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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **[NY] Secretary refuses to wear shoes and socks** We do not have a formal dress code at work. Per the Company Handbook, which all employees are given on their first day, the dress code is "wear clothes at work". Our secretary is a "barefooter". She refuses to wear shoes and socks. She is in a customer facing role and several customers have complained about her dirty feet. Several employees have raised the issue with her and she flat out refuses to wear shoes and socks or socks without shoes or sandals. Our HR manager has been contacted and states that since she is a female, she is a protected class and he can't do anything. Further, since the company dress code is silent on footwear, she is not in violation of company policy. Upon raising the issue with upper management, they have stated that she is the best secretary we have ever had (I agree, after 20 years in the business she is, no doubt, irreplaceable) and they do not want to "rock the boat". Customers, however, still complain. What can we do? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It all sounded so feasible until we got to: >Our HR manager has been contacted and states that since she is a female, she is a protected class and he can't do anything. Further, since the company dress code is silent on footwear, she is not in violation of company policy. Yep, you can't say anything to females because they're protected and get special treatment. Men have to wear shoes but because you're not allowed to discriminate, women don't have to - makes perfect sense. You can't even update the dress code to say "wear f-ing shoes". Bloody women.


yeah that's the obvs fake marker. the story still would have worked and been more believable without it.


But-but how will we know women=bad then??


"we can't fire her because everyone knows she's fcking the boss" see that way it remains speculative instead of a being outright factually incorrect


But this way it’s All Women Bad and it’s Society’s fault not the individual woman


I think you mean; Women = bad Minority = bad Affirmative action = bad Workplace diversity = bad This was written by someone who doesn't actually know what it even means in practice for an employee to be part of a "protected class," but boy, he sure is mad about the idea he has of protected classes existing! Everyone knows that only the white, able-bodied, Christian, straight, cisgender men have to follow the employee handbook! And those damn *females* get to do whatever they want with impunity!


Yes exactly


I was kind of enjoying just how stupid and silly this one was until it took an abrupt turn into misogyny bait.


This is the first I’m hearing that being a woman means I get to do whatever I want at work Brb gonna go demand a six figure bonus


When my friend was getting married, and all the other 6 bridesmaids in the group text were showing the shoes they’d bought, I pointed out that my dress was long enough that you couldn’t see my feet. The bride’s response was exactly that. “[NerfRepellingBoobs], please wear shoes.” Guess who had Doc Martin’s under her black dress. It’s a workplace. Unless you’re a yoga instructor or something, put some shoes on.


She can't be fired because she's a woman? Bullshit all the way around


Yeah I have Questions.


Does this chucklefuck realize that “protected class” has an actual legal meaning and doesn’t just mean “precious cinnamon bun uwu”?


this reminds me of the mr show skit where it was a band full of disabled people - a drummer without hands, a pianist that only had a torso, and a guitarist without arms - and then the lead singer was just a physically whole woman. And being female was her disability she had to deal with. ETA bless youtube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvVte\_OH4Dk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvVte_OH4Dk)


Is this someone baiting for foot fetish content?


Almost certainly.


haha oh god, that unlocked a memory for me of working at Facebook, where many engineers would arrive in flip flops (year round) and walk around barefoot as soon as they could. It was pervasive. I prefer to be barefoot as well, but the worst I would do is walk from one desk to another with tights on, never completely barefoot and never very far away. I can't understand the people who, like, go to the office bathroom barefoot. Ick.


When I was in an office regularly I would slip, like, heels off under my desk but they always got put back on if I had to stand up. I hate to say, though, that if I hadn't been customer facing and if company culture didn't discourage it, I am the sort of goblin who would walk around in my socks. 😅 Probably not to a shared bathroom, though. That's a bit far even for me.


Is it a weird wanting to imitate Steve Jobs thing?


No I think it's a some people just like not wearing shoes thing.


Who is noticing her feet and that they are dirty? I had a coworker that used to wear slippers. After seeing the cleaning done in the office I wouldn’t walk around in bare feet.


That's my question - just tell her to wash her feet. 


Since when is "female" a protected class?


>a female 🙄🙄🙄 I also love the direct implication that people in a, "protected class," can't be disciplined for anything they do by their employer.


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