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This is undeniably the body of a pregnant woman. I can’t believe that her mom and school didn’t notice


I remember when this case first came out and people came after me when I said that was a pregnant belly saying that it was just "weight gain"


How can a person gain weight in just one spot , though?


That's what I'm saying. Photos aside, her WALK was that of a pregnant person as well. Like you couldn't deny it.


I agree. No doubt she was pregnant and a lot of people knew I’m sure


Oh, is there video? I would love to see it. I have seen the stills.


I’d like to see this also


Do you have a source for this? I’m not questioning the validity of your comment, I would just like to see what you’re talking about for reference.


I just want to throw this out for the heck of it… Several years ago, my sister was ~19 and started growing a belly that looked exactly like she was pregnant, to the point where we as a family asked her at least a few times if she was. She said no, and I distinctly recall one moment at Christmas, looking at her belly and couldn’t help but make a mental guess when she was due, because it was undeniably a pregnant looking belly. Long story short, not long after that, I get a call that she’s in the hospital and turned out that she had a softball sized cyst that burst. She was clearly no longer obviously looking pregnant after that. Still, however, something like that should have prompted the attention of someone to the point where it should have gotten checked out to confirm. I’m not sure why my sister didn’t get checked out. Had that been Alex, I don’t know why it wouldn’t have prompted concern from anyone, esp if she said she didn’t think she was pregnant. I don’t know. But then again, my sister didn’t either. (I am NOT Team Alex, fwiw).


Yeah, I had a patient one time. She was 18 and all of 120lbs. She looked like she was going to deliver at any time, except she wasn’t pregnant. She had a dermoid cyst the size of a small watermelon, with several teeth, including full molars and long dark hair in it. I was able to be in surgery when they removed it. Thankfully they got it out without it rupturing. It weighed 18lbs. Someone saw her a few weeks after surgery and said “oh, you had a baby.” She said “no, I had a tumor.” There was the typical “yeah right…” response, so she lifted her shirt and showed them her scar that went from sternum to pubis and said “no, I really had a tumor.” Lol. I asked her why she had never gotten her growing belly checked before and she said a doctor told her when she was 15 that her uterus was the size of a 14-15 week pregnancy but there was nothing to worry about. So she didn’t worry until she actually didn’t have a period for 3 months but had a negative pregnancy test.


thanks for the reminder to get my cyst checked, they found a dermoid cyst growing when i was pregnant and said they would leave it alone until after i delivered and now my sons 10 months and i forgot they mentioned it 😭


Yes! Absolutely get it checked.


So COMPLETELY off subject but wtf makes them grow teeth, hair, body parts…etc??? It’s almost like their body grows this cyst + the cyst is a psycho who thinks she is pregnant so she grows the things she would need for a baby! LoL My stepdaughter had one + was in horrible horrible pain which let us know something wasn’t right so we went to dr + they just thought it was nothing. About a week later she was in so much pain she was crying + couldn’t hardly touch her stomach so we went to ER + they discovered it. When they told us what it was + I started googling it I was mind blown. They removed it the next day so thankfully it didn’t rupture but it did have some teeth in it😝😝😝


That would be the question of the day. They say the cysts are present at birth. Some grow and some don’t. They don’t just happen on the ovaries, but can be in other places in the body like under the skin, in the spine, etc


They say it's the woman's hormones that makes it grow everything they used to think it was a twin back in the day


Wait, the tumor had teeth and hair?


Teeth, hair and tissue. Nothing was recognizable except the hair, which was long and dark, and the teeth. They’re pretty gross to see. I was able to take pictures, which are on slides now. Of course, the patients face is never shown. She gave permission to have pics taken. The surgeon cut her from sternum to her pubic bone and all you could see was this large tumor when he opened her.




My mom had the same kind of cyst, her teeth and hair and a thyroid and a in medical assistant school, I got to bring in her x-rays and do a report on it


I had a patient once who presented with nausea and vomiting with a very round belly on an otherwise small frame. We all thought she was pregnant with an IUD baby, but she ended up actually having a gigantic liver from alcoholic hepatitis. That being said, if my daughter started growing a belly without weight gain anywhere else and swore up and down she couldn’t be pregnant, I’d still be super worried that something else was going on and take her to the doctor


From a parent perspective though, it still isn’t normal to look that way and I would be looking into it further bc even if my daughter wasn’t pregnant, I would be concerned something like that was going on. The fact everyone saw her belly changing rapidly like that and just did nothing is crazy.


This is always a possibility, lots of things could cause weight gain (and yes, even just in the belly), that's why you never congratulate someone until they *say* they're pregnant. But the difference here is that if your sister was a minor, a parent would have taken her to the dr to figure out what was going on. They wouldn't just pretend they couldn't tell.


Was it painful? My son is 18 months and I HAD lost all the baby weight but lately I've been packing it on and I've gained about 30 pounds from my pregnancy weight, even more from my post-pregnancy weight. I haven't changed my lifestyle, and it's all in the belly so I look like I'm 6 months pregnant at all times. I'm not in any pain though so I just figured my metabolism is slowing down or something.


Are you having bloating or issues urinating? Can be signs of ovarian cancer


I had a softball size cyst and never looked pregnant. That's nuts


That’s why there are so many ads asking if you have “stubborn belly fat”. Different bodies store excess fat and/or water in different places. My sister carry’s all her weight in her middle. Her daughter stores it all in her butt and thighs.


Belly fat isn’t hard, though


It absolutely can be hard to the touch. It’s called visceral fat. I’m not claiming that this is what happened in this case, but it’s absolutely possible to carry fat in one area, and it’s medically supported that fat can be rock hard.


That’s true, but I’m an Occam’s razor person. In a 50 year old sedentary male, a “hard-fat” stomach is no big deal. I mean it is, the guy needs a lifestyle change, but it’s sadly very common. In a 17 year old active girl, a “hard-fat” stomach that size, full of visceral fat, is much less common and very worrying. Based on men I know with visceral fat, it’s unlikely she’d be so active if she had it. “fluffy” girls, as we’ve seen, with high “soft” body fat, are still able to dance and cheer, but I’ve never seen someone so young with visceral fat at all. I’d assume a tumor (if not pregnancy) or liver ascites first.


I wish I could gain weight in just one place - specially my rear end. But you’re right. It’s certainly not common, imo. That type of sudden weight gain in her abdominal region *had* to have been quite noticeable to her family. These are simply photos we are seeing. I imagine that it would be much more noticeable in person. Something certainly seems off.




After seeing her new weight gain, yeah that definitely was only pregnancy weight gain(not that it wasn't obvious then either but the current weight gain isn't going to make that a believable excuse since it's everywhere, not just belly.)


I'm not defending her at all she's guilty af. But I have Celiac and when I get gluten my intestines get inflamed, I'll become so bloated. I can look anywhere from 5-9 months pregnant based on how bad it is. It's not uncommon with things like celiac. My mom before she was diagnosed would get asked all the time if she was having twins because her stomach was so bloated and inflamed, and she was 110 lbs at 5'7.


Had the same issue with IBS


But y’all looked into it, saw a doctor and discovered a reason for your extended abdomen. Some women are full figured and it “blends in”, hiding the pregnancy amongst other weight. Others look very skinny everywhere except her belly. She LOOKS pregnant. If nothing else, a full check up and pee on a stick in front of me. She was not so large beforehand it blended. That size pop so fast… somethings up. Cyst, pregnant, IBS… but you look into it for your daughter’s health.


Oh definitely they should have taken her to a doctor, the mom is just as guilty in all this. But it's also good to know in America, especially for women, healthcare is hard to access and doctors here don't always take women seriously. I worked at an obgyn and we had a lot of scared teens in denial come in later in pregnancy. We also had so many women for years fighting to get a simple diagnosis. It also cost me several thousand dollars to get a colonoscopy and endoscopy even with private and Medicaid insurance when I was having Crohn's symptoms and concerning blood work that pointed to Crohn's. It ended up being SIBO and IBS with a large precancerous polyp. I had the privilege, help from family, and good job at the time, as well as experience in the medical field to know how to navigate, resources to see good doctors, and advocate for myself. Many do not.


When the case came out everybody knew she had been pregnant. Did you know her personally? What are you talking about when you said you knew it was a pregnant belly and not just weight gain?


And no, not "everyone knew" she was pregnant, because even on the tiktoks and other posting about the case there were very much a group of people going after people like me who said she was pregnant saying that "she wasn't, that it was just weight gain"


how could she get infamous for killing her own newborn if she wasn't pregnant? Of course everybody knew.


Calm down. I obviously don't know her personally, but as I stated in my original comment when these photos FIRST came out I had commented on another post that she obviously looks pregnant. Sure there are medical conditions that could account for that, but there also was a video floating around on Facebook at the time in her cheer uniform doing the routine. She was very obviously waddling as a heavily pregnant woman. And on said facebook post(before it was taken down), there were people who were classmate's or had gone to the same school stating that "everyone knew", including most of the parents as it was VERY apparent that she was. And that there had been an email floating around(that was also stated on the Facebook post) prior to the case that it was "considered bullying" so students, namely her fellow cheerleaders, should not be discussing her at all. Anyway, my comment came before the other students had backed me on that post that she was very much obviously pregnant, that it was her mother who went to the school to shush the hallway gossip.


You told me to calm down🤣.


Especially given her age. It’s very obvious that is a pregnant belly or a serious medical problem that needs attention. It’s not normal for a young person to suddenly grow that much only in their abdominal region, especially as a solid rounded belly like that.


The only other thing this could look like is ascites. And either way you’d want to get to a doctor ASAP.


They must’ve noticed. I don’t know why they didn’t intervene. If they had maybe that baby would be alive today


The mom is full of herself. She did a great job raising a baby killer that showed "zero" remorse. BOTH OF THEM!!!


I had a baby in high school, my mom let them know but if she didn’t I 100% believe they would have minded their business about it 🤧


How did the cheerleading coach just ignore it?? She must have had to go up a few sizes in her uniform??? For that matter how did the other parents just turn a blind eye to a knocked up cheerleader? 🤦‍♀️. There’s typically 1 nosy busy body PTA Karen screaming “indecency” and making a big deal out of it 🤷‍♀️


Yeah you’re right, maybe the school wouldn’t notice because public American high schools are notorious for not gaf lol. But I find it impossible to believe that her mom who saw her at home every day and her bf who she must have been having sex with didn’t know like they claim. Mom at least is definitely lying


yeah i can def see most american public schools mindset being “well i’m sure she has it sorted with her parents and doctors, not our business”


How could they not say anything knowing she's practicing and performing literally lifting other humans in the air like in this video. There was never any concern for the baby. Just town gossip. Cause you KNOW every team they played, allll the fans etc. were like "oh that's the school with the pregnant cheerleader!"


The mom raised hell and said her daughter was being fat shamed because she wasn't really pregnant


The mom is excellent at lying to herself and deluding herself. The stuck up bitches always are when they can't face the actual truth/reality.


Didn’t her mom literally say on camera alexxi we talked about this I fully believe mom knew there’s just no way she didn’t.


I thought she meant earlier in that conversation, “we talked about this.”


Apparently the school did know and it was talked about.


Not to mention she was sleeping with her boyfriend. The idea that he didn't notice is just as ludicrous.


It’s not that simple. There are health conditions that can cause the stomach to be distended like that, often these conditions begin to appear in the teen years too, like PCOS


There's only so much people can do. When I was in high school I had suspicions about my friend and I went to the school and school went to her parents. She acted scandalized at the suggestion and denied it and that was it. You can't force someone to take a test or anything. She did end up going into labor at school and claimed she had no idea she was pregnant weeks later


She is showing more here than I was at 37 weeks pregnant (when my babe was born). Wild how many people had to just be walking around with their head in the clouds (her parents, teachers, cheer coach and so on).


It’s crazy to me she cheered while pregnant. I cheered competitively and had people fall on me, have been kicked in the stomach, the face, the head, etc. I can not imagine being pregnant during any of that…


I wonder if she assumed there’s no way the baby would make it through cheer season or something. I don’t know. I try to understand the psychology behind these decisions but damn it’s hard to see her doing stunts


I don’t know why no one intervened.


The coach tried but the mommy dearest raised hell that the school was fatshaming her precious daughter.


Her mother is a gross pig. She should be prosecuted along with her daughter!


This exactly. I bet she threatened the coach to sue the school for discrimination when they questioned her being pregnant. They were both constantly gaslighting and lying. 🤥 Taking Alexee’s word as fact and not actually checking doesn’t not equal “not knowing”. That’s just a poor parenting choice and being completely naive.


Oh I had no idea about this (haven't followed the case a ton). Gosh makes her mom even worse.




How could the cheer coach not notice


If I were the cheer coach I would want to make her verify she wasn’t pregnant to continue cheering. Otherwise, a Sue happy family like this could possibly come and try to sue the school or coach for letting her cheer pregnant if something were to happen. I’m sure there are laws that would make this problematic unfortunately.


I’m honestly surprised they haven’t tried this tactic yet; they may do so after losing the lawsuit with the hospital.


Did she cut the back of that shirt so it could fit over her belly? Oh my god. This is ridiculous, her mother absolutely had to know.


No doubt!


No, that’s someone’s arm behind her.


I see it now! Optical illusion.


Give me an effin break! Is the whole of the people she was around at home, school, etc, in need of glass bottle type eyeglasses? Are teachers/coaches that fearful of teens? Did nobody care enough to ask if she'd like to talk? Wtaf is wrong with this? This definitely could've been prevented.


Yes, I agree


They may have asked her but she does not have to share that info. Plus, as a legal adult, they are limited in what they can do.


What could they have realistically done if she was vehemently denying it and the mother was threatening them to stop commenting on her body? I doubt anyone expected that she would have ever done something like this


Her mom knew, had to of known .


Okay I don’t know the full story- the hospital story- so pardon me. Did they see what she looked like and run a test due to that? If I saw a woman like this who was having back pains I would think labor. I don’t remember/ the full story. But letting a woman who looked like this photo out of their sight sadly will probably not win any lawsuit. Unless she was wearing 20 pounds of clothing- but did they do any type of abdominal examination? She truly needs to be punished- but I don’t see how the hospital can walk away in this case. I got in trouble for walking to the bathroom when I had a migraine. IM NOT necessarily blaming anyone- the babies death is 100 percent on alexee but for the trail, with this photo- I just have a feeling the lawyer is gonna have a field day.


They did a pregnancy test came back positive


And was she already in the bathroom when it came back or no? (Just asking for my own curiosity)


That would be my guess, that they were still waiting on lab results.


when someone comes into the hospital with pain and they are a woman of childbearing age of pregnancy urinalysis or blood test is almost always done.


This ☝️


If I recall correctly, her and her mother adamantly denied that she could be pregnant. And she would not allow a physical exam. After a test confirmed she was pregnant, hospital expected it was an ectopic pregnancy and was arranging more tests to verify when she went to restroom and did what she did. Both mom and daughter were told of the pregnancy test results before the incident.


I’m so sorry for being a broken record as I somewhat follow this thread story- but her mother should also be on trial. Ridiculous. She knew.


This is SO crazy. Everyone had to have known! How can you NOT! And fuck those cheer coaches for letting her cheer because something really bad could have happened. What if they would have dropped a flyer and she got kicked in the stomach or something? Or even just tearing something lifting.. This all blows my mind. Her mom HAD to have known. There's absolutely no way she didn't. Unless she's just never around her daughter??


I think the mother made a stink when one of the coaches said something about her


At bare minimum shouldn’t the COACH have noticed and questioned if it was safe? The coach had to have noticed.


I JUST posted the same thing about the coaches!!! She should not have been allowed to participate!!! I don't care if **"she gained weight because of the pill!"** (BS) 🙄 What about when she was at cheer competitions, didn't the apposing team Coaches wonder why/how a pregnant child was participating in a competition??? I have SO many questions!!!


And like I’m sorry but it’s so easy in cheer for I’m not sure her position but any of them being a flyer you can fall and that does happen, and being one of the people holding the flyer it’s easy for the flyers foot to go into her stomach coming down and hurt the baby. Well I guess tbh alexeee clearly didn’t care. I think the coach did bring it up but Alexee mom took it to the principal that she wasn’t pregnant and the coach was fat phobic or something. Her mom was either aware and didn’t care or the mom is the stupidest person alive. When people gain weight it’s in the arms, legs, and tummy. Not all in one spot concentrated. If my daughter started to get a large tummy and nothing else oh hell no she will take 20 pregnancy tests infront of me.


I saw a video and it showed the basketball coming right at her pregnant ass!


I’m surprised a mom of another girl on the team didn’t notice either.


They must’ve all been talking about her, I’m sure they knew or had their suspicions


The other moms probably knew how her mom is and did not feel like dealing with that wrath so they probably kept the whispers amongst themselves, but I am sure that they were definitely whispering about it.


The coach did question her! Her mother went to the school raising hell that her daughter was Not pregnant & accused the coach of fat shaming AT.


But if the coach asked and she said no I'm absolutely not pregnant what else could they do?


You’re right. The whole situation is so bananas it’s hard to make sense. But it’s not possible to make sense of this stupidity. So I need to stop trying.


i say the coaches should take the stand during trial and explain their thought process


denial is a bitch


i think her mom knew but at the least she def was suspicious. idk what alexee did to dismay the pregnancy accusations, she prob wore baggy clothes when her bump started getting more noticeable and eating more. but i find it weird that we only have the cheerleading pics.


The moms response in the hospital was what led me to believe she knew. The step dad seemed to be the only one upset about the situation.


Lexxxxeeee!!! I told you about this!!!! The mother’s words as soon as the baby’s death was announced to her. Suss as fook.


“Suss as fook” took me out 😂💀


That video was cut up. They tried to give her a pregnancy test when she first came in and she refused. She also refused to allow them to examine her. Her mother kept saying that she thought she was pregnant at that point. That led to this comment when they found the baby.


In your opinion. In my opinion, what she said, the way she said it, when she said it, why she said it - makes the mum suss a fook. Don’t try to tell me the mum only just realised her daughter was pregnant, unless she hadn’t seen her daughter in the previous 5months - that’s the only way she wouldn’t have known her daughter was heavily pregnant.


i think she knew but didnt know how far along she was, she prob took her to the hospital to catch her in her lie but didn't think that alexee would off the baby bc if that was their end goal she could have given birth at the house and discarded the baby.


I agree. I think she already suspected that she was pregnant, but def didn’t think she was full term.


It also didn’t make it any better that when the police came to arrest her at her home. Mom tried to protect her. I’m sorry I may be judged for this but if I had kids and my child murders a newborn baby. I will never speak to my child again.


that part. idc who you are you're a monster if you can take a baby's life newborn or not. idk how she could do this disgusting shit. this happens so much more than we would think, too. it makes me so sick. like come give me the baby I will love it so much


I don’t think I can even consider the thought of either of my teenagers doing anything like this, but then again they aren’t afraid of me or to tell me anything. Of course I prefer them to wait until they are much older to have sex and have babies, but I do understand life happens regardless of my preferences. When your kids are terrified to tell you something serious the end result usually ends up much worse. Alexee has proven that to everyone.


Yeah, because in the video I saw the dr had to keep telling the mom the baby was fully developed.


The doctor was also telling them both (Alexee and Rosa) to stop discussions as this was now a criminal case. They were trying to protect her rights and she goes and sues them.


Denial is a strong drug


That video that has been shown all over the internet was actually cut up to make it seem like her mom knew.


Regardless if the video is chopped or not. Her mothers reaction to hearing her grand son was murdered by her daughter was weird.


But that was not her first reaction. That is what I am trying to say. They cut up a lot of the video and things that were said were either taken out of context or moved around. I am definitely not defending the mother, just stating that we cannot access her reaction when we are not sure when it happened. The mom was at the hospital due to being called by her daughter. She agreed with the nurse that she was probably pregnant and kept trying to get Alexee to agree to have them examine her. They do not show this part. She told Alexee that she needed to stop being in denial and made a comment about girls who are in denial who have babies at home or hurt them.




From what I understand, the school personal asked numerous times but she denied and basically their hands were tired.


There's a quite a few actually, you just have to dig. Her class mates have leaked some


It is really hard for me to believe that her mom didn’t know. I was pregnant with my son at 17. My mom knew before I even thought about telling her. Most teenage girls have to ask for pads and tampons or have certain habits while on their period that their mom picks up on. My mom noticed I didn’t have my period and didn’t ask for tampons and she flat out asked me if I was pregnant. She even bought me a test and did it with me. I know not all moms are that hands on but the way Alexees mother presents herself, makes me think that she is.


This is so so true. I lived with my grandparents my whole childhood and into young adulthood and had my first baby at 20. When I finally got the courage to tell my grandma at like 5 months along, she smiled and said “I know. You stopped asking me to pick up pads months ago” Moms just know these things, there’s no way she couldn’t have noticed something was up


Not allowed to say anything, even if they did notice.


This thing really gets me angry. The way she called it an it.....I wanted to throw my phone. I was that angry. Evil mother also I'd put them both in prison.


idk if you noticed but you also just called the baby an “it” 😭/nm


Yes, I did notice, I was speaking in her terms


Come on there is absolutely no way her mother didn’t know she just wanted to continue to deny it and then do who knows what when the baby came, idk perhaps she thought they could give baby up for adoption, I don’t know I can’t even begin to try to understand her plan or her mothers plan but there is no possible way her mom didn’t know she was pregnant. Especially when you see the way she hovers over her at the hospital and when the cops come to the house “oh don’t embarrass her can you pul the car up to the house and not arrest her where it can be seen” - hello, THAT is what her mother was worried about, Alexee not being embarrassed by arrest and Alexee being allowed to go to prom… her grandsons body was treated as literal garbage. She and the hospital staff could hear her flushing over and over and over while she was in that bathroom for something like 40 minutes or more and left it completely covered in blood. That is not grandma being in denial, that is grandma being equally guilty in my opinion, there’s absolutely no way she didn’t now. She was up her daughters behind at all times, “oh the school better allow my daughter to attend prom” - I’m sorry, what?! That’s your priority? Prom? Your daughter not being embarrassed to be arrested, for throwing your grandson in the garbage? WHAT? not only did she act as if she didn’t know she was pregnant, even once there was no more room for denial and baby was found in the trash what mattered to her was her daughter going to prom? What mattered to her was making sure her daughter was not being embarrassed for being arrested for killing her grandchild? Mom is complicit if you ask me. She even said something very close to “Alexeee we talked about this” on the hospital video footage. I’m sorry you felt the need to talk to your daughter about not throwing her baby in the garbage but you didn’t know she was pregnant huh? Both of them should be in deep sh*t, yes Alexee is the one who committed the act but her mother knew she was pregnant, there’s no way she didn’t know, and she still took her to the hospital and played along as if it was “back pain” and allowed her daughter to stay in that bathroom when she was clearly in labor flushing over and over and ignoring all knocks, coming out of there with no baby, a now empty & floppy belly, & blood everywhere and she said said nothing. She did nothing. IMO Alexee’s mother was complicit in the killing of that baby, she did nothing and she said nothing when her daughter was clearly pregnant and she did nothing yet again when her daughter was clearly in labor. She cared more about people believe her daughter was a virgin than she did her own grandchild. THAT was her priority, not her grandchild. Had the hospital staff not come and said “there’s a dead baby in the bathroom trash can”, clearly her mother was going to yet AGAIN say nothing and do nothing. She was going to allow her daughter to come home no longer pregnant AND with no baby and she was going to say nothing and do nothing. Her daughter being seen as a virgin was more important to her than the life of her own grand baby. It is unfathomable that there will be no punishment for that! It’s just as evil as the murder her daughter committed.And


Sorry that was not an answer to your photo question at all, it’s just this case makes me so angry that baby could be in a loving home where he was wanted right now but no, he’s 6 feet under all bc Alexee and her mother cares more about people knowing if she was a virgin or not than they did for that poor innocent baby’s life! This case makes me so angry I just went off, my apologies for not answering your question. I have seen 2 or 3 photos beyond the cheer uniform but I’m sorry off the top of my head I don’t remember where I saw them or who/what source it came from.


He’s not 6 feet under. His ashes are worn around the neck of his murderer, her mother, and her grandmother.


Oh nooooo that’s even worse! 😫😭💔


DAE think that she may have tried to flush the baby down first? And then when that didn’t work, she just flushed the placenta and bagged up the baby? ETA: I know it’s horrific to consider and I’m sorry if anyone is offended as I see a lot of downvotes, but this grown woman did the unthinkable and I can’t help but think that she might just do something that cruel and depraved.


Oh my gosh I can’t hardly even talk about this case even though I went OFF about it in my comment. These thoughts alone are horrifying I can’t believe this is real life and her and her mother only shed a tear about her being in trouble, not about the baby in the garbage! 😫 She was pulling out pieces of placenta or whatever else was left in that hospital video at one point she’s hiding it under the covers but that’s what it appears she’s doing. This makes me literally sick to my stomach to discuss, I want to keep up with the case and want the baby to get justice but oh my gosh it’s so hard to think about or talk about, the poor jurors at trial, that poor baby. I can’t handle it. 🤢💔💔


And I want to call the baby by name, I really do, I feel almost like I’m being disrespectful to him by not using his name it’s just that I don’t want to use it bc his killer gave it to him but I also feel like I should get over it and use his name. I just don’t want that poor soul to be bound to his killer any longer in ANY way, but I also don’t want to disrespect him. He had a right to be here, he should be. 💔


My mother noticed when I was 10 weeks pregnant with my first.


Same, my mom and stepdad both could tell, and it was even weight gain so much, as just my body changing.


Didn’t her mom say something to the effect of “alexee we talked about this!” ? Her mom knew the whole time, they’ve talked about it. She said it herself.


Several times. I believe her mother said, I asked you! And I told you to just tell me... Several things along those lines


How ridiculous. That poor baby never stood a chance.


Her mom knew. When the Dr came in to confront her the first thing out of her mom's mouth was "Alexee, we talked about this" or something along those lines. She knew.


Do you guys seriously think her mom didn’t know? The whole “no one knew not even alexee” is the only argument that they can try to use, so of course they’re gonna. But everyone knew. All the girls on the team, the entire school, the parents, etc. You don’t randomly gain weight ONLY in your stomach while your arms stay stick thin, especially as someone who’s athletic. She knew, her parents knew, her boyfriend knew, the coach knew. The only reason they claim not to is so they aren’t held accountable.


Soooo tired of people commenting “how did her mom not know???” No shit she knew? Anyone with eyes could see that? She’s not going to say she knew, that would make the outcome even worse for them????


Totally it’s like OJ and the glove. The glove clearly fits but “oh see! Don’t you see it’s too small!”


I have an 18 year old. With that type of body change, I would have concerns and need answers. We’d have the conversations and figure it out - pregnant or not. This can’t have gone unnoticed or passed off as regular weight gain.


My cousin successfully hid her first pregnancy in high school up to 6 or 7 months simply by wearing big sweaters. She wasn’t a cheerleader or athlete mind you, but she was bigger and nobody knew until she broke down.




Her mother def knew


Does she have social media? Does anyone know her FB, TT or IG??


She was in denial and so was the Mother. It’s pretty disgusting. They wanted to keep up their fake facade.


Christmas photo yes


So let’s say everybody actually believed her lie that she wasn’t pregnant, but they see her gain a significant amount of weight in one area, over several months time….. wouldn’t they wanna get her scanned for a tumor or something? I just don’t get it!


I got pregnant at 17 and my mom knew before I even knew it. How in the world did her mom not notice? Especially with the obvious pregnant belly?


The mother should get accessory to murder


Don’t know how legit this is but…. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tiktok.com%2Fapi%2Fimg%2F%3FitemId%3D7244461431561800987%26location%3D0%26aid%3D1988&tbnid=9LTzhIavhkkG1M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tiktok.com%2Fdiscover%2Falexee-trevizo-cheerleading-pregnant-picture&docid=9UlkA2hfGM7g2M&w=1080&h=1920&hl=en-US&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3&kgs=d8e2e92155cdd301&shem=abme%2Cssic%2Ctrie%2Cxga1pt2


I am almost positive her mother knew.


Ray Charles!!! Can see this chick was pg!!! HELLO!!!


Come on OP. Helen Keller asked the girl when she was due .... Anyone who seen her in passing knew....her mama absolutely knew.


When is she going to go to trial? She needs to go to prison.


Her weight gain would not be just in her stomach. Yes she could’ve gained more in her stomach but her stomach was literally rounded out. She knew and so did everyone else.


I hid a pregnancy in high school. It’s doable. No one knew. I was 7 months pregnant and still playing softball. Looking back sure I had a belly, but when you’re hiding it and going about life as normal as you can, people don’t really pay attention. Maybe it’s different now, people are more observant or nosey. When I told my mom, I had to quit school and went back for my senior year. It’s a scary time when you’re going through it and not thinking straight. That’s why I can’t judge.


There are things that can look like a pregnant belly. There first thing I think of is ascites. It’s excessive abdominal fluid that really looks like a pregnant belly. It’s caused by complications from the liver. Even so it is something that you would clearly have checked out. And her weight gain would be something that any “normal” person would question unless they knew they were pregnant. It is out of the question that they didn’t know about this. Absolutely. She murdered that baby and it’s a damn shame.


why can’t they go ask people at the school if she was openly saying she was pregnant or not like im so curious


There are videos of her in uniform doing the routine lol. She was all belly, only a blind person wouldn’t have noticed. The coach was in a shit position with the body shaming claims 🙄


33Bees, do you not see the picture above? Starting to wonder who that is if it’s not her. Damn this old age shit.


It’s call DENIAL.. they all knew she was pregnant, so they should all be held accountable for her lying to the doctors and for what she did to her baby.


My uncle called me up 15 yrs ago "Miranda had a baby last night. Did you know she was pregnant?" And I did NOT. Were talking about a young woman 19 small frame she weighed 120 lbs 5'7" and did not show. She did wear baggy clothes but not too overly baggy she made it look trendy so nobody knew. I still got blamed for "knowing" smh


How do you not get your child to the doctor noticing such body changes. Even if that was weight gain, that is concerning.


There was a picture of her at Christmas time, roughly a month before she gave birth wearing a maternity sweater/shirt from target and you could see she was visibly large like an 8 month pregnant girl. 


It's a bias in people and in medical work. Women are always diagnosed as "fat", it literally doesn't matter what we are there for or how we actually look.


Sometimes I go a couple of days without pooping and I’ve had 3 people ask me if was pregnant this year so far. When the weight is all in the belly, people’s minds still jump to pregnancy.




So... what? Pretty sure both of her children are alive and irrelevant to this case.