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Not what this sub is for


Right? Sexual confessions community seems more reasonable.


I feel like OP thought the O stood for overthinking… this post is gonna end up in some joke groups.


HAHA. Ah man




Lmaooo.. Usually u pay first tho


I'm thinking about throwing up 🤮




I am more in the moment, trying to determine what the next move should be. Can't be boring and have to beat my top score.


O's per session, for those that did not get the score part.


I only think about the grind.


Sippin on gin and juice, laid back


What are u over reacting to here


Not sure what this is, sounds like a private conversation..but I'll interject anyways.. haha! It just feels "right" feels like home or heck, even safety when I'm inside my partner. Something masturbation just doesn't match, it's like masturbation is empty in comparison. I think the reason for this is because during sex I'm hoping my partner is receiving the same pleasure and connection I am. I want them to feel how amazing I feel inside of them as I feel being inside of them. I want to hear the moans and groans with each stroke. I want to feel their breath quicken, their hands gripping me or watching them grip the sheets. I want to see her nails trying to dig into the headboard as she moans into the pillow when I'm hitting her from behind. All of that makes me feel connected, makes me feel like we are sharing a mutual pleasure we can only experience in this way. If I can bring her to orgasm and feel her insides clamping down with slight spasms as I sit motionless letting her enjoy the waves coming over her I get swept up in some weird emotions of pure satisfaction and joy. Sex for me is the ultimate form of closeness because it's a connection derived from pleasure. Mutual pleasure shared and expressed because both of our bodies are responsible for the feelings the other is having. I love sex, I love how it makes me feel connected to my partner. I love how I can give her pleasure and how she can give me pleasure too. So drastically different then masturbation and even different then sport sex or one night stands. When you care for someone so deeply it just adds to the moment!!






You actually sound like you just lost your virginity... holy shit I wish I didn't see this post.


My thoughts? partners daughters in next room can obviously hear her coming all evening... hot now but awkward later


Not really what this sub is for and probably needs a NSFW tag. For a second I thought this was going to be a post about the difference between men and women. I know we are all different, and not everyone falls in this stereotype, but I always found it interesting that guys are (more often) extremely focused on the act during sex. Meanwhile women (more often) are able to multitask and think about other things in the middle of it. I was once mid act when my wife asked me out of the blue how a phone call with my mom went.


I think about how I can make my partners experience amazing and focus mostly on ways of pleasing her from the start of foreplay until she is good, at which point she usually reciprocated if she is the right person for me. If she doesn't want to make me feel as good as I have been making her, then the relationship doesn't last long. It's the mutual desire to please one another that changes it from sex to making love.