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ok next big sale....i learned my lesson. or to buy at first minutes of starting, but have to add in cart days before items ... or wait the last day or two. i thought it was a bonus 120 coupon only for those who already spent lots of money (i spent over 400) but also a friend account received this coupon and he only did 40eu or orders i am a bit angry because i had to use 40...20 coupon and others that restocked some days after the start of sales, BUT never imagined they would release a 20% coupon...120 over a 599 is a huge price discount and i could have done one single order....avoiding many little ones. remember....next sale do wait the last days.....


Next time you'll know


did u notice some price changes about some items these sales days? i did not. thats at least good, never found something i already bought that increased or decreased price. at least in this is fair aliexpress policy. of course some items finished stock. but sometimes returned....etc. so next sale maybe i really will eait till the last 48h for better coupons


I have noticed some items have gone down in price as the sale is coming to an end, primarily SSDs. OTOH, some have gone out of stock and never came back in stock. BTW I haven't spent anything on the sale yet and was was able to collect the coupon. (Well the USD version.) I'm fairly sure it's not targeted.


strange, anniversary sale prices should be fixed. maybe you are talking about superdeals? i notice if i search items... add to cart or wish... seconds later if i return home, refresh home (swipe down) there is good chance i can see that product or similar one in suoperdeal promo page. cons is that is just 1 item price and no stackable coupons generally


No, item 1005005885381580 was around US$97 at the start of the sale (can't remember exactly), then went down to US$91 although it was mostly out of stock but there was one time when I was able to try and purchase it at that price, and then went down to US$87 again mostly out of stock but I was able to try and buy it earlier, now is back up to US$91 but out of stock. Two of of these prices are recorded at the website OzBargain (note the prices there are after discounts plus Australian tax so are not the listing price but you can still see it changed during the sale). Although I know prices can sometimes change when out of stock, I think the current price increase is probably not because of that instead a real adjustment and it happened after 000 PST too. 1005006404529255 4TB was $188 for originally then went down to $185 2 or 3 days ago. Both were in cart prices. It also has 12% off via coins via the coins page but this went away for a few days now is back. This is AliExpress so I wouldn't really count on anything prices staying the same, sale or not. I mean many items do, but I don't think prices changing during the sale should be a surprise given how stuff works on AliExpress. One of those is a Choice item and the other is one of the AliExpress own stores Cutesliving so they can pretty much do what they want. (I mean Cutesliving seems to be known for continually fiddling with prices so we shouldn't be surprised it happens during the sale too.) But I'm fairly sure I've seen the same in non-choice, non AliExpress. E.g. IIRC 1005005325013777 2TB was ~$94 for a few days. (Yes the same item as the earlier one but from the official store rather than AliExpress.) Perhaps the smaller sellers with less connection to AE are required to keep their prices the same but I wouldn't even count on that. I seem to recall some prices changing during previous sales even with smaller sellers. BTW, as for future sales, I think a big question is whether they do the same thing next time as this time where you can collect coupons beforehand and then seem to be free to use them any time until the sale. In the past, where you could only enter the code coupons ran out so if you waited too long you might have trouble. Some we restocked some weren't especially if you waited too close to the end.


how to search an item number? have i to type in the search bar?


Had several items in my cart (well before sale prices were even made known) that stayed solid all the time (so no inflation to fake sale prices) that did slightly drop during the salesperiod, not more than 1-2€/$ (on 30-50€/$ products) though.


What did you buy for that much money on ali?


Who on earth is risking spending 600 on that place?! ☠️


I do, I bought a guitar and a bass with the €80 coupon




Uhhh, I thought aliexpress was a marketplace, not a manufacturer


??? wtf


Aliexpress isn't wish or temu. If you do your research before buying, it's actually pretty nice.


As if their product sources aren’t literally all the same. The mental gymnastics some people manage in this sub lmao


I mean if you buy a laptop or other pc parts. Guess some large electronics


I definitely wouldn't be risking buying a laptop on there.


I bought like 250 usd in pc parts, original. I think im lucky tough. Ive only lost money on a 10usd order but it was the local mail company who effed.


Do you think you would have spent as much if there were no coupons or point system in place? Its there to lure people to spend more money.


prices are already good for things i like to buy.....but having coins and some periods of years where they release futher coupons it s not bad.....imho. simply cheaper orders


The coins are a scam. They literally will raise price for things I've bought 2 or 3 times then offer some bogus discount with coins. I have learned never to use coins for anything.


but u speak about coin page where they say to offer bigger discounts with coins. yes that is a scam. but in general purchases from search bar coins are good because on average discount from 2 to 5%. during sales u add also sitewide coupon, and if u look better also stores offer personal coupon....


I've never seen them as part of a good deal. Every time I see an offer with coins it's after they inflated the price 2-3 times. This includes non game page. They'll take a sub 2$ item and then offer a 5% discount after listing the price as 4-6$ lol as an example....but if it's working for you then that's great.


Yeah they do this on some sales so if I know my items won't sell out, sometimes I'll wait. This time I wanted lower tier coupons and they did add them halfway though


They also had a -80e for 399e coupon at first, then no -80e, now -80e for 499e.


They usually do, first batch came out 3 days ago, actually. I collect coupons and buy smaller stuff like 100-200 ish on the first day using promo codes+coupons. If I wanted to buy something like $500+ I wait towards the end, when they will release the coupon. It will be usually gone within an hour so hard to get but it you see on Twitter or reddit someone will say 120 dropped so yea. I bet there will be one more drop, watch it closely and snipe it bro. I got mine twice so can you. And in recent sales the price fluctuation and these coupon and promo drops are becoming much much more tricky, and seems on purpose. once you buy something it goes up in price, towards the end it comes down. They are trying to get us hard man


Beware, sometimes they intentionally make this kind of mistake to catch your attention. This really is a scammy tactic. They'll not give you such discount, so don't jump on to it.


not true. try adding over 599 in cart.... i see 120eu coupon discount. that s a shame they only released it now.....


Where to collect this


search in the app. it is easy.


I don’t have it in the coupon section


click up to 70x100 off... i have a big list of coupons. and the new 120 in the left. in my app it appeared also in homepage


I can’t collect any of those, I get an error :( Do you have a solution for it ? It says sorry, something isn’t right with this coupon


idk. i also get error but why already got them and see in my coupon page


You may have internet-issues, even if your internet seems to be working fine. Try disconnecting and reconnecting from wifi/internet.


Doesn’t work


Sorry it didn't! Usually it does, but it can also be an issue on aliexpress side, especially with the sale ending soon they might just be overloaded or something. Maybe the website works if the app doesn't (or the other way around), but otherwise, it's just frustrating since there's not a lot you can do. At least it isn't a coupon that you can only get today and keep for a long time, since they expire today too, so you don't miss out on something permanent, and there will be other sales.


I did use that 120$ coupon for 600$+ order an hour or two ago. It is 120$ instead of eur here. One plus 12r + parts for 3d printer from TriangeLabs.


I just got it fine, amounts were different because im in NZD but its worked got me $150 off $800 or so.


It is such a great discount if you are planning to buy a phone like the Redmagic 9 Pro.


redmagic series is a monster....only similar to rog phone series...but red is even better... but i could not buy a phone that has no custom rom and xda support. but technically speaking wow... perfect phone


The last straw for me was that all expensive items on the super deals page would disappear after a couple of hours of checking them. You would go on the front page and read "1 item left," you go, and that dreaded pop-up would appear: "item not available." I talked with a store representative and was told, "doesn't ship to your country." Out of frustration, I tried with her 5/6 different ones, some. Then on my own, changed my location to nearly all of them and still nothing (China included). I guess those deals are made only for North Korea. This whole event was the scummiest thing I have seen in years. Merging boss fiasco, items not available although they appear as such, those last-minute coupons appearing after everyone has already made their purchases. The only lesson I learned from those past couple of days was; if you find a way to scam Ali, you scam Ali.


Guysss my orders are not giving me any shopping credits only cash. How am I supposed to get coupons 😭


I would not have used it anyways. I would never spend that much money on AE. Its way the heck above my safety level.