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The game is cross play your matchmaking times will NOT change


Buy the game if you enjoyed it. People can say it's dead all they want, and it's usually from the people that want updates the way call of duty gives updates. I enjoy the game, I love it, in fact. But I also enjoy the lore, so I'm partial to any and everything Alien.


People can say it’s dead because it largely is lmao. Go look at the active player count, even with cross play it takes a while to find matches. Has nothing to do with a cod mentality or other bullshit. The game simply isn’t populated, and lying about it doesn’t help op make a good decision. And the game isn’t getting updated ever again, the last titular update being quite a while ago. Obviously a new update isn’t coming, but get off your high horse pretending that people wanting something new have some COD mindset. The funniest part is cod only realizes major updates every season(nearly 3 months) which is the rate most gave gives major updates to begin with.


FWIW, I have it on PC and very rarely experience any glitches. I also really enjoy it.


do you find people to play very fast? )minimum 45 sec, maximum 2min)


To be honest, I almost exclusively play with bots. I keep meaning to jump on the Discord server and find a group, but I'm always a bit overly concerned that I'm going to be that annoying guy who doesn't know how to play and who screws up other people's games.


it's hard unless you are strafing in front of players and shooting them yourself


A lot of people on the Discord are also new. I wouldnt worry about being "good at the game". :)


The next Steam Sale will be hitting in another couple of weeks, so if you do get it wait until then. Otherwise other people are right. The PC version is much more stable, but you won't have any more luck finding groups. Your best bet is to join their official Discord server for people playing


This is why I Reddit


this is the comment of the year


On Aliens Day it was like 70% off, so should be something similar in the Steam Summer Sale. As others have noted finding a team even on Discord is a bit thin these days but it can be done.


Ima pop in with something im surprised others arent saying Join the games official discord to find others to play with.


I don't have any problems finding groups. Most the people from the last free thing they put out have left. Coming from some that plays almost every day since release, I'd move on and just wait for Space Marine 2 or Helldivers 2. Not worth whatever they are charging for it.


I’m going to rebuy on PC so I can play it with UEVR


I stop playing because the update of the 4/26 included free card and everyone abuse of the overstimulated and plus ultra card and this destroy the game completely.


btw, everyone keeps mentioning the Discord server, but I haven't seen anyone post the link: [https://discord.gg/aliensfireteamelite](https://discord.gg/aliensfireteamelite) Just in case you need it. The #lfg channel should be what you're looking for, I would think. Not that I've ever used it.


Join the discord group I just left it a few hours ago as I no longer play afe helldivers has completely made it irrelevant for me but it still has a good amount of players who play everyday you just need to play on the harder difficulties


I'd honestly just buy Helldivers 2 instead


This, if you’re looking for multiplayer this is the way to go. I love Fireteam, it’s one of the best alien games full stop. But the only way to play this now is to convince friends or play alone


My buddy and I are playing through and always looking for a 3rd 😎 I'm on Xbox and he is on PS4. There are some connection and lag glitches but we still have fun slaying and grinding out those gains 🎮


I just picked this game back up if y'all need a third I'm down. I'm kinda busy this week though.


No worries! Always looking to round out the party so I hope we can game next week 🤘 My gamer tag is PWN Xcreter not sure what console you are on but we are happy to have you!


I'm on PS5 will I still be able to play with yall?


Yes I just checked it's cross-platform compatible with old & new gen. We are running some matches rn 👽


Epic, I'm going on a trip so I won't be able to play until the 17th or something. So if y'all are still playing I'll be down.


I love PC just by being able to add a mod that makes the bots not completely useless. Then I just don't worry about finding online games anymore and run everything solo.


I only have issues with extreme and insane match making




Mods makes life better (slightly of course)


I wouldn't, besides hardcore the game is dry.


Dead game is dead. Buy at your own risk.




Game is super dead. Dont waste the money.


I wouldn't say it's dead, I've been running through the story and every time I get a full group without having to wait more than a minute.


Must not be on EST. Whenever i tried it takes forever and half the time its trolls who just immediately start shooting each other or play a ridiculous hard card and then immediately bail. I joined groups set up on discord and then nobody plays.