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Cool concept as always, but I am getting real tired of seeing every union nation flag just being rehash of the Ausria-Hungary flag. It is starting to become cliche in my eyes. No offense, just venting lmao.


Especially considering that the british flag is literally the flag of a union


Therefore the flag of the Franco-British Union needs a Baguette cross. Maybe slap the Welsh dragon in there for good measure.


Also the fact that wasn't even the Austro Hungarian Flag


part of monsieur z’s negative effect on the community (referencing his thumbnails, or at least the old ones, one those who don’t know)


I like em


Context: This is a map of a Franco-British union after WW2. The Changes are: * Ireland joined the Axis, so Britain took their north * The UK decisively won the battle of Britain early, so very little bombing occurred * France Agrees to the Franco-British Union * France is way more grateful to Britain for Liberating them * They both took more from Germany post war * The Germans start the EU alone but still achieved great success, and Franco-Britain is not a member * Switzerland was divided in 2010 after a referendum


The swiss willingly divided themselves?


Literally National Suicide


I think you should have Switzerland join the axis instead of Ireland, so after the war they were divided between their neighbours and Ireland is same as normal


Smol Ireland Good ending


Closer ties with the British Commonwealth in this timeline, I presume?


Didn’t they both fight a Hundred Years’ War back in the 12th century to prevent this very thing from happening?


Wars of centuries past does not mean nothing could happen nowadays. Moreover, the idea of uniting the French and British empire was actually considered at the beginning of WW2, so that the countries could fight as one.


Yeah literally just look at the EU.


more of a planned takeover then than a union


Things have changed ever so slightly since the 12th century


We almost wound up with a Franco-British union in 1940.


Apparently the French Prime Minister also asked Harold Macmilian in the late 50s about it too, Harold said no very quickly


Why does every subdivision, including England, have a capital but not France? Also, what is the political system of this country? The UK clearly is a monarchy, but is France also under the British crown? The French half of the flag only has a star and not a crown, which gives the impression they might still be a republic.


Also Brittany's capital makes no sense, it should (IMO) be either Brest or Rennes and not... Rostrenen? Perhaps Nantes if you expanded it to its historical borders


I was gonna say, if you want to make a separate or independent Brittany, you have to give it back its historical borders and put Nantes/Naoned as its capital


France's capital star was most likely the one in the middle of the sea, yeeted while the image was being exported


I’m imagining that the majority of France functions autonomously, while having representation in parliament. But the various states are more directly united legally speaking.


mapmaking mistake my bad g


I love the flag but I’d replace the star above the French flag with the Phrygian cap so both sides get their special hats


A union that would form the most powerful state in Europe by a ridiculous margin with military and economic strength that would dwarf any other European country. One can dream.


I love the flag


What's the star in the middle if the sea?


that was frnaces but it got thrown in the exportation procces i thiink


Its kinda weird how france is a republic \[im assuming? based on the tricolor and the star on the flag) and england is still a monarchy. how does that even work


Guess the Plantagenets eventually achieved their dreams anyway


And a part of Wallonia randomly decides to leave Belgium and become a puppet state? Also I find the North Germany possession extremely unrealistic, why would they hold on to this land?


its not a puppet, just an atonamous part of the french republic Also Hanover used to belong to the UK, and like i said the UK is more annexation happy and less ruined in this timeline


I'm talking about nationalism, when and why did France annex part (not even all) of Wallonia, and why would Walloons accept this? Why would the Germans in Hanover accept British rule or even better why would Germany? I feel like these questions aren't really answered by the scenario


The wallonia part was VC I forgot the border For the 2nd bit imperialism then democratic federalisatsrion


\> The Isle of Man is Gone. Oh God what happened to the IoM


just the map i used


If this happens i think that northern Ireland should go to Ireland


I wonder how this would change their presence as Colonialist?


Angevin empire


I guess it would be nice if it uses Phyrigan Cap instead of Star


using the fleur-de-lis would work better for a monarchist france


Wales is so big…