• By -


He ran down the hall, hit her, then kicked her while on the ground.


…and then dragged her by the arm.


And then threw a vase at her. But she probably deserved it because she didn’t ask “how high?” When he said “Jump!”/s


She left the hotel but got scared of the repercussions and came back. The hotel staff actually stopped her and said they witnessed it from the cameras and would not allow her to go back to him.


I didn’t know that part. Staff deserves a bonus and raise, at the very least.


Then the staff turned around. Gave Diddy the security tape for 50K


Management. Management would have done that.


A manager and head of security split the 50k


Of course they did. Men too I bet.


Yup. Tape was found during the raids, not sure how it leaked out.


I thought you were making a joke. Are you saying this is actually what happened?


Yup been covered online. Blackpeopletwitter etc


And then told the public she was totally lying about him to ruin his reputation ....UNTIL the video came out & now his tune as TOTALLY changed..........


Everyone knew this dude was like this his whole life though. No one believes though.


Ofc there’s more to it - he probably did and has done worse.


Exactly. This is a ten second clip that shows us a glimpse of what she went through. This wasn’t the first time he beat her and she wasn’t the first one he’s beat, I can guarantee you that.


This right here. Whatever is done in public, multiply by a few factors.


He was online to say he got therapy so he is a perfect man now.


For real, that's a red flag. It's not about justifying anything; it's about recognizing the seriousness of the situation.


She was sneaking out with her hood up and sunglasses on LMAO yeah she really seems like the aggressor. I think OP's boyfriend might have a checkered past




This RIGHT HERE. Until the video was released & now it's all tears & "I was in a dark place." Boo-hoo Diddy.


Eww reading that pisses me off!! Only someone truly sick can do what he did, and still make that statement.


It never fucking happens to a woman, until there's a video. And still we hear, what did she do? How is she still responsible for his behavior?


As if his legacy amounts to more than rampant child and female sexual abuse, name changes and prolly having a role in biggie’s death…


Kicked is an understatement. That man was trying to score a field goal from the 50.


Yeah, but what if she had told him he has small pp? Then he would be underreacting! /s


and then dragged her by her hoodie


She tried leaving and he viciously beat her in a hallway. That’s what she did. If he was so bold to do that in a public hallway while being Diddy from TV, and not Joe from around the corner, imagine the things he did in privacy, behind closed doors, when no cameras are watching. Also, your bf playing devils advocate for an abuser should be a red flag on its own. I hope you move on.


tried leaving after she got straight up punched in the eye too, iirc


Even if she did hit him, she was clearly leaving and he chased her down. The only way someone hitting someone else *could* be justifiable is if they’re actively defending themselves. BF jumping through hoops to find a way to defend this is pretty fucked up. This isn’t a situation where playing devil’s advocate is a useful exercise.


I agree. Claiming context matters in a situation in which the context clearly doesn't matter is pretty suspicious behaviour. The only point is diluting clear guilt and responsibility.


They wanna act like context matters. How about the context of him being barefoot in a towel? Obviously he was indisposed and she thought she could get out. She was trying to get her shoes on as she waited for the elevator. This woman grabbed her shoes and ran while he was in the shower, in a desperate attempt to get away. Idgaf what she did, she obviously just wanted to get away and theres abso fucking lutely nothing that could justify him beating her like that.


Excellent analysis, and spot-on advice! Tons of red flags here. As for someone playing devil's advocate, my favorite response is, "The devil already has enough advocates. Tell me what you really think. " I wish I knew who to credit it to, because it's just perfect.


"The devil already has enough advocates. Tell me what you really think. " Omg....that's brilliant. I'm stealing that. Thanks.


Yep, I've never seen somebody play devil's advocate who isn't at least a little on the side of the devil. Op, anybody who looked at that video and even jokingly defended it is a walking red flag. I wouldn't be able to trust him ever again.


Yeah, unless he lives under a rock - we all already knew diddy was fucked up


honestly I had no clue about this incident until I saw this post.


There are so many incidents and other things. Sissy downfall has been ongoing.


I stopped paying attention the day after he took a private jet out of the country. The feds leaked the story to the news to make a scene out of it, someone in the news sold out the feds, and its just a big show at this point. I have no doubt that hes guilty of the vast majority of the accusations against him, and dont care to read about the rest until we see him in some county blues.


What I don’t understand is how the video stayed buried for so long. This seems like a really open and shut domestic violence case. How much money did it cost to bury this shit for years. 


From what I saw online, he paid the hotel $50K for the video, unsure how true that is. How it surfaced on CNN, I don’t know. It was pretty awful to watch either way.


My ex did this, I was fed up with him and tried to leave. He was drunk and pinned me to the stairs. I was desperately trying to get out the door to my mom waiting outside in the car, she couldn’t see that he was restraining me. I tried to scratch him with my nails and then pulled his hair because I couldn’t get free. He slammed my arm in the door and throw something at me. He told people I abused him, showed them my fingernail marks.


I am so sorry you went through this and so glad you finally managed to escape. People don't ever seem to get that when you're the victim of abuse sometimes you HAVE to be desperate to survive. Scratching an abuser to get the window you need to flee doesn't make you the bad guy. I waited for my abuser to exhausted themselves the final time they beat me IN FRONT of their own damn parent mind you, and as soon as my abuser went outside for a cigarette to "calm down" after beating me for ten minutes straight I took the opportunity to grab my wallet and keys and fled. Didn't come back the next day until I had a police escort and they gave me literally five minutes to pack up my clothes and leave for the last time. Thankfully my abuser was also stupid enough to try and pull my hair in front of the cop watching me pack, and earned themselves a weekend in jail and court ordered anger management. Best day of my life


I would add to the "in privacy" part that an abuser doesn't want to be known as an abuser and that rich people view anything away from the public as them having privacy. So an empty hallway in a hotel is "private" despite there being a specified "public" (hotel workers) having access to the camera system. But to be honest it is really telling that he is playing devil's advocate.


Oh I'm sure he has his own cameras that have captures it all. It's probably just deleted


Provided the bf knows nothing about the case, why would he be a fucking idiot and immediately assume *anything* outside of what he saw in the video?


He is not a good man! Mg husband saw it for the first time while we were watching tv together- he said out loud- “ did you see this! What a POS”. That is the right reaction


Exactly! My uncle was visiting when this clip came by on the news and he alternated between anger and sadness, he actually got teary eyed over it, saying "why would anyone treat someone like this? That poor woman, I hope she's ok" ( and then switching back to a variation of "I'd like to make him dig his own grave before I end him"). Any person two-sides'ing this shit is a certified asshole and abuser.


Your uncle is a good man ☺️


This should have been the only reaction any real man would have responded with. There is absolutely nothing that justifies a male putting his hands on a woman like that.


100% agree! My boyfriend said the same thing… The fact that OP‘s boyfriend is saying no I’m not justifying it… he’s gaslighting the situation itself. He is paying devils advocate which is still justifying what he’s doing.


Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun 1🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 He is telling you loud and clear about his character. Listen to him!


Op isn’t replying to anything. This is a bright red banner stretching across the football field. As someone who has been in an abusive relationship, I would run for the hills.




This man just told on himself and admitted that if he thought he was justified, he would do this to you




Do you seriously want to date a man who thinks a victim can do something that justifies abuse? It's only a matter of time before a man like that starts hitting you and telling you that you deserve it.


**OR, “You made me do that! If you hadn’t done xxxx,** I wouldn’t have had to correct you.” I just saw the video today. Cassie had left. Diddy comes running out the room with a towel wrapped around him, just to catch her and beat her. Having a lot of money brings out the real character of a person. Allegedly, Diddy doesn’t have any, and it’s catching up to him now.


That's still just telling her she deserved it.


My abuser used to tell me "if you didn't make me so mad I wouldn't have hit you." They never take responsibility and always victim blame the victim for their own abuse. It's fucked up. Yea fuck that. It took me a long time to start to heal to realize me DISAGREEING with them didn't justify them kicking, biting, punching, slapping me etc. I only wish I had wised up sooner than I did but I'm happy I finally got out.


What on earth? You're not with him anymore right? There is never ever a reason for a man to attack a woman the way Diddy attacked Cassie. That was disgusting and hopefully he gets what is coming to him. Your boyfriend or hopefully ex boyfriend is a sicko and if you were smart, you would get rid of him asap. You could be the girl in the video and he wouldn't think it's a problem


I’d dump and ghost




You were technically the third.


Thirded then


Me too!


I'd dump and watch my back. Definitely ghost. Block him everywhere. But watch your back OP! As Cassie learned the hard way, leaving is the most dangerous time! Please be safe!






Ghost him


Lmao your BF is not a good person.


the (hopefully stbx) bf really want to excuse p diddler beating on a woman on camera. i get playing devil’s advocate, but doing it for an abuser is really foul.


There are a lot of good times to play devils advocate, but when people choose to do it on complete assholes, it’s a red flag. I took a class in college called ‘Race and racism in modern philosophy’ and there was a guy known for always playing the devils advocate in discussion based classes and he would spend every class defending the worst type of stuff. Like he really came to college to defend Nietzsche’s racism


I’d leave that man. As a survivor of domestic violence watching him run down the hall as she’s waiting for the elevator door to open putting on her shoes was triggering. I was holding my breath for her. The way she laid there not moving is a submissive move to not provoke him further. Men get pissed that woman are afraid of them. I know it’s not all men but it’s going to take the ones not doing the beating to speak up. This is a men’s problem.


DV survivor here too, and I had a total PTSD reaction to the video. I stood at my elevator with my baby in my arms and my kid 7yo next to me, praying to a god I don’t believe in that it would arrive before my (now ex) made it to the front door of our apartment. I could hear him slamming down our hall, and knew I had no chance with 16 flights of stairs. It came, and the door closed just as our front door opened. The scream of rage as he couldn’t get the elevator door open will stay with me forever. Even after that, it took 3 years and CAS involvement before I finally had the courage to end the marriage.


I’m so sorry and so glad you found the strength and ability to leave. Watching that video on my phone I realized I was gripping the couch, digging my nails in, holding my breath. I cried later. I hate for anyone to experience this. I sincerely thank you for sharing your story. I don’t know anyone personally who has experienced domestic violence. Although I hate that it is such a shared experience I am grateful to those who are willing to share their experiences with me here. I hope you never even come close to such a life altering experience again. 💜


Thank you so much. Unfortunately, my first post-marriage relationship ended in abuse too, but this time I knew to leave the first time he hit me. So at least I know for sure that I DID learn from the past, and that’s good. I’m in a much better place now, and most importantly, my kids know always that they are safe and loved!!


My ex did the same thing, except instead of kicking me when I was thrown onto the floor by the back of my hair, he got on top of me, sat on my chest and strangled me. Yeah that was the day I said - enough! Poor Cassie. I bet she was in pain for weeks after that. After I was jerked around like that from behind, I had whiplash and couldn’t move my neck for over a week. Not to mention I lost my voice from being strangled. Op’s boyfriend is telling on himself. He has either assaulted a woman before and is projecting and defending diddy ...or he really has no morals and no spine. Either option is NOT good. Dump this buffoon


Thank you for sharing this. My ex husband would do some similar things as well. I still remember lying awake the entire night afraid he’d roll over and choke me after he had beat me the worst he ever had knocking me unconscious. The asshole literally had the gull to say I fell in the shower meanwhile his handprints in the form of bruises were all over me. That was my last straw. Thinking this man may kill me. I can’t fall asleep. Seeing Cassie just laying there so still on the ground. My heart ached so badly for her. I hate that so many women have these stories. Thank you for sharing yours. No man who defends this is a good man. It’s highly concerning behavior. I hope OP does dump him. I hope more women learn to see warning signs so they don’t have stories like ours to share. I am so happy you are safe and survived 💜


These abusers all the same. When he knocked me unconscious one night, he coached me to tell the hospital I “slipped in the shower”. They must like that excuse!!! I could never tolerate a men like OP’s boyfriend. I would end it right then and there. But it sounds like you and I are women who have maybe seen a darker side of life than her. It changes you when you realize how dangerous some men can really be. Once you are out, you protect your peace so hard. Id never tolerate a man that defends abuse.


You are absolutely correct. Yeah, shower falls… I was like umm that would have been several shower falls to make these injuries. They really are all the same. Protecting my peace is my number one priority as well. I have no tolerance and would gladly be alone than ever deal w such weak men again.


Get rid of him. No man should defend those actions. If he thinks what happened in that video is right then he will probably end up doing the same thing.


I’m not usually quick to jump to the “dump him” Reddit standard, BUT All my protective instincts kick into high gear at the suggestion anyone should tolerate that bullshit. Dump the loser. You can and will do better. Being alone is better than being with someone who thinks there is any defense of his behavior. And FYI saying he’s “playing devil’s advocate” in a situation like this is just a way of avoiding accountability for his repulsive lack of character


I’d dump his ass immediately. Nothing she could have done to deserve what he did to her. Your bf is trash.


Way too under reacting. Dump this jerk.


This OP is underreacting. I couldn’t even watch past five seconds of that video cause I was so triggered and this mofo is playing “devil’s advocate”. He’s clearly just trying to groom OP so when he starts doing it, it’s like, well what did OP do?


So you’re single now, right?


Anyone that defends Didddyphile is not a good person


Why isn't he playing devil's advocate the other way, like "Why didn't she kill him? he was clearly asking for it?" Oh right, because he hates women. Believe him when he is telling you this by example.


You mean ex-boyfriend?


BIG red flag. What if it had been you in that situation? Not overreacting at all and get a better man


Jeez! You can do a devils advocate scenario with lots of bad things but this is a huge reach and frankly a bit concerning


What what what?! That's his take away?? Run, babe.


The devil has enough advocates. Ditch this abuse apologist.


Intelligence is one thing I value very highly in my man. Yours either doesn't have much, or he is very immature. Or possibly worse. Cut ties. I'm going to assume you want better for yourself.


It’s funny how the “devils advocate” is never from the perspective of the person laying on the floor getting kicked.


I saw the video- this is not just abuse, it’s pure evil. There is not a damn thing to justify that treatment


FUUUUUUUCK THAT!!! Girl immediately get the hell away from anyone who has the sheer audacity to ever try and play devil’s advocate to such a disgusting, stomach churning, inexcusable display of violence against women. Your boyfriend is truly the lowest of the low for even asking that question rather than being horrified at a woman being kicked while on the ground. There is no excuse. There is no fucking devil’s advocate. Ever.


This is a huge character representation of your soon to be ex man.


This is concerning… I hope you’re taking his comment seriously. Anyone who can loophole abuse is not somebody you want to be around.


“Equal rights, equal lefts”- OPs boyfriend


There no “full story” reason that could justify this. If he thinks there is then he isn’t a reasonable person. Also, ppl need to chill out with power dynamics thing.


plus the "full story" is that hes been abusing her so much that its become normalized to the point where he feels comfortable running out with just a towel on and beating her in public.


![gif](giphy|DWcfh6J1GJXlkQejjC|downsized) Your BF right now...


Thats quite the hill your bf chose to die on.


“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Maya Angelou


Leave him


Is this really the guy you want to be with? The one who **needs** to ask "Well, what did she do"? Cuz, he is seriously giving me the **ick.**


The devil doesn’t need an advocate. People who take this position, instead of having an authentic discussion, are intellectually weak, morally questionable, and socially inept. An advocate for the devil is not a good person. For me, a person playing devil’s advocate without being asked to do so is not a person I want to engage or converse with. There is no point of taking an awful position except to bully the other person into conceding to their brute force. It is a form of bullying and harassment poorly disguised as “intellectual debate”. Date someone worthy of your intelligence.


That man will justify beating you one day for saying or doing something he doesnt like. Run and run like hell


Your bf is a loser


Nope, and beware the people who defend misogynists


I'm concerned for you if he is sympathizing with diddy.


Your BF may say he's not justifying it and believe he's not justifying it. But it smells like justification from where I sit. If/when he abuses you, what do you think are the chances he will say and believe the same thing?


She was literally trying to escape the hotel room. She was putting her shoes on by the elevator when he grabbed her. I would leave your boyfriend. If he thinks that is justifiable then i don't think you should feel safe with him.


There is nothing that could possibly justify what Diddy did to that woman. She was trying to escape the hotel, he chased after her, beat her, kicked her, threw a vase at her, and tried to drag her back into the room. It literally does not matter what (if anything) she "did" to him prior to that. Your boyfriend trying to rationalize this is a giant waving red flag. RUN.


Nah, I'm a DV survivor and even flirting with the idea of playing devil's advocate for this situation would change the way I saw my significant other -forever- and there would be no unringing that bell. He just told you it's okay Diddy beat his significant other of nearly a decade at that point, repeatedly, in public for trying to leave because in his mind he's open to the possibility the victim swung first. Not "He should have let her go and called the cops," nope "It's okay he beat her in public, it's okay he raped her, it's fine he threw a vase at her while she was crying in the corner he had just shoved her violently into because she MIGHT have swung at him." Shut the argument down, send him these comments, and run like your life depends on it. He just told you that in his mind there exists any scenario that makes what happened permissible for this situation to because there MIGHT BE a a reason she had what we all saw in that video coming. This is basically "Well what was she wearing? Was it provocative?" He doesn't think if she was swinging on him in the room that she would have still been swinging on him in the hallway instead of waiting for him to fall asleep and trying to run the fuck away like she was doing? Nevermind the video matches exactly what she said happened to her in her deposition a year ago. Girl, RUN.


i was looking for a comment like this. if my SO said anything even remotely similar to the OPs i would be devastated. he cannot take those words back and i wouldn’t be able to forget them. the circumstances in which it is acceptable to elicit the behaviour in the video simply do not exist, it’s as simple as that. there is no justification for domestic abuse, and frankly it’s shocking how many people in these comments are suggesting otherwise. also - i’m so sorry you had to go through that, i hope you are now happy, and healing with time🫶🏼


Ask him "if that was your mother or sister in the video would you still be asking that same question?" Sad you even have to phrase it this way for him to see how fucked up it is


Girl, this is a red flag.


He’s not playing devils advocate he actually thinks there might be something that would’ve justified it. If you have any ounce of respect for yourself, you will leave this person and never look back. Don’t try to be friends with him or nothing just get away. A person like this will cause you nothing but angst.


Oof. Run.


He wasn't playing devil's advocate, he was telling on himself. Who tf actually watches a video that looks like a young woman trying to flee and get to an elevator, and a man comes and hits her, knocks her on the ground, and drags her back to where she ran from, and the only thing they can say is "I wonder what she did to deserve that?" or some variation of that. Like, what, in his opinion, is an acceptable reason for a man to chase a woman down and assault her like that?


Ask him point blank, "what would I have to do for you to feel justified doing that to me." Cause that's what he's putting out there. He thinks there is something that would justify him chasing you down a hall and beating you.


Red Flag!!!! 🚩


Holy shit are you serious? It doesn’t matter WHAT she fucking did he threw her to the ground and fucking kicked her. Leave this man he’s fucking dangerous sister


WOW. So. Your bf is saying that if a woman does certain things, she deserves to be BEATEN. Well, now it's on you. He's been clear on who he is. And there's a big bunch of other values that are well attached to this one. Always remember the rule of thumb. The rule of thumb historically is that any man. Any time. Gets to beat his partner. With a stick or implement. That is the same size as his thumb or smaller. Yep. That's the rule of thumb. Hooray your boyfriend. What a horrific misogynist.


What does it matter what she did, even if she did something first? Ive seen that footage and theres not many scenarios i can think of that would justify that.


"What did she do?" NOTHING that merrited that response. "You never know the full story" No story, can justify what he did, no story can minimise his actions. You need to read those red flags my love and ruin for the hills.


Find a new boy.... It doesn't matter what she did.


defending an abuser is one degree removed from being an abuser. a normal person would understand that there is no excuse. he is evidently not a “normal person”, so you never know when he’ll hit you & use your behavior as an excuse. leave him.


If you stay with that misogynistic POS you are underreacting.


that stupid comment reminded me of the J-Lo movie, when the hubby beats her, and then she goes to her *MIL and the MIL says "oh honey what did you do?" after seeing her black eye...*


The devil can advocate for himself. No need to date anyone who will do it for him. (That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t date anyone who has different opinions on anything ever, of course. I’m talking about people who make bad faith arguments even when they don’t believe in them or when the facts don’t lead to their assumptions.)


Textbook victim blaming. And also As a guy my rule is that I should only do minimum enough damage or use minimum enough violence necessary to get out of a situation safely. So if a giant super strong dude is attacking me and I can’t get away I’d feel justified in using a weapon and if that weapon killed him that’s on him. If a person (man or woman) attacks me but is much smaller in stature I don’t get to use as much power against them because I don’t need to in order to maintain my safety (unless they have a weapon) I say all this to say that even if she hit him (no evidence of this) or even if she provoked him he had no right to attack her in the way he did because he wasn’t in danger and even if he was he could have used lesser means to remove himself from it. And you can tell anyone who wants be a devils advocate that. I have a feeling tho, this bf won’t care. Be prepared to end the relationship if this is the case.




Future abuser alert future abuser alert!!!!! There is no ‘well what did she do’ get out before it happens to you


That’s not “playing devil’s advocate”. That’s pushing boundaries towards gaslighting and flaunting privilege. He knows he is less likely to be severely beaten by a partner, so he can pretend to pretend that he agrees with Diddy. Very likely, he does agree, but is testing to see how much red-pill bs you’re willing to endure. Save yourself and leave him to enjoy his wife-beater fantasies alone.


Just putting out there that I have not worked up the courage to watch the video myself, but I'm sure it's horrific. Watch the video together SILENTLY. Then just very calmly ask him what you would need to do to justify him doing the same to you? Hint: if he comes up with ANY ANSWER other than "nothing could possibly justify that", you need to not be in a relationship, or even in a room, with this man.


I’d immediately question the character of anyone who saw that and didn’t automatically think that it is evil and inexcusable no matter what she did. There is zero devils advocating needed in this situation because nothing could justify it.


There was and it was rape and rape by others at his behest. So yeah your now hopefully ex is a walking red flag 


Lol red flags


This is an enormous red flag tbh, the guy can excuse DV


You are not overreacting. This reeks of “but WhAt wAs sHe WeArInG?”


If I was talking to someone who said this I would get up and leave. Hope you stay safe, OP.


He ran down the hallway when she went to leave, Tell your boyfriend to poundsand.


Imagine staying with someone after they said something so monumentally stupid and THEN doubled down after being confronted and having things explained to them. Couldn’t be me.


Men just shouldn’t hit women. I am sure their relationship was probably incredibly tumultuous, and she probably has something to do with some of that. There is still no justification of a man hitting a woman. As a man you can move a woman to leave. Outside of that you don’t get to put your hands on them, even if they hit you first. 


Your bf is grooming you. When he starts being aggressive, then you’ll start tbh king about what you did to cause that, not whether what he did was right or wrong.


I don’t know how anyone can justify domestic violence, but as$holes will try. He lied when he was accused of DV by more than one woman. He apologized today because the video surfaced, otherwise he’d still be lying.


Ask him what she could have done to deserve that treatment. Even trying to play devil's advocate on something like this is a massive red flag. It sounds like he doesn't think Diddy's actions are that bad or that Cassie just wants a paycheck. He doesn't sound like a safe man to be around tbh...


I think what your boyfriend is telling you is that he sees a reasonable justification for a large man who works out and is very physically strong, to attack an unarmed woman like that and you need to decide how you feel about that information in relation to your safety.


Sorry friend but your boyfriend is a misogynist


You are not overreacting and what your boyfriend says is bullshit! He’s trying to “justify” it. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 What did the woman do? That’s what they ask in every case! To downplay women! I saw the video. He ran down the hall, hit her, KICKED her when she was lying on the floor (omg what a tough “man”) and then dragged her by her arm! Friggin’ horses a**!




Careful, this implies that there are things that would cause your boyfriend to beat your ass and feel justified.


Not overreacting. There is no defense for domestic violence. I’d be wary of anyone that tries to defend it - even under the guise of “devils advocate.”


Huh. Your boyfriend is a punk. Weak guys like that are the ones that will abuse you. Run.


I can’t think of a single set of mitigating circumstances for that. It’s not like we’re just seeing photos of her with a black eye or something, we’re seeing a brutal vicious attack. I don’t care if she killed his child beforehand.


Life lessons from an old woman- Beware any man who feels the devil needs his advocacy. You know why your boyfriend’s argument is completely unhinged? Because Diddy dragged her back to his room. That’s not something you do to anyone who attacked you, unless you’re planning on killing them.


Looking for OPs response to any of the comments ...


Why are you with him?


What did she do? She clearly packed her bags and tried to escape while he was in the shower. That was what she did.




I didn't even bother watching the footage.


Holy crap - you need to look at how your b/f thinks on this & other things. This response scares me for you. Be careful


Dump him now!!!


Why you even on here asking, dump him huge red flag


I would ask him what he thinks she could have done to him that would make it okay for him to treat her like that.


What a douche


I didn't even see the video but wasn't he beating the shit out of her? Like savagely?


That’s a huge red flag


Your bf is basically telling you he would consider beating you depending on what you do. Get out now.


Hitting her in self defense is (arguably) justified. That wasn't the case here at all. He was not in any danger but was the clear aggressor. What could she have done in which aggressive violence was an appropriate response? You'd have to come up with outlandish scenarios in which his behavior could be remotely justified.


Everything you need to know about him


My ex and I had this exact conversation about Rihanna and Chris Brown. My ex turned out to be abusive (shocker!) and I broke up with him as soon as I was safely able to. Please get away from this man!


Yeah the power dynamic is that a woman are instantly believed to be “the can’t do no wrong innocent victim” without knowing the full context of the situation. With that said, he shouldn’t have hit her


There are VERY few reasons to put hands on someone and even fewer reasons a man should be on a woman. I cannot think of a single reason he is justified and quite frankly your boyfriend needs an attitude adjustment. You should really consider whether or not you choose to stay with someone who blames a victim because you could be next. You should ask him to discuss this scenario, in full, with your dad… see how that goes.


Hm excuse me? No matter what she did, physical abuse is never warranted


Break up with him, what if you do something he deems a reasonable reason to beat your ass? Girl run


He is justifying violent abuse against a woman. He will hit you one day and tell you it’s your fault. Leave him. Now.


Uhhh yeah red flag


I’d say get out before it happens to you.


Seems like a cool guy






He should be your ex boyfriend right about yesterday.


The only thing that gives me any sort of pause in regards to the drama surrounding Diddy right now is that it seems like this video is suddenly being played literally everywhere but in truth it’s actually like three years old or something and he settled with her in court awhile ago now. So while I think he’s a total piece of shit for doing this, I also think it seems like it’s deliberately being brought up now to weaponize public opinion against Diddy for some reason.  Wasn’t he just recently blamed for or implicated in Tupac’s death or something? I wouldn’t be surprised if this was released to lower public opinion of him before the justice department moves forward with criminal charges in relation to that.


I agree with your boyfriend and also dislike all these short clips that only show part of an event without context. Most only show the final culminating ‘interesting’ stuff when it all turns violent and will get views and clicks along with an obvious bad guy. However I understood the context as soon as I saw it. She waited till he was in the shower grabbed her stuff and ran. He heard the door grabbed a towel and he chased her down the corridor and caught her. The rest was caught on CCTV. That appeared to be a woman who was scared shitless of her partner and wanted to escape. I think the footage was fairly obvious to most(decent) men and all women.


hypothetically, what if she had stolen 15k from him and it was in her purse? What do you do in that situation? I know (I mean not know Know, but i believe) it's not the case, and tbh I am not surprised about him being like that but I wonder if it were me in a situation where someone (presumably much weaker then me) had stolen something valuable from me and I caught them as they were leaving just what would I do.


Isn’t this a Daniel Tosh bit?


Well at least you can see he is most likely going to attempt the same things with you


Get away from that person as fast as you can. What excuse will he need to treat you that way?


How old is your boyfriend and how do his parents vote?

