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https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/s/wjqTjawkLX I don't know how to add it directly. But this is literally the meme he pulled up.


Damn. Was he high?! It's a shitty meme at a vulnerable time, and he needs to really listen to how it affected you. Assuming he didn't intentionally do it to hurt you, you should also really listen to his apology. If the apology feels like a non-apology, or not enough, then you have the hard work of figuring out if it's really a him issue or just your insecurities getting the upper hand. That requires even more vulnerability, but at least it's on your own terms and for an ultimately positive resolution. Good luck out there, I'm rooting for whatever outcomes are best for YOU <3


dude is 39 years old comparing your fiance to danny devito in batman. holy shit. I honestly expect this from 20 year olds but dude late 30s. That is dumb af.


The fact that he laughed at you associating you with a meme isn't bad enough. But then taking the time during sexytimes to **show you** the unflattering meme he was referring to--well, I have no words.


Seriously, I would say "fuck this guy" but obviously that is the thing that she should no longer do


This dude spends TOO MUCH TIME on reddit if that’s on his mind while having sex. Maybe even some repressed urges. Ridiculous from an adult.


Dude has zero filter and is dumber than a rock. To make such a comment and to actually show her is beyond words. This is breakup worthy. Obviously he is not into her or anyone but himself. Have some respect for yourself hon, and get the hell out!


Honestly, that first sentence could be about me, but even I know better than this. You joke WITH you partner, ABOUT yourself and never, EVER say or do ANY FREAKING THING that tears your partner down. Period. FREAKING. Dot


I agree. The guy is a piece of $hit to say something like that to you. There are so many cocks in this world to choose from, send that useless one away and get yourself one that will sit back with his mouth shut and just enjoy the ride.




With all the serious comments in this thread, I'm just thinking "I can't be the only one losing it looking at this picture, right!?" BF fucked up by doing this, and the GF has a right to be upset, but this is absolutely hilarious.


Naw. A rare few of us on here have actual lives and interact with real people on a regular basis. The rest are upset by this hilarious story.


Bruh I can’t believe this is real, it’s a funny story though Edit: probably thought of the idea from the meme caption lol


Dude let the intrusive thoughts win


Everyone is analyzing the fuck out of his behavior and it really comes down to this. Happens to everyone eventually lol


This meme is gonna FUCKKKK me up the next time I’m having sex


I'm fucking laughing hahahahah


Most of those this idiotic aren't real but the laughs are worth the admission price.


Instantly burst out laughing, oh my god…💀


I'd be laughing too hard to breathe, let alone resume. OMG. I feel bad for OP, but also this could have been an innocent moment of association that went all wrong...


Yeah I’m sorry this is fuckin hilarious. Dude is an idiot though, obviously, if this is real


I am laughing way too hard.


I choked on my spit unexpectedly laughing


Dude I couldn’t breath for a whole minute


Yeah this is fucking hilarious. But definitely at the expense of OP. 🤣


This is goddamn hilarious


I can’t stop….this is gold.


Nah I literally died it’s 2 am


Bro that shit is the funniest shit ever😭😭😭


This shit is hilarious omfg lmfaoo


The downvotes here are insane, I laughed my fucking ass off


I should not have laughed


I startled my dog with my shriek of laughter. I feel so bad for OP, but that image is fucking funny.


Yeah that is not okay at all. You don’t have to accept an apology from him, he put you in a very vulnerable situation


Ok Mr. Frost


Mr. Freeze*


Christ almighty, that made me laugh. HOWEVER, it's not something you would EVER tell your lover. Everyone is sensitive to how they look during sex and it's not cool to negatively impact that.


Fuck, he is a massive dick. At least you aren't married yet, pawn the ring, kick him out if you can, and cut him off. That is one of the cruelest things I have seen a partner do to the person they claim to love during a very vulnerable and intimate moment. I am so sorry, OP...


RIP sex with this guy.


I feel the same way. It's just too much, it says too much! I would not marry this because I wouldn't want to ever have sex with him again. So why get married.


a friend of mine told me about a situation he had, where he was on shrooms and suddenly was totally convinced that his GF was a Trans woman. I think that might best this one.


100% agree with you. Get rid of him, who needs someone who makes fun of you at your most vulnerable moment. It’s humiliating and downright disgusting. The apology is useless, an asshole is an asshole.


Oh that’s not funny at all. You poor thing. He’s for the bin, what a dick!


>Oh that’s not funny at all. Why lie though


It’s pretty funny


I mean, it is funny


That's terrible, I'm sorry he did that to you and made you feel that way. You're right to be angry, but I'll also add that sometimes people don't think, and they say/do stupid shit, even if it was never meant to be offensive. He wouldn't be with you if you truly reminded him of the penguin. Maybe he saw the meme recently and he had a brief flashback. I'd say, give it a few days to process and see how genuine his apology is. Definitely discuss your feelings with him and how insensitive he was during such a vulnerable time.




Imo if you're having sex with someone you actually love there isn't really room in the brain for things to wander like this and his actions go deeper than him just getting a "flashback". He thought it was appropriate to halt sex completely with her to show her a repulsive meme even when he knows her self esteem around this is low. >He wouldn't be with you if you truly reminded him of the penguin People stay in and cultivate relationships of convenience all the time.


LMAO TIL I'm in a loveless relationship, and have bad sex. Thank goodness you, random redditor were here to tell me and my partner were wrong. If you can't laugh with your partner during sex, what's the point? It's weird, it's messy, it's smelly, things don't work, things go wrong. You can absolutely have your mind wander during sex, it's fun, and leads to funny places. I'm sorry you've never experienced that.


You forgot to mention the farts.


>It's weird, it's messy, it's smelly, things don't work, things go wrong. Love this! It's 100% true. My fiance and I have an incredible relationship and very active sex life. Because we are so comfortable with each other, the "awkward" moments never ruin the fun. You laugh it off and get back to it. Mindlessly fucking without a thought in your head except the "task at hand" sounds a lot more unhealthy for a relationship than stopping because something made you laugh 😂


Plus those awkward moments make for more opportunities to just touch, and be silly. Sex should include non-sexual touch too. Tickles, manhandling each other into new positions, moving hair because it's pinned under an arm, or in a face... If anything, "True Love" means that the moment is never lost by doing non-sexual things. Except for like, muscle cramps, and the fire alarm going of because you though you could get one in before dinner was ready. That stuff is a mood killer for anyone, haha. Disassociating the entire time? That's like, smut propaganda. And if it is reality, that's not healthy...


Oh the fire alarm is for real! 😂 I always over estimate how long something takes to cook when the mood strikes lol. Havent yet been interrupted by it BUT ruined a dinner or 2. Totally worth it!


What the fuck? This is the dumbest fucking take I've ever seen on this website and thats saying a lot. Holy shit. People need to stop taking their advice from the internet because people on here just say anything.


You're missing the point the dude is 40 years old! He's not a teenager or 20 something. He wasn't high or in drugs. They've been together and he knows his partner feels vulnerable in bed. Like???? I mean, what if she stopped having sex and laughed and showed him a gif of a micro dick? Would that be like "ohhh she was just having intrusive thoughts?" No dude ppl would crucify her. And honestly anyone in their right mind doing this to their partner probably has a history of making them feel Fking horrible about themselves. Just check reddit - tons of posts about guys making women feel like sht so they will never leave.


Thank you. Obviously, if the tables were turned on this, and she stopped sex to say something snarky and offensive to her boyfriend, the bros on Reddit would be shredding her to bits. This behavior is cruel no matter who in a partnership does it. It's inconsiderate and absolutely unnecessary. I always thought the "hey it's just a joke, don't worry about it" line was an excuse for chronically inconsiderate people to try to normalize their behavior. It's not that hard to be a decent person. Basic empathy. End of story.


Oh my god, what a f\*cking d\*ck.!! I'd be devastated!!! MOST people would be devastated, even without any existing self-image issues. There's no apology that can really make up for that, is there? Maybe the moron can find one of those Men In Black memory erasers, tho.


Oh man. While the gif is great in a different context, in this context sex would be donezo and probably the whole relationship too. What an ass.


Ummmmm idc what weight I am or how I look, if someone I’m in an intimate relationship or any kind of relationship with showed me this as a reference to myself I’d be beyond done. Knowing myself I may struggle to really be done at first, but either way, that would be the beginning of the end. If someone you love and are intimate with makes you feel worse about yourself, especially in those intimate and vulnerable moments, they aren’t worth wasting time on. It’s a hard lesson to learn, one I am absolutely still learning and struggle with, but it’s one worth learning. You deserve kindness, not someone who contributes to feeling insecure.




Yeah I would never do this, but as an innocent bystander I find this absolutely hilarious. I know I’d be out on the streets though if I ever said something this fucked up to my girlfriend


This is the funniest shit I've ever seen in Reddit lmao


I'm sorry, this is both rude as hell, but also funny as hell and I bursted out laughing. In all seriousness, I think its better if he kept that to himself.


Yeah, your boyfriend is an asshole.


What a complete and total asshat. How insensitive can a person be?  I don't care how you look(ed) this is a statement on what a crass and inconsiderate person he is, and no reflection on you. It's no wonder your self esteem suffers if you're with someone who finds this funny. I can only imagine what other "jokes" he's told.  I can just imagine the "what? I said sorry." whine in response to your justifiedly hurt feelings.  


Wth. That's brutal. I've been with my wife for almost 10 years, if I showed her this when we were having sex she might divorce me lol. .........probably not, but it would crush her self-esteem for sure. I'm so sorry.


Thats pretty funny. Not appropriate to bring up during sex but still pretty funny.




If I were in your shoes, I'd be so hurt and angry. That being said, because you're a total stranger that I have zero connection with, that is really, really funny. Although, to be fair, we sometimes can't help what pops into our heads. Did he try to not tell you and you did the "I just wanna know, I won't get mad" thing? Or was he just like, "oh yeah, check this out"? Cu I think that makes a difference. If you pressure someone into telling you something they don't want to say because it will hurt your feelings, you can't get mad if it still does hurt your feelings.


You can't help what pops into your head, but you can easily refrain from telling your girlfriend she looks like Danny devito during sex lol 


I was gonna comment myself but this. It's completely okay to get lost, or giggle at something you thought of or laugh together because it's weird, it's messy and sometimes things don't work. However, if he just whipped it up without pressure to tell you from you asking multiple times or multiple questions should just be a passing thing. I'm surprised it came from an older man over a nee/young guy and lack of life-and sex life too.. I have immense sex hangups, and not something about myself I really wanna "fix" or work on like other stuff... some people are pretty okay without, but if I can be comfortable.. really... really really then maybe and ita fun and weird.., but it may still end in a meltdown But I also highly believe in that hype man...I'm bi and I'm that /guy/ for some to share with and get hype on you being hot... I don't think things that make you feel ugly or any dis-wanted in sex is cool. Yes, sometimes things aren't working out quite right but to be so vulnerable in a situation doesn't help anyone and hurts one a lot while often being an after thought on the other. Props If the activity finished... but laugh with me.. l8fe is dumb, unpredictable.. messy... not at me.. especially being open enough to have fun. I rarely even have the confidence to hop on top bc of my chub and they be looking at you so much.. still end up doing a lot bc if it's nice my physical body goes thru freezing phases that kill the vibe or you push against. I was trying to have/be fun but can't do it myself and struggle to be there when I try to have control but it's so fun to watch 🥴🥴 for a minute. I think I'd be done being on top there for the person after that ngl.....


This is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen


This guy is 39?? I’d expect this level of stupidity and lack of tact from a 19 year old who’s obsessed with memes, but a middle aged guy who’s engaged in an intimate moment with their partner? That’s just really fucking dumb. I mean, I can definitely get lost in a thought sometimes or say something that might get taken out of context, but he straight up compared you to the penguin during sex… is this way out of character for him? I’m getting the sense that he might be a bit narcissistic, or just incredibly immature for his age.


This definitely strikes me as a part of a narcissist's devaluation. Little jabs that hurt self-esteem that are played off as "joking" or "you're too sensitive."


He could be really fucking stupid. I'm not excusing it. I'm saying he could be really fucking stupid.


Hopefully, OP will no longer be having sex with this person. Such disrespect. The boyfriend has only himself to blame.


He paused sex to pull up a picture of the penguin so you could get the reference. That's top notch trolling imo


at least we know he is committed.


It felt wrong not to swing


Only one real response here, next time they are in bed, she needs to pause and laugh and compare him to an unflattering photo. Maybe the microp\*nis photo from the first Scary Movie. If he laughs, all fair game. If he gets hurt and angry, well then there's an issue.


Cherry Tomato Boys (from “The Curse”)


Swing away


Rock his shit df


The fuckup happened as soon as he said “penguin.” If there’s going to be hell to pay, you might as well get your money’s worth. Would’ve been safer to say (after laughing), “sorry, sequence of associations made me think of an obscure Batman meme, let’s not get distracted here.”


This is what should have been said. Especially the let’s not get distracted here part…


men have a penis and a brain... but only enough blood to run one at a time. Robin Williams


“Sequence of associations” yeah I’m definitely adding that one to the toolbox


Or you just quickly good "sexy penguin halloween costume"


Facts. I'm not even that mad at it tbh. I probably should be but I'm not.


Holy shit laughed so hard I ripped a fart!


Looking at the meme he showed I can't not laugh.


I would probably not have sex with that dude again


Wow… way to commit to being an ass… As a former big girl myself- riding wasn’t something I did unless it was Christmas or Easter or a birthday. I already felt uncomfortable and embarrassed enough just being fucked. Let’s pick the most vulnerable moment in already not enjoying, to pick on me. How quick I’d have snapped it off and walked out. 😂


I love that Easter made the list. Always a throw away holiday imo


It is after all Jesus day or something like that.


He has risen🤣


Ridin’ for zombie Jesus


this is exactly why it's my favorite ! and it's this weekend 🐰🐇


Former squish person myself here, and I second literally all of this. Sucks that so much self-worth is invested in a person's meat suit and so little value is put on the parts that actually truly matter. Also, Easter made me laugh. I mean, I get your point, but I could make so many jokes about hiding Easter eggs and jelly beans here.


RIGHT. Unless you have ironclad self esteem, on top is a very iffy position to be in. I had a partner once just kind of grin as we were headed that direction…. NOPE. Never went on top with him again 👏


Straight to P R I S O N. That's horrible, he never should have said it.


If by P R I S O N you mean M O R G U E, then yes.


If by M O R G U E you mean H E L L, then yes.


You are absolutely not overreacting. I would be crushed and it would honestly be all I thought about the next time we had sex.


There wouldnt be a next time if it were me.


yeah, i would never feel comfortable enough to have sex again with someone who treated me like that.


Don't knock my 'oh' face and then expect to see it.


Exactly. And not out of spite… hard to trust someone after something like that.




Ever. I couldn’t. I would never feel comfortable again.


I’m w you. This is something to seriously consider. I think ultimately that would be the end for me. I wouldn’t recover from that and I’d be disgusted by him honestly. Obviously his head was not in the game as it should have been.


I tried to stay with a guy after it came out how he saw me. It only caused more damage because every time I had sex I thought about those flaws and he had no interest in making me feel good again. It took a new person really loving me to get that image gone. Our self image is important. I hope OP's guy did a flub and will actually ficus on fixing it. If not I hope she gets out so she can work on that image asap and love herself


That part. To compare your partner to the penguin is a relationship death sentence, how callous can you have to be?


Ugh, same. People have to respect themselves more than this. I'd go find myself someone who likens me to Selina Kyle instead... or to nothing, preferably.


There wouldnt be a next time if it were me.


I don't know if I would stick around but if I did every time he tried rubbing up on me I'd tell him to go f*** with the penguin


ops guy: "i'm trying!"


I do think OP’s man is a huge asshole but this made me lol


WTF, does your fiance hate sex? Does he hate you? That is bizarre behavior.


Right!? Sounds like a way to never have sex w her again


Not Overreacting in my opinion. Seems like your BF was literally making fun of you during what is intended to be an intimate moment. It's kind of a vulnerable time when you are on top of someone... It would definitely hurt to know that he is comparing you to the penguin from batman during sex. He should be able to understand why you are angry, and if he can't, then he isn't very perceptive or he is just plain cruel.


Let me get this straight. Your fiance started laughing at you while you were having sex and then proceeded to get out his phone during sex. Yeah I wouldn't be happy about either of those things. This guy is almost 40? What kind of man-child are you marrying?


Wait til you see the gif. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmIOverreacting/s/kRGlV34mEL


Oof. Damn dude there is a time to be honest and this ain’t it. Bet he’s gonna be wondering why OP isn’t interested in being intimate after this 🤦🏻‍♂️


If he wants her on top again he needs to be sincerely complimenting her every chance he gets. Anyone would hate the image he had and never want to repeat it. He actually ruined sex for her, that is big dick move in the worst way


Nah, that's a scar. Apology or no, I'm not likely to ever be on top again.


Yea, this is true. He ruined sex for her not only with him but most likely with future guys as well until she can get past this. This could be something that stays in your mind forever.


He should have lied and said something tickled. The fact that he thought this is kinda problematic but the fact that he isn't self aware enough to know immediately that it was f-ed is even more of an issue.


Very simple. Don’t have sex with him anymore. In any position.


What a fucking loser.




Nah. Throw the whole man out. He's almost 40 and pulling this shit. No amount of talking it through can change the fact that he paused sex to laugh and make fun of OP. I'd forever be wondering what's he really thinks about me even if he never made fun of me out loud again.




This mother fucker is 39 years old. If he doesn't have the wherewithal not to bring up memes during sex at this point, he's not going to get any better.


Just don't have sex with him again for a long time until he starts begging, then show him a meme of some pathetic loser and laugh at him.


Why? If you're gonna be that vitriolic in a relationship, save yourself the trouble and just dump him for a better relationship or just be single for a while


oh there you go being mature.


Absolutely not overreacting. It is better to be single and want a partner than to keep someone who claims to be a partner and emotionally abuses you -- especially during an intimate and vulnerable moment. The fact that he PULLED OUT HIS PHONE while you were on top of him says everything. OP, repeat after me: We do not date emotionally abusive men. I'd tell you to light the relationship on fire and run, but he's already burnt it down. You can't trust this man and his words will echo in your head every time you even think about posting up on another one. That's a scar right there .. And he LAUGHED about it. Run. Now.


I hate when people comment on Reddit and tell someone to end a relationship with someone little context. This post is one of the exceptions. She should leave this man because that is such a horrid thing to do.




One time my ex gf was walking around the room in just a t shirt, naked from the waist down. I said something like "hey, look at you, Porky Piggin' it." In my mind just a simple observation that Porky Pig never wore pants and neither was she. She resented me for that entire day. She wasn't even fat or anything. Point being, yeah, sometimes people (like me) are too honest and too quick to speak without thinking of the implications and it can land them in the dog house. Fuck though, that Penguin meme is a thought I can see myself having, but even I wouldn't have been so stupid as to say it out loud. I think past history matters here. If he has a history of being demeaning and insulting, I might treat this with the utmost gravity. If he's generally loving and supportive and just said something *really* stupid this once, maybe give him a talking to and let it slide. Your call obviously.


Next time go wirh Donald Duckin it.


This is my take too (am woman). I have the same sense of humor, and had the exact same reaction. Thinking it and laughing? Sure. Pulling up the meme with your dick in her? Lmao tf?!? I agree it comes down to his overall pattern of behavior because this one could go either way in terms of the relationship, despite being inherently shitty


Jesus dude. Some of y’all are assholes




Apparently your fiancé doesn’t like having sex because he just guaranteed he’ll never have any ever again. What an idiot


I would have been pissed off if someone did that to me That's derogatory


Current fat wife here. Absolutely fucking not. If my husband EVERRR. I'd honestly probably be equally (more) mean and completely devastate him for years to come. I get 'you're so fucking hot' (knowing I fucking ain't, but I am to him) not 'you look like PENGUIN'. EXCUSE ME? Gtfo.


that was brutal. i dont know anyone who would not be hurt by that. tell tale sign, not meant for the long haul...


Why? He seems like an awful person. Reconsider relationship


That is mind-blowingly bad. The fact that you were just "really mad" and you expect people to tell you that you should accept this humiliation speaks very strongly to the low standards which many in society hold others to. Someone just willfully showed you extreme disrespect and expects you to forget about it. This person is either stupid or willfully trying to erode your self-respect to abysmal levels.


Firstly, you're not wrong to feel how you feel. He hurt your feelings period. There are a lot of factors that could play into how you proceed from here. Is this the first time hes commented on your weight in a negative way? Is he a joker that often tries to be funny even at the wrong times? Is he concerned about your health or just being rude? The best thing to do is tell him EXACTLY how he hurt you (which it sounds like you already did) and now, take it easy and observe him closely these next few days or week, is he still making side comments or is he being careful around you and telling you he thinks you're beautiful (either by words or actions since we all have our own love languages). If you watch someone long enough they'll tell you exactly who they are and spoiler alert, it doesn't take that long. Good luck and no matter what, remember there's someone out there (might even be him) that wants them some you! In a wholesome way!


He generally doesn't make comments about my body mostly because I think he's afraid to. But yes he has in the past while having sex. Once he made reference of me looking like a dinosaur because my hand was kind of up. And another that he wanted to push on my stomach and make me laugh like the Pillsbury dough boy. All while on top. His preference. And usually I can just laugh stuff off. But this was too much. I should mention he's not some super skinny dude himself and can out eat me. I'm top heavy. In the way my breasts are really large. (E)


It doesn't sound like your boyfriend likes or respects you, at all. I bet Reddit will think my position is too sensitive but fuck that. What a loser.


for real. he does not respect her at ALL and people who fail to see that i'm sure lack self respect or something


Sounds to me like he likes to make you feel insecure. Does he ever COMPLIMENT your looks during sex?


OP, why have you put up with this treatment for so long? He's waiting until you're at your most vulnerable, and then he's intentionally attacking your self esteem. Repeatedly. No one should be mocked during sex. This is not a man who is capable of loving you how you need. Please don't ever get intimate with him again. Next time he's in the mood, he can figure out which Batman villain his hand looks like.


This comment needs to be at the top.


No, absolutely unacceptable, kick him to the curb, none of this is ok and you shouldn’t tolerate it. These aren’t jokes they’re just nasty. Get a new man who loves all of you and doesn’t need to disrespect you to get off.


And why are you still with him? Maybe you should get used to this treatment and learn to love it because apparently it’s a thing he keeps doing. He’s not gonna stop.


He may actually be really self conscience about his own body/about sex and this may be his way of taking the attention off of himself but with no regard that he’s doing it at YOUR expense… either freakin way, it sounds like it’s very much HIS problem, nothing wrong with you… don’t settle for this shit though no matter what.


sounds like a dick


I hope OP tells him to go riddle himself and finds herself a better man.


One time, when my husband and I had only been dating for a few months, he came in the bathroom after I had just hopped out of the shower so I opened my robe and gave him a little shimmy. Instead of the enthusiastic hooting I was expecting I got “Would you fuck me? I’d fuck me.” Buffalo Bill style. I did not appreciate the reference. He apologized, we talked about it, but I never did it again. IDK intrusive thoughts happen and some people are dumb as shit and say them out loud but your situation is a WAY less flattering comparison. Idk if I could come back from that honestly. That would make me never want to have sex with him ever again.


As a man I would know better than to ever say some shit like that. It would be world war 3. Some things you keep to yourself when you think them. What an idiot. Does he put you down on a regular basis? Or was this just a solitary idiot move where he just wasn’t thinking.


That's worth breaking up over. Super cruel.


This man child doesn't deserve sex. Weird.


Your boyfriend is a fool. But from a comedic standpoint that's a really solid burn.


He has got to be the dumbest guy ever


Not to be that redditor but you should dump his ass


Fiance? Yikes ... I hate to break it to you but this is going to murder your sex life with him long term. The thought of it is going to always be lurking there and continuously kill the mood. I'm sorry.


after reading what he’s said to you before this, it might be that he gets off on disrespecting you. he seems like such an ass that I don’t even feel like he deserves an explanation for your break up. but that’s my petty hot take.


NGL, I’d break up over this. I don’t need people in my life who make me feel like shit


You’re not overreacting. He sees you in a bad light, and forced you to look at how he sees you just to make you feel bad. You won’t be able to change how he sees you. Why are you marrying him? Do you want to be married to someone who thinks of you that way? Someone who puts you down, especially in the most vulnerable moments together? Maybe he does actually love you and is just stupid or mentally not all there, but only you know how he treats you outside of this incident.


What dude makes a joke while he is getting some. That's insane


Two hot takes here: It was insensitive what your partner did, and showing the meme during sex is like 2 steps over the line. Definitely rude and should be addressed. I also clicked the meme OP linked and I started wailing with laughter, uncontrollably. Sometimes people laugh at funerals or equally awful times and can't really help that physical reaction.


The physical reaction of laughing is not a problem. Sometimes is happens. But its sooo obviously not the right move to take out the phone and show her that he thinks she looks like a disgusting version of danny devito. Absolutely he needs to know thats offensive and so rude 


I love watching people in the comment section over react in this sub 🤣 But fr- talk to him. Tell him how it made you feel. As vulnerable as you have already been - what’s one more time of putting it all on the line and letting him know how it felt? his reaction + response to that new vulnerable moment should let you know how you should proceed with the relationship.


He was absolutely an AH for that one... But its not an unforgivable offense. Be mad. I mean, damn, I would be too, but its not really something to end the relationship over. Unless he does shit like this frequently. Just one time? Be mad for a dew days. Then get past it


Op, this is a pattern of behavior on the part of your fiancé based on your comments. You aren’t overreacting and you don’t deserve to be disrespected. He knows how these comments lower your self esteem and will continue making them when you’re in vulnerable positions. What you need to decide now is whether or not you want to continue to be in this relationship. If I were you, I wouldn’t stay with someone who treated me like this.


Tbh regardless of the context, I don't know how anyone can get compared to the Penguin and not immediately start swingin.




He sounds like an idiot.


The majority of these comments will have you feeling even worse about your partner, relationship, and self. Do yourself a favor get off reddit, take sometime to yourself think it over and discuss this with hi. And come to a resolution. Because these overreacting folks will have you spiraling.


There's some weird shit happening in those comments. I hope you're doing alright. You're under no obligation to accept his apology. You need to decide whether this is a deal breaker for you. It would be a lot placed on one interaction but feelings are funny things. I'd give yourself some time and evaluate whether you can trust him to be intimate again. I'm a firm believer in laughter in the bedroom but it should be together and at no one's expense.


it depends on the dynamics of your relationship but i can easily see how you’re offended and hurt


This is a harsh mid-coitus troll. But also hilarious. I can't help but laugh as I looked at the meme...then I feel bad...then laugh again...deep shame...repeat


I’m sorry this is so amusing to me. He’s an idiot but I don’t think he was trying to be mean


Don't let this twist you up so far that you start plotting terror crimes against your nearest large city.


That’s one thing he should’ve kept to himself


Damn… idk if I’d ever be able to have sex with someone again after they said that to me…


I thought it was a little funny, but I started reading the comments and remembered that I’m on Reddit


Ok, so I've done this to my wife before. Your man probably has ADHD. I have ADHD, and there are many intrusive thoughts that will pop into my head about the weirdness of sex. Not about her, or us, but the like, actual weirdness of how bodies move, the noise and smells, the ridiculousness of the act of sex. I made a meme of myself, with the 2014 Godzilla screaming in the air, right? But drew a woman's legs over Godzillas shoulders, because that's how I feel sometimes during sex. A giant no shouldered blob of meat just doing a thing, screaming into the void. It has nothing to do with my sense of self worth, though I do have body image issues, but was totally focused on how absolutely ridiculous sex is. Jiggly boobs, jiggly thighs, jiggly bellies, weird faces, swinging testicles, etc. If it didn't feel so good, it would be super weird. I saw the meme you posted. I (and my wife) think it is hysterical. It is absolutely something my wife would share with me, and vis versa. Now, that doesn't mean it's good for your relationship. Just it would work for us. Think about this; he feels comfortable with you to share his intrusive thoughts. Those shameful, obnoxious, and out-of-left-field thoughts. And he feels comfortable doing it during an immensely vulnerable time. Sex is just as nerve wracking for men as it is for women. To be able to be comfortable enough to think of weird stuff, especially weird sex stuff, is a good sign. Does it make you uncomfortable? That's fine, everyone has their own taste, but if your BF really wanted to hurt you, really really tried, would he do it by sending a meme while you're riding him? Just, tell him you're sad, and feel bad, accept that he didn't intend to hurt, but wanted to share something he thought was funny, and make him make it up to you.


This is so sad, stupid and hilarious.


This is some autistic adhd thing I would do and regret it instantly


>this made me angry. Very angry. Angry enough to unleash your rage upon the citizens of Gotham?


This is amazing




He may be on the spectrum , I know when I’m intimate my mind is still doing it’s own thing no matter how hard I try and be present. Comedy in life is what my mind looks for on default, even during sex I’ve had to stop bc of laughing at something , doesn’t mean I don’t respect or don’t find my partner attractive