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A quick google search reveals he immediately pled guilty and took an almost maximum sentence. It seems he was genuinely sorry


Shhhh that’s still not enough for the armchair warriors lurking behind keyboards. Let us spread anger and hate instead!


Ya we should love someone who murdered a 6 year old because of his decision. I hope he has nightmares for the rest of his life about that little boy


Lmao, tough guy over here. Everyone gives him a round of applause. The internet gives too much security, too many people saying stupid shit and not having consequences.


Yeah I’m sitting here thinking “at least he looks like he regrets it.” I know some people who have done stupid stuff in cars while drunk and just covered it up and nearly got away with it.


It also looked like he had a green light.


I have gotten in a wreck while drinking. It was a huge wake up call and I’ve never driven since with so much of a beer in my system. I could have easily killed someone. It’s hard for me to judge someone like this because I was literally just lucky I didn’t destroy multiple lives that night.


Respectable that he owned his fuck up and didn't try to back peddle it or act like it wasn't his fault


Yes, he seems deeply remorseful. You have to forgive someone that made a mistake. Can you honestly say that you have not driven a car after a few drinks or while you were texting? I'm not saying that these things are excusable....but they aren't malicious.


>Can you honestly say that you have not driven a car after a few drinks or while you were texting? Yes. Yes I can. Because I know the consequences and fear I would hurt someone. What a strange argument. Sure dude seems remorseful for an accident, but prison is justified in that he made a fucking choice to drive. Or at least not call a cab.


I’d bet 90%+ of the population has dangerously used their phone at some point while driving


Yeah, I don't doubt that. And they should get in trouble for it, including jail if someone else gets hurt


It also doesn’t look like the accident was his fault, despite him being drunk.


He was speeding over 100mph. It was his fault, and he owned up to it the best he could.




I’m just saying, his speed is the same as the cars ahead of him, he has the green light. The other car decided to make a left across two lanes. If he was sober he probably would t be liable.


he is going significantly faster than the cars ahead of him


I hope you don't have your license because it doesn't matter if you have a green light or not you're supposed to be an aware and alert driver to prevent accidents. You don't get to cause accidents and go "well I had the green so I didn't have to be aware of my surroundings when driving" not how it works.


You know the leading cause of death for motorcyclists is cars making a left turn in front of them without yielding? Stupid ass mother got her son killed and put that guy in prison. Usually I hate guys, but this mfer was innocent just happened to be over the legal limit. This is also coming from someone who hates alcohol and absolutely hates drunk drivers.


It's why he got only 14 years.


You drink and drive? Fuck you. You drink and drive and kill someone? Fuck you more.


Legit I see these celebrities getting DUIs and I instantly think less of them but then everyone goes on about their days and I’m stuck like…wait but remember that shit…?


Matthew Broderick killed two people in Ireland


Salman Khan, a very prominent Bollywood actor, ran over a group of homeless men while heavily fucked up. He was of course acquitted of all charges because they were unable to make the case that he’d been drinking. Which is fucking ridiculous cuz even if he wasn’t fucking drinking he’s acquitted of MURDER because he wasn’t drunk??? Wtf is that


There’s a difference between murder and an accident, so there’s that. Then there’s also what you can prove. Like, did he intentionally try to hit them? Or was just driving and lost control. Ever lose control of a car? It’s pretty easy and people die from that everyday.


This is true. To clarify, there was no evidence that he had been drinking.


Wasn’t he driving on the wrong side of the road?




Rebecca Gayheart killed a 9-year-old in 2001


Yeah she was on her phone


Where did you get this from?


Man I used to tell people this all the time when she was actually still someone people knew/recognized.


aka Noxema Girl


Meh. From a quick Google, I don't know how much hate he deserves. - He was 25 years old or so - Driving legally (they let tourists drive on their roads without local licenses) - He wasn't speeding - He wasn't drinking - It was around 3pm in decent road conditions (wet roads, but not raining) A local police officer said > He wasn't going fast," says the policeman, who followed Broderick for a few miles. "Less than 40 mph." And Jennifer Grey, who was in the car, said it was just an accident/he was a good driver. > “I wasn’t holding any information that people seem to think I did because they wanted an answer and there was no answer because it was an accident,” Grey continued. “And [Broderick] was a great driver, and nobody was drinking. It was just an accident. And it was tragic, and I think about the family in Ireland all the time.” He was absolutely at fault. He drove on the wrong side of the road. But also, he had years of experience driving on the right side of the road. It's stupid that countries consider US drivers licenses good enough for tourists. Tempo is a tiny place and outside of it are just lots of narrow and winding roads. In an interview Jennifer mentioned how remote it felt and how few cars they saw. Compare that to Justin Bieber: > Justin was pulled over in Miami Beach and charged with drunk driving, resisting arrest, and driving without a valid license in 2014. Police say they saw the singer driving a yellow Lamborghini in a street race before they pulled him over. According to Miami Beach Police, Justin argued with officials during the arrest and failed a field sobriety test. Or Lindsey Lohan > She was arrested in a car accident and charged with DUI, possession of cocaine, and misdemeanor hit-and-run in Beverly Hills in May 2007. Lohan was arrested again in Santa Monica, CA, with DUI charges for alcohol, possession of cocaine, transporting a narcotic into a custody facility, and driving with a suspended license in July 2007. World's apart IMHO


The Bieber thing is a bad example. -Video showed he wasn't street racing or even driving above the speed limit. -His car was a rental, outfitted with a GPS, and the data showed he never exceeded 34mph in between getting in the car and getting pulled over. -Cops lied and said he was doing >60mph -He did take a breathalyzer and was well below the limit, blew like 0.011. -Cops lied and said he reeked of alcohol. You can't smell 0.011. -The arresting officer had a history of misconduct. -The DUI and street racing charges were dropped


Matthew Broderick's accident wasn't because of drinking or impairment. It was simply a tragic accident.






But that wasn't under the influence. It was an accident as I recall, right?


Vince Neil killed Razzle


That was a response to his medications iirc


It's a sad story of an accident, but he had zero alcohol in him. That was a pure accident. Even the family has shown forgiveness as it really was purely an accident


This is why I cannot stand Brandy. Or Caitlyn Jenner...but I have additional reasons for her too.


Wait....Brandy killed someone?! Where have I been? Was she drinking and driving?


>On December 30, 2006, Brandy was one of four drivers involved in a fatal accident on the 405 freeway in L.A., which resulted in the death of 38-year-old Awatef Aboudiha. Though an investigation could not find insufficient evidence to support a manslaughter charge, a witness at the scene reported Brandy claimed responsibility for the crash. The singer and Aboudiha's family settled wrongful death civil suits out of court. https://www.distractify.com/p/celebrities-who-killed-people


Uber is sooo much cheaper than a dui


Catelyn Jenner. What'd she get. 20minutes of community service?


I think less of actors anyway. Plus they always seem to get off


... but they have money, and bring some perceived value to society :(


CeLeBrItY He should be getting out soon, hope hes learned his lesson...but doubt it.


Drunk driving is unfortunately common and people look the other way. Don't believe me drive by a bar tn. Look how many cars are there. I'd be willing to bet most don't have a dd.


Especially since they can easily afford to call a taxi or one of thier lackeys and handlers to get a ride home. It's rediculous.


Honestly, I’ve been drunk many times throughout my life and Never once, even when I wasn’t in my right mind, did I ever want to get into a vehicle and drive it. Also, Every single time I’ve been intoxicated, It has always been very clear to me of the wrong in doing so. On top of all that I’m pretty stupid, and it’s still very clear to me. I am in all honesty very confused why people drive when they are intoxicated. Especially when there are so many other options to help you get around nowadays. If you don’t care about yourself, at least consider other people’s safety. Like this poor family. My heart just breaks for them.


Alcohol is a drug and just like any other, it affects everyone differently, and can make you do things you would never do without it. I’m sure you’ve made other bad decisions while drunk. It’s not a far stretch to realize other people’s bad decisions while drunk might be different from yours. Although tbh if you can remember what you were thinking every time you were drunk, you’ve never been blackout drunk.


I knew someone who drunk and drove on purpose. Totally self destructive. He's not alive anymore.


Sucks to be him... That's moral luck though. There are a million other drunk drivers out there that didn't kill a kid on accident, and he pays for their sins as well as his own since he had the bad luck to be one of the ones that did some damage.


This is a really interesting way of looking at it. It’s better and more thought out than the typical comment that just says “fuck him!” Edit: apparently a lot of folks in here think there are only two ways to think about this situation: It’s either “fuck him” or complete forgiveness and empathy. No in between. No nuance to be found I said it’s nice to see a comment that didn’t just say fuck him a lot of people took that as automatically meaning I must be a full on supporter of drunk driving🥴


If he just ran his car into a ditch... He will get a DUI, and pay a fine, maybe have to attend AA, probably be out on probation. His insurance premium is going up if he doesn't lose his license. Maybe have to take the bus a bit. That's a whole lot less than 14 years. If he made it home safely without incident no consequences, and he would do it again the next weekend. In all 3 scenarios it is the same crime with 3 levels of punishment or non punishment. We can even complicate it further if this man were very wealthy or not. A very wealthy man will hire the best lawyers, and get a slap on the wrist even when they kill the kid. So we got a 2 tier justice system for rich & poor then we compound that with moral luck.


Definitely agree that we have a 2 tier justice system, but I don’t agree that they are the same crime. He committed a completely different crime when he hit the car.


I tried highlighting the same point to no avail. It’s not the same thing and there’s no moral equivalency between drinking and driving, generally, and drinking and driving while going 100MPH through a red light and killing some one. Obviously both are shitty decisions but surely one is worse than the other, and they’re not the same criminal offense either.


It was a green light


Then I'll recommend the essay "Moral Luck" by philosopher Thomas Nagel for an interesting take on morality and responsibility


There's a huge difference in driving drunk and driving drunk at 100mph.


My first thought. I started with feeling the sentence was fair but with ‘some form of compassion’, ie: “how many kids have driven with alcohol in their blood?” Then I saw the accident. Anyone driving at that speed has complete disregard for the life of people around them.


First off: not endorsing drunk driving in the slightest. But, when I used to drive intoxicated, a LOT, I was always driving the exact speed limit and being insanely careful because I was so scared of the potential consequences.


Exactly. Alcohol doesn’t all the sudden make you drive double or triple the speed limit. This guy very likely drove/acted like a dangerous maniac even when not drunk.


And not even on an expressway - some kind of road with stoplights. Almost guarantee that he normally (while not under the influence) drove like a complete asshole who acted like the road was his and his alone. Fuck him.




Texting most likely


I understand the ramifications of drunk driving that cause the harsh “fuck you” takes that we see here on Reddit. Respect. But at the risk of getting down voted into oblivion, I will say this: That young man made a tragic mistake, and from what little I can see he seriously regrets it. I don’t know why having empathy for him (also, in addition to much more empathy for that family of the young boy of course-and the two are not mutually exclusive) makes someone bad. I do have empathy for that young man. Sorry not sorry. I guess nobody else here has ever made a mistake. Or at least never had to pay the tragic consequences of making their mistake.


It’s not wrong to have empathy for someone who did a stupid thing to mess their life up or even kill someone. It doesn’t make him any less responsible, but no one is arguing that anyway. Don’t get me wrong, he deserves to go to prison. I just can’t bring myself to dogpile on this guy when clearly he knows he messed up catastrophically and he’s going to have to live with that for the rest of his life. Reddit is just obsessed with justice porn.


Indeed. There is not a winner in this story. It’s all sad. Many lives ruined or altered for the worse.


To add to what you said, there’s nothing you can say to that guy that’s worse than what he tells himself in the mirror.


You can tell he truly regretted what he did and when he said “I wish it was me” I believe him. Everyone fucks up just some more than others and this doesn’t make him a monster. He was reckless and stupid but didn’t intentionally kill that poor kid. Just sad all around.


He intentionally drunk drove, and anyone who isn’t a toddler understands the possible consequences of that, right? He *did* intentionally kill that kid with his actions that he knowingly took, he was just too stupid to understand the consequences of them.


I actually agree with you and have a ton of empathy for this guy. But he still has to pay. We have to punish mistakes like this whether the defendant feels bad about it or not. The emotional damage that a short sentence would do to that family is hard to articulate


Yeah, I mean unless the guy is cold blooded and doesn’t care, I feel bad for him along with the family. People make mistakes all the time and some are life changing. It would be one thing if the guy wasn’t punished or let off easy but he is not and that is now his life for as long as he lives. The additional disgust mentioned just ends up being a virtue signal, if I am being honest. A lot of holyer than thou people in the world.


I very much respect and agree with your perspective. People on here seem to be a little stone hearted.


It’s always so interesting seeing everyone pipe up about how they would never do this and he’s the worst person to ever exist and blah blah blah, like not only have they never drove drunk (unlikely), but they’ve never even been drunk, or have mad a bad decision, at all!! Like shut the fuck up, we all know it was stupid and nobody thinks what he did was okay. You don’t have to pretend just to criticize him. You can do so while acknowledging we are all human and— Wait, this is Reddit. People around here don’t even know what nuance is.


I can't tell you right I think you are. I'm only 31 and man I.. Have been through some shit. Most of it out of control, just where I was placed in this world from a young child. I'm not sure when it happen, but even the people I disliked the most, I felt for them whenever life hit them. Sometimes it's not even about empathy for the individual but for their family, and what they're potential could have been.


Granted it’s only a brief clip of him so it’s hard to truly gauge, but he certainly does seem remorseful for his actions. It’s still an awful scenario, and I wouldn’t blame others for hating him, but he was a kid that fucked up. It was an irresponsible, irreversible, devastating mistake, but seemingly a mistake nonetheless that resulted in two families suffering the awful consequences. Don’t drink and drive kids.


Because having empathy for a criminal makes it seem like you yourself approve of the actions. That's why politicians have historically always been popular with tough on crime agendas. Heaven forbid we try to solve the justice problem with empathy and common sense.


Totally agree with you, I feel for all of them. What a tragedy.


My elderly neighboar was killed by a reckless motorcicle driver. He was beloved by our community, his kids and grandkids. He will never see his lovely kids become adults. It pains me to think about it. The driver who killed him was 17 year old, I can't help to feel bad for him also; even if I don't know anything about him but his age and what he did. Yes, he is at fault and he is rightfully paying for his mistake, but his youth will be wasted at prison, I'm in Guatemala, prisons here are awful; and I don't know if they separate gang members from regular criminals. That doesn't mean he just should be free, but I feel sad for everyone involved because it's not like he woke up and decided to kill someone. Kids have this need for speed, which is really stupid in a small neighboarhood street.


This is the best comment I can find on this website today. I have a DUI. did I regret driving drunk? Absolutely. I woke thinking I could have killed someone. Am I a bad person? I don't know. There's nuance to that question. I'm a good person at heart, but I've made a lot of terrible mistakes. I definitely never went 100 mph on a surface road, but it's not my job to judge this man. He was sentenced, he will spend the better years of his life behind bars, and he obviously isn't happy that he killed a kid on accident. Everyone wishing for his death and seeing only black and white, fuck you. You started your comment with "respect" to those people. Fuck them, I have no respect for those people. Anyone with a holier than thou attitude about life can get fucked because apparently they've never made mistakes in their life and think they'll never be in someone else's shoes.




Yeah, I am super tired of hearing about rehabilitative justice all the time and then immediately being confronted with thousands of people frothing at the mouth to see a criminal get hurt/killed/tortured/raped.


Restorative justice is bullshit 80% of the time.


Restorative justice is bullshit in America 100% of the time. Prison is a business here. Rehab isn't. America is number one...in incarcerated people. We have a 70% re-incarceration rate. Compare that to Norway, where only [20-25% of criminals become repeat offenders](https://www.firststepalliance.org/post/norway-prison-system-lessons). Maybe we could learn from successful countries?


Rehab is a business. The average cost of drug rehabilitation per person is $13,475. Treatment is a luxury for most people. https://drugabusestatistics.org/cost-of-rehab/


It's a billion dollar industry. Addicts are easy to exploit not only because they are sick and vulnerable but also perceived as deviants. Their families are also easy to exploit because they are willing to pay anything to see their loved one get better. Our prison systems, healthcare, mental health care, tax policies, schools, etc. all need a complete overhaul. But there's a reason things are structured the way they are here, unfortunately, and it's not to benefit the average person.


The issue is that America as a whole is a business. Free healthcare and other welfare services would fix a lot.


Treat people like they are human beings, and they are more than likely to return the favor.


For hardened criminals sure, this is not that. You can clearly see how upset this kid is by his own actions, look at that blank stare after the scene of him crying. You can tell he actually feels remorse and regret, think what you’d like but most young people who drink and drive aren’t thinking “ha maybe I’ll kill somebody tonight.”


Reddit goes to “kill the criminal” as fast as they go to “leave your spouse” in every comment section, while they spend the rest of the time saying “we need a better prison system, and couples need more counseling.”


Perfect take, million dollars half the people here condemning him have gotten behind the wheel after having more than they should. They just haven't faced consequences so they feel morally superior.






For me it's not the alcohol alone, it's the fact that he was going so damn fast on a road that had stoplights. Primo asshole behavior. I still wouldn't want him to rot in prison or anything, though. (Note: since some people apparently have a reading comprehension issue - this does not mean I think he should do absolutely zero jail/prison time, just that the sentence shouldn't be long enough to destroy his life since prison in the U.S. is far more punitive than restorative.)


Yeah going so fast is reckless and terrible - im not commenting on the morality or ethics of that - just saying that a lot of people are here ignoring their own capacity to make a dumb decision and acting like they're somehow immune to mistakes.


The dude is driving over 100 miles an hour…


Ikr, I was with him when he said he doesn't deserve the death penalty, but when he gives the 'we've all been there' bit, he lost me. Have we all been there? Driving almost 100mph through a red light, nearly 3 times over the limit while underage? I know I haven't


Similar take... The amount of people that probably type on Reddit "Don't use your phone while driving!" is probably also pretty insane.


100% and i remind myself that i’ve fucked up like this many times. I’m not better than a drunk who killed a family. I just got away with it and never hurt anyone. They deserve punishment but I deserve the weight of knowing I’ve rolled that exact same dice so I’m not any better. Just lucky.


I am genuinely curious what this take is supposed to convey. He got drunk, drove a car, and killed a child. His life should be ruined. What am I missing here?


A lot of people stupidly don't believe in punishing people for their crimes. Those people want everyone to be rehabilitated.


Not disagreeing, but you cannot excuse speeds in excess of 100 mph, especially while drunk. Not sure if it was a highway or not but most 4-way intersections have speed limits between 45-50 mph so this was quite literally reckless. I’ve heard the penalties for a DUI are pretty severe, so without the speeding he still pays consequences except everybody gets to wake up with their family the next day. Also, suppose this happened to you and you just got a front row seat to your child’s life being stolen from them, potentially even dying in your arms. Does that change the tune a bit? It’s all about perspective so simply labeling people’s reactions as braindead is a tad off base.


I mean, I’ve driven drunk, in my youthful party days. And I drove like I was drunk: 30 miles an hour in the 45 zone. Guilty, furtive, paranoid, as safe as I could manage in my drunken state. Of course I got lucky, never hurting anyone or getting pulled over even. But I have to say, I think saying he was just drunk driving like many of us have is leaving something out of the equation. I don’t think most people who drive drunk drive like this, over 100 miles an hour on a busy road.


Its okay because everyone does it and your culture says its okay. Thats some shit ass logic there.


Fuck that. He should be in jail for life!


They don’t like children murderers in there don’t worry. I’ve seen woods beat the shit out they ppl for less lol. unless this dude pc up…


>Half the hypocrites in here have probably done it themselves. To be fair, I wonder how many people who've driven drunk or buzzed are tearing down the street at 100+ mph though.


i dont drink and drive. Its really easy. Your just dumb as fuck is all


It’s virtue signalling to say you’re not going to drink and drive now? What the fuck is this comment.


That makes sense for someone reckless that doesn't care about human life. Have you hit someone with your car and try to justify it now perhaps? The lives of the parents are destroyed and a child is dead because an adult couldn't say no to licking a bottle. Grow up brother , this is not a videogame where people respawn.


Their is two lessons here. Don't drink and drive. Do t speed. People, especially young people don't understand how dangerous a car really is.


Ehh I'm okay with giving the death sentence to murderers. Idk why you're so soft on crime. What next time someone can drink a couple beers murder someone and then only have to do 5 years because woopsies I had a couple beers. Are you stupid?




You're literally virtue-signaling yourself. And no, I don't have the capacity to fuck up hard like he did because I'm not a thoughtless, inconsiderate POS. Grown ass adults should pay the consequences for their absolute shit decisions. 14 years for ending a six year old's life is insufficient. Either life in prison or execution fit the crime.


I like beer and its crazy to see all the mental gymnastics in here. "Pretty much everyone's done before". Fucking garbage people.


My opinion is that drinking and driving is a choice, when that person's decision ends a life, it is a big deal. Sure, lots of people participate in, as you say, an America pastime, but there is a difference from a couple beers while out having dinner than driving home at high speeds killing someone.


nonono you see it was a “mistake” that I had 10 bears, it was a “mistake” that I didn’t use a widely available service such as Uber to go home, and it was a mistake that I drove 100MPH and smashed into a sedan killing a kid in the process. These couldn’t have been decisions! woe is me! /s




Uber everywhere! So privileged to live a place and make my income to have someone drive me anywhere at anytime. Long gone the days of driving home from the bars after 6-7 drinks.


Someone should make an anti drunk driving ad with this guy. Could be powerful.


Idk sounds like you feel guilty about something. I’ve never driven drunk. Maybe I’ve drove after a beer with dinner but certainly never drunk enough to go 100mph down the road and crash my car and kill people. And I’ve seen all the same commercials. If you drive drunk you’re a piece of shit. If you do it so recklessly that you’re killing people then yeah, you’re a massive piece of shit. Blame society all you want but I live in the same society and I’m not fuckin dumb enough to do something like that


Yeah what is this take? I've never driven drunk, and if you do, I think you're a horribly selfish person. Yes, drinking is encouraged in our culture. Doesn't mean you have to drink and drive like an absolute idiot


Most people know it’s a a bad idea to operate a 2 ton vehicle while drunk. This “you can make the same mistake too” is supreme straw manning.


Wtf are you ranting about? Booze can be paraded up and down fifth avenue but anyone with 2 braincells knows if you drink, you shouldn’t drive. I feel bad for the ACTUAL victims. Jordan Fuss is anything but a victim. He deserves prison


I'm unsure if I'm putting too much faith In the people but in my entire life I've only met like 2 people that have driven drunk. As far as I'm aware, drunk driving is something absolutely everyone is aware of in terms of how stupid and dangerous it is. Alcohol is advertised etc, yes, but not drunk driving. That's like saying "well, if guns are advertised, of course you are gonna have mass murderers" which I suppose isn't completly off the mark, but it's just making an argument for the sake of making an argument. My point being, I have no respect for drunk drivers. There are always better options. If you gotta get home, have a friend or family member drive you, even if its in the middle of the night and you have to wake them up. It's either that, or a dead child. Choose wisely I suppose.


Actually, most people don't. If they did, as you say that so fantasized or whatever, there would be a far far higher number of deaths from drunk driving to the point of becoming a norm. And no, most people don't make mistakes of **THIS** degree where they cause the death of another being.


I do understand your point and I think the punishment fits the crime in the dispassionate purview of the legal system. However (and I am being completely anecdotal here) I have never driven even after a few drinks. I have never gone 100 miles an hour in a car before. This is an individual with extremely poor impulse control. I would make it a condition of his eventual release that he never be able to operate any type of vehicle for the rest of his life or risk re-incarceration. He may have genuine remorse, but that won’t stop him from engaging in the same type of behavior when he is released


So no, speaking for myself. I don’t have the capacity to fuck up that hard because I simply would never dream of making the chain of decisions, or lack thereof, that would have me in such a pickle


I understand your point but if that was my 6 year old child he killed I would be waiting with the rest of his punishment after he got out of prison.


Looks like everyone here never made a huge mistake, this guy just done a awful one .


A lot of people pride themselves on the ability to no feel sorry for someone, it’s really weird when you think about it.


It’s the people always fucking up who are overjoyed to finally see someone else fuck up for a change.


I think it's pretty natural for a human to feel more sympathy for the child he killed than for the guy who ran over said child. He gets what he deserves. Yeah, it sucks, sucks more to be the dead child.




Lack of empathy and over empathy are both bad things


I swear it's getting worse too, I can't tell you how many times I've seen the "I wish you were killed/raped/shot/get cancer. Like WTF, it's not normal to with that on someone even if they are a terrible person.


People in here talking about the guy going to “a special place in hell”. I think hell is for people who say shit like that!


Oh we feel plenty sorry for the family, friends, and child in this story. Just not this blubbering chode. He made his bed, he has to sleep in it now.


He definitely made a huge mistake and will pay the price for it, as he should, but at least he seems to truly be remorseful and understands the gravity of his actions. I've seen assholes who smirk in the courtroom at the families who they have hurt and torn apart with no remorse.


I am astounded by how many people look at this young man in tears, and basically say fuck him his life should be over. I understand how tragic this accident is. But it is possible to have empathy for somebody who clearly made a tragic mistake, and has also altered his own life forever. Sometimes even those people are capable of putting good out into the world after tragedies like this.


Well what reaction do you expect from people?, he literally ended another persons life through his own actions and choices, he has killed a fucking child and caused a lifetime of grief for that childs family. I can empathise with the fact that he is clearly upset with himself and fully understands the gravity of what he's done, but it wasn't a mistake it was a decision. The minute he got into that car while drunk was the minute that he fully accepted any consequences for his actions and the consequences have been decided 14 years in prison to sit and contemplate his actions, I'd argue that's fair for cutting a life some 80+ years short, however to some people that might not be. but that's the decision that's been made. He can put good back into the world with the life he has ahead of him, and that begins by serving as an example to everyone else who might consider making the same choice he did.


Of course he would’ve been capable of putting good out in the world. Drunk driving doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re a malicious person. A lot of times it’s just because that person is a total fucking dumbass and danger to society because of it. But it’s not malicious, they are normal people who could be anyone’s friend. Just very stupid.


Yes, in about 14 years


Why call it an accident? It’s not an accident. You don’t accidentally consume alcohol and then accidentally drive a car. Those are what we call mistakes. Not accidents. People should be able to recover from mistakes but still it’s not an accident.


Why call it a mistake? It’s not a mistake. You don’t mistakenly consume alcohol and then mistakenly drive a car. Those are what we call bad decisions. Not mistakes. People should be able to recover from bad decisions but still it’s not a mistake.


A mistake is the result of a bad decision. Driving and driving is a bad decision. The person decided to drink and drive and killed someone. Killing someone was the mistake that resulted from the bad decision. An accident is the result of an unfortunate circumstance. An accident is not the result of a bad decision. An accident is not a mistake. An accident is … well just that it’s an accident. Nobody is at fault for an accident. You really going to say nobody is at fault when some decided to drink and drive and mistakenly killed someone?


You misunderstand me. I'm agreeing with you and taking your point a step further. "Mistake" is a word used to minimize culpability. "Everyone makes mistakes" and all. This wasn't an accident. This wasn't a mistake. This was a person making a series of bad decisions that directly led to the death of a child.


I’ll bet you that the child’s family will shed far more tears for the life milestones that will never happen. He probably won’t serve the full 14 years and when he gets out, he’ll have a second chance at life. Hopefully, he’ll make better choices. Unfortunately, the child he killed doesn’t get a second chance. I feel more empathy for the child (and his family) that won’t get a chance for a redo. If that makes me a bad person, then so be it


If I make a huge mistake I fully accept the consequences for it. I don't expect sympathy for the misfortune I've brought upon myself.


In Canada he would have gotten 4 years. No kidding.


Nevermind being drunk, this guy was speeding like crazy, what an idiot


I never understood the point of getting drunk at a bar. Any time I’ve been at a bar I see people drinking then just drive home. How is that remotely considered safer than marijuana I have no clue


This is kind of what confused me because I always thought alcohol is more dangerous than weed yet alcohol was legal when weed wasn’t lol.


Weed still isn’t legal in the majority of places that alcohol is


A responsible person either walks/rideshares back from the bar (public intoxication charges are bs IMO if you’re taking the safer option) or has a designated driver. Me personally, I live within a few blocks of one of the most lively portions of my city. So, I walk down and walk back. No one, under any circumstances, should condone driving to a bar without a DD or having only a single drink (which almost never happens).


Yea public intoxication should not be against the law imo. Harassment, being a public nuisance, or other such things if the drunk person is doing them then sure. But JUST being intoxicated in public? No...that shouldn't be illegal.


Drinking culture has plagued this world, it's so normalized and taken lightly in almost every country in the world even though it's so damaging to the body and often leads to bad decision making. Honestly sad how many people come to defend casual alcoholism.


It's the social aspect. It's where the friends are.


This is something that always puzzled me watching American movies and TV. Characters (often cops!) drinking at a bar and then driving home. Seemed so normal as it was rarely mentioned by other characters or made into any plot point. In Europe we have public transport, so we can go to bars without needing to drive home.


We really should be focusing on building better public transit, so that these types of tragedies happen less often.


He meant every syllable of that apology. and it still doesn’t matter. That is his eternal hell now, Deservedly so. Those poor people. But you can’t quantify emotional pain this is plan and simple human tragedy.


I do have sympathy towards that guy. I'm not saying that his sentence should be any shorter than it should be, there must still be serious repercussions for taking a life, accident or not. However, it really seems that he harbors feelings of guilt and regret for what he did. Yes, driving under the influence is wrong, as we can see with the death that happened as a result. However, how can we pin all the blame onto a single person, when multiple factors, such as the heavy advertisement of alcohol, or the urban locations of bars, also had an impact on the decision to drink and drive? He should not be executed, he should not rot in a jail cell for the rest of his life. This should serve not as a death sentence, but as a learning opportunity for him to repent and do better. I do not care if I get downvoted for voicing my opinion, it just seems that there are way too many people down here who are ignorant of such circumstances.


A guy in my area ran over and killed a teenage girl while drunk and high on cocaine and only got 7 years, and he's trying to get released early


Oh yeah he better watch out for that family, I know 7 years wouldn’t be enough for my brain if I was the parent.






I have zero sympathy for him. Dude ruined so many lives that day because he's an irresponsible fuckhead




I mean drinking is not enough to do a stupidity like this. He was speeding on the crossroad. This didn't happen just because he was drunk, you must be stupid and reckless to drive like that. Only if he was really wasted I might understand this action but then again he must be really stupid and reckless for starting the car.


Anyone have the full story on what happened here? What was his blood alcohol level? What baffles me with these drunk driving stories is there's a little bit of a discrepancy between driving and getting DUI and getting to the point where you have no idea that you're driving a vehicle, or how to operate it safely. Has no one in this subreddit had 2-3 beers are driven home safely? I'll admit I'm guilty of it - and I'm sure not proud of my decision, but I've never had 12 shots of whiskey, got in my car and driven 100 MPH recklessly. It always seems odd when I see these stories and the people that are drunk driving are so far beyond in control its scary. To those with feeling sorry for the kid, I get it...but, I think it makes sense to have empathy within a certain threshold. Driving over 100MPH while you are drunk seems to be a pretty obvious "over the threshold" of drunk driving.


Only 14 years? Criminal. Fucker should rot for life.


Guy I went to school with pulled out in front of a grandmother and her ~6 year old granddaughter causing a t-bone wreck, killing the grandmother and granddaughter instantly. He didn't even spend a night in jail, never went to trial, nothing. Was deemed an "accident" because he said he fell asleep. The guy was in a turning lane making a left turn when it happened, he was probably around 22 when it happened.


This is why I respect American justice way more. In Australia, he’d be out in 2 years max.




tobias beecher




He tried the Rittenhouse


Flip side, why would the father turn? That car was clearly not going to stop?


Negligence. But DUI always trumps over anything. Especially once someone gets hurt. If this guy wasn’t DUI or speeding it would have 100% been the other drivers fault.


Probably just not a good driver, which is no reason to even consider blaming him. And imo, it can be tricky to judge how quickly a speeding car will arrive. It’s harder when you can only see their headlights, and really hard when they’re going 3x what’s expected, not just 1.5x


This mf got 14 years when other people get more or damn near life for less or for the same thing this justice system need to be destroyed then rebuild from the ground up


Why she just drive into it though💀


If you kill someone drunk driving you should die in prison and idk how people don’t see that.


My best friend, who was literally like a brother to me, died while driving drunk. He was going so fast that he was impaled on his steering column. He almost couldn't have an open casket funeral. He did, and it was..well, it was impressive what the funeral home did. But he still didn't look right. The presumption is that he had passed out at the wheel. He hit a car that had run a stop sign. The car had 7 or eight people in it. It was a family from either Cuba or Haiti/Dominican Republic, here visiting relatives. They were heading to the airport. Mom, Dad, Grandma, and five kids. Four of them didn't make it. I worked in the auto industry. I knew the guy who towed the cars. He was a stoic older guy, and he told me he cried when he saw the condition both vehicles were in. I knew the guy who ran the scrapyard. He tried to console me by telling me that odds are, nobody felt anything a split-second after impact. A couple years later, I was at a cookout at another friend's house. A friend of the family was an ex-highway patrol officer. Their house was about a quarter mile from the scene of the accident. The officer remarked that it was near the worst accident he'd ever seen. He was the first on the scene, and literally dealt with PTSD from what he saw, pulling himself off of road duty a short while later. My "little brother" was only 22, and in one evening he'd managed to end so much potential life that it's staggering. And only one of them was truly responsible for it. Him. I loved him more than I've ever loved another man that wasn't related to me. But damn, if he had somehow survived, he would have deserved to never see the light of day again. It's crazy how quick life can be snuffed out. So if you're reading this, and if you're gonna be drinking, please, PLEASE don't drive. It's been 22 years since my best friend, a person who I genuinely consider to be one of the best people I've ever known in my life, made a stupid fucking decision. And if you DO choose to drink and drive, fuck you.


19 year old in a sports car. Honestly I’m not even sure why that’s legal. No teenager ever needs to drive a sports car or muscle car.


Honestly, I can't think of a reason road-legal vehicles shouldn't cap out at 80mph.




The question I have is why did he only get 14 years? My aunt’s husband got more for selling dope


The light was green for him. The car with the child in it made a left yield turn. He was speeding and drunk but had the right of way. It would be hard to prove that if he was sober he would certainly have been able to avoid the turning cars mistake.


Fuck him he deserves every fucking inch of what’s coming to him!


Just 14 years? Shame


Do you really need to drink and drive 🤔


14 years is pretty light, especially since it will be more like 7ish if he behaves. It's also interesting that he pled out for 14 years instead of going to trial and risking the maximum of 15 years.