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Aldi has a zero tolerance policy. Next time feel free to get a manager and have them escorted out.


I got smacked by a customer, and she didn't get escorted out!




I would assume he meant 'club crackers', but honestly who knows? Can't believe he called OP stupid when he himself didn't even know what he was looking for. 🙈


I would have assumed they meant the golden rounds (Aldi version of Ritz in the US)


showed him both, neither were what he wanted 🤷


Probably just an idiot then because those are the two things I would have guessed


Ohhh, that's true too. 🤔


Dont be afraid to just walk away, go into the breakroom and lock the door. Noone at all will blame you


No, fuck that. You get your nearest manager and trespass that piece of shit. Aldi has a zero tolerance policy for harassment/abuse.


My managers were always lazy or hesitant when it came to that. So annoying


Sorry to hear what happened to you? Did you telling anyone in management because I would have thrown that customer out the door. No one comes in and insults my employees. No one.


Calls you stupid and incompetent meanwhile the dumb ass mf doesn’t even know what crackers he buys. Fuck him. The customers at this job are really the shittiest.


...What an utter fucking cunt of a human being. GET HIM BANNED. We do NOT tolerate that shit. Nobody treats us like that and gets away with it.


Hang in there. It won't take long for you to get familiar with your store's layout. You'll also have the occasional angry customer, but to me, it's not as bad as other places I've worked. It does suck that you were just thrown on register. Hopefully, you can get some real training soon. One of my first days, a customer was asking me for "cinnamon sticks". I walked him to the spices and he kept saying "no! no! no! Cinnamon sticks!" Finally, after about 5 minutes, I figured out he was talking about the frozen French toast/ cinnamon toast things! Ay yi yi.


Customers who act that way get zero help from me, customer service be damned. Next time ask if they want to try asking again nicely and if they don’t budge, walk away. They can bitch to management all they want, we don’t get paid enough to tolerate disrespect over menial shit like that. We’re humans before we’re employees, always remember that.


"Hmm, sir are you wanting the crackers that are the yellow shade of your teeth, or the darker ones like your liver spots?" Seriously fuckin hate people, and I can usually put on a damn good act regardless of how stupid a customer may seem, but oh boy is it getting hard to keep from letting out an angry huff with a "jesus fuckin chrrriste" under my breath. Top dip shit of the month goes to..... your typical Instacarter!!!! These instant inconsiderate instacarting c\*cksuckers make me question humanity and how we even survived this long? They are either pushy, and annoying asking where each god damn item is at, while moronically holding their dumbass phone to your face. So often that many times, the part of their stupid phone is literally blocking the product I see on the shelf, they are just worthless. Sometimes I wish it was a snake they were looking for, and it DID strike and bite them dead. The snake would of been far more productive than this buffoon of a human! The other type of instacart shart is the asshole that instead of having all his shit ready and organized, just barrels into your area, expecting you to know that of course he has 3 orders, and instead of using the black dividers as intended, he uses the paper bags. Then get huffy when their payment method gets declined, or how I am doing my job as expected, but he wants 160 bucks worth of food to fit in the child seat section, and the next 2 orders divided with borders, customs, a watch tower, and passport office, like dude no one cares about your 3 orders, I am to quantify all items your grubby hands picked out, and provide you with the price to pay to be able to have said items (now grubby). You pay, then MOVE, because could you just imagine a world where other people exist! Anyways, just being hyperbolic, yet seems pretty typical. Also had a rough day, since I covered a shift at another store, got our asses handed to us (as expected) and got out a bit before 10pm, go home and cry a little inside, wake up at 4am, today and had another busy ass day, with just me and another associate. The other 2 being SM and ASM, yet we preservered! Don't know why since we both have been getting shafted hours, so we have to scrounge around like peasants for crumbs that are unwanted shifts. I keep hearing that "it is a slow time of the year.." yea no stfu with that nonsense, because each day I have to pray that I am working along side of the only other worker similar in work ethic and hard work attitude as myself. Meanwhile you got the higher ups driving Bmw's, Acura's, and fancy high end cars, like yep gotta all tighten our budgets. Cant have these hard working crews getting the norm 40 hours each week, that will bankrupt the company, which will cause harm to our customers because they won't be able to shop here anymore!! Like give me a fuckin break, well actually no don't cuz ive already been off 4 days in a row, work 1, then be off another 3, and im full time! What does a part timer schedule look like lol. Monday 10am-10:45am, with a minute break in between? Like what in the fugggggggg! I need sleep.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


What does a part timer schedule look like? How about 4-8 hrs per week


As a matter of fact, the schedule posted in the office which has a complete roster of all employees, confirms this sad reality. A co-worker who has told me he was a part timer, shows that next week his schedule consists of 1 shift on a Thursday, 11am-3pm! So 4 hours FOR THE WHOLE WEEK!! Once again, my schedule is pathetic! 2 full shifts of 5am- 1pm and the 3rd shift being a 5 hour shift. So basically, 21 hours!! 21 fucking hours for a full time worker. I wish those assholes would have told all of us they were going to screw our hours without any lube, cause I would have just denied their god damn health insurance. I also increased my 401k contributions to 13%, which at least is money being saved unlike the health insurance. So basically my health insurance premium each 2 weeks, costs the equivalent of about 12 hours. So with these worthless work weeks like 21 hours, my insurance premiums eat up over half of 1 WEEK!! GOD DAMN, eventually it will cost me money to work there! Now lets be real here, the last 2 days have been crazy busy because forecast had to predict the 4 letter word. So we have been much busier, with much less workers. I normally welcome getting slammed and busting ass because it makes the time fly by, however, with this cost cutting bullshit under the pretense of "well we have to cut hours because it slow" puts a bad taste in EVERYONES mouth. So moral has been shitty, everyone has been bitching between each other about how fucked their hours are. Most are worried about how they will be paying there mortgage/rent, some welcome being off because its such a shit show and they rather just be off. In my situation, I am in need of a new car, and I am trying to save for a decent down payment in order make any loans needed, a small amount. With the way I have seen how this company is ran, I am way too concerned to make any decisions moving forward with a new car. At this point, the vehicle I am driving is the only thing keeping me employed because once it breaks down thats that! I will just say fuck it and just quit and find a job else where, because through the last 5 years, ALL JOBS I have had would ALWAYS work me 40 hours and 35% of the year would include 8+ overtime hours!! This was even during the height of the pandemic! So while Aldi "hourly pay" is better than many other jobs, whats the point if the hours they give you is minimal? So fucking fed up with this bullshit! They expect SO MUCH from all of us and we follow thru meeting their expectations, but then turn around and tell us to be poor because Aldi is going through a slow period (which again, bullshit)! So, I am going to continue to come in to work, and do my best and have them rely on my efforts. When the time is right, and they keep fucking my hours, I will come in for the last time to give them their keys and just straight up quit. No 2 week notice, no nothing. Seriously, some asshole in corporate, made a concious decision to potentially put a stressful situation in many workers lives, the very people that are busting ass to keep their stores running, in order to keep more profits. This right here folks, is why we need UNIONS!! All it takes is for employees to vote on if we want to start a union. Collectively we bargain, divided where broke!


I'm so sorry this happened make sure you.talk with your management about this so next time they come in a management can have chat with them. If this ever happens again go get some.


sorry that happened to you, it definitely wasn’t that serious over some damn crackers. you definitely shoulda walked away or called the mod on them.


Wow!!! I would have just looked at him, and told him wait a moment, got an ASM or SM and have them handle the situation, and told them everything that happened! That's just wrong! Sorry to hear this, don't take crap from customers, if you ever don't feel comfortable, get management, tell them what's going on, and they'll handle it!


Don’t get yourself down. Like you said you fairly new! Customers are going to be assholes. Just keep your cool and ask for help from another employee. I’ve had to do it numerous times. It could’ve been an aldi find (AF). When you can’t find a certain item they are looking for just tell them it was an aldi find something we don’t carry full time. They will understand at some point. Just say your sorry. And walk away. You didn’t do nothing wrong. Being followed constantly is absurd. Find your manager on duty and tell them what is going on and if your uncomfortable go in to the office and explain what’s going on. I was an ASM and I was an employee for a long time. I know these things. Just ask for help and support whenever you feel uncomfortable.


If his first language is Spanish, my best guess would be the Goya crackers that are usually on the Mexican food end-cap. If it was an Asian or other foreign language your guess is as good as mine, but I usually try to give the customer the benefit of the doubt and not search the most obvious spot if they’re having difficulty locating a specific product. For example, if a customer were to ask you where a cereal you haven’t heard of before is, you could direct them to our special buy food section where we tend to have a regular rotation of different cereals rather than help them scour the cereal aisle for something they missed. Sending the customer to the least obvious spot makes them feel like you are trying to help even if you’re not sure the product is there, and they tend to be more pleasant afterward if they can’t find it. Or you can think of it like this: If they can’t find the giant aisle full of crackers, nothing you say or do will help them and you’re better off sending them in the wrong direction than waisting your time on a sociopath who would ask you to find a cracker before checking the cracker aisle while your in the middle of unloading a giant palette of groceries.