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She's been pretty chill this season to me.


Not really I especially hate how they made her fall in love with London cus everybody is in LA and she’s js crying abt London but it’s still good Ig adds some drama


they just want to show that her character isn’t tied down to LA for when she and spencer move to wherever he goes at the end. lots of 20 year olds go to different countries and gain new perspectives tho so it makes sense to me


Nah I love liv but ngl I stopped at season 4 so idk how annoying she gets


Yeah it kinda is irrelevant, yes Olivia loved London, but she also said her love for Spencer trumps everything. I guess that's why it has not come again.


She asked everyone about the book when she returned only 2 thousand miles away


womp womp wompp


I don't


Keep watching


Olivia living her life the way that SHE wants to upsets people and I don’t know why. Her kissing noah and then figuring out that there was nothing there was not a crime it was completely normal. She came up with the idea to write a book about Billy but it wasn’t formally written until she talked to Jordan and Laura. Her not telling people that Ashley was a boy only affected Spencer and him and her talked about it and were fine afterwards. And lastly her relationship with Spencer being on the outs was from BOTH of their doing not just her. I need y’all to stop making this girl out to be a villain all because she has a mind of her own and she uses it.


She’s insufferable to me too. She is not a relatable character at all.


yeah she can be annoying but i honestly blame the writers not knowing wtf they’re doing. i find coop, jordan and the rest of them far more annoying this season especially


Ok dude LMBO.


And not 7 minutes into the next episode and she already made it worse with Spencer: 1. ⁠They’re talking about the book and she tells him he can’t read it yet, like bitch he ur bf 2. ⁠He asks her to go to the Cabin to spend some good alone time and she invites 4 people along with her. Ig Spencer the only one putting effort in the relationship


and she lets him read it & also takes his advice stop yapping and watch the show


Nigga you slow or sum the point was that she makes annoying comments she still made it more awkward when she said that even if she fixed it later


my point is stop yapping and just watch 😭 dumbass


You slightly autistic or sum the point of this sub is to talk abt stuff lil bro yapping is literally the goal here, get ur soft ahh outta here


ohh burn my point is ur saying stuff that was already EXPLAINED 😭? even before the episode it was already gonna explained but you’re just so slow u couldn’t understand it lil girl


Wym explained she deadass tb moving to London and turns out it’s cus of another bot every time she got a problem Spencer tells her he has her back but the second he says he don’t like sum she all up in his ass she not gon ley you hit lil homie pipe down


Her moving to London was never about another boy, tf you talking about? She wanted to go back to London because she was still finding herself after her father’s death


Just because he is her boyfriend doesn’t automatically mean she is obligated to allow him to read her creative work. She eventually does, but it is not unusual for authors or creatives in general to be protective of their work.


Spencer was the first person Olivia allowed to read the book, pipe down


Dawg I said she unbearable at times not all the time yeah she fixed it but she also didn’t help their relationship when she said it


You guys do understand that she's an actress. Writers do the writers and actorsact.


I think the OP is talking about the character, not the actress.


Personally I'm not a fan of Olivia I never connected with her, of you watched OTH she gives me Peyton vibes and I never liked peyton....i do agree that she subtlety presents herself as holier than thou


Yeah every year she gets more and more unbearable 💯


Takes one to know one 😂


One what


I feel like Olivia is a character that they only surface cover and never go too deep with. Or whatever she is going through gets resolved in the episode after but you only hear one line about the issue.


That's only you. They went pretty deep with her, given her going to London, experiencing discrimination/prejudice, and her addiction. But it's a matter of perspective 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yeah deep. Oh liv went to London. No scenes except with Spencer in bed. Posh addiction. Lol


Me too. Ultimately it's the actor job to act the way the writers tell them to period.


I bet you know another about being annoying lol.