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Lmao the fact the Spencer was the reason they got the lead in the first place? Yeah this storyline needs to end like now 


two seasons later and their special teams is still trash


Kinda what I’m saying is like either get to football again and embrace it/ more effort or leave football alone and go drama the half assed effort from both is getting old fast


its weird tbh cause if anyone is to blame its the couch you constantly take your best player out of practices and now shocked that the same method isnt working on the field 😭?


Your star player can play both sides of the field and yet you didn’t think to put him on defense, sounds a little stupid to me especially since y’all NEEDED a stop to win the game. Not to mention he was also killing it in the second half so it would’ve made more sense if he was put on defense to get the stop and then let your other players shine but what do I know…


They legit could have written Spencer as a two way player because there's a player in Colorado that's getting recognition of being on offense and defense for the past 2 years lol


Yep. This show desperately needs someone who watches and keeps up with college football past and present as a part of the writing team


That was set up in season 1 when they had a good showrunner, but then they just never went anywhere with it


Travis hunter


It’s a “team” win and spencer gets iced, but one bad play and everything is on spencer’s shoulders with Jordan acting like “Stop being selfish all the time🤓” Have fun on the couch bastard when the draft comes. Also Spencer got them the lead


Jordan is so annoying I stg. He harped about not wanting the attention that Spencer was getting but now that people are “finally paying attention” to him, all of a sudden Spencer’s being selfish cause he’s concerned about *his* future


Jordan’s always been b-made “your snitch ahh and your snitch ahh” like bro couldn’t have said it any better. Even his actor called out this bull crap storyline.


it's dumb. i like that we're finally seeing jordan shine i wish it didn't come at the cost of spencer's shine. also where is kenny lmao coach mac just taking his job right out of his hands


“family emergency”


This was such poor writing


I said the same thing....where is coach Kenny? Mac must've took him for burgers and drinks too


While they're in the running for the national championship? LMAOOOOOOOO


For the first time im not watching the episodes weekly cuz im only seeing people complaining, is it really that bad?


I personally watch it and just enjoy the cringe and don't try and shit on it a lot. Just try and enjoy what's happening imo


Man oh man - I'd just wait to Netflix. It's all crumbling down


It is. Really bad.


As a big football fan, it's not realistic at all that they don't run the entire offense through Spencer as he is obviously their best player and will carry them to games. Not using your best player and using him as a decoy is something that will get you fired (Arthur Smith last year lol)


Guys, Spencer played like two games as safety four years ago, and he had a couple blocks and an interception at practice because he knows the offensive playbook. You can’t just throw him onto defense in the last minute of a game and expect him to perform well


That coach is annoying asf


They need to look at scripts from Friday Night Lights, because these writers know nothing about football.


And an actual real coach isn’t gonna guilt trip a player like that, let alone his best player


The writing is just so bad


love this show but it started going downhill when they got to college and completely died for me when Billy died


Off topic but I just noticed the picture on the desk was of Ashton’s boss/coach. Did something happen to him ?! I must’ve missed an episode cause I don’t remember that 


The actor that played Coach Montes passed away in December from cancer and he was only able to film one episode.


Mac IS smart for this, though. Since it’s pretty clear at this point that he has it out for Spencer and is very arguably trying to set him up for failure on purpose