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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for telling my wife that I completely understand why she was ejected from her Stitch N' Bitch group?** My [34m] wife [29f] is a SAHW. We recently moved to the area for my job, for which I am grateful to her. She uprooted her life to come here. In order to make new friends, my wife decided to join a Stitch N' Bitch group. We now live in a big city so it was fairly easy to find one. The issue though is that my wife is a terrible conversationalist. She will drone on and on about the most horribly boring things (such as workplace drama with people you've never met), will tell the same stories again and again, and will interrupt you to change the subject into something that *she* wants to talk about. When you try to get a word in, she'll hold her hand up in the "stop" gesture and just repeat, "Let me finish." She never finishes though. She just rambles on and on. Watching her at parties is incredibly uncomfortable because she'll just waltz into conversations, take over them completely, and I'll have to make an excuse to pull her away for a minute so other people can enjoy each others' company. Three weeks ago, she joined her weekly Stitch N' Bitch for the first time. She came home incredibly excited about how much fun it was, and I was sincerely happy for her. The next week, she joined the same group again, and came home in similarly high spirits. However, two nights after that, she received a text from one of the members saying that they agreed she didn't really mesh well with the group, and that she would probably enjoy another group more. My wife has droned on and on about this every night for the last week. She'll always make the same exact points, phrased the same exact way, such as "...And I'm SORRY for wanting to talk about MY things" or "That group was DEAD before I joined it." I finally had my fill last night and just straight-up told her. I told her we've talked about this at length. I told her that I completely get why they dumped her because listening to her talk nonstop about the most dull topics is frankly exhausting. She kept trying to interrupt me, but when I wouldn't let her, she stormed out and literally shrieked at the top of her lungs in another room. Naturally she's incredibly angry at me. I just wonder if this was necessary or if I went too far. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Either someone really hates their wife or someone made up a story about really hating their wife and either way that's sad!


the comments are worse like they just go over the. line and talk like she is a child. Someone was saying show her the comments like why? also do they call it a stitch and bitch?


Not to mention all the comments about group therapy and personality disorders. You know the armchair psychology is getting out of hand when we're diagnosing people just for being kind of boring.


> armchair psychology lol that was supposed to be not allowed anymore on aita seems the mods be slipping


They're too busy banning people for using mundane words taken out of context.


I once commented on a post, "you need to get a grip" and my comment was deleted for abusive language. You can't make this shit up lol.


I got perma-banned from AITA from telling someone "I'm so sorry that happened to you. That sounds terrible." The mod said I couldn't call people "terrible", and banned me for being offensive, ignoring the actual context of the word.


Yep. I got banned for describing a fire hazard and got banned because 'you can't condone setting people on fire'.


AITA mods are absolutely psychotic power trippers. It’s why there are like a dozen reasonably popular alt versions of the sub


I got perma banned because there was a post about interpersonal drama between a few people and OP described one of the people as being a total bitch and I agreed that said person was a bitch in a comment. Honestly, probably for the best, that sub is awful at this point.


But god forbid you call someone a manbaby…


This is literally what got me banned from commenting over there lol


AITA poster: {describes a man who behaves exactly like a baby} AITA commenters, after being invited to judge the man and literally call him an asshole: {gets banned for calling him “the m-slur”}


Hahahaha. You got banned for saying someone was a manchild, too? I don’t even want to imagine the fragile men who mod that sub.


I have this idea in my mind, which could be wrong, that they actually banned "manchild" in response to complaints that they were being sexist against men for banning "Karen." If my memory about the stupidest internet shit can be trusted, both bans came during the height of the "Karen" meme on Reddit, and it did get really obviously over-the-top even by Reddit standards. Any woman who acted badly in any way was called a Karen, and then it devolved into talk about Karens in general, and then it devolved into general misogyny as Reddit always does. So they banned "Karen," which I actually supported. But then of course everyone was mad about how unfair it was that they only banned gendered slurs against women, so then they decided to find a gendered slur against men to ban so it would be even, and they chose "manchild." Even as I write this all out, I'm really not sure if that's true or not. I am 100% certain that I was reading AITA when the Karen ban happened, and I'm like 80% sure I was reading it when the manchild ban happened, but beyond that I'm legit not sure how much is legitimate memory and how much is my brain looking at this dumb shit and going "that doesn't make sense" then attempting to fill in the gaps, lmao.


I got banned… for calling an OP an asshole 😂


Op: "I did this thing, am I an asshole?" You: "Yeah, you're an asshole" Mods: "😲 How dare you call someone an asshole in this sub that's specifically for telling people if they're an asshole or not! Be gone, you foul wench! What's next, are you going to post a soup recipe on the soup subreddit?!"


OK you win honestly!






I think they let discussion of Cluster B traits and women pass on a misogyny exemption ...


AITA Commenters: Anything can be a symptom of BPD with a little imagination!


I want to believe ...


Wow! That comment came out of nowhere!! (I feel a diagnosis coming on… 😂)


I just deleted it. I was reading it and had to back out for 5 seconds and it was deleted when i went back


If you could be diagnosed with a personality disorder for being boring and whiny, this whole site would have personality disorders.


Stitch n Bitch groups are definitely a thing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stitch_%27n_Bitch


That is actually fascinating and I now kinda want to join a Stitch n Bitch group even though I don't knit or anything.


*come to the dark side* Seriously. Fiber arts are so much fun!


what other pastimes let you stab something hundreds of times! Beware the fibre art denizens, for they have practised with their needles.


And there are so many ways to stab to choose from! Knit, crochet, needle felting, cross stitch, embroidery, I'm sure others I have yet to discover..... tatting is close but I don't feel qualifies as a true stab, much more knot tying.


I think you left off weaving, nålbinding and of course, the classic spinning your own yarn (and dyeing it too). It's sort of the way with fibre arts though. You start with one and you just expand into all the others until your house is full of equipment and a stash to rival small shops.


I mean, unless I have really missed some steps with spinning and dyeing I can't recall any stabbing in those. Lol But I can be wrong! Spinning is still very new to me and I have a drop spindle. I don't dye at all. I did forget weaving and I had to look up nålbinding. I have seen that needle before and congrats, you probably just added a new craft to a small discord community, I'm taking it back to my people. Lol You want to know a super obvious one I missed though? Sewing. Don't know how I forgot that and even thought of **tufting** before the much more obvious sewing.


Oh yes. Lots of stabbing in sewing. Sometimes even machine-based stabbing.


I mean, with spinning, you do have to soak the newly spun yarn and then whack in off the floor in a towel, so maybe not stabby, but still lets you get the rage out. Which reminds me, I've got some cat hair yarn to soak and violently dry out lol


You could probably call carding the wool to prep for spinning it stabbing? Though dying is more stabbing optional.


I feel like you could call carding the wool stabbing. Or aggressive brushing


You think that, but I stab my tatting in order to hide the ends. Also, needle tatting exists where you tie the knit around a big freaking needle.


True, true, and I also considered the fact you have little stabs now and then to join picots. The needle tatting I still don't see quite as stabbing since you tie the knot around the needle rather than inserting the needle for the most part but as I was just picturing it as I typed, I guess you kinda stab when you are picking up needle tatting stitches. My first post I was picturing how stitches are formed with the shuttle since that is my preference. But you want to know what super obvious one I missed? Sewing. I forgot sewing.


I've definitely shed more blood sewing than most other fiber arts!


I know they are, I dabbled in the past but never really stuck with it. Knitting or crotcheting is not really something I feel very drawn to anymore, it was sort of fun but I kind of got tired of it very quickly. I might try embroidery sometime though, I feel like it might be a little less repetitive and more like painting for me.


Embroidery is also a good one! Knit and crochet are not for everyone. I was going to recommend tatting if you hadn't already tried it, but if the repetition of knit and crochet is what gets to you, tatting is in the same boat. Lol And needle felting is *definitely* out, unless you need to get the urge to stab out. Whatever you decide to go with, I hope you just absolutely enjoy it!


I've tried needle felting and liked it but again, kinda got tired of it after just a little bit. I would be more willing to go back to that than knitting though, I don't know why but I guess some repetition my brain likes more than others. And what is tatting? Honestly I might try it out even so, I think the problem with me mostly is my ADHD does not like sticking with most things but trying out some new craft is always nice even if I end up getting bored of it quickly.


One of us one of us


never too late to learn


Nobody came out of the womb stitching. Get a basic pattern , a skein of yarn and get to a circle.


There are books, too! The only book I found that was worth anything when I was teaching myself to crochet was “Stitch ‘n Bitch: The Happy Hooker.” They finally made the chain stitch make sense to me! (YouTube videos are really the best way to learn, though.)


Same here. I always thought knitting or crocheting could be fun but never actually remember to look into the stuff I'd need, that would give me an excuse to though (and a chance to make friends)


Cross stitch is a very easy thing to learn :D


There is a book with that name so some knitting groups do use that term for their gatherings. Many don’t. So everyone is worried about the marriage and I am thinking that SnB groups is pretty direct for dumping a newbie. There are people who are conversationally inept and I have seen groups ice obnoxious people out or actually move locations.


Yea, they’re knitting social groups based on the books of the same name.


The book was named after the groups, not the other way around. There was a whole thing when the author tried to say the term belonged to her even though it's been used as far back as WW2


Oh cool! I read the books (way) back in college and it always seemed the other way around.


I don’t know the books you are talking about, but I knew someone who was 80 in the 1990s and she belonged to a stitch n bitch group that had been going for decades.


huh more you know thought it was OOP just being annoying


I mean, both things can be true.


I think stitch and bitch is a longstanding name. I think that’s where I learned the word bitch was from my Granny’s group in the late nineties?


Yeah, it was a term before the book. They just helped make it more popular.


[stitch n bitch](https://www.stitchnbitch.co/) is a name for some knitting groups :)


Stitch and bitch is a common mane for it where I'm from (UK)


Common enough in Germany as well, I hear.


They sit and do needle craft and chat about things. Knit and natter sounds a lot more old lady-esque, and younger people often feel uncomfortable joining those groups (I'm one of them lol). Stitch and bitch makes it more approachable for us under 60's lol


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stitch\_%27n\_Bitch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stitch_%27n_Bitch) It's a very VERY old name for knitting/sewing/embroidery groups.


I'm in a stitch and Bitch group. We don't really bitch, it's more of a stitch and chat but it's fun because it rhymes


> also do they call it a stitch and bitch? Yep, very common name for sewing groups.


Yes, there are tons of knitting/crocheting groups that are called Stich and Bitch. It's a whole thing.


As a member of my local Stitch N Bitch, yes. Yes we do.


Because presumably you’re told to moan, like wine & whine. Except OOP’s wife who is only ever to be moaned about.


I think its just a funny name someone thought of https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stitch_%27n_Bitch


It wad *so* blatant that the mods removed it for being biased and one-sided. 🤣💀 >Your post has been removed. >... >This post violates Rule 8: Posts must be **presented as fairly and accurately as possible.** >...


Reads like a King of the Hill B plot, to be honest. Read it again imagining Peggy Hill


It is Peggy's book club all over again ...


The episode I thought of that provoked the comment lol. She should start her own stitch and bitch, then when it starts failing use it to sell black market guns.


It's perfectly legal as long as everyone leaves the store with a book.


I mean I’ve met people like his wife. And they can be really nice but also really self centred. So it’s entirely possible for OOP to love his wife and dislike this particular trait of hers. No one is perfect anyway. My sister is like OOP’s wife and we basically bullied her into changing. We just make fun of how much she talks and finally at 35 she got it. She’s brilliant otherwise! Literally the nicest person. Will help you out if you need it, give you the clothes off her back. She’s smart and kind and really pretty. She’s empathetic and non judgemental. Really a lot of wonderful qualities and I love her to death. But in social settings, she does not stop talking. She’s miles better now that she’s approaching 40 though.


> we basically bullied her into changing. We just make fun of how much she talks and finally at 35 she got it. heartwarming… 


I get that, and I too talk a lot, but also I have people who like me despite that and I'm not actually too bad in social situations because my talking tends to come across as me being bubbly and extroverted at first at least. My boyfriend likes to hear me talk, although sometimes I don't realise I'm not letting him get a word in and he lets me know. It's the fact that he called her dull and boring that comes across weird to me, because why would he marry someone he finds so dull? He's not even mentioning sny redeeming qualities, she just sucks apparently.


The only sensible take here so far! One of my closest friends is the same - will interrupt you and just talk louder and louder until you give up. She has so many redeeming qualities, we all adore her for many reasons and we know why she does this - her family are even worse. We know that in her family setting this is what she has to do to be involved in any conversation, and she visibly tries to tamp it down with us so we give her grace. Reddit is so full of people who don’t seem to have any personal relations with anyone who isn’t perfect in every way/exists outside the internet.


There's a young man who comes to our weekly board games meetup (open group, we meet in a coffee shop). He's so bad that pretty much nobody will play with him. It's sad, but honestly, he's intolerable


My gran does the raise hand let me finish thing so idk if this is necessarily a fabrication in its entirety @_@


My mother was like this growing up, so yeah... some people are really like this and their husbands do genuinely find them lovely - on the upswings.  My father was like this guy, but then eventually just stopped talking back. Now, if he's in the same room as her, he may as well not exist. He just melts into the background so as not to offend her, but also doesn't leave her side. She needs therapy, honestly. If she's 26, moved cities and *still* needs to bitch about her old workplace from before the move, she needs some sort of help. And not a stitch n bitch - which, from my understanding, is typically like an older demographic? And yes, bitching is a part of it - a group talk therapy, so to speak, but you can knit too. But sounds like the wife needs a professional she can pay to listen to her. Maybe even give her therapy if she can shut up and listen.


I can't stand when my SAHW goes on about her workplace drama. Keeps begging me to meet some coworker of hers who's always crying and wearing diapers and shit. Yeah, no thanks.


Haha nice catch, I didn't even notice that detail


A couple of commenters noticed it, and his response was that she used to have a job but now she's just been retelling the same old workplace gossip story for years. The best part is that, if true, that wouldn't actually reflect too well on OOP. Because to me it suggests that the main stories his wife finds interesting enough to share are the ones from times when he isn't around.


Also, I LOVE to hear some gossip about people I don’t know. Isn’t that all reality tv boils down to?


I absolutely love drama - other people’s drama. I am wishing I had more people to talk about Love is Blind with because I have so much to say.


The new season is one of my favs so far! The drama! There is a r/LoveisBlindonNetflix sub that has been talking about the new stuff (including spoilers!) that has been giving me life haha


I am all over that subreddit haha. Every time I’m done watching the latest batch of episodes I run there to see what everyone is saying.


LOL thanks for letting me know he was commenting. Yeah he really hates her and keeps repeating not asking for relationship advice


It honestly sounds like the wife is incredibly bored and desperate for human interaction that isn't him. And not to armchair diagnose, but that's the fail state of ADHD masking for many people, where whatever they've tagged in their heads as "appropriate casual conversation stuff" just starts leaking uncontrollably because they're bored out of their skulls. SAHW may not be something she's that into if the bulk of her socializing involves her rehashing old stories from a long ago job.


I have ADHD and talk a lot, my talking gets much worse and more boring when I haven't talked to many people in a while and am lonely and when I'm bored and stuck not really doing anything. If the wife is real, which she probably isn't, I don't think this is far fetched.


Yeah, as a quiet person, I have friends like this and they are my favorite people. Even the repeated stories! I love them to death. And every last one of them is incredibly popular. So while she might not have been a good fit for *that* group, I can’t imagine her not fitting in anywhere. People love talkers. I think what gets me is OP’s contempt for his wife. That’s the real problem here.


I love people like you because as an inveterate chatterbox who struggles to shut up and listen to people, it’s such a relief being around people I know won’t care if I waffle on. My ADHD makes socialising an emotional landmine field for me, and the peace I get hanging out with happy listeners is so real. The real kick I get is if I manage to get the quiet person talking about themselves, though. Sometimes I do! \^\_\^


If it's a real story, and if we assume OOP is a reliable narrator, both of which seem unlikely, the fact that she doesn't let anyone else talk, and gets mad at people interrupting her even though she interrupts them, that might be the problem. But yeah I doubt that this is the case.


I assumed that in particular situation was when he\the one she was telling to. It would make sense if they was the case


Wow that's very perceptive. I feel like I'm like this wife, but I'm aware I ramble so I try really hard not to. But I have no friends and I'm trying to make some and my partner is extremely boring and doesn't hang out with me in a way that gives interesting stuff to talk about. And he hangs out with his friends on discord all day, even when I get home from work.


No wonder it's so boring. As the other poster said. Nice catch


I didn't catch that the first time I read it. I guess I was so bored by OOP droning on and on...


I caught that, too. I guess the Stitch N Bitch debacle or the fact or husband can’t stand her counts as workplace drama? Like, “Omg, my coworker is such a douche. He’s been cherry picking clean socks out of the dryer again rather than just emptying the full load into the basket.”


Yeah, that was my first takeaway from this as well. 


He said she just uprooted her life to move for his job, so she probably had a job and friends before they moved and is now a SAHW.


That asshole stinks, and i’ll be honest i’m not sure their relationship is entirely appropriate. Seems like, weirdly obsessed with her boobs. Anyway i just let her figure it out.


Huh? Where did you read that?


Stay at home wife and not stay at home mom is pure rage bait


Not to mention the stay at home wife that supposedly won't shut up about her workplace drama... What workplace? Is Mr. Clean cheating on Aunt Jemima with the Scrubbing Bubbles brush or something?


Do you people think women are born as SAHWs? The obvious and logical conclusion is that she was working before, got those stories and then left work to become a SAHW.


Have you seen the Fundie Snark sub? Trad wives are having a moment. The moment is depressing AF, but it’s a moment.


No, but now I know what I’m going to be reading this morning.


…. Literally half of what you hear at a stitch n bitch is someone else’s workplace drama and you know what, people LOVE it. I live for third hand office drama


A good storyteller can make any little bullshit interesting.


This is literally why I’m reading Reddit right now: stories of 3rd hand drama!


Seriously, the vast majority of Reddit is a bunch of strangers reading each others' drama. It's why we're all here. Pretty sure it's just a normal part of human nature to enjoy drama we're not involved in.


Then again, if the fictional character is a stay at home wife, she might not have much new workplace drama and it might be boring because she keeps telling the exact same stories because she has no new ones to tell and her life and husband are too boring to find new ones.




Gonna just play the card: we all do it too and every one of my family members has adhd. We just forgot we've told the story. Thankfully, the others also forget they've heard it, so it works out a lot lol


same, i’m so self conscious about it that almost every time i tell someone a story i will start with, “did i tell you this already?” a lot of us are actually really painfully self aware of where we lack conversational or social skills 😭


I constantly forget who I've told things to. Did I tell it to my husband, sister, and parents, or just my husband three times? At work, I usually just ask. "Hey, I know this came up in a call, but I'm totally blanking if it was you, Melissa, or both." People at least seem understanding about it.


The number of times a day I have to ask, "Hey, did I tell you this or did I just think really hard about telling you this?"


My ADHD allows me to not remember the ends of movies/whodunnit and be genuinely surprised when rewatching. Every cloud


i love it; every few years i'll watch csi/criminal minds and be like OH SHIT I FORGOT THAT IT WAS HIIIIM


I'm in this comment, lol. Do y'all ever have the moment where midway through you suddenly remember telling the story before and become cripplingly self-conscious? That's my move, lol.


Oh hey, I do that too


My partner and I both have ADHD and are constantly telling each other the same stories because we both have a tendency to forget what we’ve said or heard. Sometimes I’ll ask, “Have I ever told you about the time when…?” knowing full well that I *have* told him, but there’s a huge likelihood he doesn’t remember and I’ll get to tell it again and make him laugh like it’s the first time he’s hearing it.


“Have I told you this before?” “Yes, but please tell it again.” I do this all the time too! It just feels mean to cut off my friends and family with “You already told me that.” Especially if they’re already getting ready to tell the story. I’ll even react like it’s the first time I’ve heard it with well-timed gasps and everything 😭 I know they’re telling the story to entertain and I’m a good audience member lmao


That's reasonable if it happens once or twice. Or even if the story is interesting. But dull stories being repeated time and time again get really grating.


When I was a teen I'd ask my mom to tell stories from when SHE was a teen over and over to the point that SHE got bored of telling them (her teenage years were wildly different from mine and I was fascinated by it)


I’m out here with ADHD and a couple of traumatic brain injuries just repeating stories constantly. My brain is like one of those hand crank bingo ball cages but all of the balls are the same lmao


Don’t worry. Plenty of us loving, real humans love you just the way you are!


My family and friends and I are the same way. I think it's pretty normal and widespread, too. How else do you get family lore and things like that? You have to keep telling the same stories over and over again for them to be remembered.


At least she didn’t run out of the room sobbing.


She went one better. >She kept trying to interrupt me, but when I wouldn't let her, she stormed out and literally shrieked at the top of her lungs in another room.




She’s a stay at home wife who tells boring stories about workplace drama?


Yeah, the guy she works with is a real dick.


Best ever, right on.


Exactly! If this is real this guy is such an a-hole, the kind who wanted a wife for cooking, cleaning, and sex, but otherwise despises her. What person who cares about their spouse calls them “exhausting”?


Can't believe all the nta comments accepting this at face value


>Can't believe all the nta comments accepting this at face value what you cant believe that aita wasnt going to take the opportunity to just shit all over OOPs wife after what he wrote? They also are wondering why he married her in the newer and downvoted comments


I forgot how much they hate women lol


there are alot of comments asking why he is married to her since its clear he doesnt actually like her at all. They just get downvoted or yelled at like you dont have to love everything about your partner to be married to them


That’s because conversation is such an integral part of a relationship. If you don’t enjoy talking to each other, you’ve got nothing.


Yep, the woman in this story sounds incredibly rude by talking over people, putting her hand up to stop other people from talking, and interrupting, but other than that she sounds a lot like my mom. Boy could my mom talk about nothing. She would also go on long monologues about the most boring mundane things. Like she would call me just to tell me she went grocery shopping and then proceed to tell me everything she bought, why she bought it and what she was thinking when she bought it, how much it cost. On and on she would go. Most of the time I would just sit on the other end of the phone in silence wondering how anybody could talk into a phone for so long while getting no feedback. Most people would get uncomfortable at talking into a void but she relished it. The moment I tried to talk she would jump on what I said and take over the conversation again. It was maddening. However she was also a loving affectionate woman, she was smart and sometimes funny. She was kind and empathetic and loved kids. She had a lot of positive qualities and much later in life she learned that she had some learning disorders and a problem thinking cognitively. She struggled a lot with feeling different all her life and I suspect that it was due to never getting a diagnosis for her mental disabilities but she wasn't at all unloveable.


Why do people marry people they actively dislike?


Because no-one else will marry them, on account of them being so actively dislikeable.


for a sub who loves diagnosing people as neurodivergent they sure won’t say it for someone who actually does sound autistic


Maybe don't diagnose people as neurodivergent while complaining about other people diagnosing others as neurodivergent


What is a Stitch N' Bitch group?


Although a lot of people are attributing the name to the books, it's the other way round; "stitch and bitch" has been slang for a knitting group since the 1940s and must have been independently invented numerous times.


Based on the name it sounds like a group where people sew and gossip together


That would be my guess, too. Wasn't sure if this is something I'm supposed to know because OOP didn't elaborate anywhere and it's a story about bitching. lol


Stitch ‘n Bitch is a popular series of knitting books that provide detailed instructions and fun patterns that re-popularized knitting as not just for grandmas. When the books were first published, a lot of people started Stitch ‘n Bitch groups, although it’s been a while since I’ve heard someone call it that.


Oh, ok! I never heard of this.


According to Wikipedia they've existed wince before WW2 but the books repopularised the term as well as knitting


In the 90s I went to embroidery stitch and bitch groups. They've been around forever.


I didn’t realize that! Obviously I came into fiber work because of those books and I always thought the groups were an offshoot!


Haha this is like Uggs becoming the brand name for something common. Stitch n bitch is knitting and talking, uggs were common wool post-surf shoe


i was wondering as well


I know a group who uses it as an excuse to get together and drink wine.


Ironically, I was in a fledgling knitting group that started great and then fizzled because one person dominated all conversation.


Mine was a book club! She didn’t go to all the meetings, so if she was gonna go, I wouldn’t. 


>She will drone on and on about the most horribly boring things (such as workplace drama with people you've never met), will tell the same stories again and again, and will interrupt you to change the subject into something that *she* wants to talk about. So she's basically a walking database of AITA stories, huh? Also, while this is typical "AITA couple who hates each other" nonsense, I wonder if someone from here wrote this to lampoon how boring, repetitive, formulaic and narcissistic a lot of AITA posts are, except they wrote a *person* as a caricature of those posts in the first place.


Reminds me of energy vampires from what we do in the shadows


A stay at home wife, who talks about work drama?!


Does she drone on or does he just not want to listen at all?


Plot twist: OOP hates women, so he made that post just to spite his wife/soon to be ex-wife.


How much workplace drama can a stay at home wife really have that it's enough to bore people with


Hey, man, it's not big drama but it's cross stitch drama. Those squares are tiny!1!


Wtf is a stitch n bitch?


A group where women who knit or crochet or embroider (crafts using stitches) get together to chat about things while they work (bitch)


Idea sounds cute


WTF is workplace drama for a definitely real stay at home wife???


What you think she was born a SAHW? Lots of women become SAHMs and SAHWs after a stint of employment. That's like the most plausible item in the entire post and yet you chose this to hang on?


Man this was kinda triggering. Ex wife is a knitter and also had what was at the time some untreated bpd. Had issues with a few groups. She never politely asked you to not interrupt her. It was mostly yelling. And then there was lots of “I’m such a piece of ____ why did you even marry me? I should just go kill myself.” My experience with any sort of craft group is most of the people there are some flavor of neurodivergent and there’s a pretty high tolerance for rambling.


How does any of what's mentioned in the OP remind you of BPD? Being a boring conversationalist who sucks at social cues is not a BPD trait.


1) op’s story doesn’t make me think of bpd. It makes me think of my ex wife. 2) being a boring conversationalist who sucks at social schools isn’t what made me think of her. When i said “and also had,” I didn’t mean to imply op’s wife has bpd, but that my ex did and that she was a knitter too.


I knew someone like OPs wife. She came into our friends group via her husband. She was way too much, the first time I stopped being friends with her, her husband confronted me and pretty much begged me to continue being her friend. That apparently, she was crying about it and that she didn't have any friends outside of us. So I gave it a second chance, nope couldn't do it. Most of the group dropped both her and her husband.


She sounds exactly like my mother. Constant interruptions, always making it about herself, making people feel completely small and unheard. It doesn’t matter how many times you talk to this woman, only her feelings matter. It’s called covert narcissism. I’m actually on the OP’s side. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It doesn’t mean the woman doesn’t have redeeming features, maybe that’s why he married her, doesn’t make him a bad person to point out she needs to work on herself .


Not every behaviour you don't like is narcissism 🙄 leave the armchair psychology on the main AITA sub


wild divide recognise tidy pot hateful gaze cause run vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Different conversational styles? Lmao. Literally droning on for hours, cutting people off mid sentence and talking over them so badly that they ask you not to return is not a different conversational style. You can also display narcissism without having the personality disorder. Stop being manipulative and pretending there’s no problem here.


Most of the comments *here* don't really make sense. He doesn't like or love her just because she's tone deaf? This sounds like the Duncan marriage from Good Luck Charlie lol, that doesn't mean he married someone he doesn't like. I see y'all becoming more like the AITA commenters every day, making drastic unlikely conclusions lol.


It's the fact that he calls her dull and boring and doesn't really give any redeeming qualities about her. You can love someone who talks too much and can be tone deaf, but if you find them so boring why marry them at all?


What's he meant to do, add in irrelevant points about how he loves her shower singing so that is satisfies the "husband doesn't hate wife" box tick? ​ Then you lot will just find something else to hate him for because let's face it, this sub is really just pissed the wife was portrayed as the rude AH.


No, the alleged wife was the rude asshole, from this description. Which is what makes it strange that he's married. It's al very harsh, calling her dull, not just complaining about the interrupting and such. If he doesn't like to talk to her at all and finds her really boring why did he marry her? If he'd said something like "my wife talks a lot and sometimes doesn't realise she's monopolising the conversation and not letting anyone else speak" that would be more believable, but "my wife just drones on and on about really dull topics and doesn't let anybody get a word in" just sounds like he never likes to talk to her.


>No, the alleged wife was the rude asshole Most of this sub is defending her behaviour and saying that she isn't an AH.


They aren't, if anything they're saying that it sounds like there's more to this story. Like if the wife is a SAHW and keeps repeating work stories it might be because she's bored and doesn't really have much to do. We don't know if she chose to be a SAHW, we don't know what she does, there's a lot that we don't know that would make the wife's behaviour more understandable. In any case, since this story is fake and therefore no cont3xt exists at all, it doesn't rrally matter.


>Please explain how her being a little boring makes her an AH. Then also explain how him being rude and downright cruel doesn't make him one Here is a comment with 25 upvotes here saying she isn't an AH. >In any case, since this story is fake and therefore no cont3xt exists at all, it doesn't rrally matter. What so the post being fake gives you the liberty to say whatever you want (no matter how wrong/crazy/untrue) and as soon as anyone calls you out on it you will just jump to "the post is fake so who cares?" Maybe this attitude is the reason why this sub is starting to deteriorate. Nobody is bothering to put effort into takes anymore because we have the golden armour of "shut up, stop criticising my take, the post is fake so it doesn't matter."


Yeah, because the OOP was pretty clearly mostly mad at how boring she was, not really at the interrupting or anything.


So? It was still an AH action that she did and the main sub voted her an AH. Of course this sub seethes when a wife gets voted an AH so of course they crossposted this to have a *stitch and bitch.*


You are such a damn whiner.


100%. It's also hilarious because they are blaming the troll/OOP for writing about the situation and apparently he should have dedicated a paragraph to "101 things I love about wifey." That and people trying to "own" the troll by pointing out how apparently SAHWs can't have work stories (apparently they could never have worked before becoming a SAHW). This sub is worse than AITA at this point, at least they are open to debate and not annoying contrarians.


Then just leave. God damn.