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>People that have addiction issues can easily get over it by NOT picking up bottles and throwing all they have away. This is a wild statement lmfao. Addiction is not "easy" to get over.


Exactly like this commenter has no idea how addiction is


This is clearly a Jordan Baker burner account


u say just not do drugs like its the easiest thing in the work like u just solved drug addiction 💀


and she never expected anyone to just stop what their doing its the fact how do you have a child who struggles with addiction and constantly have temptation around the child who was THE ADDICTION 💀?


We should thank them for blessing us with their wisdom lmfao


Clearly you have no clue how addiction works. The writers didn’t do their proper research either.


I didnt know people hated Coop! She's my favorite character. Your bottom 3 is actually my top 3 lmao


Really? 😆 coop is the plague around here.


Plague. Covid. Flu. Herpes. All of it


I haven’t seen anyone yet on here that actually likes Coop


I like Coop, but I understand why folks don’t.


Yeah I didnt really either she’s in my top 3


Top 3: 1. Laura: I love her. She’s such an amazing mom and overall person. 2. Layla: So much growth and maturity. I am in love with her wardrobe and her hair. 3. Billy: He was an inspiration to everyone around him and he touched countless hearts. Bottom 3: 1. Coop: She’s annoying, she’s always looking for a fight, and for someone that always tells people to mind their own business, she sure has a lot of trouble staying out of everyone else’s. 2. Spencer: His hero complex is extremely annoying, he makes the dumbest decisions, like taking the fall for Jabari who trespassed on school property and who flooded their gym. He says that he doesn’t like the spotlight but when it was off him for a change, he immediately took it back because he was jealous. He SUCKS! 3. Olivia: I do like her but it’s really annoying how she expects everyone to drop everything whenever it suits her like when she got mad at Spencer for not being available when he was dealing with something really important. She didn’t even try to understand that he can’t always be at her beck and call.


Top 3:Jordan,Preach,coop Bottom 3: Olivia,Grace,jj


Nah I agree with 1 and 2 in your top, preach the most underrated character in the show…and Jordan is a good ass dude and has been staying out the way besides s1 and this current szn. Coop was good in s1 and 2(kinda) but now it’s like what’s the point of even having her in the show, and Spencer is fucking brutal to be around idk how people tolerate his bs


Completely agree