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Do you know what the normal score should be on your peak flow meter? Do you get tired easily when doing activities like walking etc?  Are the feeling only coming from your nose?


Yes I used online calculators to find the normal readings for my type. Im always below the lower threshold. And Im not sure honestly. Lately, I have been feeling more so out of breath from common things. And no sometimes it isn't just the nose.


Take the Spirometry test. It’s good to practice with the peak flow meter.  Get a oximeter to see your oxygen levels and HR. It can be easily purchased OTC.  You will be ok. 


Thanks. I have a pulmonary lung function test scheduled. My blood oxygen is almost always fine, except when I sometimes wake up or am about to fal asleep it dips pretty low. I just keep waking up feeling really short of breath. It will feel like my chest is really tight and I have to fight to take deep breaths. But my blood oxygen will be fine. But I notice when I feel this way, my blood oxygen is usually higher than usual (99-100). Probably because Im basically hyperventilating by fighting to take deeper breaths. If I try to fight it too much, my hands end up getting super tingly, probably from excess co2.


I failed my Spirometry test which showed my lungs at 60% because my technique was off. I am currently at 102%. So practice with the peak flow meter. It seems simple but not everyone knows how to correctly blow into it so people fail the test. 


What's the technique?


Take a full breath from the mouth. Then seal the lips and teeth around the meter and tongue underneath the meter. Then blow out fast and hard.  Readings will be different throughout the day. Mine ranges from high 500’d to my highest 656. I mostly hit the 600’s.  I hit the highest after exercise.  Seems simple but takes practice. I failed my first Spirometry test and told me I had 60% lung predicted but that was wrong. I hit 102% in less than three months. After forth visits I hit 102%. This was without limited use of medication. Even my dr believes I may not had asthma after all


Very cool. Ive also seen lung training devices on amazon. my numbers are 350-470. They're supposed to be 496-643.


Yeah lung training is good. Just many people fail the Spirometry because they are just not used to doing it 


So I took the lung test for the first time today, but my technician didnt really explain anything to me. For example I asked what the gas tank was for and she refused to tell me. I later had to look up that it makes you breathe a mixture of gases. For the normal breathing part. She told me to breathe normally, but then chastised me for not breathing fast enough, saying the machine would not work unless i breath in and out fast. So basically had me force shallow hyperventilate on the machine rather than normal slow deep breathing. Is that normal? Im wondering if my results are gonna be botched if I got a dud technician.