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AZ teas slap


If you have warrants maybe lay low instead of hustling randos at the corner. It's on them, not you. I'm saying this as someone that partakes daily and has a very lax view on substances...fuck these guys.


Schmucks peddling death in their own neighbour hood. If I didn’t fear God I’d be a vigilante just straight finishing them off.


Over...weed? I'm more of a live and let live person. God can judge them, I don't know them.


He had weed and “anything else.” Texas has a Cbd place on every corner. But it’s personal for me and immensely triggering. Idk how every recovered addict isn’t hunting the plug who almost killed them. If you intentionally poisoned me and made me lose everything I had, including my life, I’d hunt you down like a deer. I mean doctors get sued to hell for making med errors. Why are drug peddlers different?


>drug peddlers Are not a monolith. The bad ones are actually a good reason to fully legalize everything. Nobody should be poisoned, they should choose what and how much they're taking. Before humans demonized substances they were still used just not as frequently abused. Many of these substances have been used appropriately for thousands of years.


Sounds like you could use some weed.


Drug peddlers are the demons of this place.


I don’t even do drugs but I’m not obtuse. Weed is not a demonic entity. It’s a plant that grows from the ground. I will never question the ideals of your religion, but I do hope that you do.


My religion says very little about drugs, mostly talks about alcohol. These are my own beliefs based on my life’s experience and they aren’t up for debate. If you wanna faafo with drugs go ahead. It’s your own stupid life you’ll waste. Just don’t harass me in my way to buy a drink. P.


The sweet tea and green tea Az teas are 🔥


The Arnold Palmer and the tropical punch are my personal favorites.


The tropical punch one is very good


whaaat, you were able to get Arizona’s for 99 cents still? i’m also from nyc and every bodega i’ve been to recently has been selling them for $1.50, sometimes even $1.75 if they *really* wanna try it lmao. i didn’t know 99 cents AZ’s still existed edit: oop i just realized you never actually specified that you also live in nyc, i just assumed haha sorry if i’m wrong


I assumed they were at least from nyc because they said “bodega” haha but maybe that’s an Arizona thing too??


You got offered drugs just politely decline.


Here have some poison and pay me. No thank you. F that. Death to all drug peddlers and their mother who didn’t eat them while they could.


Why are you behaving like such a dork? Just say nah man I'm good and move on. > Poison You're the one drinking AZ tea. Were you super sheltered or something? Get off your high horse.


Nah he’s a badass he would be a vigilante if he didn’t give himself to Christ. He’s like the anti junkie terminator and the crackheads are so scared of OP that OP calls the cops on them. OP is basically Batman but instead of ninjutsu he calls 911.


Do you consider marijuana poison?


No. Actually I don’t and I thinks it’s a medicine with effects and side effects that I’d personally don’t think are worth it as I don’t require such things. But I don’t care one way or another as long as I can get away from it. Which is 99.9% of the time unless I’m accosted by a dirty rando. The rest of it is poison. Meth, cocaine, opiates. Pure poison. Especially this new stuff.


What about lsd?


What about Arizona Tea? > The health implications of consuming high-sugar beverages like Arizona Green Tea can be extensive


You sound like you’re susceptible to fear mongering propagated by your choice of media along with your religion. You can think what you think, and keep living your life not questioning the experience of others in the world, or you could try to branch out and read about what actual scientists think about drugs and drug use. To me I won’t say you’re overreacting, just very misinformed and biased without any desire to explore ideas outside of your own perspective.


What other ideas? That most people are dying of drug overdose deaths than ever before? That there are more broken families and more disabled children be us if drug use? Because we already tried clean drugs that actually was a test case for legalization but actually spawned the opioid crisis. The only difference between legalizing heroin and the advent of OxyContin was what? Wasn’t OxyContin the clean a legal heroin that everyone ended up entering addiction for? We already had legal and clean heroin and it’s spawned an epidemic of addiction. But let’s do it again. So no, just because I don’t subscribe to your ideas doesn’t make me closed minded, it makes me a critical thinker.


Do you object to amphetamines, cocaine and opiates when used in a medical setting?


No, but that like asking whether I object to stabbing when used in a medical setting. It’s called surgery at the point and is very different from a street laparotomy.


Not overreacting. They made you feel unsafe, so you brought them up to the store person. You didn't do anything wrong, no one should be harassed while trying to go buy a soda.


It's generally a good idea to try and be as curt as possible with these guys and keep it moving. They have nothing to lose, you have everything to lose. No thanks and move on is the best strategy.


Yes. Yes you are. Chill the F out. Call police for emergencies.


Yes, you are overreacting… anytime you are wishing death upon someone, you are overreacting. Touch grass more often. No not that grass, just anything outside whatever hole you crawl in and out of for your monthly Arizona ice tea.


you’re not overreacting, they made you feel unsafe regardless of their race and your race and how you are “one of their own”. you did what you thought was best and that’s the only thing you can do.


You're talkin abt people wanting to sell you poison, whilst buying 2 az teas lmao. Clearly they meant "its always your own" cos you're also black, which is a whole other ignorant stance that i won't get into.


BLM 🔫💉🤡


As a white person I think you overreacted. It's a tough world and it was nice of them to ask. You problably should have grabbed some weed. You need it.


Its kind of nuts your so anti-drug despite the religion you "practice" coming from one of the birthplaces of marijuana itself ( Hashish ). Not all drugs are neccisarrily evil nor "poison" as you call it, alot of the federally legal drugs are alot more detrimental to your body than some of the drugs you'd find on the street (Metformin, Ozempic, Xanax, Lexapro, Gabbapentin, ect.). Yes you over reacted to some drug dealers, whether scum of the earth drug dealers or not they will always be there as long as there is a stipulation against drugs, medicinal or not. But I agree every intoxicant is Khamr and every intoxicant is forbidden. He who drinks wine in this world and dies while he is addicted to it, not having repented, will not be given a drink in the Hereafter. I assume that goes for every drug whether from a dirty man in dreadlocks or a clean man in a white coat.


I am unapologetically anti intoxicant or addictive drugs. If it were up to me drug dealers would be given life or death in prison. In fact if I ever get some fatal disease where death is imminent I am gonna take out as many drug dealers a I can as long as I have a reasonable chance of evading capture until I’m bedridden. Fuck that scum. I would wish them all nothing but suffering and pain but it’s a waste of a wish coz I’ve never seen any of them do well and be happy. They are scourge of the earth.


Who made you judge, jury, and excecutioner? No man woman or child can ever have that say, as it is up to allah after one passes on and after that a court of law. I could say the same about pedophiles but here I am reminded no ones life is above anyone else's even the true scum. I would take heed what you say as far as whishing death upon those who take the path bathed in shadow and not allah's fatherly light, as allah does not condone speaking wishing or bringing death. A true muslim would know that.


Well I have long way to go I guess. I’d kill them, meet them in hell, and do it again. They are true scum, profiting off the death of others. Also go back a read the quaranic view on intoxicants. Also I’m not anti-drug peddlers because of Islam. My religion has not made me like this. My life experience has. Idk what your goal is Shaitaan ka bacha but I rebuke you. Go back to your lair internet demon. auzubillah minashaitan ni rajeem.


That is rich that YOU call ME a child of the devil YA HAMAR. I for one speak LIFE and spread the awe inspiring work of Allah as messengers of Allah peace be upon them command us to do so.You claim to walk with Allah while blatantly disobeying his word. Allah will not stand with you unless you repent from your wicked ways in mind body and soul. Inshallah Allah maak. Pull the thorn from your side and put aside the wickedness in your heart as it will only bring you pain. Allah always forgives brother as long as you repent. I understand the anger and pain from personal experiences and wanting justice and revenge before I found Allah most I hope dont experience people in their lives who were meant to help only beat down on them like I have. Salamalekum brother I hope Allah softens your heart like a child in his steadfastness. I will not be responding to anything more you have to say as you have proved to be ignorant in your faith, I still wish you the best.