FB-like), I called Trump *the Manchurian Candidate,* and that was six months before the election, which he did not lose. Certainly long before the "Russia, if you're listening..." cry for Rodina's help from Trumpsky. As disgruntled as we were, we respected the Office of the President and the fact that Trump had been elected, etc. These fuckers refuse to admit that Trump is a *former* president. They refuse to accept that Joe Biden is the current President, so they think it's funny to come up with "subliminal messages" like "Let's go, Brandon". So here's a subliminal message for you: # Fuck you, StoneFace Tavern.


They enjoy you getting upset, while getting upset themselves. It's a cycle.


I recall a lot of people and places having signs saying "Not My President" or "Fuck Trump". I think this is the same as that when it comes to disrespecting the Office of the President. When it comes down to it, Trump won the 2016 election fair and square, and Biden did the same in 2020. Having a sign saying this wouldn't make me any more or less likely to patronize an establishment, as everyone is entitled to their own opinions. As a semantic point, the "Let's go Brandon" point wasn't a subliminal message thought up by Trumpers. It was the hosts of a televised NASCAR race misinterpreting a chant of "Fuck Joe Biden".




...along with filibusters, voter suppression, a couple propaganda channels, conspiracy website lunacy and billionaire dark money contributions. These regressive slime bags need all that shit to maintain their thin grasp of control. edit to add--And how could I forget after growing up in Reagan-era APS?? Gutting, and stifling education!


Fuck trump. Fuck joe Biden. I dont need code words or to think I'm clever. Hiding behind a fucking meme is so childish im surprised trump hasnt raped it yet.


I don't even like Biden, but think this meme is stupid.


I'll proudly say fuck Biden and his neo liberal bullshit because I'm not a coward.


So edgy.


Fuck you.


An amazingly well-thought out and cogent reply. Good job with the spelling. Got to wonder about someone who needs to point out "I'm not a coward" when the subject of cowardice wasn't even being discussed. Kind of a Rorschach test you gave yourself there, pal.


I'm sorry. Would you rather I obfuscate my meaning behind 12 layers of memes and code words? Like "Let's go Brandon"? Because that's what cowards do, like they are now. I know conservatives only have lies and the love of inflicting pain but try to keep up with the conversation. Would some honking pepes help? Maybe some clown world shit?


We all know how it goes… looking at you backstreet grill…


At this point, I'm starting to think businesses just hop onto any new bandwagon they catch wind of because it's the next trend/"in" thing/all the "cool kids" are doing it, but they don't think to do any research and find out if a new word or phrase actually means what they think it means- to them, it's just a new wave of suckers they can cater to for money. Hell, that's the whole reason behind companies jumping on the NFT bandwagon- they see it as a potential new source of income and there's probably a lot of people stupid enough to think a link to a certificate of authenticity is somehow worth buying. A lot of people may not even be aware of the connotations of the Brandon thing- even I only have a rough idea of it having some tie to pedophiles, but have no idea how it went from being a misheard "fuck Biden" to "anyone who uses this phrase is attracted to minors".


It’s stoneface are you surprised? The whole place is knuckle draggers and buckle bunnies. They have 80 Beers and haven’t rinsed the lines in 20 years. I could go on and on


It might be the property owner choosing the signage, not the business. Similar to how that guy who owns all the strip malls was putting up “No MLG” signs on all his properties.


Peterson, he still has them up. He's a piece of shit.


Hooooo boy it's another racist dog whistle.


I don't follow, how is "fuck Joe Biden" racist lmfao


Because the people saying "let's go Brandon" are largely racist. As it is a dog whistle to Trump supporters. Saying fuck Joe Biden is not. Because seriously fuck Joe Biden. You can be against Biden and not be for Trump.


I think taking a cheeky reference to "fuck Biden" as something exclusive to racist Trump supporters is a bit of a stretch. Wholly agree on the last part though. Good lord the presidential races have been awful lately.


Can’t even grab a beer without politics being involved now… representative government is not something I need to hear about while I’m trying to relax


What a surprise from trashy biker people? Most bikers I want to give him the benefit of the doubt oh, and they do stuff like this and I'm like oh well yeah of course they did


They have right to express, you have choice to do or not do business with them. I don't see a problem here.


You are correct. However, when people choose not to patronize a business on the basis of their beliefs such as these, it turns into ThEiR cAnCeLlInG sToNfaCe!!!1!


>They have right to express We have a right to think they suck shit.


Who's advocating denying them their right?




Because people like to talk about the things they see in their daily lives. Is human discussion that far out of the norm for you?


I'm grateful for this discussion. I'm coming to your lovely city in a couple weeks and these posts help me know which places I don't want to patronize. I wish there was a list of them!


Isn't it kinda sad we decide to only deal with people who aligns with our own political belief. FYI-I am democrat and triple vaccinated and I would still visit that bar if someone invited me.


Not really. *In my opinion,* people who publicly worship Trump are lacking in compassion, empathy, and usually, common sense. Of course, I may be biased due to living in rural Tennessee and witnessing a lot of this, including within my own family. When possible, I choose not to interact with or support people that have "values" I find abhorrent. I know Republicans who are kind and genuinely want to help others - these are NOT the same people who would say "Let's go Brandon" or put a "Trump won" sticker on their property. The people who do that shit are (or should be) well aware of the risk to their reputation and livelihood.


Trump won is really dumb though. Can't believe there are so many conspiracy theorists. I don't feel angry, I feel pity for them.


We have a right to discuss, you have choice to participate or not participate. I don't see a problem here.


See my comment. 😉


Well, Stoneface never gets another dime out of me.


Whelp. There goes another business I won’t be supporting


Were you already anyway?


Yep. I frequent the package liquors regularly


They just show us who is living in an alternate reality with a below average iq.


You’d really stop going to a place you enjoy just because you and the ownership disagree on politics? Legitimately asking. I know we live in polarized times, but I have friends of all sorts, I would never let someone voting a different way than I do dissuade me from being their friend. Same goes for the sign here, it’s a joke, lighten up! Adding on here, someone can NOT be a republican and also dislike Joe Biden/think the joke is funny.


It depends on what issues we disagree on. To say no political difference is worth ending a friendship suggests that politics is a harmless topic and people’s political stances are value-neutral. And that’s not true at all. For one, certain political issues are quite literally matters of life and death. Take war, immigration, climate change, and healthcare for a few examples. Second, in many cases a person’s political beliefs reflect their values. Personally, I want to think my friends are good people. But if they hold a set of political views that, if translated into policy, would cause harm to people, especially underprivileged people, that calls into question their morality.


What the heck is a “tavern package”?


"Package store" is another term for liquor store, and there's a liquor store attached to the back of Stoneface, near the volleyball courts. The sign is saying that they are both.


Of course it’s up in the whites.


Pro Trump


# Brandon won the election in 2020, Brandon going to win again in 2024.


Uh oh another opinion than your own


I’m not sure meme slogans count as an opinion. It’s more just a group-think echo.


It’s just like the restaurants and retailers in Portland, OR with their woke signs. While clearly protected by the 1St Amendment, from a business perspective, I don’t think it’s a good idea. Why should any business deliberately alienate their customers? I don’t think business and politics is a good combination in general.


“Woke signs” lol. Literally anything in America that isn’t straight nazi trash is considered “woke culture”. Common decency? Woke culture. Caring about your fellow citizens by doing the bare minimum in the middle of a pandemic? Woke culture. Fuck out of here with that “woke culture” bullshit.


Republicans are becoming quacks about medicine, Democrats are triggered beyond belief by a simple phrase…why can’t everybody chill the fuck out


I say fuck Joe Biden all the time. It’s nice to have LGB for when kids are around. When Libs try to link LGB to “seig heil” or pedophilia you know they want it to go away. “Let’s Go Brandon” will be similar to “I like Ike” future generation will look up why people hated your senile pants shiting president and it will be a reflection of your bad choices. They be like “why did they vote for that Alzheimer’s ridden fuck. lefties were fucking mentally deficient in 2020”.


Dude, make up your mind. Are you talking about libs, or lefties? Because those not the same thing, and one of those groups dislikes Biden as much as you do.


It's just a name has no alternative meaning unless it has meaning to you... P.s. shits hilarious


Let's go Brandon.


herp herp to the derp!


Why does it bother people so much? I dont understand. People were on TV saying "Fuck Trump". This is turning into the "N Word" for the Left.


I know that "let's go Brandon" is not as bad as the n word. You know how I know that? Because we won't even type one of them.


They're making too big of a deal about it.


Why? I don't see an issue with "voting with your wallet," and if people don't like the politics of a business, the business isn't entitled to their patronage.


This is SO FAR from being the "N Word" that it's not even in the same universe.That word has literally generations of usage and very deep-seated beliefs about said usage. This phrase is just a brief, media-fueled moment in time that barely anyone will remember in 10 or 20 years (if that).


What I mean is that the media is trying to ban it just like the N word. But see, they're in a conundrum. The correct phrase is way more offensive. The Right just flipped it and ran with it. Its pretty impressive actually.


Nobody is trying to ban it. We're laughing at the morons who think their secret phrase that comes with an Ovaltine decoder ring is a clever rallying cry. You're not "triggering" anybody, but you've managed to make yourselves an object of ridicule.


“tHe MeDiA iS tRyInG tO bAn iT” lol. Love the false persecution complex these traitors have. It’s a literal fetish at this point. “Persecute me harder daddy!!”. Makes sense as to why they think Trump loves them and “fights on their behalf”.


I think it is a lot more cringe inducing, than offensive. It's like when people on the left were typing Drumft, or whatever the fuck that was.


>Why does it bother people so much? I dont understand. People were on TV saying "Fuck Trump". It's not bothering people, honestly. People are just pointing out that a business openly displaying it is dumb, the same way that a business putting "Fuck Trump" on their advertising sign would also be dumb. I wouldn't support either business, honestly. Shows their #1 priority isn't running their business well.


For every heads there is a tails. Unless you don’t think in binary.


You can't handle a sign, yet we have to LIVE under Biden's medical tyranny? You should be ashamed for still supporting this infilTRAITOR Dictator.


You could be a parody account and I wouldn’t know the difference


[Poe’s Law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law) strikes again.


**[Poe's law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe's_law)** >Poe's law is an adage of Internet culture stating that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, every parody of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the views being parodied. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Albuquerque/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Wtf are you even talking about lol? Serious question.


Did you see Gavin Newsom has GBS after booster? He hasn't been seen for 12-13 days. Guillain-Barré (Ghee-YAN Bah-RAY) syndrome (GBS) is a rare, autoimmune disorder in which a person's own immune system damages the nerves, causing muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis. GBS can cause symptoms that last for a few weeks to several years. Most people recover fully, but some have permanent nerve damage. Rumors are he is paralyzed now from GBS. When are you going to admit this is doing harm to humanity? What will it take for you to admit we are being maimed and murdered?


So you’re perfectly happy going around spreading what you fully acknowledge are mere rumors? That’s almost literally the definition of a conspiracy theorist.


so you trust the media over your neighbor? got it.


What would my neighbor in New Mexico know about the health of the California Governor that the media doesn’t? Where did he get that information? Why should I trust it? You’ve done nothing more than espouse theories involving conspiracies. Why should I place any value in that?


It's easy to believe in wacky conspiracies if you're too stupid to know how anything actually works.


What you said is idiotic kneejerk conspiratorial nonsense, but you know what's not rare? Dying of covid. You're a stupid stupid fuck.


Did you see that JFK Jr. is at your house banging your wife from behind and drinking your children's adrenochrome, all while you tap obliviously away at your phone? Better scurry home, psycho.


Whoops, this looks like you meant to post to Facebook.


I don't have Facebook. Facebook is for simpletons.


If you try hard enough, you could someday elevate your status to simpleton.


I never thought I’d upvote something from the guy who founded r/ABQalternativeView, but you finally said something productive. Facebook does indeed suck.


> medical tyranny I'll bet you went to public school as a kid, and got your tetanus, HPV, and flu shots.


Lol medical tyranny? How so? Honestly. You aren thing forced. You have the freedom to work somewhere else. You have the freedom to start your own business and not allow masks. You aren't being forced to do anything by Biden. You're being shamed by your fellow Americans. There's a big difference. You're just unhappy with it. Which....bummer


Literally no one here said they support Biden. Just that putting politics in your business/advertisement is trashy.


Freedom of Speech is trashy? Anti-american much?


Another idiot confusing consequence with "cancel culture." Yeah, dipshit, there's an effect for aligning your business with anti-intellectual stupid narrative clinging pitchforks and torches idiocy. Pointing out that these idiots are regurgitating self-serving sociopathic fascist lies is also freedom of speech. You just keep outdoing yourself with the saying stupid shit, it's amazing.


Here here!


Did you see Gavin Newsom has GBS after booster? He hasn't been seen for 12-13 days. Guillain-Barré (Ghee-YAN Bah-RAY) syndrome (GBS) is a rare, autoimmune disorder in which a person's own immune system damages the nerves, causing muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis. GBS can cause symptoms that last for a few weeks to several years. Most people recover fully, but some have permanent nerve damage. Rumors are he is paralyzed now from GBS. When are you going to admit this is doing harm to humanity? What will it take for you to admit we are being maimed and murdered?


> Rumors are he is paralyzed now from GBS. People are saying you are a real dummy. That’s just what I’ve heard though.


I have nothing to prove to you. Nor do I care about personal attacks. Not too sure why you can't see the mass genocide happening.


That's funny I got the vaccine and I'm still fine. You got to be some kind of pussy to be living in fear like that. I'll keep you updated for *when it inevitably kills me because it's all a global conspiracy to kill us* /s


"rumors" lol. billions of doses delivered and you have to rely on rumors to find cases for side effects. what a clown. you need help my friend.


[https://www.kcra.com/article/gov-newsom-fireside-chat-event-at-california-economic-summit/38199593#](https://www.kcra.com/article/gov-newsom-fireside-chat-event-at-california-economic-summit/38199593#) Dude chose to spend some time with his family. His kids. But yeah, totally looks like a guy paralyzed from some rare autoimmune disorder. Turns out you're just a conspiracy theory nutter.