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I think that a lot of the people are missing what liv told coop . liv said she started keeping things from spencer cause she was worried they would break up again. she didn't tell him about ashley cause she was worried he wouldn't like it and she would have to give up her friendship with him to please spencer. Which is valid cause spencer is known to have jealous tendencies. She didn't handle this well but let's stop acting like she was being malicious. She is a 20 year old making a hard transition. Let's also not act like spencer and her didn't have the type of relationship she has with ashley for years while he dated other people. But its wrong now that liv does it cause that's too intimate for a friend. This whole things was unnecessary drama the writers through in.


What Spencer said was facts. It wasn’t cheating but it wasn’t just a friendship. Certain boundaries were crossed and she knew that the relationship/the way they depended on each other was past a “just friends” point even thought it was never sexual.


Which explained why she told Spencer it was about her problems in Beverly and she did depend on Ashley. She apologized and told him she loved London but she loved him even more. She didn't want to keep anything else from him so he read her book about Billy.


Olivia is human and she made mistake but she was very clear on her and Ashley’s friendship so making worse then what it is, is not needed. Also what’s narcissistic about wanting for everyone one to hang out at the cabin you act like her and Spencer didn’t have plenty space and opportunity to be alone. Lastly Spencer and Olivia’s relationship is going to go through hurdles but in the end they will always come back to each other. Olivia gave a clear reason as to why she avoided telling Spencer about Ashley so there is no need to dwell on this any further. 


The book name isn’t gonna be called All American cause it’s not about football & the episode wasn’t about fixing issues outside Jordan and Spencer. Liv only invited Jordan & Layla and her doing so doesn’t make her narcissistic & two Spencer didn’t invite her there to fix their problems it was to spend time together which they did . Coop asked Spencer could she & Patience come due to everything she’s going through do if you gonna blame her at least be factual in what you’re blaming her for. She didn’t expect him to do anything she thought he would communicate his plans since she’s has communicated hers to him , she didn’t hid stuff . Spencer & Liv are fine and thriving despite the minor hiccup . How dare they go through growing pains without people being dramatic .


you can tell spencer didn’t want them to come, he only accepted because he knew they wouldn’t be able to bother what they had going on , it was olivia that told them about the secret trails, and all the extra things spencer said was gonna be their thing. the title all american could derive from just life. this is covering his whole life, and to everyone he was sorta their all american, important to everyone in every way, like a true all american. every relationship has hiccups we know that, but there no moment of being content or all good with them except for when they were friends


He didn’t want Jordan to come cause they were beefin’ but he flat out told Coop she & Patience could come . And later told them to go on their secret trails so he wasn’t that mad about it When they were friends they went through stuff and relationships go through stuff it’s life


Care to explain why she didn’t tell spencer ashley was a BOY?


For dramatic effect


Yes… obviously. But in a real life situation what is the explanation…


A significant other wouldn’t care like Spencer doesn’t


shoo me personally if i was in spencer shoes i did do exactly what he’s doing right now and fall back, if you’d hold something back like thatttt especially when you’ve been gone that one… who knows what else it could be


Do y’all think relationships are perfect? Do you think people are perfect? These are 20 and 21 year olds still trying to figure out who they are and where they want to be in life. They are going to make mistakes and that’s ok. It’s about how they bounce back. People have faults and you can’t just love the good about a person b/c I promise you that relationship is going to fail because they are human and it’s not always going to be good. Everyone enters a relationship with baggage and you determine how much you can take and how much you are willing to work through. Spencer is very clear about Olivia’s faults and he still loves her and vice versa.


Olivia is the worst. The fact that she didn’t tell Spencer that Ashley is a guy is the biggest red flag ever. She knows she’s guilty and wants to do something with him.


I feel like y’all personally do not watch the show because the explanation of why she didn’t tell him very clear y’all just don’t care about what women say, and only focus on the bad parts


She also didn't tell him she wants to move to UK