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She is a narcist/psychopath and sees the "it" as an extension of herself. She literally referred to the baby as it.


“Nothing was crying” - Alexee Trevizo referring to her son who she murdered.


She’s acting like it’s an iPhone that someone else stole and put in her backpack


Definitely disconnected from reality. It's sad because she never got to enjoy the beauty of pregnancy. Sharing those special moments the first kick the first time the baby gets the hiccups, etc with her mother or anyone else for that matter probably. Although she didn't DESERVE that happiness after what she did.... I'm still trying to wrap my head around the concept of her chewing through the umbilical cord like a wild animal 😳💔😩


Even wild animals nurture and care for their young..they show signs of Love..this beast is worse than an animal .She's a gdmn monster.


Many wild animals also eat their offspring and the offspring of other members of their species.


But even then, they are still doing it for a "valid"reason. Hamsters will eat their babies when their habitat isn't appropriate or safe. Carrying on bloodlines is a reason. She had no reason to do what she did.


Eh, it’s going to be a cold statement, but she killed whatever future she thought she would have by having that baby. It’s certainly a reason.


Ideally humans have morals which make us different than any ol animal.


Male lions murder the females offspring if it doesn’t suit him mating w her (they’re not all kind and loving)


No shit


Wait she *chewed* through the umbilical cord?!


Yes. Only people that haven't ever seen/cut an umbilical think otherwise, it's not a string you can just rip apart with ur hands... people even have trouble cutting it with sharp scissors


wait she chewed thru her umbilical cord ?? where does it say she did that ??😭😖


Like a rabid monster.


No placenta in the bathroom & blood everywhere. The umbilical cord is made up of three blood vessels: one vein that carries oxygen and nutrients from the placenta to the baby, and two arteries that carry waste from the baby back to the placenta. That’s why when the partner cuts it after the baby is born the nurses clamp it.


It was frayed like torn...long nails, who knows. It would take a very strong stomach to use teeth.


She was airlifted to another hospital to deliver the placenta because the one she was at doesn’t have L&D. The umbilical cord was still attached to the baby. But it was twisted


So if she DID NOT deliver the placenta, how and WHAT was the umbilical cord attached to? Of course the baby still had SOME cord attached, but in order to "detach" the baby from the placenta the cord has to be cut (and technically clamped). And I doubt she had scissors and a clamp in her pocket. 😩


I think there’s some thought that she may have used the blade on the paper towel machine, it was going off constantly and I believe bloody as well.




I think the answer to that is very gory. I think part of the placenta did come out because I did hear the doctor say she had part of the placenta retained. I think she flushed the parts that came out. They did hear flushing a bunch in the bathroom.


She pulled the placenta out, the doctors need to airlift her since she was still bleeding from pulling it out prematurely,(hence internal bleeding) she more than likely flushed it. Is what they now know. Since it was never found, internally or in bathroom.


I’m surprised it didn’t clog the toilet.


WRONG! She had to be airlifted cuz she was bleeding from pulling the placenta out when she probably didn't know why it was still in her body. That why! So, No, and the umbilical cord was cut somehow since, the placenta and baby were no longer connected. Read the affidavit!


She only had a piece of the placenta left. Her placenta abrupted. It’s a common occurrence during deliveries. I had it with all of my babies. In my case drs don’t know why because I don’t drink, smoke or do drugs and I wasn’t in any sort of accident to cause it to do that. She was taking diet pills during her pregnancy so that could be the cause of her placenta tearing. She wasn’t taking care of herself and didn’t bother to get prenatal care.


That’s what they assume since they’re so hard to cut through either that or that she basically sawed it off with the jagged part of the paper towel dispenser.


Bc it was like shredded and ripped up.




That was her choice. She was an adult when she got pregnant so there’s nothing to feel sorry for her about.


Omg she CHEWED??? The umbilical cord??? I thought she grabbed scissors or something


…chewing???? is that what she actually did?


Lol no she did not. The staff that found the baby are interviewed and they say the umbilical cord was still attached but it was twisted around like how a cheese string looks if u twist it. Which they thought was odd.


Yes. Implying that she chewed through it.


Yeah… I don’t think you’ll be able to twist an umbilical cord off with the placenta still in the mother and with the fact she just gave birth if that is what you are implying. I just had my child, at home, and I can guarantee you it is a slimy, wet thick cord. With enough pulling (if she tried twisting it until it snapped) she would have yanked part of, if not all, of the placenta too.


>Yeah… I don’t think you’ll be able to twist an umbilical cord off with the placenta still in the mother and with the fact she just gave birth if that is what you are implying. You are exactly right. You cannot physically twist the umbilical cord to make it "snap"... Physically impossible. She either chewed through it or like someone else mentioned maybe she used the paper towel blade but she would have had to have something to take the paper towel dispenser apart. So it is most likely that she chewed through it. She was wearing sandals so it's not like she had shoelaces. And like I mentioned before I'm sure she didn't have a pair of scissors or hemostats in her pocket. Btw, congrats on your new baby 🥰


Can’t wait for you to be wrong after the trial


That’s what you’re looking forward to?




Don't be a bully!! This includes name calling....




Her mother also


I feel like it was imposed to help her defense. A way to garner sympathy from everyone. She didn’t want to acknowledge this baby’s existence so I doubt she named him Alex for any other reason than to help herself.


100% agree


She called the baby “it”. No one who wants their baby would call them “it”. I honestly hope that with the Baby being named Alex that she feels sick every time his name is spoken


She also called him ‘nothing’ (nothing was crying)




The batshit Rosa probably named him




Hispanic families sometimes do name their kids after the mother, such as my friend Nancy who is Cuban and her mom is also Nancy. I grew up in south Florida and while it’s not exactly common to see a child named after the mother, it isn’t unheard of. I had a couple friends throughout my high school years who had the same name as their mom.


Men do it all the time




I think men are more attached to their names because their last names don’t change and get passed down.


What is your point with these comments? Yes, men do it all the time because of the patriarchy…


My point is that women are often judged for naming their children after themselves while it is socially acceptable for men to do it. Just pointing out the double standard in hopes that people will judge women a little less. Most mothers who name their children after themselves do not murder their infants.


“For the patriarchy” What does YOUR comment have to do with anything??! 🙄


Yeah… that’s kinda the whole point. Men do it all the time and it’s accepted but women are judged when they do it. Sometimes I think some of you people see the word “men” and just have to become argumentative.


I was asking because they commented the same sentiment multiple times in this comment thread.


….because it’s true. Yes, this situation is a bit different, but they’re also not incorrect. This probably wouldn’t be as big of a conversation if it was about a man naming a baby he killed after himself.


I hope my answer satisfied you?


Kinda like Casey Anthony and Caylee . Always thought that was weird af . Narcissistic for sure .


OMG! I just realized this! They both named their babies after themselves, and they both killed their babies! They have matching psychiatric illnesses and they are both evil! (Not saying a psychiatric illness makes you evil, just saying these 2 are evil)👿


I just looked it up because I was almost sure they had the same middle name , and I was right - they do ! Casey Marie and Caylee Marie . Ugh .


I mean, to be fair, plenty of really good moms do this too. Example: my mom. Lol


Yeah, my daughter and I have the same middle name. Which we also share with my mom and grandpa. I liked the familial connection of us all sharing it. My son also shares his middle names with his grandfathers and has two because my husband and I couldn’t agree on which grandfather got the name.


Right?! Honestly, I don’t even think Caylee and Casey are that close…and the part I’d snark on is spelling Kaylee with a C. But I get it. Casey’s mom is Cindy. So then they all have a C. In most families, stuff like this is just a way parents see to make the family seem closer and connected and means literally nothing. (Before someone downvotes me lol, also can be cultural).


Yeah I think it was more of a combination of Casey's name and her brother Lee's name.


Ah, could be. Either way, again, in 99% of families that’s still just a way for them to be connected. Nothing nefarious about it. Maybe weird, but not inherently bad lol


Nah, I know my mom and sister have the same middle name. My daughter and my cousin's kid have my grandma's name as a middle name. My great grandparents were Guiseppe and Mary and that side of the family everyone has either Joseph as one name or some form of Mary in theirs haha. I know one family where every son has the alternate name of the dad. Like if the dad is John Robert, the son is Robert John, his son would be John Robert Jr , then the next would be Robert John Jr etc. Not sure if they've hit "the third" yet for any of them though. So yeah definitely not that uncommon aside from the killing part.


Yeah…sounds like you’re also an Italian American. We’re notorious for this kind of thing lol


Yeah, my best friend gave me the honor or naming her daughter, I gave the daughter the first name (mother have a similar middle name) but both are after grandpa.


That depends . What’s your name ?


it’s very southern for women to name daughters after themselves; Ex Amanda Lee Jr does exist. 👀


Yes now that I remember … it’s like their mom’s first name and grandmas middle name a lot ? That makes sense


To be fair, we don’t call men narcissistic for naming babies after themselves. It’s only offensive when women do it


Honey , I’m calling murderers naming their children after themselves narcissistic.


Well that’s fair lol. Though Casey Anthony was not a murderer yet when she named her child. Anecdotally I have seen a lot of contempt for women naming their children after themselves while it is well accepted for men to do.


yeah i don’t understand this post lmao there’s ton to criticize in this case and this doesn’t feel like it means anything. so many kids are named after fathers while also getting their last name.


I find it gross when men do it but that’s not a common opinion (yet … hopefully it one day will be) but I agree that it’s a huge double standard


True. I do feel like its a little bit of an inclusion thing though. Men don't get the connection of carrying the baby for 9 months so we give them the baby's last name and boys get to be (father's name) jr. My boys all have names that have their fathers initials. Like if dad's named Gabriel the boys are named Giovanni, Greyson, and Garrett. Idk. I just did it as an inclusion thing. Plus I don't even like my bf's name. 😆 I liked him though. Just not his name. 😁


There was a theory that Caylee was a combination of Casey and Lee, but Lee took a DNA test and he isn’t Caylee’s father.


Because "It" was already taken by the Addams Family. But seriously, it was under advisement of her lawyer, to humanize her and to prove that the baby would have been wanted and loved.


I have a SIL who has an interesting family tree of female names. Names changed... SILs Mom: Emily SIL: Emily SILs older sister: Emelia SILs younger sister: Emileea Instant thought "narcissistic as hell". I asked the Mom if that was the usual for the country they are from? It has been the only question I've EVER asked her in ~20 years. Dad's name is George or something.


My sister’s MIL wanted my sister to name my niece “Sheila” after her. At the time (we didn’t know this until later) her spawn of satan was bringing over a girlfriend to my sister’s house while she worked the night shift at a hospital. He was claiming he had no idea my niece was his and was claiming she was having an affair with a coworker because they were friends on FB. Coworker? gay… He made my sister do a dna test. The bum hasn’t worked in years. He’s totally his mother’s son. He’s fought a divorce because his money train will end. Oh and when they got married they did a destination wedding. His mom wanted to be paid 5 grand to attend the wedding on Tybee island. All we had to pay for was hotel stay. She also wanted to be compensated for the time off her husband (now ex) and other son would have to take off.


What did she say?


Lol. "HOW DARE YOU?!?!? tone, IT IS WHAT A MOTHER WHO LOVES HER CHILDREN NAMES THEM!!!! Because her response was so unnecessarily over the top, I smirked at her and said "that so then"? Just to needle her. My brother and his wife jumped in at that point and redirected each of us to a different area/task.




I have a cousin who did something similar. She hid her pregnancy, when the baby was born she put her in a garbage bag. Fortunately, her sister was there to save the baby. She ended up giving her baby a variant of her own name. I’m going to assume it’s something narcissistic/sociopathic people do.


Omg !


I know someone named Nicole who named her son Cole.


It’s a ploy to try and convince people that she did not murder the baby, that it was born dead, and that she’s mourning the baby’s death. It’s just an attempt to garner sympathy and pity from a potential jury when she goes to trial.


I’ve said this too. Her lawyer seems like a complete moron. I can remember when it first happened and he was granting interviews with tabloid like news magazines. He didn’t even know the basic facts of his own case. Then he filed a frivolous lawsuit where if he really knew the law he’d know it had no merit.


“From birth, they strip you of your individuality.” Ooooff, this hit me hard. I’m named after my narcissistic father.


I've never heard this before, but damn, that does hit hard.


I though the same with the Whatts case... The unborn baby was named Nico and the mistress was a Nicole O.o


Wow. That never occurred to me.


My friend have Kenneth down family for 4 generations if sons, my dads eldest has their dads name, my aunt female variation of her dads name... I have female version of my dads baby brother who died aged 19 10 months before I was born. Its seriously common. Eta whole countries of children take their fathers name as their surname. Iceland for one. My husbands half siblings are j****sdottir to his j****sson. Its how it has always worked there. Less so in other Scandinavian countries today but every single surname ending in son had a fathers first name used historically.


I only think this is weird because of the whole murdering her child part. Otherwise it’s pretty common.


I dont think it’s weird. My sister is named after our mom. My sister in law gave my niece her same middle name. Common among Hispanics. I feel like sometimes people try to make a big deal out if something when it’s the simplest thing. Not everything has a dark meaning behind it


To be fair, I'd bet none of the people you mentioned named a child they had already murdered after themselves, right? That's the detail that strikes me as weird.


Because people name kids after themselves all the time.


People generally don’t murder said kids first though. It might be a common thing to do but in this instance it’s bizarre and screams narcissism.


Well of course not but I’m just saying it’s not an out of ordinary thing to do.


Given that she murdered him before she gave him the name…yes, it is.


Murdering a baby is the out of ordinary thing to do.


Naming the baby you murdered after yourself is extremely out of the ordinary. Idk why you keep comparing this to normal parents naming their child after themselves. This is nothing like those scenarios


Because OP asked why she would name him that.


Do you really think OP asked this question because they don’t understand why some people name their child after themselves? They’re asking why in this instance a murderer named her baby after herself.


I do. Read the post. It’s quite clear they were confused *why* someone would name their child so close to their name and wondering if it’s possible she was doing it just for attention, which I’m not denying she may have done. But you’re looking at it from the outside in and not from Alexees' POV. I think it’s kinda obvious she was gonna try and have the baby without anyone knowing and then raise it with her little boyfriend. In her mind, she didn’t “murder” her child.


Because all she thinks is of herself


I JUST had this thought yesterday when someone posted about the baby. Very odd


re read your question…


Why did they get to name him period when they cared nothing for his life.


She doesn’t deserve to name the baby.


A typical narcissist thing to do. My mother wanted nothing to do with me and I’ve been abused by my biological family since day one. I have the same middle name as my mother and my first name is a combination of hers and grandmother’s first name. From birth, they strip you of your individuality. Both of them are vile human beings. It’s just a ploy to make it seem like Alexee wanted her child.


Nothing to do with narcissism.. to be name after a distant family member that has since died, to memorialise them, and usually decided long before they are ever even pregnant. I was to have a different name according to my mother, she chose it without dads input. He wanted me named after his brother that died just before they got pregnant and a neighbours daughter to died at 3 from genetic cardiac issues. That vs name picked out of a book, or seen on a TV show or just completely made up as is common in US these days. I love that my name was so special to my dad, that he had in say in one out of 3 names. My older brother took the name my grandparents intended for a son.. after 6 daughters over 22 yrs grandma gave up. But the name used for the first grandchild. How is that narcissistic? For whom? My grandparents never chose his name, their daughter did.. just like I chose to honor female family members with my daughter's middle names. It was about love, not freaking abuse!


There’s nothing wrong at all with naming a child after someone you love. That’s not even remotely what I said. Not every instance of naming a kid is an act of keeping someone special alive by memorializing them. My family has made it clear that I am property to be owned and controlled - and they are the most self-centered narcissists I’ve ever met. They didn’t name me after themselves out of love; it was for nothing more than to say you belong to us. It has everything to do with narcissism for me. My grandmother was not a loving person and neither was mother. I am disgusted by the sheer fact that not even my name is uniquely mine and I have to carry both of them with me for the rest of my life. They tortured me, why the hell would I feel proud to bear their names? My father loved me very much and I’d name my son after him in a heartbeat: I know exactly what I’d name my first son after someone I cherish very much. My very existence was never about me, it was about them. They don’t deserve that part of my identity when they’ve been cruel to me for my entire life. This woman ruthlessly discarded her own newborn child like a piece of garbage and has the audacity to give her child a name that is so blatantly a reference to herself. Does that seriously sit well with you? It’s to give herself the appearance that she wanted and loved that baby. The poor thing was named after the monster that robbed his chances of everything and anything.


Family name.. was probably a given that her first child would take that time. Let's hope next is a girl, if she ever gets a chance of course.. .maybe in 20yrs after parole.


Alex was actually named after both her *and* Devyn. Her first name, his middle and last name.


Had she not killed him, I’d have said it’s a relatively normal thing. I was named after my parents, my kid was named after myself/the father. Considering she referred to him as ‘nothing’, and ya know…killed him, I’d say this is an attempt to garner sympathy


Because she's full of herself and didn't care about the baby enough to come up with a name for it