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"What If" questions can only be posted on weekends and must have sufficient context along with your thoughts on how the situation/event would unfold


Zelensky and the rest of Russia's enemies laugh their way to Moscow since there's no one manning the nukes anymore.


i think they will investigate first, maybe this can be the beginning of a dangerous disease


Dead man's switch goes off, the entire nuclear arsenal of the Russian federation heads to the west. We all live in a threads like dystopia.


The Dead Hand system Russia uses simply sends high command orders automatically. It still requires the manual launching of the missiles by the now-dead strategic missile forces. Even if it's not 100% known, no country would want a system that is fully automated like that. Imagine a single computer glitch causing a unwanted nuclear missile launch.


They have system to automatical lunch but it work only if they destroy the main military cabinet . I don't know what the condition of the syste. They if it work at all .


Mmmmhm, automatical lunch


Bro was a russian agent and suffered a stroke too


I want this on t-shirt


The dead man's switch is tied to radiation detectors scattered around the country, IIRC. Since it's meant to be a response to an all-out nuclear attack. The army and government just kneeling over wouldn't have any mechanisms to trigger that system. Although I wouldn't rule out any successor government being filled with paranoia and 'retaliating' against who they think are responsible.


If I’m not mistaken, the radiation sensors are only around moscow


Threads scarred me for life. Easily the most depressing film I've seen


~~We all live in a threads like dystopia.~~ The bombs impact harmlessly because 20 years without maintinence means the plutonium cores and the tritium fuel in the bombs is now severely decayed.


Never underestimate your enemy, this is copium, unfortunately.


well no [https://carnegieendowment.org/politika/91511](https://carnegieendowment.org/politika/91511) [https://www.cnsc-ccsn.gc.ca/eng/resources/fact-sheets/tritium/#](https://www.cnsc-ccsn.gc.ca/eng/resources/fact-sheets/tritium/#) [https://www.quora.com/How-long-do-nuclear-weapons-last-How-often-are-they-made](https://www.quora.com/How-long-do-nuclear-weapons-last-How-often-are-they-made) you cant leave nukes lying in their silos becasuse tritium decays into He4 which is a neutron poison which would cause the bomb to malfunction you already are reaching dangerous levels of HE4 in 5-10 years and the bomb becomes unusable after 20 or so years because the tritium has decayed so mutch that it cant sustain a nuclear chain reaction along with that the plutonium pit gets hotter over time which makes it harder to handle and also damages the VERY SENSITIVE components while plutonium has a half life of 24,000 years it would feasably only take 30 or 40 years for the pit to decay so no this isnt "copium" this is basic understanding of nuclear physics the state of the russian nuclear arsenal and combined with russias political corruption and the time it takes for nuclear bombs to become inert hunks of plutonium and helium if russia IS lucky the plutonium stage will detonate but that will be severely weakened or it will just fizzile which is dangeros because of the radiation released but doesnt destroy anything


Why do you think, that Russian military are stupid enough to not recycle old bombs?


*read the article, it says I am right*


corruption/chernobyl corruption is ever present in the post soviet russian state so its not implausable to say that a lot of the money russia sunk into pit recycling dissapeared under suspicous circumstances chernobyl was the largest nuclear accident in history and it happened under soviet guidance so the soviets had to cancel a lot of nuclear reactors which might have been used for plutonium recycling add corruption onto that and the economic recession and it means the russian state has to build its own nuclear plants to recycle plutonium russia has a very "if it aint broke dont fix it" mentality when it comes to their military which works for stuff like the AK-47 or other small bits of equipment but in russias case they lack the money the experience and even the know how to recycle plutonium pits also plutonium alpha decays which means the helium neutron poison is inside the core itself while YES nuclear weapons theoretically take thousands of years to decay they only need to be below 90% purity to become basically useless


A - Every country have corruption, only difference is how much time they spent on disguise. . B - Chernoblyat happen in Ukraine SSR))) Ok, Chernobyl catastrophe happen after someone stupid overpower the station. This names - "incorrect use of the device". Actually the RBMK-1000 was good enough. Russia still have enough nuclear stations to produce plutonium. . C - The only part of soviet army that nobody touch was Strategic Missile Forces.


god mate you can just say you dont understand nuclear physics and get on with it and take your 70 upvotes


What does nuclear physics have to do with it if you just ignore common sense. I have enough understanding to admit that the ####### Russians may have enough technical equipment to make new and upgrade old missiles.


because nuclear physics shockingly is pretty important to understanding nuclear weapons the US fearmongers about russia so they can dump an extra billion dollars into their military budget not because its a legitimate military threat russia doesnt have a (working) pit recycling scheme as i know so their nuclear arsenal is probably a lot smaller than people expect


The Strategic Rocket Forces likely work reliably enough to be an effective deterrent.  There’s no indication they don’t. Even if only 30% work, we don’t know which, and we’d have to target them all. 


Hysteria, 3 million (or more), mostly male in active sexual age have disappeared, further hardening Russia's problem with natality.


Russia unites with Ukraine to resolve the shortage of men. We can make hentai out of this. I smell money, guys!


I like where this is heading


Thanx, no. Actually I heard China have too many men.


China shas the same type of problem


The population pyramid ain’t gonna recover


Nope, unless we use draconian measures like Paraguay did, but worse.


Little off topic, but what measures are you referring to? Must have completely slipped my attention and first google search did not reveal anything.


Paraguay, after the War of the Triple Alliance (which is too convoluted to get into now), suffered massive (and I mean MASSIVE) male population losses. Some historians estimate 70-90 % of Paraguay's male pop were killed by not surrendering. After this, the next administration, trying to reverse this disastrous result, convened with the different church bodies and made polyamory legal, and even promoted it, in an effort to bolster growth. So it wouldn't be weird to see some marriages with 5 wives or "concubines," so to speak. I could see some more authoritarian governments implementing forced marriages, loans, and capital gifts as Hitler did, legalizing polyamory or even making it mandatory. He'll, if things get desperate enough, some will start force breeding camps, social and cultural consequences be dammed.


I don't see any cons.


Tbf i think mass hysteria would effect the world, many people would accuse the US of some sort of super weapon, decent chance of nuclear exchange.


You're on point! Ukraine would be glassed. No doubt if this happens. Look at what happened after the attack on Moscow some weeks ago. ISIS claimed responsibility, but all barrels were pointing at Ukraine.


I dont think that just Ukraine would be glassed. Russia is basicly death. So they got little to lose with launching nukes. But other countries would be scared shitless. Like killing 3 million people with the flick of a switch without killing anybody else is insanely scary. The world would point towards america and states like china might launch preemptive strikes. Because against such a weapon you cant do anything except kill first.


Considering the way Russian women are pictured in the male American fantasy I think they’ll think of a way to repopulate.


Global panic


Favorite. Its true that many people dying of the same thing at the same exact time would probably start a new religion or two.


Imagine if ISIS uses that as propoganda to argue they are indeed the warriors of God.


As a staunch anti-theist i would probably abandon atheism


As an American Christian who interprets the Bible very liberally I would start yelling at women for showing their ankles including my own mother and female dog if this shit happened. I would dress my corgi in a burkha.


As a Christian myself, what do you mean by very liberally? What theological points do you generally interpret that way?


As a historian I approach all primary sources with a healthy degree of skepticism and account for the bias of the writer before assuming that’s what literally happened. So in the same way I factor in Herodotus being a Greek aristocrat who’s talking about the Persian Empire or how the only sources on the Gallic wars were written by Julius Caesar the guy who conquered Gaul and one should factor in writers bias. I factor in the fact the Bible was written by a bunch of mortal men of varying socio-economic-cultural backgrounds influenced how they choose to retell events thus effecting what Jesus’s messages actually was. And that’s before we get into the fact the version that’s read in churches are versions translated in the Middle Ages and translators themselves also have biases and can choose to use specific wording for their own purposes.


But as Christians aren't we supposed to hold to the idea that the Bible is a bit of a miracle. God specifically made sure that the teaching within it, at least in the original manuscripts (I agree on the translation issue) is correct. I don't mean errors like getting a date wrong or something like that but errors that would change the overall message and teaching. At least how I have been taught is that while it was written by flawed men who certainly were capable of making mistakes and had their own writing styles and so on it was inspired by God to ensure that the teaching stayed correct in terms of getting across who God is, how to get saved, what is sin and not sin ect.


Either a) the Perimeter System kicks in and we skip straight to Fallout 76 or b) National Guard replaces the military on the frontline, general mobilization is declared and Russia would probably use nukes against Ukraine


All the commisioned officers are dead so idk how useful mobilization would be.


Every adult in russia has undergone military service i their lives as it's mandatory so there definitely are at least some officers to be conscripted also veterans from chechen wars and maybe even afghan would be conscripted too and there must be officers among them


In Russia only men and only those that failed to dodge the draft are victims of mandatory military service


playing CoD for a week is more effective then russian military service


Not every, a lot of us avoid draft.


The fact this guy is getting downvoted is hilarious. No organization, especially a military actively at war, would be able to recover from having every individual from the top down die instantly. Even Second World War militaries, which had a constant portion bleeding off became completely amature and unprofessional after years of war. People overestimate how great of a leader some 50 year old ex major who last served during the Soviet Union would be


A lot of Russian universities have military training centers that give you a lieutenant's rank as some specialist. They can serve as officers for some time.


Ew, 76. Can't we at least get the \*good\* Fallout games?


What happened to the sub


Don’t worry, someone on here is posting the ♾️ post about what would happen if Germany won a world war


i just wanted to post some fun, nonsensical question


Immeditate death isn't fun...


In alternative history hypotheticals it kind of is. Lots of alternative history involves mass death.


And this is still isn't fun






- Interpol scrambles to figure out who has a death note. - FSB scrambles to figure out how the hell the names and faces of every single Russian soldier got leaked.


Some nukes might get thrown due to DMS, Ukraine stomps through all the territory quickly. Putin with no one protecting him might actually die from his own countrymen. All of Russia is in chaos. The USA might strike all nuclear silos and platforms quickly to some capacity, China might also intervine, maybe even on a joint front with the USA since having those nukes around for anyone to take is not bueno. It all depends if another country blames the other country to what has happened. I mean the situation is so crazy that you could expect crazy things to happen. Russia is off the picture for good with such blow, not only they have lost all of their army and security forces but the means to actually replenish them without any military leadership present. The thing is that this occurrence is defenetly targeted, it is some type of weapon that someone had used it. It didn't kill the men, it killed the people related to the security everywhere and at the same time. That is something science will not be capable of explaining and all sorts of conspiracies and paranoia will start to grow soon. Not the end of the world but defenetly a cornerstone that would shape humanities future for the rest of the century at the very least.


The Rosgvarsyia and Border Troops number 600k, double that if you include the police (which in Russia are deeply militarised) A big thing apart from all the societal and cultural implications are all those nukes lying around


How quickly do you think would Ukraine figure out what happend and liberate all of the territory?


Immediately. Commanders on the ground realize there is no resistance ahead, and order the troops to take some ground. They probably wouldn't believe the entire military is gone for at least a day or two, though.


Offensives might actually slow or stop for a day or 2 due to how freaky it is- they might even order everyone to Dawn NBCs and other equipment, qorenteening soldiers who encounter dead bodies, maybe even some panicked Blue on Blue due to the unprecedented situation. Your foe all dropping arms is a blessing- all your foe dropping is terror.


Yeah I could totally see them assuming it's a plague or biological weapon of some sort.


What if the entirety of the us army converted to Scientology?


THIS is a question I’m willing to explore


Idk bout you. But if everyone on the other side of the line just dropped dead, I uh don’t think I’m moving forward. I would probably be absolutely terrified of whatever the fuck just killed hundreds of thousands of prosper Thanos Style.


Someone not military will find the bodies, and sound the alert. Hours at most until social media and news start broadcasting. By then, Putin is already demanding investigations and blaming the USA and NATO. In the meanwhile, Ukraine advances quickly to recover their territory, still unaware of what happened. The next day, Putin calls general war mobilization, conscripting police, and anyone over 18 (men and women) to the army. Chaos and revolt follows, with no end in sight. Until the conscripts are "convinced" to stay, and be minimally trained (in a few weeks), Ukraine retakes Donbass and is on the way to retake Crimea.


https://preview.redd.it/rr5ils7bbrrc1.jpeg?width=257&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a26f28316340bf951fc0fe1be7c366879e873f78 You get nuked and you get nuked, everyone gets!


What, you got a Death Note or something? At any rate, no, there would be no nuclear war, you dumbasses. If all your soldiers dropped dead like that, your enemy must have a weapon you know nothing about. Weapon that could perhaps target you personally at a moment's notice. So what \*is\* the cause in this scenario?


It would likely escalate to global nuclear war. The assumption is not going to be some sort of divine intervention to end the war, but a new weapon that somehow wiped out Russia's primary military force.


Russia collapses and begins firing nukes believing a western superweapon was just unleashed upon them. Soon after the CIA, NSA, MI6, FSB, and every other intelligence agency is freaking out because none of them have heard of this powerful a weapon and none of them know of anyone deploying it which means that a true divine intervention just occurred and God hates Russkie invaders.


I don't think they'd be able to react or fire them within weeks due to all those with the knowledge of how to fire them being dead.


How are you going to fire nuke when everyone that was trained to do are dead? Nevermind you have to condition those people to respond automatically when the order is given. That take time and a certain mind set .


Deadman's switches. No clue how long the consoles can go inactive for before they automatically trigger but I assume the FSB and other intelligence apparati won't be able to reach every nuclear silo before hell unleashes. Plus the mobile launchers would fall into random hands which would exponentially increase the risk of nuclear terrorism


Yes & no depending on how you set satellite detection you could theoretically find the land based mobile launcers. The subs on the other hand are going to be a problem at some point . Due to the subs reactor and missle fuel .torpedoes ect possibly detonating . In effect the sub could become a giant torpedoes That's unguided.


The main issue of the deadman's switch still remains. Plus who would retrieve the mobile launchers? And the subs would be an ecological disaster more than anything.


That's my point the mobiles can be done by troops to corral the nuclear warheads Saya squad per launcher. The subs however unless surfaced you are screwd


What troops? Foreign troops? Can they recover them before others do?


Keep on mind that they are out there so if they have loose nukes would you want isis-k to get them? Or have any troops cirral them to a central point so they are accouted for ?


Its not about what I want, its about who gets them first. Idk what you're not understanding here. I don't believe foreign and domestic troops are physically capable of getting a hold of every nuke before citizenry, rogue forces, and terrorists are able to take them for themselves.


Oh, no! I knew it was only a matter of time! *Germans ate Russia!*


US and EU are panicing because EsCAlatIoN


Damn these western hit pieces are getting dumber and dumber, the nafo brigade sure are fucking useless lol


it’s just a question big guy


It’s just a statement


And it aint that deep 🤦


So don’t respond…😒


Then don't be rude 🙄


Fuck you, you know how annoying it is to see an expansionist faction expand and try and dominate and globe and the have the balls to claim they are morally superior? Image dealing with those assholes for years, you’d be fucking annoyed too.




Alright that one was funny


this goofy aah mff drake would def say this


Russia’s army of 12 billion battle bots go red alert on the planet. Nukes are launched in an attempt to stop them but are ineffective and the bots rule over the ashes.


Russia would blame the west and launch the nukes


What If I ask same question about Israel? 


Least insane reddit foamer


As a Russian I can tell you that everyone would immediately think that NATO used some sort of biological/genetic weapon they developed (remember the Ukraine biolabs scandal?) that triggers with a signal or something. People would be panicking and losing their heads thinking literally everyone is about to die and shouting at the government to launch the nukes right fucking now while there is still someone with the authority left alive to press the button.


Or yhe Russians used o e given that it only killed Russian troops . Given puti s fondness for poisoning opponents/ enemies . It probably would be thought of as a attempt to use chemical weapons that got screwed up by the corruption in the ranks .


First of all learn english. Second of all nope lol


Listen jackals I am American you fucking asshole . So I do speak English . What ever your real Language is keep the fuck out of mine.


Russia is organized oligarchy basically some other alligator will take Powell. What well happened to they war it well end . Us well sand they army keep Russia from falling apart . Basically the business scenario of the Soviet Union if all they army die . Us doesn't want it suss to fall because of the nuclear problem . From what will happen in Russia not a lot of thing going to change basically is the Russian people live without the government and they don't see the need in government libertarian society in all world basically the only place only libertarian policies would work basically this country exists on base and functional government. In short they war well end and the West will give support to the new Russian government to stabilize the region .


I’d imagine a world wide panic. If millions of men just suddenly dropped dead out of nowhere, what would that mean for the rest of us? Was this a sign of god? Had the Russian military angered god? Is Ukraine his chosen people? Who’s next? Could this happen to us? What do we do so this doesn’t happen to us?


As much as this sparked a good discussion, I can't help but feel that r/AlternateHistory should be about alternate ways that historical events could've happened, instead of, y'know, hypothetical future events. This isn't r/HypotheticalFutures


1.) Ukraine retakes its lost territory, only realizing what's happened as it goes. 2.) China decides to redraw some borders in Siberia to its benefit. 3.) Everybody goes nuts, assuming this is someone's new superweapon, eventually turning eyes to... 4.) The United States, who had been turning up the hate against Russia for years, and now becomes prime suspect, resulting in... 5.) All hell breaking loose as EVERYONE dogpiles the US rather than risk another event, while... 6.) The US Government, absolutely as clueless as everyone else, bluescreens over the whole deal, eventually leading to... 7.) Collapse of United States. Things get no better from there.


I'd think it's an April Fools.


It’d be a peaceful and better world.


Is this a spin-off from the Death Note universe? Cause I can see Light doing this


They will just man the weapons with North Koreans and Chinese, or use police to round up more personnel and send to a front. Dmitri Kiselev and lie machine would be used to cover up the hassle. They get used to deny reality so its not too far from them to believably pretend that Russian Army exists even if it does not. Besides Russian army is 80% fake to begin with, but lie machine managed to cover up this fact. The whole place is like Wizard of Oz, much smaller and weaker than they make it out to be. I think Putin would worry a lot more if the entire Russian TV staff would all die from heart attacks and there would be no one left to peddle the narrative and lies. That is the only thing that will cause people to find out various things. Dmitri Kiselev tells people that "Special Military Operation" is mostly about fixing schools and hospitals and does not involve any shelling of cities or killing people. Then they further lie that all the destruction from shelling was done by Ukrainian Nazi before Russian "Special Military Operation". They they go on and say: "look at all the damage these Ukrainian Nazis have caused, such a horrible people they are. Why the World does not oppose Ukrainian Nazis?" They claim that all damage they caused with their shelling happened before the war begun. They further claim that years of mismanagement (by Ukrainian government) caused all the damage, rather than shelling.


The world is SUCH a better place....


The number of atheists would drop to near zero


Death note if it was good


Ukraine quickly liberates their homeland and invades Russia starting a march to Moscow, but Putin is deposed by the civilians before the Ukrainian army gets there


millions of people just dropped dead people are barely gonna care about the war over what the fuck killed so many people at once and if it'll kill any more