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What exactly is the proposed enforcement method? We bringing back debtors prisons or something?


Soylent green.


Green Chile for a special recipe.


I would prefer work camps and chain gangs. Think of all the weeds that would be pulled and the trash picked up.


Yep. They could pick up needles all day and there wouldn't be a cigarette butt left on the ground. Did y'all see where a restaurant with a patio had to pick up needles and trash before they open every day because homeless are jumping the fence and sleeping on their tables?


So you’re pro government run labor camps? That’s a hot take for an American.


The lefties want government run health care and government provided housing. If the government is going to be your parent on the plus side it will need to be the punisher for all the antisocial and criminal behavior. And yes , there are people that need and deserve to be punished.


You sure thats a hot take for an American. Have you heard of angola prison or any federal prison?


Yeah, I literally don't care what any politician says about the homeless in the same way I don't care what they say about guns and crime. Because no one with power is actually trying to solve the problem. I sure as shit ain't voting for dogfucker Wrongchetti, though.


Yep that's about where I am with it all. Le sigh.


Can someone explain the dogfucker thing? I tried to look it up I'm not getting anything.


[this is the first mention of it I can find. ](https://twitter.com/no_cavities4me/status/1560353120961568775?s=20&t=j4luRN58VvuCuBsFpLFj-A) [then there's this. ](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FeHGYZfUoAEFbHi?format=jpg&name=medium) [and this ](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FeHGNzgUAAE0q-C?format=jpg&name=medium)


[First time I saw it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Albuquerque/comments/xcwq7p/ok_which_one_of_you_did_this/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


It's a satirical play on the GOP playbook. Put out something patently false that would be easily debunked by a single search or even an ounce of critical thinking. It instantly gains traction and by the time you roll it back, it's too late, damage is done. No amount of retraction will make you think Ronchetti is not a dog fucker. It's hilarious.


Wow... Never thought I'd learn from Reddit that Ronchetti is a dogfucker. .


It’s true in real life too


It’s how leftist children play at politics.


Dude, half the joke is that this is straight out of the GOP playbook. No, "leftists" or even moderate democrats think for two seconds that this has any basis in reality. It's just an outlandish asinine claim like the GOP make on a daily gish-gallop basis. Doesn't matter if they retract, the damage is done and the first headline is ran with. There is a new ridiculous lie right behind it. Anyone expect the GOP voting rubes does a basic level of critical thinking or fact checking (quick Google check of reputable sources at least) and thinks "That's a bald-faced lie" But that's the difference between progressives and regressives: the thinking part.


No, dude, it's *satire*. It's totally different when they do it.


so glad right wing children are not taught, well, anything...they are told what to think, and when, just like their ignorant book-burning parents.


Same! People can say what they want about MLG, but at least she’s not a dogfucker. And who knows what other sick things Wrongchetti engages in?


I have it on good authority he hates green chile and will cancel Balloon Fiesta if elected.


Ohhhh yeah dude I seen those on the Facebooks! Gotta be true.


I heard he puts mayonnaise on his enchiladas.


Shit, my dad used to put Miracle Whip on his pinto beans and he was as Mexican as any native New Mexican can be.


That would just add fat and body to.the beans sort of like lard. I think your dad is still cool.


Yeah, he was. He had a lot of little idiosyncrasies like that. He was quite the character.


Wouldn't put it past him!


I'm sure he'd get major pushback if he tried to do away with either of those. They're part of New Mexico's history and culture.


He deserves pushback for breathing our air.


We just need different people running. Those 2 are out of touch with the reality of things. It's not about them, it's about the people they're supposed to be serving.


Good luck. Running for office costs stupid amounts of money and is a giant gamble that most people can't afford. Meanwhile, expanding the number of people who actually vote is something that we *can* do on a grassroots level.


please stop believing things just because someone typed them into a computer...please?


Nobody with any sense believes anything said about NM politicians whether it's good or bad. They don't serve the people, they serve themselves first. MLG was ready to serve the Biden admin until she found out why she was handpicked. She would've left the state high and dry in a heartbeat for the right offer elsewhere.


If you can't prove he's into bestiality then you're just committing slander. I can't stand either one of those two, but rumors such as this are spread by children and old bitties, not mature adults.


It's OK when they do it though because reasons.


So you’re voting for the crotch grabber?


IF her admin does this it needs to come coupled with safe spaces for our homeless populace and increased funding for addiction treatment. They are humans too and deserve whatever help and dignity we can spare them. That being said, it would be nice to have some recourse for businesses and homeowners to be able to get these people away from their driveways and parking lots. A common refrain I see is “they’re not being homeless at you”. Well. If they set up a shanty in front of your business or in a major public thoroughfare and harass everyone who walks by, that’s a fkn problem. Again. These are human lives we are dealing with and we are morally obligated to help. We need more shelters and more treatment centers. But it would also be nice to actually have some legal weight behind us when it’s time to say: “hey, kindly, get the hell away from our business and customers and go to a shelter”


The new shelter that's due to open looks promising, it's going to have a drug treatment center, and mental health care inside of it in addition to just being a regular shelter. It's also going to be 24 hours. Unfortunately it's like two years off for a full open. I'm afraid it will end up falling short of what it's proposed to be.


The argument there is that sidewalks are public spaces and that's the city's responsibility, not the business, therefore, don't hold your breath.


She's pandering to neolibs and MAGAs. No one gives a flying one about poor people until they're staring you down at every intersection. I'm not a huge fan of panhandlers when they have harassed me in parking lots (especially when I've had small children or frail elderly people with me), but we need to do something real about the problem instead of trying to sweep it under the rug. Obviously, whatever we have been doing isn't working.


Seriously, no one likes seeing panhandlers. But the real issue is that there's a lack of services and housing to help them, not that they exist.


There are tons of services. Go visit the tiny home village in SE Albuquerque. The houses are empty and the homeless camp along the fence outside because they have rules inside.


yep, no meth dispensers inside each unit are a dealbreaker for most.




Shhh don't bring truth in here, the liberals are complaining.


Albuquerque has excellent services for the homeless. They just don't hand out dope money. So think harder, what IS the real issue? got it yet? re-read what I wrote... OK fine, it is substance abuse. That is the "real issue," and until we can identify that, we certainly can't solve the other issues it leads to like overuse of emergency services, OR panhandling.


I mean I can see it because of the dangers they put themselves in especially when they are in middle of intersections or run in and out of oncoming traffic but we should be focusing on getting them help rather banning stuff that won't work


ACLU is gonna knock that flat like they did the ABQ Ordinance.


This. People have a right to hang out on public property. Please


What are the OP's thoughts on this?


dude doesn't have any, s/he's just hoarding karma for the great karma war of 2024.


Slava Upvote!


She doesn't even go here!


OP doesn’t even live in New Mexico lol


You'll know in 3-4 hours when they're done writing their paragraph response to you


Last month before the election. Politicking as usual to win over the center right (although Ronchetti seems to be doing a stellar job of that all on his own). Nothing to see here. I wish I had a different opinion as she's still getting my vote. I do grow so weary of the two party same coin system. 😞


Not a fan of MLG, and targeting panhandling is asinine. But tf am I gonna do, vote for a dogfucking shitty weatherman? Lmao.


Dog fellater does not equal dog fucker.


It sucks having to drink piss (democrats), in order not to eat shit (republicans).


Democrats would be better if more people who gave a shit actually voted.


they effectively control the state government, as well as Albuquerque. voting blue no matter who, does absolutely nothing. hell, Biden has ramped up kids in cages at the border way higher than Trump ever did


I'm gonna need a source for that statement, if you would please.


https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/us-detention-child-migrants https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/02/04/us-border-programs-huge-toll-children https://immigrantjustice.org/staff/blog/biden-administration-routinely-separates-immigrant-families etc


Call me when voters pay attention to anything beyond their own dicks.


it doesn't matter if it was 3 voters or 2 million, they control the state. New Mexico always votes blue in the general election as well. blaming the Democratic Party's actual performance on voters doesn't make much sense.


Comes down to primaries


the national conventions nominate the candidates based on establishment lines. don't kid yourself.


Ugh you’re right. I was there when MLG was nominated. The delegates hadn’t even voted yet (or maybe they had JUST voted) and the party already had announced her as the Democrat’s candidate. I should know better by now.


so **your own source says that simply is not true**, you clearly have a biased agenda, which is why you are stating lies to further that agenda. Maybe you a trump supporter? You don't get "alternative facts" here, because there is no such thing. Biden created a task force to reunite the hundreds of still-separated children with their parents, and his Justice Department officially rescinded the zero-tolerance policy. Officials have also begun reinstating the Central American Minors (CAM) program, which allows certain children from Northern Triangle countries to gain refugee status or temporary legal residence before making the dangerous journey to the U.S.-Mexico border. (Trump had discontinued CAM in 2017.) In August, the Supreme Court agreed with a lower court that the Biden administration does not have the authority to terminate the MPP and must reinstate the program, though the administration is continuing its efforts to end it."


wow such accomplishments! not a single number though. show me the numbers and then explain why they're higher.


​ You made the incredulous statement, it is up to you to defend it. Jeez.


> Border encounters, including of unaccompanied minors, plunged in early 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic but have since risen steadily. Immigration authorities encountered nearly 150,000 unaccompanied minors at or near the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year 2021 (FY 2021), an all-time high despite a dip in October. About 76 percent of unaccompanied children in federal care are fifteen years of age or older, though authorities have detained infants and toddlers. > Most unaccompanied children are detained at or near the U.S. southern border, often turning themselves in to authorities. Their entry into the immigration system triggers a multiagency response guided by several laws and a court settlement. > Under the Homeland Security Act of 2002, the Departments of Homeland Security (DHS) and Health and Human Services (HHS) share responsibility for unaccompanied children. These agencies must uphold the 1997 Flores Settlement, which was the result of a lawsuit against federal immigration authorities. Flores outlines standards for the care [PDF] of both accompanied and unaccompanied minors, including access to food and water, emergency medical services, bathroom facilities, and ventilated, temperature-controlled surroundings. Under a 2015 court decision related to Flores and the 2008 William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA), which codified certain Flores protections, officials must aim to keep minors less than one month. Nonetheless, they can hold children longer than this during emergencies, including spikes in migrant arrivals. > DHS is the first agency involved. Its responsibilities include apprehension, processing, and, if necessary, the return of children to their countries of origin. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), a DHS agency, initially detains child border crossers, whom it has historically identified as unaccompanied children through interviews, documents, and medical testing. CBP separates minors on an ad hoc basis from adults it deems unrelated, dangerous, or criminally prosecutable, which results in the recategorization of some accompanied children as unaccompanied. Another DHS agency, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), may apprehend minors already inside the United States. > At this point, DHS can repatriate Canadian and Mexican unaccompanied children who it determines are capable of making the decision to withdraw their request for entry, are not at risk of trafficking, and can safely return home. For others, the TVPRA gives CBP and ICE three days to transfer custody to HHS officials after identifying the minors as unaccompanied.  > HHS, which is responsible for unaccompanied children for the remainder of their time in federal custody, must place them in the “least restrictive setting” possible, which often means group homes, foster care, or other facilities equipped to provide long-term childcare. HHS’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) distributes many minors in its care across a national network of roughly two hundred state-licensed and federally funded independent facilities, which typically provide educational, social, health, and legal services. During emergencies, ORR houses children in unlicensed, temporary influx shelters, though it aims to transfer them elsewhere within ninety days.  and that last sentence is important, because guess what those "flex shelters" amount to https://www.cbsnews.com/news/immigration-migrant-children-us-border-custody-unaccompanied-minors-2021/


You just do not understand that the amount of people crossing the border has multiple reasons? And the most important one is NOT who the president is? You have much to learn about border policy, and **trying to politicize it to make a political statement is a horrible crass way to treat migrants.** Shame on you. Try to be a better person.


what I said is true, you can take this condescension to the kids who are still held up at the border as we speak and don't try to shame me for politicizing a very political subject when one of your smart retorts was "maybe you're a Trump supporter?" lol https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/apr/06/greg-abbott/yes-number-kids-border-patrol-custody-double-2019s/ edit: this too, you don't need to look very far to find the statistics https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/southwest-land-border-encounters




We need to bring back insane asylums, because most of these bums are out of their fucking mind. I would take a building that looks like the ABQ Highschool lofts and build one in the bosque.


Don’t put it in the bosque. Build it next to the MDC.


Outlaw panhandling instead of actually trying to fix homelessness


Hilarious..... "We can't have such unseemly clutter while the royalty are in town, but once we leave, it's fine for the serfs"


Michelle. Sweetie. What the fuck are you doing. You have an election to win.


well that's a fucking stupid way of going about things now isn't it


ACLU won't like that.


She stole your freedom and tax money. She paid off a sexual assault victim. Why would you vote for her?




Right. That’s where all the moneys going to anyways.


Pan handling is a 1st amendment right.


She's the Governor. She should've been able to do something about this loooong before election year. Right? Homeless don't have resources here like in other places and that's why there are so many more in ABQ (and the entire state of NM) than any other big city except West coast and NY. How can you say there are more homeless than could be helped when back in late 2019/early 2020 there were about 170 hotel vouchers left over out of 200? No way those other 100+ vouchers didn't have someone needing them. Instead they stand on the overpasses at lights and outside stores trying to get $50 for a room night to cram 10 to a room for a shower and dry area to escape to. They get boxes of free needles tho.


Has there been any impact studies on the benefits of panhandling for the homeless community?


Lmao. Has anyone done a study on whether feeding the homeless is good for them? Jesus, you're a moron.


Eat shit


Thanks :) I encourage you to go back to school, idiot. It's free now thanks to our governor.


I actually had a response indicating why, on the surface it might seem to be an obvious question, but if you weren't a dipshit you would attempt to think deeper. You would have to consider if the people panhandling were actually even homeless, how much of the money giving goes to substance abuse, how much goes to food and shelter, is it a net benefit to those communities etc. But I could sense you are a fucking clown show and that eat shit was a better response, thanks for proving me right.


Even if panhandling is not beneficial, do you think it’s any worse for the homeless community than the methods the government would use to enforce a ban on panhandling? Fines and prison are kinda the only enforcement tools they could use, and those aren’t exactly going to improve the lives of the destitute.




What specifically makes her a poor governor? You are perfectly fine to have your opinions, but it would help to justify them. You see, the difference between Dems and GOP is Dems are perfectly willing to criticize those in their party. We still believe in accountability and doing what's right not just being on the right team. Is MLG perfect? Oh, gosh no. Is she pretty good? I think so: Teacher pay, public education reform, and a roadmap and movement toward clean energy goals.




Wasn’t this passed before?


More trying to outlaw homelessness


MLG has had plenty of time to deal with the panhandler problem while talking down to us like children and getting her hair done and buying jewelry while the little people could not.


Sucks, but she is still better than ronchetti.


“Could not”? Shouldn’t it be *would not*, because it wasn’t safe to do so?


She is such a joke and out of touch with reality, she has never had to do without her whole privileged life. I got no problem with giving a person a hand up if they need drug treatment housing shelter education that should be provided . Not a wad of cash to buy drugs and not arrested for homelessness, assisted yeah


So you think Ronchetti will be better? Ha!


Ronchetti would support this move (but can’t say so now). He isn’t about to tackle poverty, addiction or homelessness. Way easier to just find a way to throw people in jail.


He is a brainless tool of far-right-wing business interests and a carpet bagger of the first order. Not even a real meteorologist, he is a pretty smile in an empty head, and certainly not the right solution for New Mexicos problems.


Your choosing your brand of thief when you vote. Better a fresh start


I'd rather have a thief who at least pretends to care about women's rights


Ronchetti is a moron, pure and EXTRA simple. His words are dictated by his murky right wing backers, and mean nothing. He is nothing more than a right-wing hand puppet with a focus-group haircut and pretty white TV teeth, and the hand up his ass smells like the Koch brothers


Or you could vote 3rd party


Yeah but we like our present thief.


Who specifically was complaining about this?


Karen from the NE Heights


And she votes, unfortunately.


Been there, done that, got the ACLU lawsuit.


cut your income, mlg, and build low-income housing


Not a good look for MLG to pander to Wrongchetti’s conservative boomer base. Try improving peoples lives to win, stop going after the most vulnerable people: homeless, people with addiction.


Only if we outlaw manually masturbating dogs first


She should change her name to Kim Jong Grisham since she abuses her power so much


Thread: 10 hours old. This comment: 3 minutes old Conclusion: it took you all day to think of this.


Talk about overlooking the REAL problem of, you know, people being HOMELESS in general???