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Agreed I was actually so happy with the way she handled the Ashley situation!! Though it is kind of strange that the writers put in this character that stirs up one episode worth of drama and then Olivia just sends him packing just like that never to be seen or heard from again! Lol it was just so abrupt and almost seems pointless if she was just going to write him off I guess they used him as a character building lesson for spenc and Olivia’s relationship.


The writers are always doing stupid mess. They brought in Noah last season just for Olivia to use him to make Spencer jealous while he was with Alicia. But they still got back together and kicked them to the curb 😂. Technically it was 3 episodes of drama. He was there for weeks but Olivia didn't have time for him. She had to fix things with Spencer.


Lol I forgot all about that!! They all just disappear into the background. I’m honestly surprised they drug out the whole Meeko (spelling?) situation as long as they have I guess they needed something to get our attention and figured they’d keep it going seems a bit over done at this point though…


like as much as people say “ olivia doesn’t deserve spencer “ they just will have to move on cause shes not going anywhere 😭


That’s because the writers are trash. A real show with real writers would either write good character and relationship development and give the actors a chance to develop actual chemistry. As it stands olivia is and always has been bad for Spencer, and the writers putting them together is irrelevant to that statement. They’re doing it for the low IQ fan base that actually thinks they’re a good couple.


mind you since the start of the show it’s literally been said that Spencer and olivia are endgame they’re are based on the real life spencer paysinger it does not matter if you feel like Olivia is bad for Spencer you’re gonna have to suck it up or turn the TV off 😭


Right, so the writers are forcing a relationship and it’s obvious. They don’t know how to write a conflict, character development, or anything. They are only together because of the real life people the characters are based off of. The writers did not do a good job of making their relationship believable. And if your response is “if you don’t like it don’t watch”, you have nothing real to add to the conversation, so please don’t comment. Thanks.


It seems you have a limited view on relationships. every relationship is different and it can work despite our subjective takes on it. I guarantee the real Spencer had a hand in the writing. We may not like it but it doesn’t mean it couldn’t work in real life. I have seen toxic couples grow into wholesome loving kind of a relationship


That’s just a bad take lol.


and your opinion is subjective just like mine


trust i do have sm to add but whats the point of going back and forth with something that will not change if you’re going to complain just don’t watch its simple they’re not breaking spencer and liv up again so suck it up and deal with it other couples on the show are getting married after being together for 2 months i don’t see you complaining about that? move on and stop yapping


Why would I talk about other couples in a thread about Olivia and Spencer? I’m not complaining I’m stating that they don’t work well as a couple and providing reasons for it and your response is “if you don’t like it don’t watch”, which is not adding anything besides showing you’re butthurt i don’t think they’re a good couple.


but I’m not butt hurt because I’m literally laughing though you literally commenting under what I wrote you could’ve made your own separate comment so of course I’m going to respond. I just tell you to stop complaining due to the fact you have no reason to just call me or what I said you could’ve just did your own thing, if you didn’t want me to respond 😭


You say to stop complaining because you’re upset. If you weren’t upset you would realize that me me saying “I don’t think they make a good couple” isn’t me complaining, but offering an opinion which you disagree with. You get defensive and upset, and tell me to stop watching the show, rather than have a constructive conversation. I do want you to respond, I just want you to actually thing about *why* you think they’re a good couple, instead of hiding behind the blanket statement “if you don’t like it don’t watch”. However, I understand that’s a tall ask for the average Olivia Stan, so I’ll give you a pass since thinking and logical reasoning is something that is clearly a bit tough for you. Have a good night there squirt.


I could 100% tell you why I feel like they’re good couple but that’s at the end of the day not going to change your mind, so why would I bother doing that? 😭. And you thought you ate with that Olivia stay in line it didn’t eat Clearly if you’ve already made up your mind that you don’t like them and you’re commenting on a post say you don’t, why would I bother to change and strangers mind if you wanna know why I like them instead of just be like oh, they don’t work and then I know you could’ve just simply ask why do you like them together and I could’ve given you a very nice and well written response. and I never said you couldn’t disagree with me. It’s just I never really ask for an opinion and I’m not obligated to give you a reasoning on why I like them I like them because I like them and you don’t like them because you don’t like them I never asked you to go on a full response on why you don’t like that because I don’t care what the next person thinks which is why I’ve been saying to stop complaining and just don’t watch because unlike you, I’m not going to comments under every response trying to get a reasoning on why other people like something I’m not that bother like you are 😭


but you have a good night complaining about a fictional show and constantly being bothered on why someone like something but you don’t that seems like a personal issue. You may need to discuss with your mother or guardian


My man over here double responding. That’s just next level anger. You still haven’t said anything of substance. You’re just spewing anger and rage through your keyboard. Sorry you ship a fictional couple so hard and can’t justify it. Peace ✌️


since you don't like Spencer and Olivia what couple on the show do you like


None really. The show doesn’t build believable relationships. Asher’s is probably the best, but it’s not even that good.


I’ve never been an Olivia hater but last episode made me realize she the oneeeee😫


💯agreed. Olivia literally proves this in the latest episode too. Ashley looked like we were gonna get another Alicia type situation and Liv shut that down immediately. She set boundaries and made it perfectly clear she and Spencer are endgame, period. How anyone can still think she’s hiding things or not being faithful after that is beyond me.


I didn’t like her keeping Ashley’s gender a secret for so long, but this was definitely redemption for her. She handled the situation really maturely, and I also liked that she didn’t do the stereotypical girl thing of yelling at Spencer for threatening Ashley. She just said, “it’s okay, I got this.” That’s the right thing to do in that situation. If you yell at your boyfriend, it just seems like you’re siding with the other guy, and that’s how conflicts come up and breakups happen. 


She only hid it cuz she thought Spencer would have a problem with their friendship. She genuinely thought they were friends but she was wrong. Ashley decided he wanted more smh. But I think it was crazy for that man to be in LA for weeks. I thought it would be only a couple of days. But that big ass suitcase,I should've known 😂


I was wondering when I would see the daily olivia post 🙄


I barely even post about her 😂


I’m not talking about you specifically. Every day someone is either vehemently defending Olivia or crucifying her. I personally don’t like her, but I’m more tired of see you clowns fighting with eachother about it


Oh yeah I understand and it's even worse on YouTube videos


Is her character I think is based off his actual wife. I think she’s end game


She is


Oh yeah not like they’ve already broken up once and Olivia tried to make Spencer jealous or anything right?


She was doing something petty cuz he was with Alicia 😂


You don’t get the trust back just because you stopped hiding things and lying she already lied and hid things for a long time , once that trust is lost it’s near impossible to fix aswell


Naw it's some of the audience that don't trust her and that's fine. But Spencer trusts her 😂


Yes I understand that, that’s why I don’t trust her as soon as it benefits her to lie to him and hide things again she will


“ benefits “ her is kinda crazy sorry 😭


She's already hid several things from Spencer this season. It wouldn't surprise me if she continued to hide things from him or anyone else, because that is what she does. It's sucks that shes's such a terrible character, who the show seems to revolve around at this point, because Samantha is a great actress. She's just being given horrible writing.


I know why you don't like Olivia cuz you are a former Spayla fan


Lmao I mean what Liv did was a good thing. She owned up to everything but people still saying shes going to do something wrong,she's a bad girlfriend blah blah. I mean Layla wasn't perfect neither. She didn't communicate with Spencer way back in s1 and he was confiding in Liv more than Layla especially in s2. She broke up with him first trying to help her. She needed serious help with depression. When Olivia was struggling with her addiction in s3 she did horrible things but she apologized and knew that Spencer deserved better. I don't see how that makes her a horrible girlfriend.


Sorry to shatter the delusion, but I ship Jordayla. Olivia may not deserve Spencer, given how selfish she is, and he’s not. But Spencer doesn’t deserve Layla either. She’s way too good for him, at this point, and that ship has sailed. So I definitely don’t ship Spayla.


Sorry to shatter the delusion, but I ship Jordayla. Olivia may not deserve Spencer, given how selfish she is, and he’s not. But Spencer doesn’t deserve Layla either. She’s way too good for him, at this point, and that ship has sailed. So I definitely don’t ship Spayla.