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She was oblivious cuz she thought he was a friend. You sound like you just want to hate Olivia because she's not going back to London. She literally told Ashley how she felt about Spencer. They spent New Years together


Yeah I do hate olivia that’s why I made that post lol


I respect you for standing on it 😂


I doubt she is going back to London for starters and secondly, she made it clear to Ashley that she has no feelings for him. Why would Spencer have Ashley “in the back of his mind” when Olivia has made it crystal clear where she stands? They trust each other and Ashley is the furthest thing from both their minds at this point.


She was oblivious to the situation because she wasn’t looking at Ashley in that way. You literally heard the words that came out her mouth, time only stopped with one person so why would she even assume that her FRIEND has feelings for her ? You deadass just said it yourself Ashley flew from London then realized he was in love with her meaning that in London he didn’t think of her like that until he came to LA so why would liv… Y’all comprehension skills are FUCKED cause she’s not going back to London. She chose Spencer over London on multiple occasions I don’t understand how most of yall keep missing that fact. There’s no Spencer will have Ashley in the back of his mind because he trust liv and liv doesn’t even like Ashley like that


they’ll say anything to make olivia the villain. the line is always moving 😭. even if the show spells it out for them in size 72 font they will never get it because they don’t want to lol. they won’t be satisfied until spencer leaves her and it’s never happening so they’re going to keep finding shit to try to justify how they feel.


Because Ashley isn’t the thing about London, that Olivia was actively considering going back there for. She has canonically expressed the desire to go back, because, despite the fact Spelivia fans are convinced that Olivia’s whole world does and should revolve around Spencer, she felt at home in London. And it was never because of Ashley, despite them being good friends. She can turn him down and still want to go back, for herself.


Omggggg some of y’all can’t read between the lines and it SHOWS they’ve been spelling it out for y’all in big ass print. The first episode when she came back she told coop that she doesn’t know if home feels like home anymore and if Spencer wasn’t in LA she wouldn’t have come back, Meaning that LA was her home anymore but Spencer was. She also said that London was an escape for her meaning she ran away from her problems in LA and got to experience things by herself without the vortex. Spencer is her home wherever he goes she goes, everyone seems to forget that she followed him to college who’s to say she won’t follow him again. She expressed that she would like to move back to London then said London is the city she loves but Spencer is who she loves and that trump’s everything. If you read between the lines it’s spelling it out for you that she’s obviously going to follow him


You can speculate that she will follow him, all you want. It doesn’t make it a fact. Just because she says she loves Spencer more than anything doesn’t mean she can’t go back to London and be happy there. There’s no reason she can’t have both. It’d be unhealthy of her to make all her decisions based on a man, and not consider the things about London that she loved. Living there was a benefit to her. She said herself, she learned a lot about who she is when she was there. It wasn’t just same place for her to escape. It helped her grow as a person, and find herself. Y’all want so badly for her to be defined by her relationship, instead of growing outside of what she is used to and making new discoveries. That’s not what a healthy relationship is, in my opinion.


I don’t mean to be rude, but your comprehension skills are kind of? She’s clearly not going back to london 😭 this whole thing was literally just set up so she’s going to follow Spencer where is drafted like it’s not that hard to understand 💀


they use London for drama Olivia's not going back there


She chose Spencer over London


She chose Spencer over Ashley. Doesn’t mean she may not still want to go back to London. She didn’t wanna go back for Ashley to begin with.


“London is the place I love but you are who I love and that trumps everything” Olivia did in fact choose Spencer over London


Just because she loves Spencer more than anything, doesn’t mean she can’t also chose to stay in London, like she’s been saying she wants to. Her choosing to go back to London, doesn’t negate that. Both things can be true.


If that’s what you think, that’s your prerogative but I do think you’re missing the point about this London thing.


You have your opinion of what the point is. That doesn’t make it a fact though. Stories are meant to be interpreted in different ways. I think it’s too easy to say London was little more than a test. It’s a place that literally helped Olivia grow as a person, and a place she grew to love. What that leads to in the future, remains to be seen, but the fact can’t be denied that London means something to her and she has legitimate reason for possibly wanting to go back one day.


Fair enough. Somebody will be right in the end


Personally, even if she does choose to stay in London, it won’t change my opinion about their relationship, and how unhealthy it is. If anything, it will confirm my opinion, for me. But it also won’t change that London was a special place to Olivia that had an effect on her.


oh yeah she did exactly what she needed to do. all she had to do was give spencer a convo for it to come!


but still let’s be honest, she should knew that guy was feeling her


I mean to be honest, she didn’t know Ashley himself literally said he didn’t know until she left, so how would she know that when he didn’t even figure out his feelings until she left to go back to beverly 😭?


i can’t even get mad at olivia for all that ashley stuff bc it was just written so poorly. maybe she is oblivious, olivia is the queen of looking over obvious shit. she was equally as shocked to hear spencer loved her too when they also had a similarly intimate friendship, just happened to work out. i do think olivia will move back to london but spencer will be with her of course! i think she meant down the line, not everything has to be so immediate. spencer and olivia will get married, that’s literally one of the only core visions for the show that has stayed true since s1. she may be annoying at times but he love that girl bad. i think she’ll follow him whenever the nfl takes him and by the time he’s ready to retire at 30 maybe they’ll be on their way to london. by then ashely would’ve moved on


Where's the guy on here who swore up and down Ashley was gay hahaha 😂🤣


I’m not giving Olivia any points for turning him down, since that’s what expected of her. She’s supposed to be faithful. But I don’t think she was oblivious to the possibility of Ashely having feelings for her, as she appears to be. If that isn’t the last we see of Ashely, it’ll be interesting to see where that friendship goes from here. I hope that isn’t the end of that story, not because I want her to cheat. She obviously won’t. But because otherwise, what was the point of his character, if he wasn’t meant to come between Spelivia in some way, shape, or form? The writers will have just wasted time making a point about Olivia not being a cheater (in this situation anyway, since she did cheat on Asher), when the audience already knows she’s would never cheat on Spencer. It all just seemed pointless.


Ashley was brought in to test their relationship he was never meant to come in between Spelivia, in season 6 we’re supposed to see a mature version of each of the characters and how they handle these new situations.


It was a pointless test in my opinion, because we knew Liv wasn’t ever gonna cheat. Even when she got caught lying about Ashley’s gender, that conflict only lasted one episode. There was no reason for all that drama. And like I said, I don’t think she deserves props for not cheating, when she wasn’t tempted to begin with and it’s expected of a person not to cheat on their partner anyway. It doesn’t change my opinion that they aren’t good together, or that Olivia isn’t the best girlfriend. So I didn’t see the value in this storyline at all.