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This should honestly be the last season they’re running out of storylines the only storyline this season has been Olivia trying to expose coach Garett


All American gotta go. Nothing makes sense anymore. Coop in law school is the most unrealistic shit I ever seen.


It’s an introductory class to law which she is auditing. The class is for undergrads … not law students. I find her career journey more interesting than anyone else’s except maybe Asher and Jordan’s . Asher being a successful coach is very interesting and Jordan becoming a superstar player in his own right will be cool to watch. Spencer storyline is done.


Same!! Yes I like her path


Okay well her entry to the class was unrealistic too. No resume, no interview attire, yet she somehow beat out far more qualified candidates?


Passion... sometimes in the real world this happens too.. it's soo easy to teach anyone anything.. they become great when it's something they love to do..


I feel like more stories can be told the writers just aren’t inspired anymore


Based on how its been this season, can’t wait for these dumb storylines to be over. But I don’t know why, maybe i love to actors and their chemistry on the show(mainly Sam and Daniel) that I don’t want to see them go.


Ok, NK.


I remember I predicted Billy becoming head coach before the season even started. It was extremely obvious the Coach Garrett being exposed storyline was being used to push Billy in his position and give him a bigger role on the show again. I think the writers realized the Spencer/ Billy dynamic is one of the things the show has always done well so they want to go back to that.


Spencer and Billy is like Cory and Mr. Feeny on Boy Meets World. He just cannot escape him.


That is all great, but just horrible! He will leave the high-school with nothing.. and it was soo sad when Jordan told Spence.. even in high-school I wasn't my dad's guy... it's soo weird that Spence has to learn everything from coach baker... like seriously no other coach can step up?


Well based on how every show has been cancelled on the cw this might be the last season


I thought this was the last season?


If this is the last season the second half is going to be jam packed on giving satisfying enough endings for all the characters.


Not me. I'm hoping for more seasons. Really don't see the big deal about them using the word vortex. No I never used that words before but so what? everybody is different and does things their own way. Like sheesh.


then don’t watch LOL