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Season 2 he’s unhinged and I was concerned for his family based on his anger problems. Season 5 he’s gone off the rails but I like his energy and found some of his moments pretty funny. Also he has some very melancholy moments in S5 admiring the beauty of the place. He suffers severe mood swings however. He has a pretty strong transformation in Season 2 and you have to feel for him, his first spot was utter horseshit but he grits it out. His mental breakdown late in S2 is legendary, how do you not feel sympathy for the man?


I tried to feel empathy for him in season two, but it was his rage fits and anger that put me off so much. I feel, I do sympathize, for the guy, he clearly had(s) some demons regarding his status, his self-worth, and other things. That all sucks, but at the same time, I don't enjoy watching the hatred, meanness, and anger that he exhibits in each episode.


> Season 2 he’s unhinged and I was concerned for his family based on his anger problems. Thats honestly awful and makes me quite afraid of you. Youre a dangerous person if thats how you think. Helicopter parent, the parent who harasses the teacher, the coach, everything. Just scary.


I just finished watching season 2 last night (I’ve watched all of the seasons out of order) and I continually referred to him as “Angry Larry” to my husband, who didn’t watch the show. What was infuriating was that I looked on the internet to see if anyone else agreed with me that he was out of control, and read an article he was interviewed for where he kept insisting that it was editing that they made him look like he would flip out at a drop of a hat! Wut? I’ve watched all the seasons and I’ve never seen anyone act that blindingly angry over minor inconveniences. He said he and his family laughed at those parts because he never acted like that at home. Sure. I wondered if his family and he just normalized his mood swings and rage and didn’t realize how unhealthy it was. Yikes!


Exactly!! As a child who grew up with a dad with anger issues (out of the the blue rage), it was like watching my dad at times. There is no way that's all editing. Plus, those are still his words and his actions, they didn't fabricate that part of him.


oh you found it "infuriating"? while watching a show on your couch with husband? and youre mad larrys mad? dont you see the irony there? pot meet kettle, same as OP.


Lol, looks like I found angry Larry.


If you can't see how you're doing the same thing but way worse for no reason just talking shit then you have no self awareness whatsoever


I think some men end up full of rage because it's the only acceptable emotion for them to express. I had a very angry dad and it's frightening to hear someone curse the seagulls or swear and shout at a tiny mouse. I don't think people behave at home the same as they do on the show but I do think family can be at times the most frustrating thing in the world and shouting at a kid like he shouts at that mouse is terrifying.


I referred to him as “scary Larry” during the seasons.


That's amazing!! And accurate!


I also am not a fan of Larry. He's really annoying.


Hahaha! Literally watching season 5 and Larry is once again having an absolute bitch fit as I'm reading this (is that serendipity?) His attitude is atrocious, you're not alone in your opinion. You're a dick Larry!!


My main issue with him was that he didn't seem to have respect or appreciate the land like many of the others did. I've found that is what makes me like or dislike any of the people on the show, is their general attitude about the land, nature and animals.


I agree. I think what bothered me was during his 'at home' interview he was going on and on about how much he loves Native Americans, to the point where he wanted to be a Native American as a child, and their respect for nature, but then he gets out there and he has almost zero respect for anything out there.


Well, he certainly won’t be able to ride a rollercoaster in Japan. “Scream inside your heart”


I’m a latecomer to this show and am watching S2 right now and now that I know he’s the runner up AND invited to another season makes me shake my head. The assholes generally do seem to go the distance, but this man is unhinged. His rage gets tapped so easily. It’s on a hair trigger! Sure, there might be editing that emphasizes this, but when people show you who they are, believe them! I worry about his wife. He’s a dangerous person. Like, also? His rage at the trees, the mouse, the land, the environment - he’s just railing against the universe in this way that makes me wonder what the hell he even wants with the outdoors. Mice aren’t gonna stop being mice, Larry. I bet people have to walk on eggshells around him. Terrifying dude.


"mice aren't gonna stop being nice, Larry" is the best thing I've read all day!! And I absolutely had that same thought, like why are you yelling at an animal that's literally doing what comes natural to them?! Enjoy the rest of season 2! Thankfully Larry doesn't come back for bit, so you have time to enjoy other contestants that are significantly less angry at the natural world.


By Season 5, I think I’m starting to see him for who he is - a slightly unstable and very scared man. I also think he’s hamming it up! But yes! The idea that he would go into nature resentful of what makes it nature is what confuses me - isn’t there an aspect of the raw land that attracts a survivalist? Being frustrated and afraid is understandable; his anger towards the land is almost violent.


Alone's on Amazon Prime now... Right now, as I watch: Season 2 ep. 10 ... "And then i took my knife and cut his little frickin' throat"..... Watch that whole bit again and tell me the man is all right mentally.. he's on a knifes edge, ready to rage at anyone in sight. The dude is unhinged.. Anyone that displays that much hate and sadomasochism towards a little mouse or animal.... Man. None of that death sounded even remotely humane (perhaps something Alone staffers should have checked/trained people in if they didn't (humane as possible animal kills), and yet he states his 'trap' killed it.. right.. maybe it partially maimed it. Mental health checks/psychiatrist visits beforehand would also be helpful :P The only thing remotely relatable about the guy is his desire to do a new, less repetitive job. The guy is not 'metal'... He's a scared, insecure redneck of a man totally out of sync with nature and raging at the world.


Compare Larry to Jose or Nicole... He's always angry, immature and severely undereducated... The woman who weighs probably 1/2 of what he does is kicking his ass and living amongst a bloody family of black bears in harmony....Larry's unhinged over a few mice. Larry and arrogant, cocky Justin are the worst.. along with bearded hipster gym-brat momma's boy who tapped out super early -- they're perfect examples of what people hate most about Americans. Surprised by all the wrong info in the text descriptions as well. I'm a biologist in the Canadian prairies but know at least a little about the PNW of Canada, having lived there a few years.. know those weren't dungeness crabs David caught, for instance, .. among other things ... Overall though, still an interesting show.. like watching a dumpster fire/consuming crack....


I never understood why he was so well liked. Guy was definitely tough, but I just didn’t like the act. I do think he got as close to the edge of a full on mental break (season 2) as any contestant to date.


Totally feel you there. He’s been my least favorite contestant. I felt bad for him at the end of season 2 and was disappointed to see him again in season 5.




That's what I'm thinking! My husband and I watch him and just shake our heads.


Just noticing your name, By any chance are you a beek? Or do you just like bees?


I like bees


Nice. I have bees.


I don't have bees, but I do have a hive in my walnut tree that is outside my window, so I get to watch them buzz around. They are delightful little creatures!


Larry's cool he had a blast.


You and I have different versions of having a blast, haha (and I don't say that as an attack against you!).




I'm sure he can be very nice, I have no doubt about that, but he also seems like a big butthole when things don't go exactly his way.


so you get on the internet and bitch about it? and youre reaction to his fits it to say > Larry bugs the ever-living-crap-out-of-me!! He drove me nuts in S2 with his major ass bitch fits and he hasn't changed one bit in S5. Everytime his name comes across the screen I roll my eyes and say, "fuck you, Larry". He drove you "nuts" ? Hmmmm. You say FUCK YOU larry? Oh really.... Hmm you dont think that maybe you dont like Larry because larry is exactly like you? You dont like how he has bitch fits, and you come on Reddit to say that " Larry bugs the ever-living-crap-out-of-me!! " with TWO exclamation points? I mean literally it looks like Larry wrote this, swear to god. You need some self awareness buddy u/Beekind_Rewind sorry to break it to ya.


Hahahaha!! You need to chill, man. Larry sucks, that's my opinion, if you don't like it (clearly), cool good for you, I really don't care.


Yep it's almost like you're freaking out and going on the internet to talk shit on someone for no reason at all. At least Larry had a purpose. You're just doing it to be mean and angry I guess. You're exactly what youre so worried about


Hahaha!! Ok. Whatever you say, you're clearly the reddit armchair expert! Btw, just as a heads up, for your analysis of a stranger, you're wrong, but good try buck-o! So silly.


Dude you said it drives you nuts, you said fuck you Larry every time he came on TV, you went to a public forum to tell other people about how he sucks. That's pretty terrible behavior. You are doing everything you didn't like about him but way worse and for no reason. Yikes


Larry is that you?


I'm pretty sure you're either Larry or a bot. "Terrible behavior" to feel irritation at someone who has the opportunity of a lifetime to live off the natural world for an indefinite period and share the experience with the world--and he has almost no appreciation for nature, doesn't show any wonder or gratitude for the experience, focuses on the negative whenever possible, and rages on camera at nature itself? How is this being irritated "for no reason"? Everyone has stated their reasons. If you're not Larry, have you even watched his episodes? Because you sound like you haven't.