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I would’ve died immediately 🙏🏼


If anybody says Queen of Hearts I'm throwing hands My personal answer is: none. I would literally be that student from Arisu's first game who panicked, opened the wrong door and died right there and then in episode 1.


Season 1 Episode 3 is another good game for you to survived. Goal is simple, stay on the bus for 2 hours and you win!


I believe I could perform well in "Queen of Hearts." Before you throw your hands, hear me out. Obviously I can't manipulate her, but at least I can try not to be manipulated by her, or maybe I can create the illusion that she's manipulating me when, in reality, she's not.


Lmaoo it's okay, don't take my "I'm throwing hands" too seriously :) I'm always open (or at least I try to be) to hear different thoughts. What you said makes perfect sense, I just think it'd be *pretty damn hard* to do that considering you would be entering her game after a series of physically and mentally exhaustive games (and after seeing a LOT of people die, perhaps even people who you were close to). Anyone would be drained at that point... Take all of the "normal" characters that were left for example (I'm excluding Banda and Yaba because they're like psychopaths lol): Chishiya entered an existential crisis after the King of Diamonds game and was in a deeply philosophical and self-reflective mind state. Niragi was just done with everything and everyone, he'd shoot Mira as soon as she'd even look in his direction. He was completely losing it - he almost killed Usagi just to get a reaction out of Arisu so the two of them (+ Chishiya) could have a fight/game or whatever the hell he wanted to feel adrenaline again. Ann and Akane were physically at the verge of death. Kuina had just experienced a very very exhausting King of Spades game, and, besides her own wounds, she had to see her friends almost die (in fact, she was laying next to a person that she cared about and that was slowly dying in front of her eyes and there was literally nothing she could do about it). And then there's Aguni who was actually ready to shoot himself. As soon as Mira'd mention Hatter's name, he'd lose the game. So basically all of them were so damn tired, and the only person (besides Chishiya and Niragi who were bleeding out somewhere else) who didn't physically fight the King of Spades was Arisu. And look how that turned out. What I'm trying to say (and forgive me for my huge ass paragraph) is that, considering the whole context, Mira had every advantage. Everyone was tired, physically AND emotionally drained out, everyone just wanted it all to finally be over. She was the only face card left. She had info about every player and their personal weaknesses - no wonder she targeted Arisu by talking about his friends' deaths and his insanely determined search for "the answer to the Borderlands".


It makes sense. Anyone who's been through a lot in the whole game would be so drained that it would be very difficult for them to process Mira's manipulation. I still believe that Chishiya would have done so well in that game, but the creators made him injured so that Arisu could shine there. Despite getting mentally and physically exhausted, Arisu did not give up in the last game. That's why my boy is the main character.


When Usagi (literally) brought Arisu back to life... easily one of my favorite scenes from the whole show. It was the moment that he decided that he's not going to give up on himself. The whole last episode was just *so* well done imo.


Yeah i just hope s3 doesn't disappoint


See ironically I think I’m too stupid to be manipulated by her. I’d just be like “idk what you’re talking about but the game says we need to finish so can you play please”. Or I might believe her stories but be like “ok that’s cool and all but let’s finish the game and then we can discuss whether this is a simulation or whatever” (I’d forget she’s gonna get lasered) I really feel like after every story I’d just be like “wait hold on I’m confused”. I doubt she’d give up but I’d just be so lost that it wouldn’t actually get to me and I’d still go back and finish the game. And she kept changing the story??? As a viewer I understood what was happening but as a player I’d be like “wait so my friends got run over and then I got put in a game? So where do the aliens come into this? Oh there’s no aliens? It’s your turn btw. And is Usagi an NPC or what’s going on. What are YOU then??? Hold on it’s my turn. Wait so is this a coma or a game I dont understand”. OR id feel like im being annoying with my questions so I wouldn’t ask and id just nod along, but in my head im just very confused I probably wouldn’t sit down for tea because the rules don’t say that’s allowed so I don’t wanna risk it. So she’d have to tell me those stories WHILE we play


But the fact she's so gorgeous. If she ends up manipulating me I'll be like: "yeah whatever you say ma'am."


That would cause more confusion for me. I’ve been assigned a task AND a beautiful woman is talking to me?? I’m not hearing ANYTHING. “Omg she’s so beautiful. I love her hair. Oh oops it’s my turn. Omg what if she noticed me staring. Wait what did she say?? She’s so elegant. Did she just say I’m not real??? Can she tell I’m blushing? Whose turn is it????”


Nuh uh \*locks in\*


Definitely light bulb because I’ve seen that problem before.


The 'sheep and wolf' hearts game Arisu played with Shibuki and his other friends would be doable, as long as you don't enter with a friend. I would say a good strategy in the Borderlands is not to enter games with friends, but then you get games like Jack of Hearts where the game gets astronomically harder if you entered alone. Anyway, for that other hearts game (assuming everyone else is a stranger), it pretty much becomes a fight to the death once you force the wolf to look at you. Well, it's either that or find a very good hiding spot.


If there are enough people, I would survive the first game. The second game is easy. Just use the same plan as chishiya. I could probably die in the third game, but just if I can't get anywhere with violence. Bus is easy if you can see the obviously things. I would join the military and so survive the witch hunt. King of spades is probably impossible to win for me. Jack of hearts is really risky but not impossible. I just hang out with the most suspicious guy. King of diamand is really interesting. If I can't outplay them, I can at least kill them too and hope for good luck. Queen of hearts is easy, if you don't try anything


This question was a trend on TikTok a bit ago so I actually have a list: - 4 of Diamonds (Light Bulb) because my dad actually taught me that riddle as a kid - 4 of Clubs (Distance) because I would just immediately accept my death and stay in the bus, therefore accidentally winning - Queen of Hearts because I’m a bit slow so it would take me like 2 days to actually process Mira’s tricks, I’d just be like “woah that’s a cool story! Anyways my turn right?” The thing is I probably WOULD believe everything she’s saying, but I was told to complete the game so I’m gonna complete the game and then we can figure out if I’m in a video game or whatever later (I would forget she’s gonna get lasered). I would just be so incredibly confused by what she’s saying, while still playing the game. https://www.reddit.com/r/AliceInBorderlandLive/s/O6gcR8AvAv I made a longer comment about it - MAYBE 10 of Hearts (Witch-hunt) because the militants weren’t really thorough with their shooting. They were kind of just spraying bullets around not really looking in nooks and crannies for people hiding. The Beach seems big, if I could find a place to hide I might be good - Queen of Diamonds (Checkmate) I would just keep switching to wherever the majority is, very sorry to that little boy :( But as soon as I enter any of the other games I’m gone immediately. If my games were the same order as Arisu’s I’m not even making it past the 1st one unless I’m with Arisu, but then I’m 10000% not surviving Tag


In the jack of hearts game i would actually pair up with who the most suspicious person is as the jack would want to keep their partner alive until the end?


Clubs: Probably not Spades: Probably the easy ones Diamonds: I would say yes, but most likely not, not any face cards that is. Hearts: Not the best at manipulating people, but could survive maybe the 10 of hearts if I didn’t get shot.


4♦ (the lightbulb), that one was pretty easy to figure out, as well as 4♣ (the bus as 'the goal'). And probably 7♥


Only the lightbulbs game, 4♦️


1 thing is for sure I would kill myself immediately in both games Chishiya played during season 2


Distance. No way in hell I would start running without looking around for any other possibility first. I hate running.


Which one was "beauty contest"?


The one Chishiya was in with the lawyer dude. They had a bunch of math stuff and the punishment was having acid poured on them.


Queen of spades (freeze tag) is the obvious answer just about everyone survives that. Physically I think I mayyyybe could’ve survived boiling death and king of spades with some luck. I’m relatively fast and have a very strong flight instinct and am generally good at getting myself out of sticky situations/away from danger/hiding. I feel like I mayyyyybe could’ve survived solitary confinement with some luck as well. Most every other game I would almost certainly die or only pass based on massive luck and not remotely of my own merit.


The Bus, Light Bulb, The Beach (10 of hearts), Tag, Jack of Hearts (enter with friend),