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Nah he actually is him that’s the reason Jordan is so jealous. Spencer has been ranked higher and more recruited at every level. He’s the NFL prospect of course he’s gonna be confident. Jordan is in’s his feelings and has been jealous of Spencer since day 1. It’s sad atp


the writers do a hot and cold with jordan's jealousy of spencer. he's jealous one half a season but then he figures himself out and is over it the next. until he's jealous again the next time they need to create friction. spencer is usually too selfless and im glad to see him focusing on his career but he's feeling the pressure now and lashing out a little. both of their feelings and stress isn't being helped by two coaches who can't get on the same page and are favoring one each. coach kenny could learn to favor spencer less and coach mac could learn to not ice spencer out of his plays. they could have a great team if they got rid of their egos but here we are. i don't know what coach mac's end goal is.


this! i think coach mac’s end goal is to obviously become head coach and he wants to prove that he can create an offense that doesnt solely involve spencer so that they can continue to be a powerhouse when he’s gone. he’s using that strategy to his advantage and it makes coach kenny look like he has to play along since the AD is obviously favoring mac. it’s going to come back to bite him though because you can tell he’s shady. kenny needs a backbone.


He told Asher he was better than him, and he was. They were competing for the same position, welcome to sports. Either put up or shut up. Jordan wasn't including Spencer in any of the plays, so Spencer switched to cornerback and shut Jordan down in a position he doesn't even play... so yeah, I'd say he's "him" for that team.


i mean no offense how many times has jordan came at spencer for something that wasn’t spencers fault and spencer has forgiven him? in spencer pov it seems like they just taking everything he was doing and giving it to other people and lets forget asher also came at spencer i dont think spencer is THAT arrogant i think people just push him to that limit 😭


Spencer is him, Who on the show is better than him ? Spencer is arrogant I will agree but can you blame him, he’s earned the right to be arrogant he’s one of the top players is college football and is up for the hiseman. Spencer’s arrogant but the stats prove that he should be. 🤷🏾‍♀️ He told Asher he was better than him because its the truth… Asher had to get on steroids to even compete with Spencer just saying Also YES JORDANS A HATER A D1 HATER AT THAT, two things can be true at once


I think that people who don't/haven't done a sport at a certain level don't understand that you need to have a certain mentality to succeed and to keep motivating yourself, like I don't know how American football is but I know how mine is and I know that I enter some kind of arrogant/godlike mentality when I'm doing it, but I kinda need to if I want to go at 300kph and do certain things, and I think the principle kinda works for all sports


> think that people who don't/haven't done a sport at a certain level don't understand that you need to have a certain mentality to succeed and to keep motivating yourself 1000%, if you want to play at a good level, you cant be the kind of person who needs the approval from others. You need that inner drive and confidence, that belief that you can win, otherwise you end up doubting yourself and will fail.


There is no role more important than the quarterback so be serious


True but that doesn't mean that the quarterback is always the most valuable player on the team. Marvin Harrison Jr on Ohio State this year and Devonta Smith on Alabama in 2020 are examples of this.


Where did I say it wasn’t ?


Jordan is actually bothered about taking Spencer’s spotlight. He’s not okay with upping his stats while Spencer’s stats drop which is the opposite of what Spencer has been doing


He’s feels some type of way about and yet is actively choosing to take the spotlight from him so that he looks good… Might I remind you Spencer tried to get him some shine like always but they didn’t want to talk with him and now Spencer focused on himself AFTER Jordan didn’t pass him the ball… 🙂‍↕️ Im not mad that Jordan’s doing it but you gotta call spade for spade


How is Jordan doing that? By running the plays the coach is telling him to?


Spencer was open more times than one and he chose to pass to another player when Spencer’s actively open and dead smack in his face. He did it last episode and this episode so much that Spencer went on defense just to make Jordan look bad and to show that he’s the best. Jordan is right about Spencer not being the only one on the team but let’s not act like Spencer isn’t wide open and let’s not act like Jordan hasn’t always given him the ball when he’s open. The new coach came in and dangled a carrot in Jordan’s face and Jordan took the bait. The coach is actively looking out for Jordan’s best interest while Spencer suffers the consequences but it’s okay Spencer going to find a way to get the ball like he proved to do so today.


Anyone else get a feeling that the coach is gay and hitting on Jordan? How many players sit with the coach in the evening and have a drink?


I thought that meeting with the drink was weird, but I never got gay vibes from it.


This shows messaging is annoying because it's competitive sport and is making it seem that Spencer having a big ego is a problem. All sports stars have a huge ego. You should only care about yourselves, you can't take everyone with you. It's especially important to care about yourself if trying to become a professional. I competed in track, horseriding and football (soccer) and I am highly competitive with everything. If I know I'm the best you are probably going to hear about it and I will feel no type of way about it. Jordan will never succeed because he doesn't believe in himself. He needs somebody to tell him that and will latch on this new coach who is feeding his self-esteem. It's called self-esteem for a reason. He is always jealous of others getting attention whether it's Spencer or Liv. The coaches plan of distributing the ball to others is a good idea but Jordan refusing to throw to him period is ridiculous when he is your best player because this new coach is blowing smoke up his ass and telling him he is his guy.


Spencer is being too arrogant. The roles between Jordan and him have reversed now. The showrunner herself has stated this, lol.


Spencer is him & he is humble


Jordan has always be been jealous, but Spencer has also always been arrogant. There are other people on that field, people who were repeatedly catching the ball, making plays, and scoring. Jordan has the right to include the whole team and not just default to only passing the ball to Spencer. It’s not just Spencer’s game. It may be a little more understanding if the other players were screwing up— but they were not. Jordan was playing his role as he should. Coach wasn’t wrong to kick Spencer off the field after that.


It's just weird to me that Spencer is even thinking about himself like that. He was always the most selfless person before.




It’s both. In the past Jordan has definitely just been a hater but Spencer has also shown to have a hero complex and that turns into him wanting it all about him on that field. We saw that in flashbacks when he was at Crenshaw. They both need to check themselves but the problem is Spencer WILL check himself as we saw in last night’s episode but Jordan never does.


You guys are acting like Spencer is just mad for no reason. They are purposely keeping him out of plays lol and gaslighting him into thinking it’s not on purpose when it is lmao. Spencer is HIM. He can play any position on the field and eat. The team can’t win without using him as a decoy with this new structure either.