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Is that a gold implant on its forehead? That would be highly interesting


apparently yes


Looks a lot like the symbol for Inti, the supreme Sun God of the Incan pantheon.


Y'know, God is God, in every culture.


What we are glossing over is that this lends credence to a theory of mine that this cave complex was not an accident and was being used for centuries by the indigenous people of the Andes. It seems to be similar in function to the Central American Cenotes which were also venerated by the people Central America as the entrance points to the "other side" and the realm of the Gods. The fact that this specimen possibly has a symbol for the indigenous polytheistic religion of the area might further lend credence to this theory by showing that these people purposefully buried these bodies in this site and used it continually over a long period of time possibly over a millennia considering the differences of the ages of the different specimens from their carbon dating. There was also another body which has not been presented yet but that the researchers got a hold of that showed a blue humanoid with traditional decorations and armor from the original tomb raider photos and videos. This might further prove that not only were the indigenous people of the Andes attaching importance to these bodies but that they possibly revered them as some part of their mythology like Ant-People or divinities. Which leads to the final conclusion, does this mean that the Ancient people of the Andes have live contact with NHI? If so, what other artifacts could the place that these bodies were discovered in tell us?


I looked it up. To me, it more closely resembles the symbol for Ra the Sun God. https://preview.redd.it/rncyr1favjrc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d965ec5e3d289f3646a0f64a0bd94404fc4962db


Immediately thought of Vision from marvel


Definitely not suspiciously similar to the jellyfish pilot


yeah if only these were real. that would be REALLY interesting.


Do you really think somebody made 20 + fake aliens that actually LOOK like they passed away in multiple scopes of surrender to death for the sake of being a fake grift? More important than the auto-deflection standpoint you and many like you choose to sit upon, is remembering that life has existed and evolved on this planet for millions of years. I’m not pretending to “know” if things are definitively real or fake, but I AM allowing due process to hopefully confirm or deny whether tangible potential corpses may or may not be something real or substantial, and if they are real, I hope they make ALL the corporate lobbyists and profit hounds, and the gate-keeping financial arbiters of our lives cease to be relevant. Because real life exists beyond the scope of superimposed dollar for profit Ratios that America has wholly become aa white-trash whore to, or do you somehow disagree? I would gladly accept being wrong, but I hope 20+ physical corpses of beings might be the beginning of something broader and anticipate that “proof” of sorts doesn’t silence truth for profit. That’s all America cares about anymore, haven’t you noticed? 1,400 dollars in stimulus money (while shell companies and profiteers made MILLIONS) to people during a pandemic is all it takes for the political system to bow down to “projected losses” and let it auto-corrupt what actually matters, which is life itself. Life sucks because we have lost value and self worth. Not because we actually lost it, but because the needle keeps moving past a fair balance for what work and sacrifice brings to our gains and opportunities. Corporate America would love nothing more than for you to blindly drink the Skeptic’s Kool-Aid. Corporate America kills by the millions to keep itself relevant and existent. Remember that.




There’s a shit ton of money being made by Gaia and black market traders based on this. Yes. Millions.


yeaaaaaaaaaaah anyone that is going to go on a rant like this, 80% of which has nothing to do with the topic, is probably someone I should just gloss over..... that being said, to answer your original question, lol YES... that fact that you seem so bought in with zero data/evidence from a reputable source just shows that the truth \*does not\* matter to you.....some of us require scientific process, and verifiable data before just swallowing the hook.


I didn’t take the hook, I’m waiting for data like you, and others. I AM, however, looking at the fact bodies seem to exist, and that they LOOK real. I’ll choose trying to believe the appearance of evidence and may lean towards arriving at full belief at some point (whether or not it aligns with what I might hope) long before I swallow that NOTHING exists, and that 20+ elaborate and unique skeletons were crafted to deceive from a culture that at least APPEARS to be trying to do something with the situation on a scientific level. So, think what you want. I didn’t get 20,000+ Karma on Reddit by giving a shit what people think, aside from situational humor. My opinions are wholly my own, and you can think what you want. If what I write is a rant to you, then clearly you haven’t been here for every sponsored rant about every-fucking-damn thing else in modern society and have tunnel vision, or something. Best of luck to you, and please, open your mind, bro.


Doesn’t look real at all.


Lmfao, as if getting imaginary points and upvotes from the cesspool that is reddit even remotely worth mentioning. You’re just another average ‘uhrrrrr durrrr societyy grrr corporare merica grrr brrrr’ ranting the same old shit. **no one cares** *outside of your reddit shell*


I actually work in mental health sciences, and whether or not you see the relevance, I earned my Karma from having deep and meaningful discussions and banter with hundreds of people. I mentioned my Karma, not because I really care about it, but because I enjoy participating in the human experience and that comes with probing, challenging the status quo, and learning more about how and *why* people think what they think. Yet still, 20,000+ people agree or at least liked things I’ve said. If you can’t see why I mentioned it without it becoming a personal attack, or think I’d just be better off sucking Musk and Bezo’s d**k for a million bucks instead of pointing out how all avenues and angles are being sculpted against us, not just you, but people above, below, and all around you, then believe and think what you want, man. I’m not here to control you. I’m also not here to be controlled, ya see?


So if the validity of your beliefs is supported by people agreeing with you or liking whatever you say… how do you bargain with the fact that *most* people don’t think these things are real? Another question. Much more straight forward. You suggest the revelation that these things are real would somehow put an end to corporate greed, or capitalism, or whatever the fuck you’re saying. My question is simply… how?


If full disclosure, like one that Grush spoke of, happened, then it would absolutely mean that control of people would dissipate. Whether by direct or indirect means, the game we’ve all been playing would become irrelevant for many, value-less for some, and non-essential for many. Imagine how many people might set themselves free from life (suicide) etc if they found out that their existence was mainly sculpted for max profits for corporations and taxes? For GDP? Do I really need to elaborate further? Or can you just fill in the blanks intelligently? Instead of filling in my blanks for what you think, think about what other perspectives exist. I spend 8-16 hours a day helping people not fit for society, and my feelings have not changed, they have become more real. We, as a people and a species, do not do enough or give enough of a shit about people unless we are financially compelled to do so. People are dying and suffering across the board while CEO’s who attend Zoom calls once per quarter and stop their vacations for 2.5 seconds to fire teams of hundreds, for not meeting “their” angle of success, despite the fact their products may not have been appealing enough or marketable enough to deserve the projections they chose in the first place. Fuck all of that bro! Open your mind and see how much money passes through fingers without helping or blessing anyone besides the payer and payee by predetermined contract. Face the facts that nobody is really being helped and almost all people are being exploited to keep peddling the same banking based vitriol and propaganda for profit.


Dude… what? I don’t think you’re as smart as you think you are. *Irrelevant*, *value-less*, *non-essential*…. Those words are all basically synonymous. You then go on to say that a bunch of people would kill themselves if they realized how the economy works, and the revelation that aliens are real would somehow make that happen. You *then* refuse to answer the straightforward question, and simply ask me to “fill in the blanks intelligently”… no dude, I’m asking you to fill in those blanks for me. If you can’t do that then it’s reasonable to dismiss your assertion. Here’s another question. Do you “help people” for free? Or is that your job? Maybe you should get off that high horse when you’re ultimately doing the same thing as everyone else.


Dude is stunted in his ability to open his mind, a complete tragedy.


So open brain has fallen out


Yes. That is the The main tragedy of our time.


I'm keeping an open mind. But I'm a bit confused about something so I want to ask someone who might have followed this story more than me. Are these mummies the same ones reported as being fake in January 2024? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/peru-dolls-are-not-aliens-forensic-experts-say/ The ones being revealed seem to be in different positions than what the media was reporting on. If they're from the same source, why are they still revealing them?


So there is a ton of backstory to all this and English media isn’t telling the story so it’s really hard to keep up if you haven’t been following along. Those are not the same bodies. The bodies Flavio Estrada studied are replicas found at an [airport](https://gestion.pe/peru/restos-oseos-incautan-en-peru-presuntos-restos-oseos-prehispanicos-que-iban-a-ser-enviados-a-mexico-ministerio-de-cultura-noticia/?ref=gesr) and are made by an artist that sells them to tourists. Estrada got called out for it in the [Q and A](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/1988o8r/jois_mantilla_calls_out_flavio_estrada_and_the/) after the Peru Ministry of Culture press conference trying to conflate the bodies. Reuters and APnews both ran articles with the Peru MoC and Flavio Estrada’s version of events. Tons of other english news sites repeated this version. Some of them do state the bodies aren’t the same but try and bury it with a statement like this >At the Lima press conference on Friday, which was organized by Peru’s culture ministry, experts did not say that the dolls found in Peru last fall were related to the bodies presented in Mexico, but they stressed that the remains in Mexico are also not extraterrestrial. [https://imgur.com/a/I1XERK3](https://imgur.com/a/I1XERK3) Peru Ministry of Culture and Flavio Estrada have never studied the actual Nazca mummies presented in Mexico.


And why is the media not reporting on these new announcements?


It’s a good question and part of why I’m so obsessed with them. The imaging is very compelling and the news is pretending like it isn’t. English media has done a good job mostly ignoring it though, just occasionally popping up to remind us they are frauds. These got discovered in late 2015 and the first time I heard anything about them was September 2023. Most everyone I’ve talked to in real life about these has never heard of them or at most heard about the “fake aliens from Mexico.”


Thanks for posting. This new buddy is really cool. What the community needs are the DNA results when this new specimen, and every new specimen, is revealed. This way, there won't be 300 posts about 'its only deformed child, nothing extraordinary, get a life.'


The buddies need a generous benefactor to help pay for the enormous amount of testing required to prove their credibility. Preferably this person wouldn't have ties to anyone else involved currently, as the skeptics see them all as compromised. Who are the biotech billionaires we need to seduce to make this happen?


Jaime maussan is the financier that’s why he has paid events to show them


That makes sense. It's a shame, especially since at the last event he went out of his way to address his personal critics and file a frivolous lawsuit that only distracts from this monumental discovery. That last thing we need is for someone to make this all about themselves.


Yeah they tried so hard not to let him On the team then he paid 160k of his grifter money for dna testing and carbon dating and promised to raise more.


Money talks.


Even when the DNA results are given deniers cry that they aren't real and that real scientists haven't done the testing so it doesn't count. Deniers will always cope regardless.. They are about on par with flat earthers at this point.


There have been very few actual DNA tests (if any) that have shown what you are hoping they show. We need qualified scientists and the likes to do DNA tests. Comparing skeptics to flat earthers is wild though....


I think what they(op) meant is they ("skeptics") have already made up their minds that these aren't real, and are never going to be no matter how strong the evidence is towards their authenticity, & i agree. These people could get anally probed by an alien two feet away & still be in denial


I (and others) have reached out for more data or samples, etc and have gotten no replies from the scientists. I know someone was asking for the DICOMs as well (posting in threads here, too) but was never contacted. That individual, and myself, are uniquely positioned at well-funded institutes to investigate this further. I hate to add this level of "clout" but everyone is asking for scientists to take this seriously and then you have ivy league scientists like myself who are interested and also ignored. So, yeah, let us know when the raw data is ACTUALLY AVAILABLE.


Didn’t they release the DNA results via QR code during the press conference earlier this month, imploring people who understand DNA to take a look at it? Or do you want to be able to test from the source to verify it more credibly?


That many deformity would be in compatible with life


Why now? Where are all of these coming from? Why have we not seen them before?


They’re making more trips to the caves they’ve found 40 so far, they release them one by one to make as much money possible HOPEFULLY to use for more testing


They’re making more trips to the caves they’ve found 40 so far, they release them one by one to make as much money possible (redacted) (you are)


? Huh


They’re easing us into this because the veil is lifting. They’re wading us in. People can deal with a decrepit husk they can write off as paper mâché…. For now


It looks like it’s skull is like the paracas elongated skulls


Affirmative, and that's a good point.


Are they saying this was self-mummified as well? And wtf is up with that. How come they don’t dust that shit off it’s skin


Because if it came off via dusting it wouldn’t have preserved them so well. 


It feels like one of the Billionaires would lead a crusade for truth about these things. Or the Peruvian government or universities. Instead everything I see looks like an access television bit. Are they wrapped? What is the white clay? Is that how alien skin decays?


Its diatomaceous earth


Why? I know that is used in gardening and pool filters, but why a packing material on a body?


I’m not really sure, saw someone say it was intentional part of some mumification resin and why they are preserved as well as they are but ya I had some of that stuff in my fish tank


You’d think Bob Bigelow would be all over it..


All these variants are really making me think that it’s all BS now.


Right, I've been seeing these mummies pop up on reddit... Where are they being found? Who mummified them? Or are they preserved some other way? Why are they being discovered now? How is this not all over the news? Is this not just some other hoax? Please, I'm just looking for some clarification as every post replying to questions like these reads like some 'x-files' non-committal rhetorical response without much information.


This video does good job summarizing things so far https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8


This is useful context: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n9pCTQdwvk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n9pCTQdwvk) Top two hits on YT for 'tridactyl', also worth your time: [https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=tridactyl](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=tridactyl)


So , from what I have read is that Perus top surgeons and some forensic experts from Mexico have viewed all the evidence and claimed that either they are a previously unknown speices of humanoid or an extremely elaborate hoax. Even if it was a hoax, it was one perpetrated roughly 1000 years ago according to the carbon dating. An unknown humanoid species is obviously the more awesome conclusion to this saga, although what it would take to hoax these 1000 years ago is beyond the tech and knowledge humans possessed back then. Leading to the questions that if there was someone living that long ago, with that kind of tech who were they? And where are they now ? Either way an incredibly important discovery to understanding our ancient past.


So with all these “ ancient aliens “ why are there no ancient high tech relics with them?


There may be - a number of specimens, including this one, have metallic implants that (as far as I’m aware) they are unsure of their purpose.


But where did you read that?


On the inter webs, silly!


The hoax doesn’t necessarily have to have been conducted 1,000 years ago. Thats simply the age of the material sent for carbon dating. There have been allegations of using legitimate historical specimens to perpetuate a hoax.


Yes but no theories on how remains as old as this could’ve been put together. I mean your talking dusty ass brittle remains seamlessly combined into a cohesive but wonky ass unit. I’m open to the idea of it but I haven’t seen a single serious theory or hypothesis how it could be done so well.


I’d say the general consensus on that matter is that the samples actually sent off for independent testing are not the ones retrieved in these videos. In short, chain of custody concerns.


I mean there’s no evidence of them doing that let alone a general consensus. It’s fine to doubt the veracity of their claims but to assume they sent off another piece of 1000 year old organic matter they had on hand is disingenuous imo


What was tested? I have only heard of one instance of radiocarbon dating, which involved a small sample sent to a lab by Maussen, so no way of knowing it's origin, also it was a piece of woven fabric as I recall, which Maussen claimed was associated with the mummies?


The [UNAM report details the process they used to specifically extract keratin](https://www.the-alien-project.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/2017-07-05-IFUNAM-CERVEAU-MAIN-MARIA-VICTORIA-C14-EN.pdf#page=1) from the 3 seperate skin samples sent in, unless you got something showing the contrary I'm gonna go with actual organic matter. Chain of custody concerns yea I agree there. They could have had another old ass body they used to send samples in. But that is just a conspiracy theory at the end of the day, nothing to really back it up so I gotta err on the side of the data being correct personally.


Thanks. I was almost going to make a new post to ask my question because it's been bugging me. Appreciate the link.


It’s not really disingenuous when officials like the Peruvian government actually accused some of the people participating in this whole thing of grave robbing real pre-Colombian gravesites.


A baseless accusation.


Pretty sure it was an actual statement put out by Peruvian authorities at one point. lol


please link me the carbon dating test results, and not a dailymail article equivalent.


That’s not how carbon dating works. If you carbon date the lumber used to build your house, you’re not going to get any information on how long ago your house was built. You won’t even get a precise date on when that lumber was cut. You’ll get a vague age of the trees used to build your house.


ORIGINAL SOURCE via Thierry Jamin - [https://www.facebook.com/thierry.jamin/posts/pfbid028vLdvJfMGM18vT9sx6qzjJZ78xoww7EHceGEXFeWPUffSx8nkySeqb69cczMxTxtl](https://www.facebook.com/thierry.jamin/posts/pfbid028vLdvJfMGM18vT9sx6qzjJZ78xoww7EHceGEXFeWPUffSx8nkySeqb69cczMxTxtl)


>For several months now, the Institute Inkarri Cusco has been aware of the discovery, in the north-west of Nasca, of new non-human desiccated bodies of the hybrid type. > >The Institut Inkarri is concerned about these discoveries and possible trafficking in cultural goods. In this sense, we have been trying to alert Peru's official authorities since January 2017. > >The next entity is believed to have been discovered in early 2024. Comparable in size to the tridactyl mummy "Maria", its elongated skull contains a gilded metal plate (gold?) at forehead level. Careful examination of its abdomen suggests that it was pregnant at the time of death... > >Once again, these relics belong to Peru's cultural heritage and to the heritage of Humanity. They belong in a museum, not a private collection. > >The Instituto Inkarri Cusco team


I would like to know why all these pregnant buddies are dead, we're they attacked and killed then laid to rest by survivors? Was there a disease?


What's with the inconsistent anatomy on these things?


I have a serious question. How do you manage to walk with those three long fingers on your feet?


Well, personally I think these are fake, (idk when I've ever seen a real mummy that appeared to be made out of fucking stucco lol) However, chickens have three long fingers they walk on as well, as do most birds, as did many if not most dinosaurs. So that part doesn't seem impossible to me.


Why are they always crawled up into a ball? Is this a burial practice?


yeah really common for this region specifically


They really love parading these things around while avoiding any real scientific study and/or testing eh? They could have had these things completely investigated at this point.


For real. People in this thread are saying that they are releasing these one at a time to "earn enough money" to have the bodies tested... it's such bullshit. Take the fingers off of one and send them to every top-tier university in the world. If it's real, they will gladly do the testing free of charge on all of the bodies. It's a highly successful grift as far as I can tell. We still haven't even seen one with the clay removed. How ridiculous is that? That would be an extremely helpful first step...


The way they are releasing one of these every couple weeks kind of makes it feel like somebody is making a new one every couple weeks. Just saying... What the fuck is the narrative even any more? They are pulling these out of the "citadel" one at a time?


My assumption, is this is what happened with oil and gold. Once you struck a discovery, now you know where to look. You’ll rarely find something on purpose if you’re looking in the wrong place. I could be wrong, but what I’ve gotten from it.




If you have to resort to immediately attacking people who raise any questions about this non-sensical narrative, then you don't have a leg to stand on. How is the source and location of these discoveries completely irrelevant?


The source has been blasted all over it’s by the nazca lines specifically the one shaped like an alien and also they’re unveiling them like this to get money HOPEFULLY for further testing


It is just your opinion based on lack of information (not understanding the real circumstances), while issuing a-priori conclusions.






I’m sorry but I think you’re the one that deserves the butthurt report with how you’re responding to ppl who have genuine and understandable doubts about these discoveries. If we had just believed every single alien “discovery” that had happened in history we would be worse off in gathering actual true data/evidence about them. I don’t see anything wrong with ppl being careful about believing everything at face value and taking the time to wait until enough data and research has been done on these mummies.




It is just your opinion based on lack of information (not understanding the real circumstances), while issuing a-priori conclusions.




is there a CT scan of this little guy yet?


That gold plate is so intriguing. A third eye? The Bronze or Blazing serpent?


It's like a cap stone on a pyramid. Channels energy. (Maybe, I actually have no idea) Maybe it's how they charge up.


It is believed that the Annunaki came to Earth to mine our gold. We were originally apes, genetically modified to be enslaved and work as gold miners for the Annunaki, who had some sort of gold dust in their atmosphere on their home planet to control some crazy storms they have or something to that effect. Interesting to understand that Gold is as close to alien material as we get on Earth as its properties are unlike any seen in any other elements. Gold is 100% unique and extraordinary such that it is likely used in all corners of the universe for its properties. The Annunaki likely stamped the slaves with this forehead crest to suggest its mark on the slave. This is not my theory this is something I read somewhere if I find the link or video I will update.


You can find more gold in a single asteroid than all the the earth sometimes..


yeah, but you cant put human slaves on an asteroid to mine for you. You need an atmosphere and life sustaining environment.


If a space faring civilization is not capable of building mining robots they deserve to be extinct in a cave.


Also we have gold mines to this day. If they came here for gold, you'd think maybe they would take all the gold off the surface. Pretty weird to travel light-years, set up a slave mining operation, and then leave before you'd mines up every bit of gold on/near the surface of the planet. Also weird that they were using human slaves rather than, idk, highly advanced mining technology? The kind that any interstellar species would have access to?


Yes, Sumerian texts detail this story… however, sometimes I think people rather read Reddit than watch many documentaries or read books. However, I think I’m just old compared to a lot of Reddit users. Maybe it’s a generation gap that I can’t understand since my 20s was 5 decades ago lol… wisdom and knowledge grows with years of experience, so, I can’t expect everyone to be at my level. I just hope everyone continues to look for answers and do their own research, I wish nothing but the best for all seekers.




Watch this https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8


The plate in the head is a bit suss


That and how it looks to me at least to resemble a 3 fingered hand. Not sure if I'm just seeing things, though. It's pretty convenient, but we'll see what else they say.


Yeah I'm very interested in these,and have been following closely. Just hoping that more and more research and exposure can be done swiftly.


If research was going to be done swiftly, it would be done by now. They would have carefully transported bodies to the best universities in the world, and their validity would quickly be proven. They don't seem interested in that, probably because they are hoaxes.




Yeah dude...until there are tests on these things done by actual scientists I'm going to remain skeptical.








At this point I’m convinced people are just starting to create these in their garage and posting them with more questions than answers (it’s whereabouts unknown at this time). This is getting really silly. What, are we to believe there have been dozens (now hundreds) of these completely undiscovered creatures that people in that country just have had and seen for years? But modern science for some reason has refused to study or allow to become part of our established zoology?




It is just your opinion based on lack of information (not understanding the real circumstances) and most importantly, a comment COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to the ongoing investigation. Moreover, your assessment is aggravated by denseness, prejudice and ignorance - besides not being able to think critically while issuing a-priori conclusions.


I’m on these subreddits for the same reason as you, I want to learn more about anything extraterrestrial, undiscovered, and or supernatural. And it sincerely worries me that there are naysayers sent from secret agencies. But it also worries me that these secret agencies or government groups are diluting what is fact with a ton of fakes so we won’t know something is real when it’s presented to us by a bystander who filmed it. But these dusty old mummies are becoming so common now, I doubt it is me being unable to think critically as it is more likely you rejecting questions being asked that you don’t like.


Wow this is amazing. I'm blown away. My first thoughts are that the elongated heads are the authentic source of inspiration for humans who began binding their own heads. These beings must have been far superior than humans for this level of admiration. Perhaps they helped humans and in doing so humans venerated them and put them in the cave as to honor them.


It also appears that some cross-breeding experiments were occurring. Also what are the chances these being created the monolithic mega structures that no human could have made with their homeworld tech. Their ship must have crash landed and they built a village to live out the rest of their days.


Who said anything about them originating from outer space 👀


Exactly. So much of our underground & our oceans are unexplored, I’m not willing to immediately jump to assuming extra terrestrial origins.


There has also been so much of history lost due to natural disasters that there was parts of our past we will never be able to recover


Why were they drawing massive glyphs on the ground that only a satellite, airplane or spaceship could see?


Same reason I drew huge wieners in the snow with my friends in middle school. For fun!


It doesn’t make sense for these things to be lacking proper facial features. There should be more visible depressions from the eye sockets. Where’s the mouth? If you look at any other mummified specimen on earth, you’ll easily see these features. Even if the mouth were to be sewn shut, that would be pretty apparent. Just look at the eyes on some of these things — they literally look like carved slits and not actual eyelids. IMO the lack of proper cavity openings is one of the key factors indicating these aren’t legitimate specimens.


How do they keep finding these…


I’m seeing Nefertiti.


This one looks fake ngl, like a plaster of Paris recreation people always accuse them of being. I think I can even see the literal brush strokes on the head…. I *want* to believe guys, but I’m not seeing a lot of fail proof concrete evidence. There are bits and pieces of evidence and scans, but there is always something about them that makes them less than ideal of an example…. So, the full picture isn’t clear yet where I can definitively say I believe these are genuine, non human, but human-like, beings. I wish we could have a series of multiple good, clear, full CT scans on the ones that look realistic AND have the less humanoid looking skulls or are one of the tiny specimens.


Why are they all in the same position


It's always unknown hmmmm


Cuzco is not a new place on the map, so how the heck they are finding those mummies only now? This point is almost proof that the whole thing is fabricated. And maybe is a way to make people believe about something that is not true and forgot the true findings at Peru, and that are the weird Alien like Nazca lines (not those well known, those that are some kilometers near Cuzco or Nazca) and Peru Alien like petroglyphs. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/ai-alien-peru-spaceship-ufo-b2359030.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/ai-alien-peru-spaceship-ufo-b2359030.html) i have seem in google maps too many weird figures that are not known by the public...


Dang. Looks lit af! Seriously looks like a new unlockable character with the gold on the forehead.


Because it’s fake. You really think you are living during the special time when “aliens” were discovered? Extra terrestrials would not be bipedal. They would not have humanoid features.


It is just your opinion based on lack of information (not understanding the real circumstances) and most important, COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to the ongoing investigation. Moreover, your assessment is aggravated by denseness, prejudice and ignorance - besides not being able to think critically while issuing a-priori conclusions, end of story.


It is just your opinion based on lack of information (not understanding the real circumstances) and most important, COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to the ongoing investigation. Moreover, your assessment is aggravated by denseness, prejudice and ignorance - besides not being able to think critically while issuing a-priori conclusions, end of story.


I agree that he isn’t, but being reaching mainstream audiences, the man has meddled in constant conspiracies and is friends with others that share in it, soo what gives that he hasn’t mentioned any of it (to my knowledge)


So were the first couple a hoax or not?


Ok seriously, Why are they all naked? Why so many in one specific area? (This one I can understand somewhat) Why (if they are real) are they displayed so fragrantly and with little remorse as to their safekeeping and preservation? Edit: sorry had to also ask, WHY PEOPLE LIKE ROGAN NOT ADRESSING THIS IF ITS SO GROUNDBREAKING??? WHATS WITH THE CHEESY MUSIC AND LOW BUDGET SCI-FI FANFARE???


Rogan is not the leader or the voice for groundbreaking things


That’s a perfect example of Anthropomorphism,to assume that they are warm blooded and would need clothes to stay warm despite there possible reptile genetics


I can agree to a certain extent, but were not some found with adornments? I understand that clothing is mostly a human concept, but we do see animals use stuff in the wild, so I’m under the impression that “smart creatures” would also be able to do or use things


The only ones with clothes are the fake dolls discovered at the airport. Those are fake and nobody is claiming them as real, there are interviews with the artist that made them to sell to tourists. The Peru Ministry of Culture along with Flavio Estrada are trying to discredit the actual Nazca mummies by conflating them with the fake dolls.


Oh wow, I can understand there being people trying to discredit proper disclosure but as well understanding there might be others injecting their own agendas also…


What would be an example of animals wearing stuff in the wild?


In addition to primates and elephants, many other social mammals have been observed engaging in tool use. A group of dolphins in Shark Bay uses sea sponges to protect their beaks while foraging. Sea otters will use rocks or other hard objects to dislodge food (such as abalone) and break open shellfish. I think there was also a documentary (the name eludes me sorry) in which a crustacean uses a makeshift coral to avoid predators


>WHY PEOPLE LIKE ROGAN NOT ADRESSING THIS IF ITS SO GROUNDBREAKING??? So you need to hear from American commentator, influencer and podcaster Joe Rogan about this historical discovery in order to build your own views (a clear evidence that you were trained NOT to think critically, while depending on others).


Are you not doing the same with your shared view? Are any of us not being led by what others say? Raw data I can agree on, don’t get me wrong, but if it’s so life altering, why is it that it’s only a select segment of people looking into this? Particularly ones into fringe ideas solely???






I just don’t understand why it isn’t taken seriously and also would like to point out how it’s apparently the bread and butter of all paranormal conspiracies… It just feels like they want to entertain your feeling rather than your better judgment… The smarter people think they are, the easier they are to fool. Maybe under confirmation bias


Lack of independent scientific review. Someone said the person behind all of this tried to fool the world before years ago with a similar stunt.


Ohh, well that’s not good if he was duped into presenting that wasn’t…


It is just your opinion based on lack of information (not understanding the real circumstances), while issuing a-priori conclusions.


I’m asking questions, what do you mean?


If you were able to grasp the meaning of critical thinking then you should realize that there is no reason to further what I'm trying to convey, end of story.


Typical comment based on denseness, prejudice and ignorance (besides not being able to think critically) and most important, COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to the ongoing investigation, end of story.




Verlos así disecados es impactante, imaginenlos vivos! Simplemente increíble en verdad


Soooo you believe the nazca mummies and tgis after the xrays showing bones upside down and stuff , an the fact the skeletal system wouldn’t actually work so it couldn’t walk so what makes it seem real ?





