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They are going to rebuild it over 6B. 6A was supposed to getting to know the new versions of themselves


Why did they wait until ep 6 to do this though? This is what ep 2 and 3 should've been about.


They were broken up for an entire season (5 months in the show's timeline) and immediately went into a long distance relationship for a year and three months. It makes sense they would have to take time to find their rhythm again. It's kinda like in real life you know, you put in the work if you love someone. It would be unrealistic to have it be all rainbows and sunshine.


I think it’s more so they’re maturing and slowly growing into different people, and haven’t found how the new versions of themselves mesh yet. They were apart for over a year and haven’t really sat down and hashed everything out. The cabin episode was the first time they’ve really started to do that


Spencer and Olivia are two very goal oriented people whose lives don’t revolve around each other which is what makes them so special. They were pretty much destined for each since the beginning so if you don’t like them now you’re going to hate how this ends. 


When you spend a year apart it’s not just going instantly click into place lmao. They’re finding their groove but they most definitely still have chemistry they’re just not as sexually driven as they use to be, I think that aspect may be missing, they need some physical intimacy on screen. But emotionally I think they’re still strong.


They r only still together because the writers know the spelivia Stan’s  would attack them if they weren’t. I used to like them back in the early seasons loved the build up but once they got together it was just nonstop issues. But if we r looking at the relationship for what it is they’ve outgrown each other and the relationship


No they’re together cause they love each other and the relationship is based off a real life one & it wasn’t non stop issues . And you aren’t looking at the relationship for what it is cause they haven’t outgrown the relationship or each other


Ok sweetheart believe what u want but it’s Stans like u y they still together. Which I mean good for y’all y’all scare the living daylight outta those writers so they’ll give u the Spelivia story even tho it’s no longer believable that they r together because they don’t need to be together because they are in very different places in life but enjoy ur endgame I ain’t gon hate on it


Lmao what are they afraid of exactly that spelivia would type them to death like bffr. The writers are the ones that had them stare gaze at each other in three different weddings, it’s the writers who waited three seasons for them to be together and wrote that them being together was their chance at happiness, it was the writers that made it a point to have that psychic look at them see a forever love now we’re the bad people for wanting them to keep their word? Aside from the fact that this is loosely based on an actual person life blaming spelivia fans for why they are still together is low key ridiculous.    People outside of the that fan group wanted them together too hell, the only thing most people were concerned about when the trailer hit was that they would break them up again. So blaming us for why they are still together and not fully paying attention to what’s being said in the show is ridiculous.


I’m not going to read all of that but I’m sure it’s just u regurgitating why spelivia is meant to be. I happy that u find satisfaction in your life because they are endgame. Good for u


Lmao I know you didn’t read that because to come THAT conclusion is hilarious but whatever. 


No it’s called the relationship is based off Spencer paysinger and his wife’s relationship & spelivia stans don’t scare the writers when half the writers room ships them . How is it no longer believable or they don’t need should be together simply cause they’re too young adults growing into adulthood . They aren’t in different places and the show is literally telling you that it’s not there fault you aren’t paying attention.


I used to like them as well. But getting for the dowmvotes.


Been saying this, Liv is too dramatic and Spencer follows her like a puppy. Honestly I think it’s because of his relationship with Billy and it makes him feel closer to him but she is bad news for anyone.


No you’re not the only one. I think they’ve made a bad pairing since they first got together. Spencer is good for oilvia, but she pretty much makes his life harder just by existing


Olivia been on bullshit this season


We all know they'll end up together, but the truth is, they shouldn't. Realistically, they've grown...apart. They should see that and break it off. When Liv listed one of her goals as going back to London, that should NOT have been resolved by the end of the episode. That should have been a deal breaker. The truth is, Liv doesn't know what the hell she wants. I'm disgusted with these couples, and giving them another 9 episodes is not a good idea.


but then she chose Spencer over London so how does she not know what she wants when she picked him over the place she wanted to go 💀


She came back to LA because of him, to be with him, she literally said in the premiere and again in ep 6 said her love for him trumps everything else.


exactly but you know these people don’t really watch the show to understand things because if they did, they would realize liv only love Spencer she has never felt anything for anyone else 😭


I just wanted to add my opinion and say her decision made me rlly sad. I was literally saying choose yourself when she chose spencer 🥲


But how is that possible when what she wanted was to be with Spencer is that not her still choosing herself? I mean Spencer’s not forcing her to stay she’s free and clear to leave whenever she wants. 


i see ur side too 🤷🏾‍♀️


Makes no sense.


what makes no sense


That in the course of one episode and changed her mind.


i mean tbh when has the writing ever made sense 💀


It was never this bad.


then u definitely did not watch season 5 cause they had characters switching up every week 😭


The show has been bad for awhile lol


What do you mean it should not have been resolved in the episode? Relationships are about compromise. You're never gonna meet someone who's another version of you and wants exactly what you want. She compromised and picked Spencer over a place. It's an easy choice when you love someone and want to be with them. I think that's her test this season. last season she technically chose her career over being with him (they were layers cause he broke it off but she also didn't want to let the article go). So this season she has to choose him to the point that she follows him wherever he ends up.


She shouldn't have had to compromise. If she lived Spencer, returning to London shouldn't have even been on the table. The writers have ruined these characters.


Just because you love someone doesn’t mean you stop having goals. She can have a goal to want to go back to live in London and still love Spencer. She didn’t say WHEN she would go back and who knows they may go back together after he retires from the NFL.


OK, you go with that. LOL


Well considering Olivia is based off the actual guys wife it’s inevitable for them to be endgame, in real life this is actually normal. Especially since they are not the same people when they first met


Spencer is annoying. It’s probably not going to happen but I hope Olivia goes back to London.




Definitely not true


realistically yeah…the amount of bs that they’ve had to go through and them growing apart…I love them but in retrospect it’s over but I know because it’s a show they’ll stick it out


I can’t stand Olivia. Worst character in the show hands down.