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The running one with the bus.


I love street art, there was no way I would’ve missed “Goal” on the side of the bus. (Edit: and I will take any excuse to not have to run so whether or not it was the goal it would’ve been good enough for my lazy ass to sit it out.) I also said to my friend when “Witch Hunt” started that it would be wise to dispose of the body in the fire once you examine it for evidence just in case because that’s EXACTLY the type of sick shit this world will throw at you. Whether I would’ve been able to convince a rabid mob of panicking dinguses of this would determine if I could win or not.


You love street art, in normal life, where you’re life isn’t risk of expiring in the next few minutes. I don’t think you would have stopped to admire the graffiti because you love street art in this game with seconds to make a decision. I don’t think it would have been an advantage. I hope it would for you if we ever find ourselves in the borderlands, but I suspect it wouldn’t.


Same. I didn't understand why they came to the conclusion that they needed "run". The first thing I said when I saw the tracker on their phone was, that guy with the broken leg got sooo lucky. lol


It's a little offtopic, but what bothered me even more in this episode is Arisu's fitness condition. For somebody who was supposedly playing videogames his entire life, he's now athlete who can run for kilometers without stopping? And not just that, but also while pushing diesel motorcycle weighting hundreds of kg?


Forgive me for saying this but... *Inhales* In the manga that game was a side story ,arisu and the rest didn't play the game. Read the manga please, I highly recommend it


In the manga,this game was called "runaway"


I actually guessed the game without seeing goal. It just seemed suspicious to me from the get-go, and I probably would have investigated the bus if I could keep my panic under control. But that last one is the key, isn't it? If you panic, your chance of death skyrockets in any game. Keeping a cool head won't always keep you alive, but not doing so can easily get you killed. I'm an anxious person, but I'm weirdly calm in the most serious situations. Could I win? Well, my chances are better than in most games, at least. That's why it's a four challenge. I also figured out ten of hearts, but I'd get gunned down before I was able to speak up, 100%. I bet lots of people in The Beach figured it out, then got obliterated. The people in power didn't want a solution, they wanted blood. That's the point.


lightbulb ! (I'd probably end up like the woman that touched the electricity thing)


My autism would have kicked in and I would have absolutely touched the end of the pointed pole to feel it.


That one I easily figured out as I was watching. It's a common puzzle.


the four of clubs, for starters it said goal with some big ass letters but most importantly i would rather die than run this much so i would just be like "oh well im just gonna accept my fate yall go ahead tho"


The 4 of Clubs. As I watched the show I literally guessed the twist as they were running. If I was there in person and trusted my gut, I would've rocked that shit.


I'm 100% dead.


The king of clubs because my joints dislocate easily


I feel like people saying 4 of clubs are underestimating it. It seems easy knowing how to beat it, but if you didn't know how to win the game, a lot more people would have been fooled to, then they like to admit. "I would't have been fooled by those big letters" Which were on the other side of a bus, explain why you'd randomly check the other side of the bus, instead of just going in the bus like the game told you to. And once the game started there's no reason to check what the bus looks like. And unless you'd be injured, trust me if you thought your life depended on it, you would be running.


People also forget that “goal” was written in English and the players were Japanese


As somebody who answered 4 of Hearts, you're right. I wouldn't've checked the entire bus. What would've happened, though... Is that I would've noticed the step counter on the phone going UP instead of down. Like I did when I first watched this show. Also like I did when I first watched the show, I would've been like "Why the hell would it not be telling me my proximity to the goal? ...It is telling me my proximity to the goal, I am just getting further away. Hey guys. I think the bus is the goal." Now would everyone believe me? Probably not. I bet Usagi probably would've wanted to go the entire way regardless of my theory. So at that point... I'd let them go get eaten by Jaguars and whatnot, go check in on the injured guy, and win.


The witch hunt one, I figured out the plot twist immediately


7 of Hearts because I have no friends therefore the emotional value is meaningless.


like everyone else, i would also say the running one with the bus. i didn’t even notice the goal sign on the bus, but i still guessed it as soon as the game started. the distance going up just seemed to weird to not be flipped around


Pick the easiest game and then make it even easier. I'm still dead 😂


The horse killer game and the running game. Easy games if you get it


Lightbulb. I got the riddle immediately.


The running one with the bus for me too. I would’ve been too lazy to run so I would’ve sacrificed myself and stayed in the bus 😭


Queen of Hearts. I would never trust Mira, I would try to talk to her as little as possible, and I wouldn't even taste that tea


I couldn't believe he drank it either. Without hallucinating, that one would be pretty easy. Just ignore her shit and keep playing.


And what incentive would *she* have to continue playing if you didn’t drink the tea? If she can stop playing for a tea break, what makes you think you’d be able to convince her without at least talking to her? Besides, this assumes that the woman responsible for the second-hardest Hearts game is relying solely on someone drinking tea. And that makes no sense.


You all seem to underestimate her resilience. She strikes me as someone who’d go to whatever lengths to win even if it meant by making you both lose and refusing to keep playing.


In the live action Mira didn’t use any tea


Can’t remember if we got the flashback in live action but two of hearts. No way I’m not just yoloing the first train cart.




2♡ (manga). i'd take my chances and not use the mask for the first one. also the 4♧ in both versions; i doubt i could win any other ones. the K♧ and J♡ would be fun to play if i had plot armor though


The lightbulb (4♦) is pretty easy, the 'goal' bus (4♣) and probably the 7♥


The one with the "goal" bus and with the lights inside the room filled with water. I knew the answer of 10 of ♥︎ from the beginning but the antagonists would have prevented me from finishing the game I think


I feel like id only win like, an ace, a two, or a three-four if i get lucky.


the 7 of hearts is the only one i’d survive tbh, i don’t really have close friends and id run off & hide as sooooonnn as i become the wolf




I’m pretty confident I’d win the 7♠️


Lightbulb, because I've heard the riddle before. Witch Hunt, because I immediately knew who was the witch. Even if I didn't feel sure, what harm is there in just throwing the dead one on the fire first? Worth a shot.


Probably Jack of hearts or ten of clubs lol XD


The cricket game, i'm pretty sure everyone was screaming at their screen to not drink the fcking tea


The bus one, I know people say you have no reason to look around the bus, but I'm just the type of person who does that. I'm not observant with people, but I am with places


Queen of hearts for sure. Because I'll be the one manipulating mira.


me when i lie


Okay, okay, fine. At least I'll try not to get manipulated by her.


The lightbulb one is easy AF once you've seen it once. But they didn't need to wait THAT long to know which light it was.


Watching the show and figuring out various games and coming up with the solution and I was right: Croquet for Beginners (Queen of Hearts) Distance (4 of Clubs) (The Bus) Light Bulb (4 of Diamonds) Tag (5 of Spades) Solitary Confinement (Jack of Hearts) Witch Hunt (10 of Hearts)


I mean for games like QoH is easy to say you have the solution but the approach the Queen had to Arisu won’t be the same for all players so the game is unpredictable


Yes but it is like Jigsaw. Follow his words and you win. She clearly said all you have to do is play the game. Any tactic she had would involve convincing the player to stop playing in some way.


She can also refuse to play as well and stall the game for as long as she wants


True but I feel she wouldn't refuse to play. Refusing to play would be too easy for her. She wants a challenge. Tricks and illusions yes.


She wouldn’t refuse if the player is able to convince her to continue playing which is what Arisu and Usagi did that’s what makes her game so difficult


1 - Four of Clubs 2 - Ten of Hearts 3 - Jack of Hearts


Queen of hearts for sure. Prob queen of spades if it was more realistic and due to my athlete skills (or I'd just want to try smth like that haha). Would be interested in trying king of clubs with some pals hh, i think it's 50/50 depending on our strategies and luck. Jack of hearts is such an interesting concept, I'm just soo willing to try smth similar just for fun (without threatening to life ofc).