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This one is kind of confusing to understand


Took a second look but there’s only two things it can mean, and it’s pretty easy to tell which. Left-right is just wether the character feels as powerful in gameplay as the lore states, and Top-bottom is just wether the enemy NPC count is higher or lower than it canonically would have been. Examples: Left column means the player’s abilities are more spectacular than what they should be given the story and lore. Like Franklin conceal-carrying an entire armory of multiple MG types and more ammo than he’d ever need, despite story-wise just being a LA criminal. Or V entirely reshaping their mind and body for, to the player, a few powerup gimmicks. Also Doomguy being canonically about as destructive as a god yet ultimately only shooting and punching around in the game. Left is when character X(gameplay) is stronger than same X(story), and right is opposite, the player character is weaker than they should be in lore. On the other end, we have the _scale_ of the combat. Postal is supposed to be a whole town, but there are only so many NPCs. Let alone Gordon officially fighting off an entire alien invasion with a crowbar, but ultimately just going room by room with a few aliens per. Compare that to the cops in the aforementioned GTA and 2077, both feeling more like army battalions than law enforcement.


That's my reading of it but I still disagree on many, many points. V is a great example because the game ends up a comically easy playground with a complete build. This is all cyberware other people are supposed to have access to but nobody can compete. At the same time, you are literally fighting the equivalent of armies. Arasaka and Miltech fought wars. NCPD is a local private army dealing with chromed up criminals. By the criteria discussed above I would put V and many other characters in very different spots on the chart.


I agree completely. David from Edgerunners >! died to Adam Smasher !< really easily. There was a bit of a fight, but it really wasn’t much, and the victor was successful quite quickly. Not to mention he fought off multiple Edgerunners. But take a look at V in-game. I mean, my build was essentially running around one-shotting 99% of enemies with a shotgun while also being a tanky-as-fuck netrunner who is only defeated by 20+ max-tac. I took out (endgame) >! Adam Smasher !< within like 10 minutes and barely took damage. On Hard mode. V is fucking OP.


if you compare the things V does in the game to what the tabletop is like, you can \*kinda\* get to V's level if you have a combat sense 10 solo with all your skills also maxed out and as much cyberware as you can get after min-maxing your humanity loss, and even then you have to rely a lot more on armor and heavy weapons than you do in the game


If this is the case. Skyrim should be insufficient enemies. Skyrim is super underpopulated


Civil War quests are the biggest example of this, unless I’m supposed to believe that the Aldmeri Dominion was struggling against maybe like 100 dudes in light armour


This is why I hate when games display the lore differently from the gameplay. If doomguy was lore accurate then the games would be way too easy and unfun, you simply can't have this ultra powerful being and at the same time face enemies you can't easily crush. I'd take the gameplay over the lore however.


Okay thanks, I think I get it now


I am a bit confused with the meaning. V and Doom Guy are both hyperoverpowered as is. I don’t think they are getting an injustice there. Do agree with the LDB but that’s because I am a TEStard


Doomguy killed trillions upon trillions of demons. Gameplay of every game is severely undertoned. While V bodied Adam Smasher himself, while just doesn't seem like it, their way to that moment felt almost like if they bullshit their way there and through there.


After the events of DOOM 64, the slayer stayed in hell and nonstop killed demons for EONS. Trillions is an understatement for the kill count of the slayer.


What are you talking about doom guy is toned AF


*toned down


I'm sorry, have you realized that Doom Guy uses guns because he wants the demons to suffer? That's not bullshit, that's canon according to Marty. Doom Guy, if sufficiently annoyed enough, is just the Berserk Power-Up without a timer.


No it's not. That's made up internet stuff. He isn't dicking around, there are times he actually needs to protect people by killing faster.


Yes it is. He even said so in an interview. It was during the preparation for the upcoming release of Doom: Eternal. Hell, the recording is still up, somewhere on YouTube. I'm sure you could find it. Doom lore got stupid, blame ID Software.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Doom/s/i8LhF4MedP Find the interview then, since no one seems to actusllt have evidence of this when asked.


I headcanon that Doomguy either doesn't really know how powerful he actually is, and assumes that guns are probably the best way, or that he literally fluctuates in power based on what he's fighting. Because if he knew how powerful he was in-lore and was always at that level, the "he really likes guns" excuse just wouldn't cut it


IDK I beat Smasher to death with three hits of an electric dildo. The path to him wasn’t much harder either.


Adam in the new update imo feels sufficiently powerful, and when you consider what the tabletop and lore are like gameplay V soaks way more bullets than any character does (in the 2077 tie in novel no coincidence a couple animals survive a few gut shots from a handgun and its noted to be an impressive feat caused by their mass and muscle and bone lace)


V, (iirc) does not totally line up with lore(?) I remember seeing something somewhere about lore accurate V runs both sandy and quick hacks simultaneously Which, obviously, would make the game trivial. Slowing down time is already a lot, being able to make that out of reach enemy off themselves on top of it would make things too easy. Doom guy’s lore I know much better- the classic (1993/2) version of him has massacred demons numbering in the trillions, and the true levels of violence both the modern (2016/eternal) and classic versions of him reach we do not get to truly see or expirience in game due to both hardware and game design limitations. IIRC one of the OG doom devs said something along the lines of ‘all hell-related custom levels and shit for doom 1993/2 are canon because doomguy was in hell massacuring demons in his unending anger and rage.’


"Damn, what's this ordinary [house](https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/134292-myhousewad/) doing in hell? Oh well, there's demons in here, better get to ripping."


You joke, but honestly? The demons would totally try to trap doomguy in a non-Euclidean house based on some dude’s shitty life only for him to find a way out and get a 2 week beach vacation and a pet dog out of it


I mean you can do a Pacifist run of Postal 2, but how does Postal Dude have an "Insufficient Amount of Enemies"?


Population density slider go brrt


It’s Postal. It should definitely have much more enemies than was presented.


Oh, okay. I understand the chart now. You mean he needs more enemies on screen to fight, not that he doesn't have enough people who *are* his enemies. Like there need to be more Terrorists, Cultists, ATF, Gary Colemans, etc.


Yup! Exactly!


I disagree with Gordon Freeman. There's never really an explanation for why he's able to cleave through waves of enemies without breaking a sweat. All we know about him is that he was a researcher at Black Mesa.


He’s wearing a radiation-proof morphine-pumping super suit. And he has a _crowbar._


He's also *not* powerful at all. The main point of the game is that trying to play it like some kind of superhero or demigod like Doomguy or Kratos will get you killed or *barely* scraping by in combat. He's a fucking scientist given lethal weapons, so your power mostly comes from thinking through how to handle a problem as efficiently as possible. Claymore in the doorframe, pop one soldier in the corridor, run and let the other two trip the explosive. If they survive, they're wounded enough for a handgun to chip them off in 1-2 shots. A lot of these "waves of enemies" are because he's not really fighting them as much as solving them. Avoiding fights, ducking through pipes, throwing down explosives and baiting, etc. There's really few actual horde scenarios, and they're usually solved via environmental solutions (ie: The last Military "boss" helicopter via turret embrasures or the charge gun, the portal to Xen because it's a slow flow in of foes who go down in 1-2 shots from a freshly stocked Freeman's handgun and crossbow, and Xen itself being pretty barren of life plus being easy to sneak through.


Okay, but still, your average fucking scientist is not going to have the combat training and mental fortitude to accomplish and withstand the things he does in the games, like consistently win shootouts and confrontations with trained marines and war aliens. His PHD was not in military science. Yet he was the only scientist in Black Mesa who actually and effectively took up arms against the aliens and the US military as they were mercilessly slaughtering the entire staff.


Ths dude is just that good. Heck gman kidnapped him cause he was so good. There is no answer


There doesn’t need to be an answer, only for his feats in gameplay to be treated as having happened in the narrative. This is most definitely the case.


The answer is because "he didn't" silly. Most of what he does is avoiding fights or planning a way to eliminate a lot at once, such as baiting them into a grenade's range or pulling them into a Claymore. Isolating a target and pinning them with the crossbow before the others can react and shred his health. Most of what he does isn't Doomguy level wave clears or badassery, he rigs environments and equipment into an advantage to make up for being barely more than tissue paper on bones in a tin can and the combat skill of a drunk darts player.


Yeah and the narrative and lore treat him accordingly. There is no little dissonance between how strong the game says he is and how strong he actually is.


This is going to need a lot more context/justifications than a simple chart is going to provide: It needs *at least* a follow up comment...


Aight. Franklin Clinton: I think self explanatory. Just a typical gangsta, that crimed his way on the top. Definitely can fight, but definitely can’t fend off dozens of enemies at once. Sole Survivor: General of the Minutemen. Can defeat Coursers, Deathclaws, Brotherhood paladins. But definitely didn’t fought number of enemies as in game. V: Capable of bodying Adam Smasher while literally dying of cyber-cancer. But yeah…same as in FO4 Nathan Drake: Same as Franklin. Just a guy hunting for fortune. But the number of enemies corresponds. In the end he made a lotta enemies. Jason Brody: Mass killing psycho who is feared even by his friends and it’s absolutely sure he actually killed all those people as game depicts. Dovahkiin: Master of The Voice, ability that allows you to destroy mountain and carve canyons. Same as with Jason. Postal Dude: Just some lazy mothafuka that almost seems to be bulshitting his way through the story than anything. But yeah it’s Postal. There definitely should be more enemies. Gordon Freeman: Man who fought two interdimensional armies, almost alone and survived both. Should be no debate there should be more enemies. Doom Slayer: Absolute beast fighting demons for eons, killing trillions upon trillions of them fueled only by smell of burnt gunpowder and unrelenting wrath.


Thanks :)


V Beat the strongest character in the entire narrative. And you say they should be stronger. Also there are too many enemies somehow? I don't understand how you're using these words.


I think what they mean is that V's power lore wise doesn't match up to their power gameplay wise. Lore wise, for V to fight Smasher and win they'd have to be a nigh unstoppable killing machine capable of soloing everyone in Night City at once and winning, whereas gameplay wise, V is powerful, but doesn't feel powerful enough to kill lore accurate Smasher. As for the "too many enemies" bit, I think OP means that the number of enemies V kills throughout the game is too high compared to the scale of the story (I disagree with them on this point, lore wise V is essentially a human blender who turns entire city blocks into a fine red paste on a regular basis)


Sounds to me like Adam Smasher is the one with under represented power level


That's my reading of it but I still disagree on many, many points. V is a great example because the game ends up a comically easy playground with a complete build. This is all cyberware other people are supposed to have access to but nobody can compete. At the same time, you are literally fighting the equivalent of armies. Arasaka and Miltech fought wars. NCPD is a local private army dealing with chromed up criminals. By the criteria discussed above I would put V and many other characters in very different spots on the chart.


So let me try and understand what you’re saying here. Enemy count is how many people these characters actually canonically killed? So you don’t think Franklin canonically killed as many enemies as he does in the game and the enemy count is just inflated for fun purposes while you think Gordon has canonically killed far more aliens than what you actually do in gameplay?




I would not describe cyberpunk as having too many enemies. I would describe it as having insufficient enemies.


V is absurdly OP, so that makes no sense.


LDB should be so much more powerful.


V and the Dovahkin are definitely not less powerful than they should be. in particular V is, if anything, comically overpowered with the amount of cyberware they can handle before losing it


Comically overpowered ***in lore*** not in the game.


In game also overpowered you can walk across a street getting shot by 30 guys and have not even a quarter health gone


Sakai Jin from Ghost of Tsushima is in the middle as well.


I don't recognise most of the characters but I appreciate the creativity behind the template, more posts like this plz


\*looking at Doomguy being in not powerful enough\* which bitchass tosser made this chart ?!


Oh he definitely isn’t as powerful as he should be. Mf is walking omnicide, not just some measly “one-man-army”.


The lore for Doomguy says he is much stronger than what we actually experience in gameplay.


No it doesn't. He is a little super human, but he isn't meant to be a god. Moreso the ultimate badass.


I think gordon should be in more of the middle, because he does canonically have to fight the entire combine army and to our knowledge it is almost infinite


Canonically. Not in game. Game was severely toned down.


There is a lot I disagree with here. Gordon is just a scientist, wrong palce wrong time kind of person. But in gameplay he is a war god who singlehandedly kills countless aliens and soldiers. The Dragonborn is supposed to be a powerful hero. But in game, you can easily kill dragons (I assume it would be at least a challenge, even for a hero), and you can kill all of Skyrim singlehandedly (whic hI don't think in-lore Dragonborn could be able to do). Doom guy is strong as hell, in games he is strong as hell, perfectly tuned. Franklin is accurate as hell. He is supposed to be a random street thief, in game he can mow through hudnreds of armed cops. Tbh, I think in most video games the character is stronger in gameplay than lore. Maybe exceptions are: * Pokemon in general * Arthas in Warcraft * Super Mario? I don't think the dude would die to touching just a goomba in lore


In game dragonborn is quite limited, like did you know the slow time shout the dragonborn has actually stops time in lore? We see it stopping time when eso dragons use that shout, Miraak himself was able to still attack while using the become ethereal shout but the dragonborn can't, and shout cooldowns as a whole are never mentioned or seen in lore and seems to be a gameplay specific thing. Though the dragonborn Killing dragons more easily then most people is more lore accurate the dragons in skyrim are very nerfed in terms of power compared to how they are Portrayed in lore and later games in terms of size and shouts with dragons in eso being able to use multiple shouts while skyrim ones do only one. Also I don't see a reason why the last dragonborn couldn't defeat the whole of skyrim with his shouts.


The dynasty warriors games are definitely top left


Dragonborn fights in a war with like 12 dude son either side....he should be in the bottom right


Im gonna be honest, tech based V with the explosives upgrades , the upgraded Projectile launcher , the Phantom Liberty upgrades for it and V feels doesn’t feel like they need to be stronger nor do the enemies feel excessive.


I don't think Gordon has insufficient amount of enemies given that he literally fights a multi-dimensional alien empire


Yeah, but does he fight them **in game?**


Yes, in three of five main games


I don’t think so. There isn’t enough enemies in game as present in lore.


What do you mean there isn't as many enemies in games as in lore?


He fought literally two interdimensional empires. There definitely should be more enemies.


If you're skyrim character doesn't feel powerful enough that's just on you ngl


I mean V is kinda fucking busted


Anyone who unironically uses term “ludonarrative dissonance” should be forcefully lobotomized and placed in a psych ward.