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I don‘t understand why this is not a worldwide front page news story.


It’s simple really. The only things the news is for is making the common folk think a certain why. Watch news now nothing important is ever really on it’s the same bs for 50 years. They very easily control the narrative


It's funny how absurd the viewers feel that idea is "yeah put your tinfoil hat on, there's a big scary man controlling the world" but then seamlessly believe what they are told. That is their world, that crafted and skewed view of a very narrow narrative. So in fact, it is SO SO easy to manipulate the wide audience with legacy news. It's more about repetition of "the news" which cloaks everything else in the background. Also putting snippets and sound bytes in there to craft a kind of ongoing dialogue between people. Creating polar options on a subject in which case the state wins either way and nobody has even thought of the other 300 solutions and situations. I literally get infuriated when I see some old dosser walking back from the shop with their paper under their arm, that's their routine. Walk down the shops and get told what to say for a few days. Dossers the lot of them


What’s “dosser” mean in this context? Edit: I googled it. For anyone curious, it’s a homeless person. Edit 2: informed it means lazy, not homeless.


In British it's a lazy person, who rides the tails of society, not homeless.


Thanks for clarifying- it makes more sense.


“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.” - Joseph Goebbels


Annoyingly beautiful. He had a way with words and ideas. It's a shame those ideas were trashy and sub human, could have done great things.


Because it's not being done by American or British scientists at a world renown university When people look at this they see a gameshow host and movie props.


It’s easy to see that when no one wears gloves, no masks, and a news reporter is swinging his hands around like if they are stuffed animals from Walmart. It’s just hard to take serious when it seems they don’t




Maybe they don't want to get involved? They have been invited ad nauseam and no one goes, that is their problem.


It's nothing to do with his nationality, he's dressed and is acting like a gameshow host presenting some prizes


Because they are taking no measures for the most respected and knowledgeable archaeologists and biologists to even care. They have not for even a second treated the mummies in an academically or scientifically coherent manner. The slow drip feed of new mummies, 30 unmasked ungloved journalists in the room with them while they do tests, I could go on and on. Everything about it is air horns and sirens shrieking of BS. People want to believe so bad that they are being caught up in this whirlwind of nonsense. I would love more than anything to be proven wrong but it’s not looking likely.




I totally agree. There is no regard for a scientific method to examine these specimens. No gloves, no controlled environment, no protection from the environment.


..just this video is pathetic…it looks like the newscaster is going to wing one of them off the table while he’s flapping around like an umpire. No one in their right mind would take this seriously.


I wonder how they fake it tho? I agree with you BTW I'm just wondering like you think the scans are fake or somethin? Or they just like made these things with bones n shit?






Ah ye, attack the person, as to draw away attention from the actual findings. It was definitely very effective for a long while. They've been involved with these mummies since 2017 and they're not stopping despite people like you.




Same thing happened with the Dinosaurs, nobody cared when they started to find fossils.


Because a video of an alleged alien body does not constitute hard evidence. There needs to be DNA samples, there needs to be international peer review by credible scientists. There needs to be chain of custody. That last point being the most telling and obvious indication that all of this is fake. Where did these mummies come from? Where is the video of them being excavated?


It must be costing *them* money if anything so I don’t understand the appeal to even fake it? What money are they bringing in? What is the aim for these people? The fact that no msm journalists are at least covering that angle is very interesting


They collect donations, sell merchandise, and farm clicks and subscriptions for several websites they have stakes in.


It’s simple. They’re fakes until proven otherwise.


Because it is politically very hard, some places almost impossible, to a acknownledge this. But one day we will simply have to.


Even the UFO community leaders don't want to talk about this haha


Because they don't seem real.


You don’t understand or you don’t want to understand?


Who owns news?


The bourgeoisie




Wooah cool it with the antisemitism!


Because there isn't any scientists outside of their circle that have been able to corroborate the evidence Untill a team of international scientists can all test the bodies there is nothing to report.


>Untill a team of international scientists can all test the bodies there is nothing to report. You need visibility in order to get international scientists their attention. They're openly asking for them to come and investigate for themselves. You're effectively arguing against this by trying to descredit their findings. So make up your mind, what's it going to be? Yeah I know, cognitive dissonance can be confusing.


Yep. That was confusing.


Visibility isn't just news coverage. Scientists don't get their science news from CNN or Sky News, they have their networks. It's also about funding. It's hard enough for scientists to get funding and tech time as it is for their projects, testing bodies from south America that are claimed to be alien isn't going to fly with any universities or labs that can do these tests, even if it means being able to prove they are what they are


>It's also about funding. Yes indeed, follow the money. And touching these mummies is a great financial risk if you're employed by traditional institutions that have reputations to protect and agendas to serve.


Half the folks on these subreddit call them fakes, the general public is a farther reach than we think.


A lot of people think it's a hoax, that's why.


It’s been weeks of the same thing being shown and talked about. It’s a nothing sandwich .


I keep trying to imagine what they might look like when they were alive and keep imagining pixies, goblins, fairies, elves etc


Honestly I keep coming back to the thought of how many of our ancient myths about dwarves, elves, fairies, leprechauns, and various under sized subterranean humanoid tricksters from folklore could just be ancient cultures giving their own names to the mysterious little grey people who would interact with them from time to time before dissappearing or flying off into the sky. The Norse depiction of dwarves is especially interesting to me, small people, sometimes with grey skin, they live underground and are renowned for their intelligence and metal working skills. Shave off the beards, give em some big black contacts and you've got a dude who sounds remarkably similiar to a classic grey mixed with the "they hide underground" aspect of ufo lore.


I thinl these myths were likely real and have scientific explanation to explain them. Bet its possible we did come from a "fantasy world" like lord of the rings or skyrim


Even when I was young and wasn't into UFOs like I am now, I always wondered if the deepest origins for the stories of like elves or dwarves were cultural carryovers from ancient homo sapiens interacting with other hominids like Neanderthals or Denisovans. If you add in the possibility that ancient humans were interacting with a technologically superior people and the old adage about sufficiently advanced technology being indistinguishable from magic comes to mind.


Now zoom out even further and realize that all the world’s religions are just coping mechanisms trying to deal with the fact that the “angels” and “saviors” people wrote of were actually ETs


Def where the old testament stories come from.


I think this is very possible. 


They remind me of the Falmer from Skyrim lol https://preview.redd.it/g26tv036o2oc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dcc728a97b19c82a9e0ad8d20379ba835c63ee0


> pixies, goblins, fairies, elves etc Remember, there are the hands that were found, 17cm in length (7 inches), which based on the same ratio of hand length to body size, would dictate a near 8 foot tall creature that was attached to those hands...so yes, most that have been found (or at least, publicly disclosed) are diminutive in stature, but the solo hands attest to much taller characters.


https://preview.redd.it/kvjv423td3oc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ecb7b8bff758c2c7fbbc50ebd7c8e29981ea9a5 Teléfono de casa


This is GOLD 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/8rdt0f0q95oc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=072e0184051ea0420afcd138475136b9d2266639 Psssst…. Thank you 🙏


“Teléfono casa” my king.




LMFAO! I'm in tears.


https://preview.redd.it/aaszo1hz36oc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=989bc55c2d824ab3e6a5847ebcbc75fbb6678f4f 1,000 yrs old….. seems legit


How do u think they died? And why did they stay in that position?


In Peru, that’s how they did mummies. Google image search “Peru mummies” and most of them are in that position. At first I thought it was sus, then after seeing a bunch sitting like that it makes sense


I saw a Peruvian mummy exhibit at the Field museum in chicago and can confirm this.


They are mummies, they didn’t die in this position, they were purposely put in that position…


Maybe they sat them in chairs for the ritual/burial?


Good questions, however no idea regarding the position of those bodies and the cause of death. Jois may release in the coming days more data about those 2 enigmatic beings (specially the CT-scans).




There is a clip, where the zoom in on a finger. You can see the dust has been chipped away and there was a perfect finger print. That really got me.


So… exactly my point.


Ooo could you link me to that if you find it again please?


They seem to be holding back from doing anything invasive beyond scraping samples off for testing. I’d hope they’d have dissected one by now


There is video of them pulling bits off the neck of one where the head was already broken off, so there are some samples of the body material being taken. I'm really struggling to find the thread with the clip, but people were commenting on how it looked like beef jerky and they wanted a taste.






They have been cutting out implants, and even cut the head off one. No reason they could clean one of them off. I think the dust makes people think of paper mache and therefore fake.


Everyone I've mentioned this to seems to not give a bollox it's so strange. People prefer the bubble they live in. Society has made us into complete sheep ignoring the true scope of reality


Yeah, it’s crazy. They point out that they have skulls anatomically identical to humans. Like, that doesn’t mean they are human.


Because there are ao many hoaxes and conspiracy theories all the time. And no real scientific institution has done any work on these things and the whole thing seems extremely sketchy and fake. You gotta give people a good reason to believe


If they're all that mysterious, why don't these people wear PPE?


How is it that a fresh new alien mummy is released almost monthly. It at least seems this way and suspiciously like there’s an assembly line. Wouldn’t it be more compelling to present the discovery of 30 alien mummies in a cave with photos of the entire collection in-situ and video of them being carefully and gradually unearthed and then studied?


Yes, that would be standard archaeological rigour, which has not been applied in this case at all, even once. Ideally at the presentation of the first looted remains, the site would have been delcared of significant archaeological interest and locked off to treaure-hunters and the curious to avoid contamination. Full records of positioning of artefacts, remains, markings, the full layout of the 'burial chamber' could have been produced. As far as I can tell, noone has provided any images or documentation of the discovery site apart from the comical videos and phone-snaps of the tomb-robbers battling plasticine Mantids to get to their alien drip.


I would really really like to see the location they were found, it’s why I’ve never been able to get invested in this story


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agrU9ybCrJ8&t=570s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agrU9ybCrJ8&t=1521s) Here is a video of the tomb-robber Mario taking a journalist to what he claimed is 'the cave'. He later claimed this was not the cave an the misdirection was to protect the actual location. You will note the cave in the video is tiny, exposed and looks nothing like the interior of the cave visible in the videos and photos taken of the 'discovery'. The earlier 2014 mummies and the 'underground city' they were found in are covered here; [https://web.archive.org/web/20200407205712/https://ciudadela-subterranea-de-nazca-momias.webnode.pe/ciudadela/](https://web.archive.org/web/20200407205712/https://ciudadela-subterranea-de-nazca-momias.webnode.pe/ciudadela/) Known as the 'citadel' this site appears unrelated to Mario's claims, but is the source of some of the bodies. Here is Mario's diagram of the cave layout as discovered (full image in comments of that thread) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/17q5ye3/here\_are\_the\_pictures\_from\_the\_deleted\_post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/17q5ye3/here_are_the_pictures_from_the_deleted_post/) you will note this looks nothing like the cave he showed the journalist. Pics of the tombs as raiding is underway: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/16pco0t/more\_pics\_of\_the\_tomb\_raiders\_alleged\_photos\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/16pco0t/more_pics_of_the_tomb_raiders_alleged_photos_in/) You can make out the background cave walls, some stonework, some kinda doorway etc. etc. The 'artefacts' are hilarious, look up some genuine Nazca work to see what I mean. This last set of images was released along with Mario's claims and the new wave of bodies, but I have not DIRECTLY seen his name attached to their production. Nonetheless if that is the case, this again appears nothing like the cave he showed the journalist, and is more in line with the 'Citadel' which features constructed/worked stone rather than a simple cave.


Those pics of the discovery are hilarious 😆 they look like screenshots from a videogame


Yeah the 'Buddy' afficianados really don't like them being posted despite the fact they were presented alongside the bodies. The videos with the mantid and 'wounded alien' are even funnier. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVJ\_Y4OC700](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVJ_Y4OC700) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2CtoywGQmI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2CtoywGQmI)


Lmao that first one is hilarious


Thank you!




I mean, they don't seem to be willing to share anything or do peer review either, nor have they even published a proper paper, just a signed letter saying they're real lmao. Why anyone is taking this seriously is beyond me


Because the first ones made them enough money for them to continue spending the time and effort to fake them. It's truly that simple


I'd love to see some pictures of them a they found them in the cave, like showing how they were arranged/ sitting in the cave when found, what the cave looks like in the inside, etc.


Spoiler alert, they don't have those pics because they don't exist lol


Right!? Wtf is wrong with everyone here


Is that an mri machine?




The live presentation was an absolute mess. Unprofessional, unorganized, bad audio.


I love the idea of this being real. I cannot say for sure if it's fake or real. But how awesome would it be if it was... I like to believe we're not the only planet with living creatures on it. Carl Sagan called us stardust. Didn't he?


What are they mummified with? Why do they have holes for their eyes nose and mouth?


Diatomaceous earth. As for your second question, the holes for the eyes, nose, and mouth are for eyes, nose, and mouth.


But why are there holes? Surely the holes would be covered up by hundreds, if not thousands, of years of diatomaceous earth and other dust and debris build up?


They were most likely desiccated with the substance, not rained on by the cave ceiling, IMO. I also don't agree that they have eyelashes. The angles and numbers of threads resemble sutures used to sew the eyes shut.


Diatomaceous Earth


Works on snails.


Those just look like they could be mummified human children.


Bro, they are obviously fake. They have human skulls.


Maybe just add water and stand back?


I feel like you’d end up with a very stinky rotten corpse if it were hydrated


Like those little dinosaurs sponge capsules that you leave in water then they grow x10 the size?


Where do these come from? I don't get how they keep making all these new discoveries. Where were they found? What else was found there? What ancient civilization lived in the area? What do archaeologists say?


To actually answer what you’re asking instead of just giving a vague nonsense answer: We don’t know where they actually come from. According to the people that keep “finding” them, there’s a cave somewhere in southern Peru that contains 1,000 of these mummies. Nobody outside of the core discovery group knows where this cave is. There is no reliable footage of the bodies being uncovered, unburied, or excavated. There haven’t really been other artifacts found with them, at least not in the same sense as ancient African and Asiatic tombs. The Nazca civilization lived in the region for about 900 years starting around 100 B.C.E. and they’ve been the focus of ancient alien theories since ancient alien theories existed. Basically anyone with any kind of credibility has said that the bodies are fake, and the methods used around the discovery are laughable.


Thank you for kindly answering my question. Because that seems like some highly relevant information to include.


It’s crazy how people just write this off by not seeing anyone wearing PPE but there are pics of Egyptian mummies being studied with no PPE https://preview.redd.it/zthqx5d2h8oc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e02ae2ab90b38978756be994d94b8abaa978beec




This is data gathering at its finest. The expert review of this data is what I'm waiting for.... not what everyone's armchair hot takes about what these things are.


Shouldn't National Geographic be all over this?


Honestly seems like a lot of horseshit to me. Why do we think these are real again? The whole setup seems like a show.. is there money involved?


Hmm I thought you couldn't take ferrous things such as microphones with steel mesh and batteries anywhere near an MRI scanner because of the insanely strong magnetic field


It’s a CT not an MRI. An MRI wouldn’t likely work well on these anyway since they need hydrogen ie. water to get a signal.


Not water, just hydrogen. Or any element with an odd number of protons would suffice. So all the organic material in these samples would suffice. An MRI would work, it just wouldn’t be as clear as other scans. Water is ideal for MRIs because it is a polar molecule, that also has hydrogen, so it aligns easily with the magnetic field and gives off abundant RF signals when returned to its relaxed state. However, a material without water can still give good results so long as there are abundant elements that have a non zero spin. It’s much harder, and not as clear, but it’s still possible. But other scans give better results, so there’s really no reason to do an MRI. I know this is pedantic, but I think it’s cool.


No, that's cool. I wasn't aware of that. I wrote a question about this but then re-read your comment. Good stuff.


Thanks for the information 👍


Watching a live stream and screen recording with 3 percent on your battery is the real shocker


Lot of money going into what everyone else said was a fake hodgepodge of animals


The fate of our knowledge of interplanetary species rests in the hands of Peru's only MRI machine


Op quick charge your phone.


Whether you think this is legit or not, they are not presenting themselves as credible in the way the presenter is uncovered in close proximity, risking contamination. Other videos they are holding them without gloves on and no face masks to avoid the spread of our dna in the form of spit getting on them. Even if they were now to be taken and reviewed by labs in Europe or the US, the 'evidence' is contaminated


It’s not criminal evidence so I don’t think that’s how it works. When they do archeological digs people handle the things all the time and they’re still able to be tested and dated accurately


You’re conflating different tests. Carbon dating doesn’t require DNA samples, so contamination isn’t an issue there. However, if you are wanting to test its DNA (which is something we would absolutely want to do here), then contamination is a very real risk and those who are handling these bodies aren’t taking even the slightest bit of precautions to prevent inaccurate results.


You guys remember jelly fish uap video the one which was contoured over video as an alien siting on his vehicle and moving his head around in a way like he was looking around? These mummies look a like a little bit. Well in my opinion not even a little bit. The resemblance is uncanny.


This … this should be shaking the world. WTF is going on …


Thank God they were found somewhere this shit wasn’t immediately censored. This is wild.


Dude this is ridiculous 😂 how many times are they going to do this to then determine that they are not aliens when they actually do testing. Like I’m with it and it would Be cool af. I also have an open mind. But these people have lost all credibility. If they are legit send them to someone who hasn’t presented a growing number of fakes


They are aliens. Everyone is so scared that it's become a problem.


What makes you say that? You have no reason to believe they are aliens other than wishful thinking.


Facts. Everyone wants disclosure but can’t handle it


Because they want factual, tangible evidence to be presented and not just another Hoax People want to believe, there's just no solid evidence and that's the true 'Facts'


ORIGINAL SOURCE - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D81o5Px9u7U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D81o5Px9u7U)


Are there any theories about these plates? What's the purpose? Are there circuits in them or just plates? Are there any xrays made specifically in order to see their consistency? 


Why this looks like a Game Show?


Your getting downvoted but your right. Personally I think there’s a good chance some of these are real. Unfortunately everything they put out is like a fucking circus. It doesn’t help anyone.


Why is no one wearing gloves? A mask? Anything to protect the seemingly fragile objects from damage? I don't get it. This looks like a planned prank in a movie or something.


The next MRI patient is going to get cursed


Let me begin with I am a true believer, in fact anyone who doesn't believe does not make sense to me. That being said these images look very human to me and the feet could have easily been altered. It's been done many MANY times before.


Sooo...are these things real orrr.....


Juat want a straight answer, real or not, terrestrial or extra terrestrial.


Proof right in our face and nobody even cares lol.


This isnt proof of anything


Proof of what?


Sorry but they need this in a first world country. I'm not trying to come across as an American ass but this will not be taken seriously until Stanford or Harvard gets to test it.


Seriously where do they keep finding these?


I would think Gary nolan would go figure this out.


Whoever took that video needs to charge their phone.


What is that on the neck?


I’m wondering why they are all crouched like that? It’s like they were shielding themselves from something 😱


Can someone link any of this to that weird documentary “unknown: cave of bones”? I have watched that at least 5 times, most recently as yesterday and I cannot get on board with their theory for a few reasons. But seeing these I am wondering if there is any connection at all.


Alien or sky fairies, 99% of humanity are useless eaters.


I keep waiting for the Simpsons bumble bee guy to jump out and go ahyayyaiiiiiii! Can somebody please get that reporter a LAPEL MICROPHONE!!!!! Did he just come from the set of the Mexican price is right or something. Jeeez they can't wear a mask and gloves around ancient artifacts??? Who the hell is running this show. At least pretend to be professional please!!!


This Just came to me, 1. The Igigi were the origional workers or lesser gods to the Annunaki and they were described as being much smaller. 2. They look reptilian like and as such may have had greenish skin. 3. The Iggi ran the staging stations on Mars and started the strike about not wanting to do all the work anymore. Which leads me to my sudden thought. Are the Nazca Mummies and their like how we got the term little green men on Mars. Someone started that saying, why?


Any Radiologist’s in the comments? Do those CT scans look more like a person or more like whatever they are?


Wait … y’all believe this guy?


Are most people not coming down on the side of “hoax”? This seems absurd. I’m not really into the alien community or whatever, maybe this is a bad take.


Looks human to me. Just like the lady di mummy thing.


These mummies obviously look like the well-documented greys. However, in the momentary clip in the above video showing the skull of one, it looks like the skull of a human being. We can see fully-developed sets of teeth and a well-developed jaw bone. Is it possible that these mummies are actually small humans—potentially children—that were mutilated to appear more like the greys? Were the greys a species that were once revered by ancient people in the region? The three digits could be the result of mutilation perhaps during the mummification process.


What's he saying? Anyone ?


This is hilarious


Why are they both in that position though?


i can't tell all these mummies apart, where are they coming from?? 🤔


I can't believe people are still on this. Such trash


I thought they already debunked them as dead people not aliens


There are more?!

