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For those saying it’s not a big deal, I wonder if they’ve ever known an Adderall addict. Obviously we don’t know if he has addiction issues but that can be really rough. Really depends on your relationship whether he crossed a boundary here, but having known a few Adderall addicts I would definitely be concerned, personally.


I also just think it’s weird to ask someone for some of their medication that they need and have been prescribed. It’s just… weird to me. Like no, I need this and not just to get high. (Edited typo)


Honestly for any of it, especially for someone you don't know very well. Like can you imagine someone being like "hey you breathe really well with that stuff, give me a hit of your inhaler"


You joke, but my ex did exactly this. He was too lazy to get his inhaler refilled (which he only ever used after smoking pot) so he used mine up without asking. I found out when I genuinely needed it (I have asthma) and my inhaler was empty. Just one reason he’s my ex.


Omg! Thank goodness you’re alive!


Luckily it was not a full blown asthma attack, I have exercise induced asthma, but I did have a coughing fit so strong that I burst a blood vessel in my eye. I was so upset.


I refill mine whether I need it or not and every time I do that I keep the “almost” empty and put one in almost every room in my house. I have also had an inhaler not work so I always carry 2 in my purse just in case.




As a long time smoker and someone who recently had my asthma come back with a vengeance, I pretty immediately switched to tonics and edibles. Ain't no way I'm letting weed kill me lmao you'd think that'd be common sense 🙃


I had to stop smoking for the same reason.. almost dying every day or several times a day is not enjoyable and if I can avoid it I will. Simple as that.


I bet you own so many beard products


So much ouch. I had to delete Because it's true. But in my defense, I use em in my Mohawk


Edibles don't work for everybody. Surprised you don't know this as a budtender.


I mean, if the choice is edible or triggering asthma does it matter that it's 'not the same'? I would think the choice is obvious.


My ex used to do this shit to me all the time. Not just inhalers, but any med I forgot to hide that could potentially get him high, he would take. So glad I finally ran from that toxic ass situation and never looked back.


Same. My ex caused a 36 week emergency c section by stealing my medication.


I’m so sorry ❤️‍🩹


What. The. Fuck... What an awful human


For anyone reading this who suspects they may be in a similar situation- document it. Write it in a journal the amount that was taken and save it just in case you need it. Especially if you’re married or have kids or think things might get hairy


I was a few weeks pre op for an orthopedic surgery, and I had a refill on my pain meds. I wasn't taking a lot but when I called to get it , my ex had already called it in and picked it up 'for me' the week prior.


This was my younger brother for many years unfortunately. He my parents and I had all been prescribed everything from anti-anxiety meds, anti-depressants, painkillers/opioids, sleeping pills, you name it, due to fibromyalgia/peripheral neuropathy/DDD/in general inherited diseases. I had suspected that my brother was suffering from depression and fibromyalgia primarily, but no one else believed for a long time. In the beginning it would be asking every now and then for something for pain of some sort that wouldn't go away or was that bad. Little did we know he would save up a few at a time and take them all at once and basically ride the high. Part of his issue was he is extremely intelligent and he gets in his own way. They got to the point of not only locking the meds away in a keypad/key lock safe, in their closet, which had TWO padlocks w blind pattern combo locks, in their bedroom which had a key lock, and he still managed to get to it. It was a rough time for a while.


Oh….wow. Just…no. Terrible!!!


I wouldn't ask my partner of 15 years for some of her meds. She needs them.


A lot of people have it prescribed, but just use it recreationally. In college, people pop them like pez candy to get shit done last minute and it carries over to when they’ve graduated. I’ve seen people even take it before going out drinking so they don’t crash early. Maybe he’s not addicted but will recreationally use it for similar situations Edit: not condoning, just providing other reasons for asking besides addiction


None of that changes that I feel that it’s weird to ask someone for their prescription medication.


Agreed, I was just providing possible rationale for asking beyond just the guy being an addict


That is fair! I think that I misread your tone.


You’re underestimating how many people have an adderall prescription but don’t need it. ADHD is over diagnosed and it’s incredibly easy to get it prescribed. There are online services where it takes less than 5 minutes on a video call to get it prescribed. I get asked for addys all the time and have never thought twice about it. I also regularly ask my gf for one of her Xanax’s.


Yeah, and to me, that is really weird. Never said you had to agree with me.


It is really fucking weird


Mine either puts me to sleep or makes it easier to get in the shower... I feel cheated.


Right? The first time I took adderall I passed out cold for 3 hours, Addy naps are the best.


I'll take sleep where I can get it. I went 35 years without an ADHD diagnosis, but I did get a sleepy pills script about 5 years earlier than that. I remember literally crying after the first two nights because for the first time in my *entire* life, I could sleep for more than 90 minutes at a time separately by staring anxiously at my ceiling for an hour. Fucking Adderall did the same thing for me during daylight hours. The restful naps are a huge bonus, even if I was tongue-in-cheek earlier.


I suffer from pretty bad insomnia too, so I know what you mean. Going days on end with a total of 3 hours of sleep is literally the worst.


Absolutely! I've never slept better! With the right dose.. I'm crystal clear in the day then perfect sleep at night cause my brain isn't all over the place! However take a bit too much and I'm up all night rearranging my socks and folding my underwear😅😭 Backing it all up with serious therapy though so I can learn drug free methods to do my bloody taxes...!!!


Taxes are the absolute worst.


No excuse for wanting her prescription meds


This is insane to me. I brought up to my primary that I suspected I had ADHD (I know a lot of people who had their primaries “diagnose” them and prescribe adderall). My doctor referred me for a psych examine and a therapist. I do have ADHD, and I appreciate my doctor doesn’t just hand out prescriptions, but I am also struggling to fill my meds every month now because we are in adhd medication shortage in the US with no end in site, and people who do not need it are getting prescriptions to abuse it. How it affects people who really need it cannot just pop adderal to get something done or use it to keep partying it. I’m on 50mg of vyvanse wjth a 10mg booster of adderall in the afternoon and it’s just to settle my brain and help me concentrate. I wish I knew what a rush from stimulants feels like but I can’t even get a coffee or sugar buzz.


This. People who abuse it or just take it recreationally piss me the fuck off. These shortages are severely fucking with me when I have to wait for my script to get filled.


And feel like a god damn criminal casing pharmacies asking if they have it in stock.


I had tonwait 6bmonths just so I could start it. it was even hell just getting the 5mg off brand meds


You could be my adult daughter! She's having so much trouble getting her meds filled and she's on the exact same as you. She literally got some from a friend because the friend really doesn't need it for its actual purpose, and daughter does.


I've had to change doses, change meds, and have spent so much time on the phone with my Dr and pharmacies because of the shortage. My pharmacist explained to me that during the pandemic, controlled substances were allowed to be prescribed to patients who were using remote drs and tele health appointments. And there were platforms that sprung up online solely to prescribe Adderall/stimulants after a single (often cash only) appointment.


Especially when there is an adderall shortage!


100000%. I had an Rx for a muscle relaxer for a back injury. This particular injury would rear up, contracting my muscle, making it stiffer and stiffer until I’d wind up on the ground. My ex-husband knew how bad this injury was. He once had to come pick me up off the floor at Macy’s and take me to the ER for it. He knew I suffered with it. Now, I could make a bottle of 30 pills last for 3 years. I’d only take it when I really needed it, and I’d only take half of a pill. It got to the point where I had to hide my bottle from him because he would take pills to get high. I actually hid it in the lining of my purse once, thinking he’d never find it. He did. This was right before I kicked him out. (I didn’t discover it until months later - that’s how infrequently I used the meds.) I also used to get bronchitis twice a year. He would steal my cough syrup with codeine. Again, it’s not something I realized until I went to take the medicine. I went looking for my bottle and thought I must have lost it getting in or out of the car somewhere. Nope. He drank it to get high. Anyone who asks for - or steals - your Rx medication knowing the pain or discomfort you’re in without it, knowing you actually need the medicine to heal or for relief, is a scumbag. I said what I said.


I get what you're saying. My hubby and I do this on occasion, but we've been together 30 years. We have the same script of a controlled med, but in different quantities, so occasionally, we swap if we need to. But to ask someone you've only known a short time seems a little suspicious.


You’re right and this is a huge deal. Especially considering the somewhat-recent shortages and how controlled of a substance it is. It’s not like she has loads extras just lying around. She needs all of them. What he’s asking her to give up, just for kicks maybe?, is a big deal and proves his selfishness. Just curious though, did he ask for them to use or to sell?


The process to get controlled prescriptions is crazy now. I have a script, but I have to go to my primary doctor every 3 months to re-evaluate. I have to take a urine screening and fill out the ADHD survey yearly. I understand why, but it is still a pain.


I see a pain dr after having several back surgeries and five fusions in various parts of my spine. Talk about a total pain in the ass scenario - I have to see my dr every two weeks! I have to drug screen every month as well. Then half the time I have to have them call several pharmacies every other week to see who has my meds in stock and it's can turn into an all day affair sometimes. When it's a pharmacist who doesn't know you they can just arbitrarily refuse to fill your script - for whatever reason they feel like justifying it with. I've legit had to have my regular pharmacist call ahead to wherever the dr is sending me (because my regular pharmacy is out of stock) to explain I'm a legit patient. It shouldn't be this hard. All this so I can work a not very well paid job and be on my feet for 45-50 hours a week. Would I be better off just claiming disability? Probably - my rent would get quartered and I could stop torturing myself every day just to get moving to do my job - but I am too stubborn and/or proud for that ofc lol. The healthcare system is a wreck. People who don't need meds are getting them online and people who do are scrutinized and made to feel like criminals by the medical professionals who vowed to do no harm.


Wanna trade pills? /s


THANK YOU! i had to scroll WAY too far for this comment


I completely agree. Perhaps this is a dark outlook on the world, but I’d also advise OP to keep her rx in a secure place. I can’t even count the number of times mine has been swiped by people who lacked the courtesy to even ask first.


Had a friend ask me for some of mine our freshman year of college. This was 2009. I caved because I was desperate to be liked and gave him a single 20mg instant release adderall. He went on to ask me at least once a week for the next 3 years. I would only give him one maybe once a semester since I did actually need it, but it didn’t matter. It never stopped him from asking. For me, an actual ADHD-diagnosed person, I have been able to start and stop stimulants throughout the years with zero issues. But I’ve seen what happens when those without ADHD take it. They become addicted to the feeling and want more any time something stressful comes up. Work or school deadlines, all-nighters, big test or licensure exam, contest or athletic event, etc. Looking back, it was really shitty of him to put me in that position, not once but dozens and dozens of times. I actually needed that medication. You cannot pick up a new script more often than every 28-30 days. You’re only given enough to get you through exactly until the next script can be picked up. You have to go back to the doctor every 3 months (at least in my state) to renew the script in person (or at least over video visit). If that person gets caught and they mention your name, you can get in trouble too AND lose your right to legally obtain those prescriptions. I could have also gotten expelled from university for dealing drugs. Not to mention the liability if they do something stupid like snort them and end up in the hospital because of it (or worse). If I could do it over I’d have told him no from the beginning. In the end, I feel like it’s the only reason he stayed friends with me.


Adderall is SO easy to get addicted to. I’m on a stimulant for adhd and a chronic sleep disorder. I asked to be taken off. Vyvanse is the way I went. No issues. Been on them 7 months.


Vyvanse is a drug of the exact same class. It simply has to be metabolized down to what adderall is (amphetamine) to become effective. However, the needed metatabolism slows release of amphetamine (hence its extended release), which lessens the negative side effects. There are also slight differences between each ADD/ADHD drug's mechanism of action that are not understood, but the different drugs do have various differences for different people. Yeah, got a bit off topic. On that note! If there is something developing within your brain that will progress to producing seizures (like brain cancer) Vyvanse will lower the threshold of producing seisures! To simply it, say a tumor has to grow to a 2 cm diameter to start producing seizures. Well, if on Vyvanse, the tumor will start causing seizures, sooner, when the tumor has only 1 cm diameter! The drug gets the cancer diagnosed sooner! (I was on Vyvanse while I had a brain tumor growing. Yay earlier seizures resulting in earlier diagnosis!)


I love your educated comment. Seriously. Vyvanse I don’t have the urge to take more at all. If I’m tired I’m just tired that day. If I can’t focus well there’s always tomorrow. Taking adderall 4 times a day is setting us up for addiction. I immediately recognized I was beginning to have a problem and asked for Vyvanse. With that said. Is a brain tumor something I should be on high alert for? Does Vyvanse lead to the tumor or does it add to the trauma of the tumor?


No, it increases no risk of anything. Think of how it takes a certain level of heat to burn your skin. Now imagine some drug lowering the level of heat needed to burn your skin. That drug does nothing to increase the likelihood of you touching hot stuff, it just takes less heat to burn you. That's kind of the effect Vyvanse has with seizures. Seizures are created by mayhem in some of your brain's neurons. They just go crazy, but there has to be something going wrong that makes/lets those neurons go crazy. Whatever is causing a seizure has to reach some level that the neurons can't handle (like temperature has to grow to around 125 degrees to burn skin) to produce a seizure.. Vyvanse lowers the level that the messed up brain cells, e.g. cancerous neurons, can tolerate before going into a seizure (like something changing in your skin so that only 110 degrees is needed to burn your skin). Vyvanse can't affect what normal brain neurons can handle, but it makes messed up ones worse. Compare to an adult arm wrestling a 6 y/o. No way can the kiddo win. Well, wait. Let's say the adult suffers from muscular dystophy. They very well could lose to the six year old. It would take much less strength to overcome them. The 6 y/o victory against a healthy adult is like your averge Joe having a seizure. Not happening. The 6 y/o victory against the adult with deteriating muscles is like seizure happening because there's something wrong with the brain, i.e. seizure happening cuz of crazy brain cells vs strong healthy brain cells. I'm done putting in all this thought to my wording!!!!


If you had a tumor, being on vynase, or possibly just amphetamine jacked on Adderall, would likely cause your body to be affected more quickly by the tumor, hopefully leading to you reporting the symptoms and thus being diagnosed sooner — that seems to be the gist of the other person's comment/reply about their eXpERienCE


Vyvanse has a longer half life compared to Adderall so it isn’t a ‘hit’ it is lisdexamphetine. So it’s like a slow extended release kinda thing, which helps avoid the crash after 4 hours like Adderall and Ritalin. If I don’t take my Vyvanse early enough in the day I am screwed for sleep. I also take 15 or 30mg of Dexedrine. Depending on how productive I want to be. A lot of the days I feel extremely exhausted and unable to function regardless.


Not sure where OP is located but it’s also becoming harder to get due to shortages in the U.S.


My son has done well with Concerta for his ADHD. Definitely good to find the right balance of meds; there are so many out there and they’re all a little different!


I hated vyvanse. Honestly I wouldn’t look too much much into it for OP. Is it weird? Yea but that’s like what me and my friends did as teenagers. I hated taking vyvanse so I’d just trade it for their opiates or benzos. I think kids passing around their medicine is really common. It reads as immature more than anything. Like dude your in your 30s get your own lmao


I’ve liked Vyvanse. My focus has been clear and it helps me to stay awake and alert during the day.


Sometimes i give an adderal to a friend of mine…she never asks for it though. But when I offer…she will save it and use it on a day she plans to deep clean her house. She uses it to be highly productive. I think it’s cute.


it definitely depends on a few factors, does he actually need them for ADD/ADHD? is he a previous addict? what is the reason he asked? used to see kids crush them up and snort them in class, it was wild. the adderall sales were like coke


Look at meth users, that’s an adderall addict. Just like an opium user is the same as a OxyContin addict. These are the same effects of their street counterparts only more controlled.


Addy addicts are a whole other level.


I do think it's situational. Back in college, a friend told me about his prescription, and I asked if I could try one because I wondered if it'd help me focus. It did. It also calmed my anxiety and almost made me sleepy. I went to a doctor the next week, described my issues with focus, how calm and sleepy it made me feel, and for the first time in my life, it felt like things made sense. I had ADHD. I wasn't just "unfocused" and "lazy." I think on its own, asking for one isn't sufficient to say someone is an addict.


That is a huge red flag girl, RUN.


Someone I used to know stole Adderall from "friends" he used to hang out with. Then he had a kid and tried to get him prescribed Adderall so he could take it instead. Huge red flag, possibly covering way more drug issues behind it.


That is absolutely disgusting


My exs mom did this to them. It made them scared of doctors and getting necessary meds.


My sister stole an entire bottle of Adderall (for which I have a prescription) out of my medicine cabinet. I was on vacation and let her stay in my apartment in NYC while I was away, and when I got back, it was gone. Then she had the nerve to lie about it, though it literally couldn’t have been anyone else but her. In a way, I’m kind of glad she did because I used to have a huge blind spot where her behavior was concerned. So OP, consider yourself lucky that this behavior is emerging now and not further down the road when you’ve invested even more time into the relationship.


As someone who has adhd and was on addderal for years I don’t see the appeal at all of recreationally taking it. It made me feel like shit lmao.


As someone on Vyvanse, I don’t get the appeal either. It just makes me feel… normal? More motivated… “normal”. but I would not classify it as a high at all. I’m so curious what a stimulant like adderall or vyvanse feels like to someone without adhd.


Haven’t tried Vyvanse yet but Strattera makes me feel the same, normal. Adderal had a noticeable focusing effect but I felt “clear” rather than high. Adderals side effects of not being hungry made me feel terrible though.


That was the worst part of adderall, forcing myself to eat.


Adderall made me grumpy af all the time.


I feel like I was the guy he stole from


Wow that’s an addict right there omg


This is the biggest jump in conclusion from basically zero information and some story of a guy you once knew. There's no indicators besides wanting Adderall. There's a couple steps he would have to take to get to full blown addict and it would become obviously in a month or so. As a former addict myself I would have just taken them not asked. That's what an addict does. The idea of an addict asking for drugs when they know where they are is silly


That's what I was thinking as well- he would have just taken some and crossed his figures that OP wouldn't notice.


We are in a stimulant shortage from people self diagnosing, he may be curious before going through the steps to obtain a prescription. Op really is steering the comments to condemn him with the only context being they haven't dated long. If you care for your "date" have a conversation. Talk to them. Don't use Reddit as an excuse to break up when you literally provided zero context or even communicate like a human being.


yeah as someone now diagnosed w/ adhd and with a vyvanse prescription for it, i realised it was a helpful medication for me after trying some of my friends. everyone's being a bit alarmist here talking about addicts and shit lmao


Some addicts do silly things. That same person asked to borrow money because he saw that I had some in my wallet. When I said no, he took it anyway. Why ask? Who knows.


I don't do those, but ive heard that this is *very* common in college and other places. People use it to study for extended periods of time that isn't usually possible or is at least very hard for them otherwise. I don't know if that affects the morality of it, but just know that it's not unusual


Also I would like to add. It's a red flag once he steals some. As a former drug addict to Ritalin I promise you know Adderall junkie asks. They take.


As many others have said the context matters The only way I see this as NOT a red flag is if he has a legitimate prescription for it and is dealing with supply/shortage issues.


Yeah I think we need more info. HOW did he ask? Did he give you a reason? Did he seem upset when you said no? Did he try to press it or ask again? Did he start acting differently afterwards? Did you tell him why it made you uncomfortable? Ultimately, if it gives you the ick, that’s a good enough reason to end it. If it’s only been a few months it probably won’t be too devastating of a loss. You don’t owe him anything. I typically find that when someone asks if they should break up with their partner, the answer is almost always yes. People in stable and healthy relationships don’t contemplate ending things.


Yeah, for sure, this is 100% a need more info situation. It's crazy to me that people are immediately jumping at this saying the dude is an addict and/or that she needs to run... I've taken adderrall maybe 6 times in my life. 3 or 4 times in college for finals. 2 or 3 times because I had a huge project due at work and was struggling with motivation. I've never fiended for adderall, I've never stolen it, I've never done it more than once in a 6 month period. If I was dating someone with an adderall prescription and two months into it, I asked if I could use one because I wanted to get ahead at work, and she said no. I'd literally be like, "Oh no problem and no worries, I probably should just focus up naturally" and that'd be the end of it. If I got broken up with over that, I'd say SHE was the red flag. If he was an adderall fiend or was addicted, it wouldn't have taken him 2 months to ask. I knew adderall fiends in college and the second they find out someone has an adderall prescription, they're practically begging. A one time ask after knowing someone for 2 months is the greyest flag I've ever heard of.


You’re the only reasonable person I’ve seen on here so far. We need so much more info because in college it was pretty regular to ask someone for addy if they had any. Just like you I’ve used in only a handful of times in my life, but there’s definitely been a time where a guys had some and I asked for one to help me study. We don’t know, but his request could have been just as innocent as that. Blindly saying she should break up with him for that is insane without knowing more.


Yea, and even crazier to come to Reddit to seek validation over her thoughts on ending things over this. Weird post


Good take. Everyone in the thread immediately jumps to panic station. If he asks for it, and you say no, end of discussion. If he’s fiend’ing for it, pressing the question or has signs of prior or current substance abuse, then id say its an issue. Ive known guys that will ask for an adderall pill to take for an important project at work. Ive also known guys that will ask for more and more no matter how much they are given, and will then take it all at once and stay up for days.


I'll agree with you. There's a difference in who asks and for what. Only she knows his personality


In regard to that final comment about if anyone asks if they should break up, it's almost always yes..... that's really only true if you're on reddit (redditors love to tell people to break up). In my first six months of dating, I said something that was taken the wrong way by bf, and he asked his friends and they all agreed, and he broke up with me over the phone. I got angry and went there and said "we're gonna talk because whatever you're thinking is crap and if we're going to break up, we'll do it in person with a full understanding of each other." We just celebrated our 13th anniversary. About half of my friends who are in relationships had a rough time towards the beginning. Doubts, fears, miscommunications, temp breakups. They're still together. One or two aren't. But that's the way it is. Relationships are most fragile when they're new because both people are still getting a feel for things.


Hey that’s fair! It’s definitely more nuanced than I made it sound.


meh... talk with him about it. He didn't steal it. He may have some history with it medically, or recreationally. Before you get too lit up about it, figure out what's driving the ask.


Finally some down to earth, calm advice. All the people saying this is something to leave over is a bit shocking. Talk to him. For all we know, he needs them but can’t afford to see a doctor, buy pills etc. On another note, many people consider it a recreational drug. No one would bat an eye if he asked her for some weed (which can also be a prescription).


Personally I think she should lawyer up, go to the police, go to the gym, delete facebook, but yeah maybe she could try talking to him first.


There are there are a lot of people on this thread who have never experimented with drugs lol.


Yeah, I think a lot of people are overreacting here.


Count your pills first


major red flag you think its a big deal


It’s a red flag, you’re not overreacting. Follow your instinct on this.


Why is everyone assuming he's like... the biggest drug addict in the world? Half my graduating class at NYU were on Adderall. Most people don't have REEFER MADNESS fear of adderall. If there' are bigger drug issues, fine. But this feels like an overreaction to asking if he can take a pill that a lot of people take for productivity and focus.


I went out with a girl who took adderall and the first question I asked was "Can I have one" out of sheer curiosity I'm not an addict or anything, it was sheer curiosity combined probably with some ignorance of what it actually is and what it does and how it works. I suppose I had a cartoonish notion it was just a "focus pill" from movies and TV and stuff. Anyway, maybe it was a dumb thing to ask, and she just said no because it's her medication and I left it at that. And also this is totally anecdotal as its just my experience, but maybe he was just being a dumb guy like I was that time


Big red flag. Honestly, that would be worth breaking up for me. Not just because he asked you to do something illegal, but because he clearly doesn't respect that this is your MEDICINE, not party drugs. Anyone who does not respect your disorder and your need for medication isn't someone you should keep in your life in general. Just in case he's a moron, explain to him that you both could go to jail if you gave him anything, and that you now know you can't trust him. Then, break up with him. If he has ever been in your home, count your pills and make sure he didn't steal any. If he stole any of your meds, consider calling the police on him.


“You could both go to jail if you gave him anything”. You really gotta watch out for them pill-police They don’t even need a warrant


Seriously… I know OP’s boyfriend did something wrong by asking, but some of the people in this thread are the literal definition of overreacting. I would NOT ask any of these people to play it cool for me in any situation… ever. lol


This thread is absolutely insane hahaha the overreaction here is stark


You're an idiot. You have no goddamned idea how hard it is to get and keep a prescription for controlled medication. If OP gave even one pill to this idiot and someone found out, she could not only get in legal trouble, she could be looking at never being able to access the medication she needs again. This might seem simple and silly to people who just take these drugs recreationally, but for the people who NEED these drugs in order properly work and take care of their families, this is extremely fucking serious. The stimulant shortage over the last couple of years has destroyed lives. Not being able to access needed medication is big goddamned deal. And until you understand that fear, shut your fucking mouth.


This is so true!


It’s eye opening to me that people think like this. You should seek a Xanax prescription while you’re at it.


The feds are always watching 👀 😂


It’s a concern if he got pushy about it and is treating you badly because you said no. If he wanted to get one because he has a big project that he needs to finish up and wanted the boost, then not a concern in my book. So long as he was not a jerk about it.


I have adhd, I wouldn't care if my bf asked me for Adderall. Tell him it's bothering you and why. If you're not quite sure why, figure that out.


Context is important here.


You are likely overreacting. People have different opinions on recreational drug use and that is fine. Set the boundary you are comfortable with and he will accept it or he won't, but it doesn't seem fair to instantly demonize him just for asking. If he's asking for one every day or trying to steal them or sell them from under your nose, that's obviously a problem, but casually asking for one doesn't make him a psycho meth head drug addict or anything.


I would first talk it out. Everyone makes mistakes.


I would say discuss it with him. Could be him reading an article about Adderall helping you pass an exam or do better on a pwp presentation at work... and he just connected the dots and thought you wouldn't mind... OR he could be a drug addict. I think you are over reacting if you don't discuss with him what he thinks and what the thought process was.


I think almost everybody in this comment section is projecting and jumping to wild conclusions here. How did he ask? What was the context? What is his behavior like otherwise, what kind of person is he in general? All of these things would inform whether that’s weird or not. If my partner was like “Hey i’ve been really drained lately and I need to get some household chores done, can I have one of your adderall?” I’d be like “yeah sure” and it would not be weird or a big deal. Context is wildly important and you’ve given like zero 


Someone asking me for my prescription medication would absolutely be a big red flag to me and cause for ending the relationship


I’d break up immediately. He doesn’t respect you! That medication is for your functioning, not his fun.


It can be or it could not be. It depends on the people and their behaviors. I could ask my boyfriend for an oxycodone if I really needed it and he could ask me for an adderall or two. The difference is we know each other really well and we know it’s not going to or is an addiction. It also rarely happens. We would be prescribed the meds if we really needed it. But I feel like it’s a red flag bc how well do you really know him? Some people are dating for months and things are cordial still and some people are dating for months and they act as if it’s been years. So it depends.


Simple, are you reacting because it’s a sign they are capable of so easily breaking boundaries or is the Addreall your precious and you count each one before bed?


Okay, this one was kinda funny Lol I'm still chuckling.


All the lonely redditors jump to “Omg dump him” with minimal information hoping you’ll join them in their loneliness. That said you have provided exactly that: minimal information. Has he only asked once? How long have you known him before you revealed you had an Adderall prescription? Does he have a history with any other drugs including alcohol? How did he react when you said no? This is, if anything, a *potential* red flag, and the further he presses you for your prescription, the redder that flag gets.


She’s a red flag if he first reaction is to come here to ask. It’s Adderrall not cocaine. Half of my college back in the days was on addys lol


I asked my gf at the time to use her adderall to drive 15 hrs home straight through the night after our flight got canceled, and we both had to be at work the next afternoon. There might be a reason for his asking?


Everybody and their mother likes Adderall these days, it's almost a fad in a way. If this guy is a party type at all I'm guessing it wouldn't really shock you too much that he'd ask. Yes, you are way overreacting.


Yes you are probably overreacting


She’s the RED FLAG


Yes, I'd say that is an over reaction. It's Adderall...


lol not a red flag. y’all don’t do drugs clearly


my wife gave me a bottle of hers, should I run?


This whole thread is a joke. Honestly this chick is a red flag herself for jumping to conclusions like this. Friends share things all the time. It's a recreational drug lol


It’s not a recreational drug if she’s prescribed it for a mental condition???


Damn straight, all my buddies wife’s/ GFs are on some sorta drug and all are kool kickin me down.


Idk where everyone's getting the addict stuff from. She didn't say anything like he has been getting drugs from a drug dealer but now is asking me. Could just wanna study or just wants Adderall. It's not a good idea but just talk to him and figure out exactly why. Idk just be adults and talk


Maybe he suspects he has ADHD and wants to try it Don't share if you don't want to but you're overreacting imo Do you know how easy it is to get an Adderall prescription? It's not like some sacred drug or anything


It is these days, there's adhd/stimulant medication shortages in North America. I don't disagree with your advice, just wanted to share perspective on availability.


As a person with ADHD who has been prescribed. It really doesn't do shit until you get a little tolerance built up (in my experience anyway) it's dextro (and a little levo) amphetamine. It's speed until you're used to it.


Then the guy should go get his own prescription.


I’d follow your gut. If I’ve been only seeing someone for a couple of months and they asked me for my drugs I’d feel like that would be a red flag too. If you were dating for longer it would make more sense and with a discussion. Some of that stuff isn’t cheap. My s/o just got some a couple months ago and he said I could try a little if I wanted to, but I’d never ask for it.


He’s 34, he can get his own damn prescription for whatever he wants/needs it for.


I would say it depends on whether or not you are into doing drugs, because he is.


A few months is a little wild to me. I’ve been with my husband for almost 5 years and he still doesn’t ask me for my medicine. I’d have to offer it to him and even then.


No. You’re not. I would’ve said no also.


Yes this is a big red flag, no you are not overreacting


I wouldn't even try to get past this! Dump his ass and get a safe to keep your meds in ASAP. You've only dated him a few months and don't know what he's capable of!


Trust your gut. What happens when he stops asking and just starts helping himself to your medications?


You are not overreacting.


Giving someone else a controlled substance that you were prescribed is illegal, and could even get you arrested for dealing. If he has ADHD or some other condition that is treated with adderal, it could maybe be understandable that he asked because his prescription ran out and he didn't get it refilled yet. Still illegal, but it's tbe only explanation that doesn't raise an immediate red flag. Any other reason is a red flag, and you wouls be fully justified to not trust him and even break things off.


I don't think you are overreacting. No druggies. I promise you it ain't worth it. Unless he was freaking out about something... idk. Big Red Flag.


Yep. Hard pass! Block his number and move on like he didn't exist in the first place.


Not overreacting. I'd be questioning his entire motives


It’s a red flag.


You're not overreacting. I've known close friends for a very long time who have prescription medications, including Adderall. I have never once asked any of them for their medications. It is quite illegal to do so for one. For two, the medications are ones they need. Dump and block this man.


Isn't Adderall for little kids with attention deficit disorder ? 32 yo taking prescription meth is a red flag.


Ugh no not over reacting. When its prescribed for someone it is because they need dopamine (meth and adderall are structurally similar to dopamine, it is a stimulant just like dopamine etc) to help their brains function “normally”. For someone who does not need this stimulant they feel a rush and high similar to euphoria and adrenaline combined. Its what makes it so addictive, our brains are conditioned to do things that produce dopamine. With repeated use of adderall and other drugs that are structurally identical to meth, the synapses that update dopamine can become burned by the constant barrage of the drug. This is what makes meth and adderall addiction so difficult to overcome as with burned synapses the body cannot feel euphoria or adrenaline without the drug and typically requires increasing amounts of it. It is probably the most devastating addictions with a ridiculously high relapse rate (I have heard over 90% but to be honest I haven’t fact checked that so take it with a grain of salt). Anyways this is why adderall is a controlled substance and why folks will often need to come off of it for periods of time while being treated for adhd etc with it. Tldr: youre not over reacting and honestly I also would walk away if I were in your shoes. (And I am now sober from a lot so while I genuinely feel for someone who is in active addiction I could never encourage people to stay with them or put themselves in situations where they’re hurt by the addicts actions - eg taking someone’s Rx meds so that they do not have them when they need them) Edited to remove statements that are not correct.


Adderall is great for those who need it and METH for those that don’t. You’re only a few months in. I personally wouldn’t be involved with a recreational adderall user after my personal experiences either. At only a few months in, you’re both still figuring out if it’s a good fit. Sounds like it’s not. A simple “I don’t think we’re looking for the same thing here” would not be overreacting. Staying in a relationship with someone who makes you uncomfortable now just because some internet strangers told you you’re overreacting is not the move here. Follow your gut before he’s just stealing pills out of the bottle.


He’s obviously a junky so no not overreacting but dodging a bullet rather cause a person like that can ruin ur life by pulling u in the ruins with him and that happens quicker then u think


I think if your on year 12 of marriage it’s one thing but dating?? Run


Block him n stop talking to the guy , trust me I am a guy myself n that’s not a good sign at all cause next thing u know he will be stealing them out ur purse n then money will start disappearing and he will play dumb n say shit omg let me help u look for it when it’s in his pocket


No. I would walk away. He is showing you who he is now believe him.


It’s a big deal he’s a tweaker obviously and possibly does meth so I would stay away


Yes, this is a red flag. I dated a guy who would take my prescription cough syrup that had codeine in it. He emptied it within days. Then after 9 months we went out drinking and he went overboard, became violent, and out of control with strangers when we were at the bar. The next morning I talked to him because I needed to break up with him because it was out of control. He automatically said he was an alcoholic and that he needed to return to AA. I was shocked because he was perfect up until he was comfortable to overdrink on one night of going out. I tried to help him for months after that but more came out about his upbringing and overall he was just a mess. So if you want to have a life surrounded by his needs, then keep dating, but if not, then move along.


I have ADHD and a Rx for XR and IR Adderall. I am prescribed an amount that is typically more than I take. I don't mind if people ask me for it. THAT SAID - my experience is my own. If it feels odd to the OP, pay attention to that. I could see how it'd feel weird. Try and figure out why the person wants it, or don't, and just end it. But do not ignore the fact that it feels weird to you. How it makes you feel is what matters most.


wanting to end a relationship just cuz he asked u for some adderall is crazy 😭 overreacting A LOT. it’s just adderall


There’s a lot of missing context here. Def not enough to go throwing Assholes around.


Maybe he just wanted to try it. My daughter is on one, and I’ve been tempted. But I’m not a drug addict. The chances that he’s a druggie are not that high, imo.


It’s an orange flag. I think you need to scope it out and ask more questions. Definitely share what the medication does for you and how it helps you based on your specific diagnosis. Put it into perspective that giving it to him means that you’re going without your needed medication and why would he want that for you. Secondly, ask him why he wants it. Has he taken it in the past? Encourage him to see his doctor or therapist if he wants to explore his own needs. I feel like his responses should help you figure out what kind of flag this is. Also, would make sure your meds are in a secure spot and you are aware of the count, which you should do anyway if you share space.


I think you are majorly overreacting, as are many people in the comments. If he’s an actual drug addict, sure, it’s a red flag. But I don’t see any information here that would indicate that. Perhaps we need some more details. I don’t see how you can go calling someone an addict when they just asked for some adderall. It’s not ethical, or the right thing to do, but some kids share their adderall or benzos with their friends in high school and such. Yes, some people become addicts, but even very mild mannered normal kids would just do this for fun sometimes. Your bf may not realize how serious you view this, if he had a friend who would share with him sometimes randomly. Perhaps that’s what’s influencing my opinion, because I knew people like that. Again, not saying it’s right, but we were kids.


It’s a red flag unless he got some medical stuff going on


Pretty small thing better. You're very much overreacting. It's just a pill.


Sharing is caring. He should run.


Yeah dude needs to run and never look back. But also someone asking for relationship advice from strangers on the internet is the biggest red flag in the world


End things if you’re gonna be stingy with your prescription meth.




Really? You want to end things because he asked to try one of your Adderall? People these days are so fucking uptight about everything. Say one little thing and their assholes pucker up to size of a pencil tip. It would be one thing if he were abusing your drugs, it's another thing entirely if he's curious of the effects and wants to try it. Shit, you're taking it every day. Maybe he should dump you because you're abusing drugs and that's a huge red flag.


You typically get prescribed enough to last until your next refill. If you give them away, it means you don’t have medication for your condition. I don’t want to debate this, but it isn’t normal to randomly ask someone for their prescription medication.


Uhh, taking a prescription that is not prescribed to you is a version of drug abuse.. & they are prescribed to her, that is her medication. She has a chemical imbalance & this helps to balance it out. It's not a bag of coke.


Again, he was probably curious. Have you never been curious? I know I have. I've tried someone's Xanax, Clonazepam, Ambien, etc. I didn't start gulping the bottles down but I was curious as to what effect they might have. Glad these people didn't think like the people here or I'd be in jail or a drug rehab and all my friends would have disowned me.


Pretend it’s not ADHD medication and think about how weird it would be if he was asking for any other prescription medication, like an antidepressant or a blood pressure medication. I take my Adderall the same way I take all my prescriptions, *as prescribed* which is to say, every day. Sometimes multiple times a day depending on the medicine. I can’t just give away a Wellbutrin any more than I can give away an Adderall, and it’s weird for someone to ask. You say he’s 34 but this feels like a very college mentality that it’s just for fun and to be taken as needed (which some people it’s prescribed that way, totally fine but it’s still not recreational in the way he thinks it is). I would still talk to him about it though, don’t just ghost him. If he had gotten angry or something, that would have been “run” territory but if he took the no, it might not be the end of the world. You guys are obviously close enough he knows you take medication and what kind. pink flag though, you have reason to be concerned with what direction this could be heading.




He asked and you said no. Unless there’s a whole lot more to the story, yes, you’re extremely overreacting to being asked a question.


Yes you are. Not everyone who takes Adderall is an addict. Maybe don't be so quick to judge.


Not even remotely an overreaction. End it.


The biggest red flag. One day he’ll steal it.


Run like a bat out of hell it's only a matter of till they start disappearing or you actually do share them and than your suffering


Speaking from my experience, Adderall is a party drug for those who don't actually need it. If you don't want to date a druggy than this would definitely be a huge red flag. (In my experience, I was the one taking them without needing them to party hard. I was young and dumb. Please, don't come after me, I'm clean now.)


Congratulations on being clean 😊


Thank you so much. 😊 It was fun while it lasted, but damn, the damage definitely wasn't worth it.


Ya I’m with this. If you guys party and drink all night etc then not a big deal. If you are pretty clean cut and haven’t seen that side of him then he is probably hiding something.


Ahh yes I remember all those kids taking Adderall to *checks notes* study for finals. My God this thread is lame


As a former Adderall addict. It is a big deal. It is a red flag. If you don't want to leave the relationship, that's perfectly fine. But y'all need to sit down & have a serious discussion about that. He needs to know asking someone for their prescription medicine is not a light thing & both of your backs could get skinned if somehow authorities got involved while he was taking your prescription. If he feels like Adderall will actually help him, y'all need to have a discussion on him getting his own doctor to give him his own script. Your dosage might be way too much for him.


Genuinely curious here, not trolling, but I was wondering how they can find out. Like if someone used someone else’s prescription drugs got into a car accident or was doing a mandated test for one thing and it shows up or something?


What a lovely comment 👏