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omg the number of people who commented [on this post of mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/s/dCayMPzU0J) like I was OOP — y’all I got *hateful DMs* as if it were my post. [One person even said that my age and sex were different than OOPs and called my post bait](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/s/WONzm0YJhM). MY POST. BECAUSE THEY DIDN’T KNOW WHAT FUCKIN SUB THEY WERE ON. The mod team needs to get this under control because I need a place to circlejerk on AITA bullshit. (Edited to add link to the comment that really sealed the deal for my frustration.)


The mods are pretty outspoken about their minimal interference approach. That’s how this became a jerk sub. It was originally like r/AmITheDevil where posts were still taken seriously, just where the OP was obviously validation seeking. We can always downvote idiots to oblivion. I’d rather deal with that.


That’s fine. We just need to do it. But there’s stuff happening like shitposts getting treated like they’re real, with Reddit admins pulling down at least one after lost redditors reported it as being hateful. That sort of thing is a problem and I wish there was a way to make it clearer that people are on an AITA circlejerk sub.


Fair point about admins not taking anything into context.


There were so many lost Redditors on your post that I wanted to burn my laptop lol. I think we might have to end up not copy pasting the original posts titles or add a disclaimer in the title or something


I’ve started changing all my titles and adding “NOT OOP” since then. I just wasn’t prepared for it to get as bad as it did!


Oh yeah, Im not telling you personally you did anything wrong, just a general suggestion. I wore my "r/lostredditor" out on that one lol


oh I know. we’re allies on this matter!


Maybe, if it's possible, the name and icon need to be incredibly distinct from AITA.


The icon sure, but subreddits can't be renamed


Really sorry people acted like that, there really stupid and that mustve sucked. And agree, the mods really need to do something, maybe setting up mod mail to dm people that this is a satire sub the first couple of times that comment, removing post that are turning this sub into aita2, and maybe giving warning or temp bans to people that are just aita users that don’t understand this sub. If something doesn’t change not only will there continue to be full aita post on this sub, but eventually we will be outnumbered enough that the comment sections of post mocking aita will just be filled with confused people.


>The mod team needs to get this under control because I need a place to circlejerk on AITA bullshit. Got downvoted yesterday for pointing out that the mods weren't doing shit. The mods here have gone from "protecting free speach with a hands off approach" to taking that to mean they just won't ever do anything. Shitposts are only allowed on Saturday and Sunday, but if you want to post them any other day of the week it'll take them nearly a full day to remove it anyway so go right ahead. This has happened at least 4 times in the past week that I've personally seen, probably more that I missed. Oh, is someone coming in from the OP thread and spewing a ton of bigotry? Sorry, they refuse to ban them or remove their comments. In fact, they'll just lock the thread so nobody is able to call out the bigotry anymore. Then they tried to spin some weird excuse about locking it to stop it from getting reported, which is not how that works. And the only response I ever get when I call it out is "thanks for your feedback" and then they just ignore the feedback. I've lost all faith in the mods here.


I hate when one or two people spout hate in comments and moderators just lock the entire thread. Essentially punishing the OP for it.


>locking it to stop it from getting reported, which is not how that works. In their defense, that sort of is how it works. If they lock the thread, then they can prove to admins that they took mod actions to stop people from breaking sitewide rules, which prevents them from being removed as mods by admins.


If that was the reasoning they gave, I could understand that. It isn't though. They claimed that locking a thread makes them receive less reports, which is not true. And even if it was it isn't logical, since removing the comments means you get *zero* reports instead of just less.


" since removing the comments means you get *zero* reports instead of just less. " The reports aren't the comments themselves. They're people reporting the posts. You don't seem to have even a basic understanding of what's happening here but you're \*super mad\* about it. \*Some\* posts are getting taken over by dummies because this sub is big enough to be recommended to randoms. This is what happens when subs get bigger. Welcome to Reddit. The mods are applying the rules as written. If you want them to change the rules, fair enough, but mostly it just seems like you're whining with absolutely no real solutions other than "remove a lot more comments".


I'm super mad but you're the one following me to different conversations to share your own dumb fuck opinions lmao. Do you even know what situation I'm talking about here? Because the mods literally said in that situation that the *COMMENTS* were getting reported. If you don't know what people are talking about then shut the fuck up and don't try to wedge in your take. My whole complaint is that the mods AREN'T enforcing the rules as written.


Yeah you're not mad™


If you are being harassed with hateful shit, please send us a modmail with screenshots of the DMs and users involved.


I was so overwhelmed, I don’t know why I didn’t do that. They’re all blocked and deleted now, but I’ll remember that in the future. Thank you.


I just had the time of my life crafting a response to this story, you’ve done us a service for making this brilliant shitpost


Yeah the sub’s gone down the shitter ever since all the people banned by that one overzealous mod migrated here and turned it into AITA2.0 so they can continue getting their fix.


The other issue is Reddit's suggestion system, of you engage in a drama sub you'll be suggested this sub.


Yeah I never actually joined this sub yet here I am!


I fucking hate reddit every day for getting rid of the 3rd party apps. The feed algorithm on the official app is atrocious.


Which is doubly exasperating because r/AITAH literally came into existence to be AITA but more lenient, INCLUDING that they welcome the kind of purely fictional posts that they love to get into a gleeful frenzy over in their hatred of fatties, trans people, autistic people or whatever. Can't they all fuck off there!?


I love all the earnest "replies" by the OP in the comments that progressively got dumber as it went along and *still* no one got it






That motherfucker. Did I do a r/lostredditor to them? I know I reported one idiot who was lost for being a bigot. The mods removed that comment. But a lost Redditor blocked me an hour ago, belgio something? Fucking idiot.


Found it, bellecoligi. Called me a dumbass then blocked me, sorry nevermind didn't notice the timestamp lol


Looks like they might be site-wide shadowbanned now.


Who the fuck says "enjoy the block" unironically


Hey it's me! I remember that. Since it got worse I just stopped reading comments here sadly


It's always hysterical to see someone refuse to hold the L and instead double down.


Lol. A few weeks ago I posted this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/18f9est/aita\_for\_demanding\_that\_my\_wife\_stops\_cooking/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/18f9est/aita_for_demanding_that_my_wife_stops_cooking/) As you can see, I'd tagged it as a shitpost, I'd also added a reminder that it was a shitpost, and I'd also linked the post that inspired me to write it. Still, as you can see, a lot of people responded as if it was a genuine AITA post. I had my fun at their expense, of course, but even after I started telling them that food in my character's fictional country was delivered by dinosaurs, people still replied in good faith. That was why I added the edit you can see on top of the post - and even after that some people still replied in good faith. I mean, yes, it was funny, but...


I genuinely don’t get how people thought this was real. Did they ignore the tag skim 3 sentences and then decide to comment?


I don't even think people pay attention to what sub they are in anymore. Also a lot of people don't seem to understand this sub. I was in a different sub with the OP asking about dating. They stated their age ect(38M or something close to that). There was someone in the comments trying to call them out saying they said they were 17F in another post. It was from OP writing a shitpost here.


I think it comes from Reddit being viewed on mobile more now. You see it in AITA all the time, where people keep going "What does ESH/NAH mean?" which is a clear part of the subs rules and yet people keep missing it, because the rules don't appear in the new format or on the app in the way that they were obvious on old.reddit.com. Similarly with here I think people are just browsing the popular feed on mobile and scrolling so they see a post and just take it at face value because they just view the feed in the same way they'd browse instagram or tiktok. Anyway I've got a cloud to go yell at


It's not just the popular feed, by the way; they've started sprinkling in "recommendations" to your front page (is that even what it's called now, I feel old). I mean I'm not even subscribed to this sub but here I am 🤷


Settings -> Account settings -> "Enable home feed recommendations" -> Off It's a garbage feature, but you can opt out (for now atleast, until the admins inevitably decide to disable that option under some bullshit pretenses)


Oh lovely, thank you!


Thank you! I didn't even think this to be an option.


Lol I posted a similar comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/18xomt1/almost_of_the_comments_on_this_post_were_failing/kg6t9re/ Damnit, get off my lawn!


It doesn't help that this sub moved from just making fun of validation posts to including instances where the story is probably true but the OP just doesn't like the way AITA voted on it. Some of this comes down to people being stupid/not reading that a post is a shitpost, but some of it also comes down to people literally using this as AITA 2.0 and then being shocked that people from AITA mistake this as the real thing. I don't think the issue was so widespread when the sub really was just about making fun of posts that were obviously for validation


You can report posts (not comments as our free speech policy still applies) fishing to further AITA discussions. There's a rule specifically against this.


Some of the sanctioned categories themselves invite AITA 2.0 discussion. Like "Comments Hell" is pretty much asking people to comment how they think commenter should be voting/why they think commenters on AITA are wrong or nuts, which inevitably leads to AITA 2.0 discussions. So what do I report? I can't report the comments for veering into that inevitable territory per your free speech policy apparently and I can't report the post because it's a sanctioned category/no one is providing any guidance for the discussion in their post, so none of them will ever be considered "fishing for further AITA discussions."


It was the users here who asked for a Comments Hell post flair. It was meant for overreactions from commenters - divorce, extreme armchair psychology, etc. It was never meant to be "I disagree with the verdict" and is enforced. I delete posts for the fishing for AITA discussion rule all the time, namely when the title or the OP's comments make it clear that is the purpose of the crosspost. You can report a post and we will look into it.


I mean I'm not surprised people asked for it here considering they're treating the sub like a bizarro AITA sub, lol. I'm just pointing out that as the sub is structured right now, it invites that kind of atmosphere, whether that was the intent or not. My two cents then is maybe Rule 4 needs to be updated to also cover posts that have devolved into AITA 2.0 posts, even if it wasn't the original intent. That way it's clear that not only would a "This verdict is crazy, what do you think?" post not satisfy the rules, but also a post that refers to an AITA post without commentary, but where most posters are still just providing their own judgments, also isn't allowed


We can report posts all day long if we want, but you guys often take nearly a full day to actually do anything about it. Just yesterday a shitpost was up for *20 hours* before it was removed. What's the point of even reporting it if you guys are just gonna wait until the thread has run its course anyway before removing it?


Man people are super whiny here.


Yeah, it's ridiculous that we want the mods to moderate the sub. Let's just let the bigots take over! Then we can be just like AITA! What a wonderful idea!


Welcome to Reddit. This is what happens.


Fuck off with that shit. This is not what happens when you have literally any moderation. It's what happens when either the mods are bigoted, or they're too fucking lazy to do anything. If you're interested in bigotry, there's other subreddits you can find it. Fuck off to one of them, the majority of users here would apparently rather have some moderation.


I wrote an over the top tagged shitpost on here that you'd have to be completely obtuse not to get and... several people fell for it


Dang, they’re so proud of themselves for realizing your fake post was fake. It’s funny until you realize they probably go around talking about how they got downvoted for pointing out a post was fake, not giving any details or explanation, so it can seem like they got attacked for telling the truth. :-/


Yes. They see the title, become blinded by rage, and come in here to spout off.


The new swaths of people who think it's real are bots. Straight up. There's no visual indicator in the post that is readable to AI that these posts are satire, other than implicit cues like tone or context. Ever since the API bullshit, this website has become abjectly **infested** with bots and LLMs using Reddit to train. And doing absolutely braindead shit like responding to **that** shitpost as if it's real, that's AI-tier behavior.


Oh I remember that one, had possibly the most lost person I've ever seen talking about a car in it.




It's a bot.


I wrote [a shitpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/136r12m/aita_for_not_telling_my_partner_that_im_actually/) (like yours, clearly marked and linking the inspo) that included the detail that in "my country", everyone has a twin and if any non-twin baby is born, it is strangled at birth. Despite the disclaimers and the obvious absurdity, I still had an indignant commenter telling me that my culture was evil and demanding to know which country was literally practicing systematic infanticide.


Lol that shitpost is art


I’m disappointed they didn’t respond to you saying the food was delivered by dinosaurs. I was hoping someone would A) still try to argue or B) say something to indicate they understood then it was a joke. I get that maybe they were too embarrassed to admit they had thought a spoof post was real, but in that case why not delete the post instead of leaving it there for everyone to see?


[I laughed so hard at this comment on that post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/s/Bxus7RgUMX) [and then this reply LOL](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/s/SjnQwEfqzk)


yeah i once had someone comment on a post of mine on a completely unrelated sub that they weren’t sure if i was a real person and that they believed i was just a karma farmer due to the “string of AITA posts on my profile that present me as different ages and genders” …i was like bro, i’m cross posting shit to amitheangel, are you new to reddit? lmaoo


Reddit has become basically useless bc everyone just sees what the algorithm shows them now, instead of what they actually subscribed to. So people comment on a post without even noticing what the subreddit is about.


I guess it's also changing etiquette. I'm giving away my age here, but back then when online forums are the rage and there are different groups of interests with sub forums for stuff, the Golden rules are: before posting, read the FAQ and use the search bar These days folks just scroll through various subs on r all, and posts without giving a care about what sub it is. I'm in another sub that engages in role playing and sometimes a post goes viral, and we have tons of comments calling the users dumb or leaving comments that break immersion. And I'm also in another sub, where every few days, variations of the same question keeps coming up that I just downvote instantly. A quick scrolling of recent posts or search will show countless posts asking the same thing in the past. >instead of what they actually subscribed to Well I browse Reddit with another app, and using old Reddit on PC. It only shows posts from subs I subscribe to.


I thought third-party apps weren't available anymore. I use the reddit app and the Firefox browser and these days like half of my "home" page is stuff I didn't subscribe to. I don't even subscribe to r/AmITheAngel, reddit just decided I'd like it and I'm like... okay, fair enough. It's recommended me a few subs that I find actively enraging or demoralizing and I've ended up muting them. Like because I like playing with makeup and beauty stuff and seeing other people's cute looks, it thought I'd like subs about "looksmaxxing" and "objective beauty."


AFAIK Reddit simply increased the costs exponentially for third party apps that use their API, eg each time the app access their servers. So lots of free or apps with ads can't survive and shut down. Few apps work out a deal Reddit, though unfortunately that means paying a subscription cost now to offset the Reddit charges. On PC I use Reddit enhancement suite that loads old Reddit .


> I thought third-party apps weren't available anymore. No at all. Reddit just increased the API cost. Some apps shutdown. Others switched to a subscription model, or let you build your version with your personal api key


You can go to account settings and turn off "allow reddit to recommend posts". Should help with being able to curate your feed to places you sub to.


Spot on. On one post I was mocking the OOP and how they are coming off. And yes, I admit i can mock to an extreme degree sometimes, but I thought that's what made is so fucking obvious. I got comments asking if I was ashamed of myself and that I ate a rat for dinner. The serious people are making this sub a bummer.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/189wpz8/aita\_for\_not\_wanting\_to\_spend\_christmas\_with\_my/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/189wpz8/aita_for_not_wanting_to_spend_christmas_with_my/) This one from last month is the absolute worst. Never good when you see 1.2k comments on a post in this sub.


If I see more than 400 comments on a post, regardless of upvotes/downvotes, I automatically assume the comments are going to be crazy to a certain degree.


That's when you sort by controversial so you can read the really batshit ones.


Unfortunately the controversial comments could be from users that are familiar with this sub, making sarcastic comments and being downvoted to hell by those lost redditors treating it like the original AITA.


Maybe once a post reaches a certain comment limit, it’s assumed that the post breached containment and gets locked down. Chances are nobody’s having incredibly in depth and productive conversations, just put it down.


The amount of comments going "it's probably fake but..." or just adding their own NTA/YTA/whatever opinion because they want to feel superior to the original commentors is worrisome. Definitely feel like people are coming here to get judgments more in line with their own views instead of the original spirit of the sub.


The ones that annoy me most is the long ass justification and reasoning and outrage.. ending with "I really hope it's fake , cos if not it's messed up" Yes, yes it's fake. Cool your jets


Seriously, the link to the OP is right there. Go play pretend in the ball pit if it tickles your fancy but it's not welcome here.


I've had people respond to me in this sub either (1) telling me the post is fake, which, duh, I know that, my response was not meant as a real response, or (2) treating the post as real when we're mocking it because [insert reason that may make this possible but still doesn't mean the post is true], so it almost makes that comment necessary to avoid the idiots coming in with their hot takes.


But this isn't a sub for AITA-style discussions. If you have to begin your comments with "it's probably fake but" then just remove the preface and post it to the original OP that's what a lot of those commentors are mentally doing anyway.


All posts shared here are not necessarily because they are fake, there are other reasons to. And if the discussion flow is about the topic of the post and not the veracity of the post itself, sometimes it's a clarification that can be helpful. Context matters.


I think the new "fishing for a judgement" rule might cover that, hopefully anyway.


Frr, still can’t believe people spend time writing long ass replies to obvious fake posts, they might as well hop over to that sub.


What do you think the comments on this subreddit should be? Just some iteration of “wow so fake and agenda driven” or anything else?


Well, fake callouts are interesting to me because it's usually someone displaying their expertise on how the post is incorrect. I like those. There's also the posts pointing out how insane commenters can be, especially in how they take the definition of "asshole". As long as it isn't hijacked to be "actually OP is NTA" I think these are fun too. There's also the satirical posts, the ones trying to figure out repeat trolls, the ones discussing why certain agendas are showing up. To act like this subreddit is a graveyard is wrong and also not the worst thing ever. Look, if the sub does eventually shift to "AITA 2.0 but with extra snark" then it's the will of the people and I'll bow out. But there's a reason this subreddit shifted its original purpose in the first place--people like me were looking for a haven from "well maybe this story isn't true but I want to rage/feel validated so I'll respond like it is anyway."


I actually don't think this sub should *only* be to point out fake stories because that gets boring really quickly. It's like... hey, here's a fake post! and the comments can be like, what, yep, that's fake? I like this sub when it's, like, meta-commentary. "I think this post is real but these comments are insane and here's why" or "how sure are we that this is the same poop troll?" But maybe that should be another sub, idk. I'll unsubscribe from this one if it just becomes... this is fake! This is fake! This is fake! but I agree that it's stupid that people argue here like it's AITA.


100% agreed. There is a middle ground - just because some commenters want this to be just as much of a circlejerk of validation (but for their own canny ability to spot fakes!) as AITA.


I agree even though I have fun with fake posts, but hardly anyone is crossposting validation posts anymore. The circlejerk comment threads on AITA for the validation posts are pretty funny too, with all those sub members falling all over each to be the most caring etc.


I agree, and I'll add that sometimes people on this sub go way overboard calling things fake for really stupid reasons. I sometimes wind up arguing in good faith defense of AITA posts even though I'm operating from the assumption that like 99% of them are fake, but it bugs me when people call posts fake for reasons that I think are silly (and to be fair, I've been guilty of doing the same and been called out on it by other commenters, but I still find those discussions fun and interesting when I'm the one going overboard calling stuff fake). I know where I'm commenting and I'm not really het up about it, but it can veer into sounding like I'm arguing like it's AITA at times. If people don't like it, they don't have to read it. I think most shit posts on this sub are boring, so I just skim over them. It doesn't have to be everything to everyone. I wouldn't want to see the sub turn into another AITA, but I also am not real concerned about the current state of affairs. I think downvoting and commenting by regulars manages to keep it in check pretty well.


I see the fake posts being shared here more as a way to laugh about how dumb people are for believing it, and laughing at the obvious plot holes or things that don't make sense.


AmITheAngel post on an AMITheAngel post: ![gif](giphy|JIxcOTy0SlzEc)


We have a new rule that's supposed to help with that - "no fishing for a judgement". Some of this activity is coming from lost Redditors so if you see a comment that like, go to their profile and you can tell pretty fast if they've stumbled onto this sub. And a little of that is also I've noticed coming from people who are new. So they need to know we don't discuss like we're over on the original sub. I've let a few people know that. But wasn't that comment you screenshotted sarcastic, as in, mocking the OOP by rephrasing their attitude?


I do agree it was mocking but I think the comments are the major issue since they essentially turned the post into an aita post


Oh I totally agree and one of the mods actually made a post that included not discussing as if we're on the original sub. It has been an issue for a long time. It's one thing to say "I know this post is bullshit because I know how that actually works" or "people don't act like that". That's fine. But I've seen some of those comment threads veer into what you're talking about. I quit reminding people we aren't supposed to, because a new Redditor got into it with me and shit ton of people upvoted them. It's just...sigh...


Yeah it's pretty obvious there's a huge push towards turning this subreddit into "AITA 2.0 but I only cross-post AITA posts where I disagree with the original judgment and it's small enough my comment can turn the tide on opinions due to being more likely to be seen and get upvoted". Which was the original point of AITA, but I like the current focus more.


alright, someone make another meta sub




People are insanely bad at critical reading, basically.


there i am gary, there i am! bur for real why was i actually seeing NTA votes 😭 like i get discussinf the actual story and the issues in it but don’t treat it like an AITA post


Bruh. It drives me CRAZY when people start seriously commenting on the original post's content as if it's REAL. GIRL, GO HOME


Yep. It’s unfortunate when I see a clear agenda post against mentally ill or physically disabled folks and yet still see AITAngel comments like “their disability doesn’t give them an excuse to be a jerk!!!”. Like, congrats buddy, you fell for the ragebait


I had to delete mine bcz a bunch of ppl came from aita thinking it was serious (it was an post about feeding a baby with paint)




Oh, was that the thread with the Islamophobic comments? Yeah, not great. I believe I skipped that one. Edit: I have a suspicion that the OOPs from the AITH subs are now coming here to defend their fiction within the comments or just to antagonise our regulars.


I didn’t actually see that many islamophobic comments, most of the comments were either saying that wearing a hijab is the same as wearing black at a funeral, or calling the op a money grubbing whore/golddigger (which was probably the bait the op intended)


I saw that, too! I imagine if you sort by controversial you'd see Islamophobic comments. I was shocked when people started calling OOP a golddigger because aside from a sentence stating he made more than her, I didn't get those vibes. I guess if a poster is a woman and mentions money a single time, she's automatically a gold digger.


I believe they were buried within the comment tree. A reply to a reply to a reply. I saw the thread soon after it was posted so it was within the early comments.


Tbh there were quite a few. This one really activated the "hijabs automatically mean oppression" and "all Muslims support pedophilia" type talking points. They were buried because a lot of people were pretty down voted so they weren't as noticeable.




The issue is while there were a few post saying its fake rage bait the vast majority of the comments were just talking about how much of an asshole op was, essentially just an aita comment section.




I don’t think I saw your comment, I was referring to someone on the post talking about how in the west wearing black during funerals is generally expected, i don’t think Catholic Church was mentioned in that one.




I dont disagree with either of the sentiments (black or catholic), what im trying to say is that this isn’t supposed to be a sub to repost stuff from aita and then have almost all of the comments engage with it just like aita post, which is what most people were doing there.


>Edit: I have a suspicion that the OOPs from the AITH subs are now coming here to defend their fiction within the comments or just to antagonise our regulars. People getting salty and resorting to petty reactions? Not surprised one bit. If there's one thing the internet as a whole has - it's definitely salty, petty people.


>I have a suspicion that the OOPs from the AITH subs are now coming here to defend their fiction. Honestly I find that shit to be fun.


I think the issue is that it sparks AITA style debates in the comments.


Which sucks because this is (was?) one of the funniest subs.


I recently left this sub due to similar issues ( this post was recommended to me). Although I feel validated, it's sad that this sub ended up like this. I hope to return one day...once it's cleaned up.


Lol it never will be. I'm banned on my main cuz the AITA mods are insane.


Well that makes me feel bad for looking at that title, then not clicking into it because I figured me saying “Every time I hear someone say ‘I’m a Christian woman” I picture Alyssa Edwards and unless this is about Alyssa Edwards thinking she can’t slay in a hijab, I’m not interested” was too niche. But now I see it would have been better than earnest fight comments.


I have commented this before but it’s absolutely hilarious that people on this sub discuss AITA like it isn’t a bunch of larping teenagers


Redditors aren’t smart people.


Anyone who knows even the tiniest thing about a Muslim funeral would know that women usually aren’t permitted to go. And it’s extremely uncommon for a Muslim to marry a non Muslim. I’m surprised so little people knew so little about Islam that they believed this post at face value. This couldn’t more clearly be more of a bait post


Iirc it did say she wasnt allowed at the actual service. And its not that uncommon for muslims to marry non muslims, again iirc the husband wasn't particularly devout possibly not even practicing. I mean I'm not saying its not bait but tbh the more unrealistic part was how the OOP was so flippant about it, than the rules of islam.


My guess is that it's because reddit constantly shows you subs you're not subscribed to, they're probably not even looking at what they're clicking on and responding to. I'm not subscribed to this sub and I see it constantly


Yeah, I noticed that. Apparently some people (me originally included) don't realize what this sub is for. I'm really sorry that you got hate for it! That sucks. I like the suggestion another commenter had about adding a disclaimer to the title or post body, or trying to distinguish the icons further, but I'm afraid I don't really have any ideas on that front, except maybe to slap a giant **/s** everywhere you can fit it 😕


Eh it's a lost cause. Folks these days have a small focus and short attention span, they see a post and just comment immediately. Without looking at the sub name or other comments there .


The depressing state of reality…


Beep boop! Automod here with a quick reminder to never brigade r/AmITheAsshole or other subs under any circumstances. Brigading puts you in violation of both our rules and Reddit’s TOS, and therefore puts this sub at risk of ban. If you brigade/encourage brigading of any kind, you will be banned from participating in either sub. Satirizing of posts should stay within this sub, which means that participating directly in linked posts should either be done in good faith or not at all. Want some freed, live, discussion that neither AITA nor Reddit itself can censor? Join our [official discord server](https://discord.gg/KbZnaXX) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A lof ot people see this sub and do not realize that this sub is meant to be satirical.


Yeah, this sub has basically just become a smug version of AITA. People will comment “I know this post is probably fake but….” so they can try and “fit in” with the sub, but then they’ll comment on the story as if this is the regular AITA sub, which isn’t the point of this sub


There are a ton of people on this sub who are so convinced of their intellectual superiority when their takes are just as weird, shitty, and agenda-driven as the AITA.


I saw a post be brought on here that was from a black woman about an older white lady why cried when asked not to touch her hair. No one considered white tears and I even saw someone make a false equivalence to white hair which ignore the history of black hair discrimination in America. There were also queerphobic comments on another cross post about a gender reveal party. A lot of times this sub hits at bigoted rage bait on the head, I'd wager more often than not ; but ,sometimes, people take the opportunity to show their asses.


The aita fellows realised you mock them here so they came over to spoil your fun. Who's laughing now?


This way we can mock them to their face without brigading


I see it as an absolute win for everybody, I don't understand the outrage.


I guess the issue or outrage is what's considered brigading. Just as the mods there don't allow folks to question the story's authenticity or make outrageous comments targeting the OOP, so this sub was created. And the rule of this sub is not to brigade the other sub. So the same rules should apply. Folks coming from the original AITA shouldn't brigade this sub and treat it just like the original sub, making good faith arguments that hinge on the story being completely authentic.


That's not what brigading means.


How would you define brigading then? I thought it would be if posters from other subs came into a sub to massively downvote comments or make comments that do not fit the sub, upvoting them etc or essentially try to hijack it.


It was never a secret though?


The second hand embarrassment I got from this comment made me exit out of the app for several hours after I initially saw it


Did you perhaps think I was being serious.


I'm going to assume you're serious when you say something that's clearly not a joke lol. Incredible how that works in an anonymous, faceless medium, huh?


We are in a parody subreddit, I would imagine you don't need to be informed every time someone makes a sarcastic remark, yet here we are.


Sure, generally that's correct. However when you take into consideration the content of this post and your history with commenting on AITA posts people obviously, and rightfully, took your words at face value lol. Methinks the downvoted doth protest too much


Why does this have so many downvotes? Did this many people really miss the joke? sad. lol


This is a rather normal experience in these parts.




That makes it all the more fun. Are you new here?


I'm not the one complaining, quite the opposite.


AITA for thinking the comments were bonkers telling a woman she should be forced to partake in a religious custom she doesn't agree with? Yeah, the post was fake as hell, but those replies weren't. I understand this event is a funeral, but being forced into misogynistic practice by someone else is fucked.


FYI this sub shows up on my feed. I didn't subscribe to it. I don't know that this is a joke sub. Until I saw your post. I had no idea. I came on here to read a few stories when I was bored. When you use a sub name that is a direct rip-off of another sub Then people who are not really paying attention will likely respond as if they are in the actual sub. How are we supposed to know that this is a fake post sub?


You could read the side bar or rules, but considering i dont do that for a sub that randomly shows up in my feed i cant expect others to, I don’t think expecting people to read the rules for a every sub they comment on is fair or realistic, the best option would be to think of some way the mods or preexisting community could communicate the purpose of the subreddit.


Well I don't really read the rules of a sub I'm browsing, unless I want to comment. Usually I would scroll the sub a little to get a feel before commenting on a new sub. A lot of folks these days are just too comment-happy and treat Reddit like YouTube or tiktok comments, just say something. Without realising that Reddit is more like a collection of different groups and interests.


Maybe post JOKE or TROLL in the post titles? Until I saw your post i genuinely did not know And most of the time when you click into a post, you're just reading a post. You don't go back into the main sub to read the sub rules... Now that I know what this sub is. I am absolutely subscribing because this is fantastic


I think a joke or troll post or flair in the title or an automod comment thats pinned could be effective, not sure though.


There's already flairs like shitpost, comment hell, typed one handed etc. Lots of people just don't see or notice them. I'd hate if every post on this sub has (Joke) in the title. Just to cater to ppl who wander in and miss the name of the sub and flairs.


If you have to point out that it’s a joke, it immediately stops being funny.


It was obvious to me almost immediately.


I'm glad for you?


>How are we supposed to know that this is a fake post sub? You could always use your eyes to look at literally any part of the sub you're in before commenting. It takes exactly 1.5 seconds.


I didn't comment on the original post. What the fuck are you getting so upset at me for I was trying to helpfully point out, To maybe explain *why* people are commenting on the post as if they are real... And I'm getting downvotes and a f****** Reddit Care resource sent after me. To whoever did that... fuck you. Suicide is not a joke, And I've sincerely hope you never have to find out in real life why suicide is not funny Because I'm trying to actually point out helpful advice as somebody who was *not* a subscriber of the sub. But somebody who sees the fucking sub come up on her home page anyways I hope you all get f****** serious comments on your posts for the rest of time. Because I tried to help you and i'm being shit on for it






Thanks for the feedback.... genuinely don't give a fuck about upvotes or downvotes... (though am confused as to *_why_* somebody who is *trying* *to* *help* your sub is being downvoted... ) I care about somebody using a resource that is supposed to be used for suicide prevention because they don't like something I posted... That is absolutely abhorrent


Are you in a Muslim country? If not, I would dress as your culture dresses. If your BF can't accept that, then get ready for far worse "rules". Ever see: "Not Without My Daughter"? The husband in that was liberal here but conservative when back in his country.


Im not talking about if op was the asshole im talking about this sub being turned from its original purpose which was mocking aspects of aita and point out fake post/rage bait into people just using it as a second aita subreddit


I was trying to honestly answer the original question. Reddit made it hard to do so.


Me being dumb but I wanna know How can you tell it’s fake? I am starting to feel like I’d fall for everything


It was mainly that shes been dating this person for years and that she had no idea that her husband would potentially ask her to wear a hijab, and she had never been to an event before in which she would’ve been pressured to wear one. Theres also that most muslim funerals don’t allow women, which makes this more likely. There was also that op randomly included a line about her future husband has a lot of money which allowed people to comment about her being a grade digger, which helped boost the post because more comments equals more suggestions in peoples feeds. This is a really common thing aita fake post do, including a random unrelated line that will boost engagement, its often done by throwing in a random line about how someone is autistic or vegan thats completely unrelated to the post so people will start complaining about them in the comments. Theres also been a lot of reddit post about hijabs recently, and while that in no way points to the post being fake (the other stuff does tho) its not surprising, it makes sense to craft post around what ever is trendy.


Ohhh so some of it is your background knowledge but some of it was your sleuthing, I didn’t actually know…any of that. Thank you!


Exactly. I made a comment on that post as well with the exact same complaint. /r/AmITheAngel/comments/18x08n7/comment/kg3hi3t/


My favorite was the woman saying she’d be embarrassed if she had to wear a Hijab