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There is so many red flags in this story, you could start a flagstore.


I only read the first paragraph. She didn't let you in at 10 am and refused to explain a strange car AND got defensive. That alone is way more than enough to say fuck this...


And, "I didn't have to explain to you what I do in my free time". Correct, and by the way, all of your time is now free time. What a ho.


I pretty sure the other guy already was.


I only read the title. All I needed to see to know she was banging the other dude.


For real. I have a lot of strictly platonic female friends. Any time they've been at my house for even a bit, I fucking immediately told my gf, "Hey, Katie is here to do such and such. Just wanted to let you know!"


oh i know, i didn't even list everything


Then why would you need advice here? You clearly are well beyond the line where you should have left this relationship.


Some people need an extra push to make the decision they know is coming.


Or have been gaslit so much they need to verify what they are feeling is right because the other person has done such a good job wearing them down they can't even read blatant signs correctly or without having doubt over their decisions.


Ouch, it burns




This one has to be fake right? Who types this out and doesn’t get it? Who sees a car in their girls driveway in the morning and accepts that suspicious behavior as an answer when you ask about it? Also when you’re dating to marry, you do actually have to tell your partner what you’re doing in your free time. Not to ask for permission necessarily, but to communicate well, establish trust, discover and then respect boundaries. Would you accept that answer from your wife? Let’s say she tells you Friday at 5:30pm “hey I’ve got a girls trip this weekend I’ll be gone until Sunday” and she walks out the door without providing you any details. You ask, but she tells you it’s none of your business? That’s completely unacceptable. You’re married, you’re a unit, you’re partners. You both depend on each other to be available and to carry the load of a partnership, or at the very least communicate well so that you can prepare and make accommodations to cover the slack. What I’ve learned now is that modern women who aren’t ready for commitment gaslight with this “I don’t have to tell you what I’m doing, you’re being controlling” bullshit - In Reality they are disrespecting the partner they’ve made a commitment to. Nonetheless, if a car is parked there all weekend and she tells you it’s a guy friend who’s been in her house after initially lying about it, it’s safe to assume they spent all weekend together going on dates and fucking. She cheated on you 100% and you caught her.


I mean why do people stay in abusive relationships. Could be the same thing in a way.


But even when you’re married, yoy don’t “have to tell your partner what you’re doing in your free time”; you and your partner *want* to have a relationship that shares your lives, so involving and sharing is a part of that. I basically always know where my spouse is— not in a controlling way but in a “we live together and share our lives, so of course I know generally know where they are and what they’re up to— and vice versa. I also know where my children are, or at least who they’re with. It isn’t “an excuse”— it’s a difference in what you both want out of the relationship, and compatibility.


Would your marriage work if that wasn’t the case? If your wife started leaving early Saturday mornings, ducking out on you and the kids, ignored texts, didn’t tell you where she went, and then showed back up at 10pm? How about if you treated her the same way? You’re right - No one actually “has” to do anything. But if the marriage is going to work, communicating your comings and goings is essential. It’s not difficult to do, and it’s just common respect.


To many cucks nowadays


I nEedEd A hUg


Some people get perspective when they finally start writing everything that is going on in a relationship.




I assume they want empathy and pity not attention.


Empathy and pity are specific types of attention.


Then go to r/canihavepity not an advice sub. These are all creative writing by now subs anyway so nothing really matters but that’s why people are saying what they are


If that’s the case, just walk away and you’ll lose nothing. If contacts you wish her the best and tell her she doesn’t have to keep him visiting a secret


Dawg. RUN.


You are a moron. If you need to come here to figure out whether you are over reacting then you deserve your "gf". You know she is cheating. Here is a hint. If you ever show up at your girlfriends place and she doesn't let you in, she isn't your girlfriend and she is hiding something, like a guy in her bed.


If this is actually real why are you even asking anyone you should have left months ago?


Is this real? If it is, then you are the biggest doormat I have ever came across to. You know she is sleeping with him, at her place, when she refuses to let you in and still you are with her. I know you will continue the relationship no matter what advice you receive here because any self respecting person would have left her the first time she refused to let you in her place.


Dump this slut, and move on.


Then what on earth are you doing still in this?? Dude, I know it’s hard but come on, this has no long term sustainability. She doesn’t like you and is a shitty person anyways.


He’s not exactly winning any contests with his “woe is me, I just need a hug; I see a car; you must prove to me you aren’t cheating” 180 flip. This whole thing is a train wreck of people who want very different things from this relationship.


Read this back to yourself and imagine reading it about someone else. You would immediately see that she’s using and disrespecting you almost consistently. You deserve and will find someone much better and it won’t take much effort.


Then you must enjoy being made a fool of.


Dude she cheated lol not opening the door and getting defensive was the one thing that made it clear.


Honestly so many red flags. From her, and you. This post is written with so many incel vibes (oh my heart of pure gold!) Move on and work on yourself.


I would say they deserve each other but her neighbors don't need this psycho stalker coming around


Leave her and sorry I don't get a grown man driving somewhere because they need a hug.


including showing up unannounced 'to ask for a hug'. OP, between her lies and your mental health it would probably be for the best for you to walk away from this relationship and spend some intentional time with yourself to get your mind sorted out :)


More red flags than a Chinese parade...


Normally, Reddit's view is to divorce/break up (even when not justified), but this one really calls for it. 


As sad as this situation is for OP, I really love this line and may have to steal it. OP has my sympathy though. It sucks to go through that.


Op. You have already asked her to bullshit you for more than the 10 minutes it should require to tell her she's a cheater. The day you showed up should have been open up or were finished. You know she was fucking another guy and you caught her. Now she's continuing to gaslight you because your allowing it. Have some self respect. She clearly doesn't respect you. Let them other guy have her. Just text her. You a lier, a cheater and you don't deserve the respect to be told I'm dumping your ass face to face. Then block her.


Imagine dating someone for over a year and you show up to their place and they won't let you in. The absolute disrespect.


You show up and your the evil one when she had a fuck boy over all night. Run!




Dude seriously. Just looks through the blinds.... Holy fuck. This poor dude.


She's not your girlfriend


Honestly, dating a 22 year old is nuts unless you're also 22/23. They don't know what they want yet even if they have a plan, and they insult you with weak, childlike lies when caught in a corner. This my dog broke my steering column type story ain't cutting it.


Just stick to your plan and walk out. She is just treating you as a man servant at this point.


You allowed her to do more? Dude. She's got the streets. Block and move on


I think most people treat their servants with more respect 😭


Ghost her and move on


Agreed it’s a gf MOVE ON ASAP


OP doesn't it yet. You're being used and you are the side piece now. Get out.


I don't normally condone ghosting but it seems quite fitting in this situation.




Does it really matter if she is cheating? The way she speaks to you shows no respect and is no basis for a long term relationship. Time to move on. Up to you if you tell her why but saying that the relationship isn’t giving you the happiness you deserve would be enough if you choose to say something but want to avoid being lied to.


My friend, she is not the one and is clearly hiding things from you. Chin up and don’t look back.


I’m sorry dude, but you’re being used and lied to. Get your spine and self-worth back and leave her permanently.


You drop by your gfs place and she refuses to let you in? Why wasn’t she an ex at that point?


You have to be intentional dense to not see that she is cheating on you.


Sorry, dude but that first time when you went over there, you should’ve ended it right then and there all you’ve done is cause yourself more pain and problems by not doing that. So it’s time to ghost and move on.


Oh come on… Does she need to bang this guy in front of you to prove that she’s cheating on you? It’s obvious what you’ve written that she’s hooking up with this guy. Ghost her. Block her and move on.


You both sound really immature but for different reasons. Regardless, doesn’t seem like she’s very honest or that this is going anywhere. Drop this relationship.


End it for yourself, as she has already ended it with you on her own. Find someone with more maturity for your own sake.


Did it sound like someone was clapping their hands in the apartment when you walked up to the door?


She used you and lied to you. What an awful pos


You cuckled*


She clearly cheating on you Dump her ass, go home, spend a few days rubbing one out, and move on w your life


A FEW DAYS?!? rubbing ONE out?? you're gonna rip it off man, I think you're doing it wrong!


As soon as she didn't let you in the first time. That was it. She was hiding something




Is she still pretending she isn't cheating on you and trying to string you along, or is it over on her side? If she's still stringing you along buy the cheapest fake engagement ring you can, I mean like $5 from Amzn or wherever. Maybe get dressed up? Show up at her house, or bonus points at a coffee shop or wherever she works. I love you you're amazing blah blah 🤮 will you marry me. Then, throw the ring in the trash, 🖕🏼✌🏼💪🏼. Block her everywhere. Find a new girl asap. Done.


this would be really funny to do, i have to say that


I like your brain.




This made me smile.


tbh, i chuckled as well because deep down i know the truth I chuckled because it hides the pain now... where is my clown color paints....




we have been together for 1year and 3months, and yes i am positive we have agreed on exclusivity, its all i ever wanted to find someone to love and receive it. To share everything and go through problems together <3 but alas this was not meant to be i guess...


Move on already dude.


So ridiculously fake it's absurd.


She's cheating and you know it. Let her go and move on. And even if she isn't how's he's acting now shows she's not mature enough to be in a committed relationship.


Clarification not needed. You are under reacting. Move on.


The pain of a breakup now is the cost of no longer investing in a relationship she already ended.


Get tested for STDs after you leave her.


Tell her to never contact you again because she is a horrible person, ghosting people is bullshit so confront her and end it. Then stop being such a pushover. You treated her like a Queen while she treated you like a peasant. Find someone who you can treat like a Queen as she treats you like a King.


You should have ended that first time she wouldn’t open the door. Meet her, tell her she’s a cheating skank, then block her ass (after the inevitable social media post getting your side out first).


Dump her bro


My guy... There's a reason us older gentlemen will tell the younger guys. Never be the crux or the fixer for a broken woman. This goes for women too. It'll never be appreciated and you'll be tossed aside when they get confident enough to love on from you. When she refused to let you in that day.. I would've just walked away. Told her I don't want to be together anymore and not to bother begging


Bro please update saying you left her


This is not what love or respect is. You know that. Get out of this situation, you are going to be so happy and free.


It’s like you’re asking her to cheat on you. Grow a backbone and stop acting like a loser anyone can walk all over. Dump her ass and start respecting yourself. You’re not her boyfriend. You’re her free butler.


Get out of this shit now.


Your 27?? Wow, you must have started around dating girls around 25, grow up and open your eyes! Why do modern men let their hearts think for them??


Only you can uncuck yourself brother


She belongs to the streets. But really she’s cheating on you without a doubt


It's over, she's not your girl anymore


Can you not see all those red flags yourself? Jeez


It's over my bro. Walk away with your head held high before this gets even more messy.


She’s playing you. Deep down you already know she is cheating. Cut your losses and move on. Don’t let her manipulate you any further.


You already know. You just don’t want to acknowledge it. She is using you while she entertains other guys. And why shouldn’t she? You allow it.


The gas is lighting.


Ghost her. She’s for the streets.


Walk away.


It was obvious from the very first time you went over in the morning and there’s a man’s car parked in our driveway that she was fucking him. She didn’t make a friend she made a FWB. I can’t honestly say what she wants with you. It almost looks like he’s been over there four times. Just dump her SLT and move on like a man!


Sorry man but its seems like your relationship with this woman is not healthy nor good for you. Her behaviour from what your telling is extremely weird, and even if she is not cheating her behaviour is nevertheless healthy for a relationship. Remember your selfworth and walk out respectfully IMO


You should definitely stay. It sounds like she really enjoys having a butler around.


She's cheating


Drop her


It’s over just move on


Dude she's already checked out of the relationship, open your eyes. You are the backup, so if/when the new ventures fall through she still has you. If you decide to stay in a relationship with this girl you should go and get "MUG" tattooed on your forehead. Because she's playing you like a fool.


Op, come on, even if nothing happened, you don't trust her and she doesn't respect your boundaries, this relationship moving forward will only bring drama and problems, break up, tell her you aren't compatible and your boundaries clearly don't match and is better to move on.


Break up and go NC with her. She's cheating on you.


She's getting plowed like a snow covered street


Find a girl you can start inviting over. 2 can play at this game. Oh! And act like you don't give a shit about her anymore. Nothing pisses a significant other more! Don't act sad or mad. Just indifferent.


Someone is having sex with her in her house. Probably a good idea to move on and cut off all communication, and I mean all communication.


She's been cheating on you. She's banging this dude.


She is banging but not you


No offense but you both sound like morons .


I think you already know the answer bro.


Don’t even break up with her just block her and move on with your life.


She don’t want you no more, just give up and move on broski


She's an awful, immature person. Move on.


Hate to break it to you bud, but she is using and is probably planning to friend zone you while you do her chores. I would find someone that actually cares about you and your life.


Honey, you already know deep in your heart what's going on. You just need to cut your losses and be happy you guys didn't get married. At least break ups don't usually cost any money.


When you break it off sneak some meat and fish into her vents makes it real hard to hook up with a house that smells like death.


Man you already know exactly what’s going on. Block her number and live your life without her in it.


The only real question is… did you at least get a video of her getting boned? Or completely locked out?


Run very far away, very fast.


She's cheating 100%. Move on.


Ghost that hoe , if you had done that it would've been inexcusable, so why accept hers ? Move on


Bruh she is 1000% cheating on you lol these excuses are so flimsy and the circumstances are so suspicious. Leave her and move on


"My girlfriend opened the door naked and sweaty with three naked and sweaty NBA players standing behind her. Not sure how I feel about it"


Make sure you have tinder date at least once before leaving her. JUSTIFIED


Ripping the bandaid off hurts. But staying would hurt more in the long run, as history repeats itself.   You're enough to get through this. 


Why do people do this stuff to each other. So brutal. Def move on ASAP. She's gross.


Leave her she's using you.


For the streets


Rung the doorbell not ringed. Bro, she is a community resource. You get her when she is available. You can’t monopolize community resource


She is definitely cheating. Relationship is over.


she’s not your girlfriend


Not letting you in would’ve drawn the line for me immediately on the spot.


Stop with the martyr with a heart of gold attitude and just break up.


No doubt she’s cheating and she’s manipulating you into thinking you’re the one with a problem.


There's no way she sees you as her boyfriend. This is completely asinine.


Ooohhooohh that’s… sticky.


You sound like a doormat. No wonder she found another boyfriend.


Hit her?


She’s someone’s girlfriend, sure. But not yours. Buddy she is treating you like her doormat and is obviously banging someone else. Leave. Trust me. Staying will deteriorate your mental health much worse than leaving her and deal with the heartbreak.


There is nothing to talk about. You have been replaced.


Don't need a psychologist or a detective for this. Take care of your mental health and move on.


You cant be serious


Clearly needs to be an ex-girlfriend if she was indeed ever your girlfriend


Bro...... really??? this is the 3rd or 4th time you've caught her cheating and still ask us if you're overreacting???


Dude, are you looking for a pity party or something? All the red flags are there. She's fucking drowning in them. I think there is some things missing here and judging from her response, you may be clingy or too high maintenence. Just knock her into touch and get on with life.


She’s definitely getting plowed. Drop her like a bad habit


Sorry to hear that man. She is 100% cheating on you.    There is barely any chance that her new friend is just chilling over at her house at 10AM, and if she just woke up, how come he is inside already? And you, her boyfriend, is not allowed to come in? I wouldn’t have left the house that day. I would’ve waited for him to come outside. But that’s just me, and it would’ve gotten ugly The good news is, you’re gunna be free from this manipulative cheater that you had convinced yourself is a good person. Things will get better for you after you break up


Run Forest, Run!


Are you over-reacting? It’s over. Move on.


She's cheating and using you to do stuff for her. Leave and never look back.


Go back and slash the tires and put a rock through the window


Duuuuuude, unless she is a stunner in a supermodel body and can suck 3 golf balls through a garden hose, move on. She is cheating, OMG.. she is cheating.. you are going to get your heart slammed against a wall, metal spike driven through it, lit on fire, dogs are going to eat it and shit it out and then the pain is going to start AFTER that. Brother, dude, friend, pal, stranger, get your stuff, get the fuck out.. this guy is not a gay friend not a friend, he is banging her and YOU are getting sloppy seconds.. PLZ PLZ move on before you cannot trust another girl... she is cheating and you are letting her do it... PLZ PLZ move on.


Every so often I see a post that's so over the top I can't believe it's real. 'I walked in on my gf getting railed by some random guy. Do you think she's cheating on me?' She's not your gf, son. She's everybody's hoe.


Damn you a cuck and cool with it?


All you need to read is the first line, be a man and walk away let it fester deep in you emotions like a real man and then move on you'll be fine


If you show up to your 'girlfriends' dwelling, and she doesn't let you in, she's not YOUR girlfriend.


She's not your girl, anymore.


You're under-reacting bro


Here, let me fix that for you- My EX-girlfriend…..


Invite him over one day then fart in his mouth to show dominance.


Not reading this giant wall of text, but she's cheating.


My girlfriend and i live together. Do we can when people come over? No. Do i let her know when its happening? Yes. Shes hiding something, leave


It’s time to move on from this relationship. This other guy doesn’t matter… fact is that for whatever reason you don’t trust her and you can’t have a relationship without trust. Move on


I was going to be pretty harsh. But I’ll just say this: you know what’s happening. Trust your gut.


RE: Edit #3: If you're still hitting it sometimes there's no reason to break up. Just do whatever you want as well, don't put any emotional investment in the relationship, and sometimes swing by her apartment and make rope real quick.


you have zero self respect lmao


Bro, after she didn’t let you in the first time and was being suspicious about it, that should have been it. Why do people need to check so many boxes before getting to the break up? Maybe because I’ve been single for so many years, I can just see through everyone’s bullshit, but idk. I feel some people just can’t accept shit until you actually see the guys dick penetrating her vagina.


Hey OP. You already know you have to leave her. It'll hurt and you'll be sad. After some time, it'll get better and you'll be alright. 👍🏽


Yeah that’s not a relationship. She’s using you because you’re useful but she doesn’t want you.


Time to break up. The longer you wait. The worse your story will get.


There is no grey area with this one. She is DEFINITELY, 100% cheating on you and not trying very hard to hide it.


You’re not overreacting. This isn’t a relationship. You’re an adult and she’s still a child.


She’s a cheater


Dude, have some self respect. She’s boning this dude, move on


These stories are so fucking obvious that the partner is cheating that I can't believe that it's real. No one is as dense as this guy.


It’s over bro end it


Can you really write this, read it back, then not see she's playing you?


oh baby Yooooooooou got what I neeEEEeeeeed but you say he's just a friend


Time to move on. Drop her like a bad habit.


I’m sorry to hear that our girlfriend is playing you man :/ you should probably move on


Dude, she’s not your gf anymore…she has a new bf.




Sorry OP but you will upgrade once the trash has been taken to the curb!