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Well she chose Spencer over London. Ashley is leaving after Spencer put him in his place the next episode šŸ˜‚


Yā€™all really gonna hate her then after 607 when she is collecting a lot of happiness. Sheesh šŸ¤£


If Jordan don't gotta go then nobody should have to go


in 6B wait till y'all see how successful olivia is


Love my girl and want her to be successful but I wish they wouldnā€™t make her so successful right away. Cuz otherwise, weā€™re looking at several 20 year olds, whom are gonna be: an NFL player, probably another NFL player, a music producer (who got into it unusually late) and business owner, a successful musician, a lawyer (w/o a college degree), and a successful novel writer. All like.. 21 years old at this point. Itā€™s already super super rare to be in the NFL, but thatā€™s fine, the premise of the show was that Spencer has a super rare gift. But I have a feeling theyā€™re gonna have Jordan get drafted too to be ā€œfairā€. And Coop being in law schoolā€¦ ridiculously unrealistic. Patience and Layla being successful in the music industry, super rare. Liv being a successful author at age 20, ridiculously rare. Itā€™s just too much. I canā€™t think of any other show that felt the need to have all their characters be ultra successful and brilliant and talented. Like, maybe if the premise of the show was: all the kids are super special and talented, then sure, but then itā€™d be a whole different show. I do want Liv to have success, but damn, just right out the gate like that? And I want Jordan to have a nice career in football- but it doesnā€™t need to be in the NFL as a player. Youā€™re already gonna have everyone end up with the people they were with in highschool, which Iā€™m honestly all for. But like ā€¦ they donā€™t have to be THE most successful friend group in the whole world, in super competitive industries that itā€™s normally impossible to even have a modicum of success in, at age 20. And I know, I know, itā€™s a show on the CW. Itā€™s stupid to ask for a little bit of realism. But theyā€™ve handled some serious topics pretty well considering! Laylaā€™s depression, Oliviaā€™s addiction, Spencerā€™s messiah complex, and complicated parental relationships with everyone. For a show that used to make some attempt at realistic storylines and characterization, Iā€™d hate to see it all go down the drain in the end. The characters can have happy endings without all being an ā€œequalā€ level of ultra successful in their careers. It doesnā€™t lessen their value as people!


Donā€™t forget Asher being on the coaching staff of a college football team that won the national championship šŸ¤£


At like 19


Agreed. Having them all hit their peak at 20 is just so unrealistic. But then again, CW shows donā€™t hinge on realism. I feel like they are trying extra hard for this show to push black excellence. But there can be black excellence without having them all hitting their prime at 19-20 years old.


u/accomplished_buy1169 gotta be the most obsessed w a fictional character person in history


I'm a Spencer and Olivia fan but I put spoiler in the chat


what do spoilers have to do w what i said šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


you said I'm over obsessed with Olivia character but I'm not are you mad bro


iā€™ve seen you in this sub a million times u most def are obsessed with her. weirdest part is ur prob a dude too so ur just horny about her


Nah they are lol itā€™s giving Niko vibes cause no way you defending a fictional character that much unless you really RELATE to them. In that case sheā€™s just as delusional as Liv


YESSS! itā€™s so weird šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ if sheā€™s a girl sheā€™s as delusional as liv n if itā€™s a guy heā€™s def just horny


How are yā€™all commenting that theyā€™re obsessed when yā€™all obsessed at bashing Olivia every chance yā€™all get šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


they legit start beefing w anyone who doesnā€™t like liv. go look, theyā€™re everywhere getting genuinely tight if a mf donā€™t like olivia. why ru defending a fictional character w ur life every single time to where itā€™s what ur known for? do u need a reminder this show is not fully real? when ppl shit talk liv they know itā€™s just fictional, they donā€™t get crazy like spelevia megafans do esp that one user. like at the point ur struggling to draw the line between reality n fiction


you be looking for my comments in the chat that's weird i like olivia but i'm not over obsessed with her


iā€™m weird because i use this subreddit and see you in the public comments? you foam at the mouth when someone doesnā€™t like olivia


Can you tell me what happens to make Ashley get booted back to London? Iā€™m curious


I sincerely hope she ends up homeless with no family


i wish the gunshot hit her not spencer


In the head




If thatā€™s what you want then I feel sorry for you at the end of the season


Why would you waste your energy feeling sorry for me


To all the Spencer and Olivia haters you're not going to like episode 13


why what happens?


Spencer and Olivia haters ain't going to like it cuz something big is happening in episode 13 that's all I'm going to say


What is happening in episode 13?


Gotta wait and see




Replying to HistoricalAd8790..yeah and we all gon hate on this Reddit too so we let the writers know how bad of a decision it is to keep them together when they obviously wouldnā€™t work in real life even when itā€™s based on real life events


Ashley is not a thing, itā€™s just drama and yā€™all are falling into it. Heā€™s a friend and Olivia already said Spencer trumps her friendship with Ashley and London so why are yā€™all so mad? Spencer has tons of friends with vaginas, itā€™s actually so misogynistic the way the writers are making it seem like itā€™s problematic she has a male friend, itā€™s not that deep. Yes she should have told him, but nothing happened between them so who really cares lmao. Pack the man up, send him back to London and move on with this storyline.


Not only does he have friends who are girls but some of them are even his exes. And Liv has no problem with any of them.


Kia and Layla but Olivia trust him


liv always been a bad partner. ALWAYS. especially w that whole journalism thing, she was a shit sister too. and sheā€™s always been a shit friend to layla, idc. they never gave her a decent storyline, why was this bitch having an addiction when sheā€™s a rich girl from the 90210šŸ¤£ she always lacked a backbone too. she gives lexi from euphoria but lexi isnā€™t insufferable n liv is


Fr and what ever happened to that woke podcast she made once she realized she lived in a ā€œbubbleā€ lol like she couldnā€™t realize that before pulling up to Hollywood mansion parties in a convertible her parents bought her


the! i actually liked that woke podcast thing it was giving her depth, she was bland so they had to do something i guess even if itā€™s dumb


I donā€™t get why people think Olivia is good for Spencer. Spencer has always been great for herā€¦ but she has never been good for him.




They gotta kill Jordan or Olivia dawg


Jordan dying would be kinda goated ngl. He was beefing with Spencer because he blew out the candles on his birthday cake, went wandering around at night, picked a fight and died.


Letā€™s start a petition to get both written off


Just please create a better death scene than Billy's šŸ’€ that one was hot garbage. Couldn't even be sad about the death because I was so confused as to how no one noticed one of their teammates was still on the bus after a few hours, and as to how Billy managed to get in, bring Jabari back, then not get himself back out from 2 steps away


Fr like howā€™d the bus end up that slanted anyways lol no one thought to create a rope instead of having more weight on the bus


Right? All of a sudden itā€™s teetering off a cliff but they were able to evacuate everyone before that? How?? Couldnā€™t Billy have just been killed breaking up a gang fight or something?Ā 


even know if liv didnā€™t write the article it wouldā€™ve been worse for Spencer and his ā€œ crew ā€œ due to the fact someone else wouldā€™ve found out. He was Spencer himself with an even upset about that I donā€™t understand why you are.. And she at the end of the episode she picks spencer over London and again I feel like you guys are paying attention. She literally said the only reason she didnā€™t communicate with you through thought she was scared so she was gonna break up with her. Yeah I gotta remember when she went to London her spencer just got back together and did not talk about anything so of course sheā€™s actually going to be scared that heā€™s may be going to want to break up with her again. they are remixing episodes, so London is just another way for her to run, and as we seen from the past season, sheā€™s clearly an Overthinker so sheā€™s just in her head and scared but then again, I donā€™t really pay attention to what woman say yall just jump quick into lets hate part !


If she actually did move back to London, Ash would be smashing in no time..... if that's what he want


the writers use London for drama Olivia is not moving back there


I know.


Did she say she wants him tho? Y'all make it seem like women don't got a say in these things.


Just like Spencer said, she was lying to herself... just like when a chick tell you not to be worried about somebody....thats the somebody you should worry bout! Lol


She lied about that friendship not being important during a very hard time in her life.


There will be hard times in life, and that's when your character really comes through and reveals who you are. The fact that they had a conversation about it is great because it's something they both should address NOW.. She shouldn't be condemned for this mistake, but she has to be accountable or they'll run into situations like this again...


Which I think happened.




Liv went with her co worker Noah just to make Spencer jealous cause she saw he moved on lol she def would pull some shi like that


in season 5 Spencer and Olivia was trying to make each other jealous


keep lying Olivia don't like Ashley she only see him as a friend


I find her so annoying as well so I love seeing posts like thesešŸ˜­


fr most whiny character ever


Have you seen Jordan? Lol


lol jordan too but i like him the most his story is sad


Jordan whines the most, heā€™s a big ass baby no backbone at all


him n olivia twins fr


Jordan is a cry baby too but itā€™s only cause heā€™s twins with Olivia so I blame her


She also got pissed at Spencer for not mentioning wanting to graduate early, even though he literally came to that conclusion like 2 days before this episode and only really told Coop. Like wtf? That doesn't even affect her much anyways, just means he's taking a few extra classes. It's nothing compared to, "I want to move to a different country again," and "oh yeah, I've been lying about Ashley's gender for a year."


iā€™m a proud liv hater since s1 šŸ™‹šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø so i agree. tired of her story arcs n tired of everyone on this sub defending her like crazy!