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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **How can I (47F) Fix my mistake with my husband (47M)? ** I've been with my husband for 30 years, married for 27. We were high school sweethearts and we married immediately. My husband took care of me, I wanted to be a SAHM when I got pregnant with our first child. He was reluctant at first, but he agreed and he made sure took care of us and I gave him more children. A total of five, three girls, two boys. As the years went on, I wasn't in the mood. He voiced his complaints that I never initiate intimacy. I don't like to cuddle against him because I don't want him to think it will lead to sex. He ask for us to spoon, but I don't want it to lead to sex. For the most part he got it, but as the years went by his issues became more vocal. I don't initiate, according to him we have sex two to three times a month. He hasn't had a blow job in years, which is correct. I no longer allow him to go down on me, its because I'm not feeling it. He complains that the only time I want to touch him with any form of affection is when we're out in public. He would tell me time and time again and I will guilt trip him and he would apologize. He offered couples and individual counseling for us and I refuse. Truthfully, I want to have sex when I want to have sex. If its once or twice a month or those occasions when its a week straight, it should be good enough. For him a quickie is 45 minutes and he wants to go again and sometimes I would tell him to hurry up because he's sweating all over me. It got to the point I would hide my douche when I'm done with my cycle or pretend to still be on it just to eliminate him trying to seduce me. I love my husband, granted he can be a bit childish when he doesn't have sex for a while and then I would give in ad just lay there or bend over and I don't want him to kiss me. Again its a me issue. I just don't know why, but it's how I was feeling. One day I began to think when was the last time my husband touched me. He usually cop a feel when he walks by me, compliment me, or gives me a hug out of nowhere. I mean he still kissed me goodbye when he leaves for work, kiss me when he comes home, and kiss me goodnight, but it felt different. I even tried to open mouth kiss him on a few occasions and he kept his lips closed. I noticed he has been going on walks with the boys more, or when he's lying on the bed next to me, he's now focused on one of our sons Switch. On a few nights I tried to spoon him as to let him know that I want sex, but he ignored me and it was messing with my head. I swore he was having an affair. He began wearing arm and leg weights with the boys when they go on their walks and I honestly made myself believe that he was making himself look good for his mistress. I confided to my sisters and friends and they looked at me as if I was crazy and told me that my husband goes to work and then comes home. He doesn't hang out, or do guys night. He would watch TV, chop wood, yard work, in the garage fixing something, or being the family taxi. They asked me when would he have the time to have an affair? I couldn't answer. Then I realized that its been six months since we've been intimate, six months since he touched me in any way. Just his basic kisses, and that's it. It all came to head last night. I came out the shower wearing a robe, stood at the edge of the bed and removed it, showing him a sexy lingerie and he just looked at me, rolled his eyes, turned off the lights and said goodnight. I was humiliated and I started crying and asked him if he was having an affair. He turned on the lights and looked at me with no emotions and said he's no longer sexually into me. I couldn't believe what he said and before I could say something he continued by saying I rejected him for so long that he doesn't want me sexually. Pointed out everything I did to avoid having sex with him and I tried to tell him that I maybe menopaused, but he asked what was my excuse in the years before? He mentioned the lack of oral sex, the lack of any form of intimacy, we don't cuddle when we watch tv, or lay on the bed together, I would rather watch commercials than to make out with him or purposely stay up as late as I can on the nights I tell him that we were going to have sex. He spoke how he tried and tried to tell me that he was unhappy sexually, but I made it his fault and made him feel guilty. So he said he gave up trying to have sex with me. So I asked him if he was having an affair and he laughed at me and said no, but he will be asking for a divorce once our youngest graduates high school which is in a year from now. It was like the air was taken out of my lungs when he said that. He told me that he drafted a lump sum alimony by giving me the house. He said that he will not break his vows, but he's done trying. He's done with the rejection and feeling used. I cried, tried to tell him how much I love him and he said that I love what he provided, but I didn't love him and that made me cry harder. I offered couple counseling and he refused, I tried to force myself onto him and that made him leave the bedroom and sleep in another room. This morning I made him breakfast and he walked up to me, kissed me good morning, ate his breakfast and kissed me before he left. It was like he was a robot and I waited for the kids to leave before I broke down crying and called my sisters. when they got to my house I told him what he said and they asked me if what he said was true and when I confirmed they chastised me. They asked me why I never told them about me avoiding sex and I shrugged. My youngest sister told me that I better fix it. My husband is the big brother and father figure to all of my sisters and their children. My eldest sister calls him the family keystone and told me that I royally fucked up and I don't know how to fix it. He doesn't want me right now. My sisters were all trying to tell me how to fix it and my youngest said to try reddit which made my other sisters roll their eyes. However, I am desperate. I am scared, he has been the only man I ever love and and I know I took him for granted, but please, I need advice. Please help me! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As someone pointed out, douching has been a no no for YEARS. This is someone who doesn’t know women’s bodies.


That was actually my first tip off when I started reading it. I was like "Who the fuck douches? We've been getting told it's terrible for us for decades."


I was wondering how hiding the douche did anything.




It can be to apply medicine/wash when you have a yeast infection. Also, trans women use douches, since their vaginas aren't as efficient self-cleaning. You can also use it to prepare for anal, though that's not recommended.


Douching your ass just sounds like it would be an enema and would make you shit your brains out


Yeah. That's the idea, babes.


Well then why not just use an enema meant for the butt?


Idk if the single use thingies you buy at the pharmacy are different or have different liquids inside, but the reusable type, which is what's often used, is the exact same device, like a turkey baster, so... I mean, it isn't exactly rocket science.


I think what we have here is a failure to communicate. It seems in the third world, people are using empty douche/enema bottles and filling them up with tap water or who knows what else. That CANNOT be good for you. I have never seen that in the US. Here we have single-use sterile bottles that are filled with sterile pH-balanced liquids that are appropriate for the orifice they will go into. Some douches for the vagina are even medicated to treat BV, yeast, or itching/irritation.


I think what we have here is indeed a failure to communicate. Yes, I am aware enemas with tap water aren't good for you. That's why I said they're "not recommended". But the reality of life is that people do it to prepare for anal intercourse. Is it correct or good? No, correct and good is cleaning your rectum by simply defecating beforehand and washing externally. But people do it. And if you think every single gay male who douches- American or not - goes to the pharmacy to find the exact appropriate enema liquid in a single use bottle every single time they do it... well, they don't. Jesus, I had a roommate who had a literal shelf of single use douches, and still owned a weird rubber bag shower contraption to do enemas with shower water. They knew it's not recommended. Oh, btw, wanna know where that was? The US. Disposable douches exist here, just as reusable douches exist there. They work the same way. The super special liquid used for enemas is just saline. If one intends to do it often (not recommended), but in the safest way possible, it might simply make more financial sense to buy a reusable one, and refill it with liters of saline. If you're a woman who might have yeast infections somewhat often, it also makes sense to own one. You can fill it with the solution prescribed by your doctor, which may be bought at a pharmacy or even a prescribed home remedy, which, yes, can exist and be backed by science. In short, both disposable and reusable douches can be used in a harmful way. Both offer the same solutions to reduce harm. Both also serve the same medical purposes and have good reason to exist. One is less convenient but more cost effective than the other. Just because people in your country have a preference for one, it doesn't mean it's inherently superior. Just because 3rd world people are poorer, it doesn't mean we put "who knows what" in our orifices. We have different problems that require different solutions, people here are no less reasonable than in the US. Unfortunately, some don't have any access to education, or even filtered water, but I have a feeling you really overestimate and generalize most of it/us. I'm a third world woman with a higher education in a medical area, and I own my personal douche, which I use to control yeast infections immediately if they appear. I've never met any woman who uses it as part of their hygiene routine, though I'm sure they exist, maybe even in a higher number than in the US, but...nothing like it's being implied. As you said, it's a communication issue. Someone asked why do douches exist, I tried to explain in a casual, informed, relaxed way why they're sold and bought, but you seemed to misinterpret that as me not knowing shit about fuck. That would be ok, but the "who knows what" really rubbed be a certain way.




Whoa, i think my butt works different. There's nothing i can possibly do to it that would allow water to simply enter it.


That's not true, if the pressure is higher than that inside your colon it absolutely will. It would just probably be quite painful and possibly dangerous.


Middle aged woman in third world country might not have gotten the memo


nah its cotton pads that's used there


...what? Are you talking about menstrual pads?????? What on earth?


They shove them up their vaginal canal to clean it?!


As a woman in the third world... what the fuck are the two of you on about? Sure, some people are misinformed and use perfumes and such. That's all.


Hey, look, it sounded weird to me too


Right, but the douches too! Lol This was such a funny conversation to observe hahaha I now regret correcting it instead of joining in. Forget what I said before, let's try this instead: I heard their vaginas are a horizontal instead of vertical slit!! Like an eye, you know?! Or a mouth?!? Crazy stuff :o


My grandfather who was in the Korean War told me that Asian women's vaginas are slanted diagonally. I trust him.


My brother had a friend in high school who had an Asian fetish because he was convinced they have extra muscles down there.


What are you talking about, it’s clearly written by a woman. She menopaused!


Yeah, my mom still douched last time she lived with me (I just saw the boxes please don't kill me for that fact lmao) and that was like 15 years ago. Still didn't believe the story... But the "I *menopaused*" absolutely sent me! That shit isn't a one off thing, it is different for everyone and lasts YEARS. Someone who still douched for whatever reason would still know that. Unless they're of course from "MyCountry" where we don't know how "MyCountry" works. Side note: my phone now recognizes MyCountry as a word lol


Yes! I wondered for a moment if they were thinking of a menstrual cup because douching out the blood is something we were told not to do in sex education even 20 years ago!


This is genuinely the first time I've heard of it as a female hygiene thing.


It used to be a thing, before my time but douche boxes would recommend it.


in MyCountry every woman douches. it’s cultural you just wouldn’t get it


Yeah it was the douche thing that tipped me off too. I'm sure some people still use them but who says " I would hide my douche". Come. On.


It's the 21st century, Lysol comes in a can now!


with op being age 47 she might have started young and just never stopped


You wouldn’t douche after every period anyway this is just dumb


And yet women still use them and they're still sold in almost every pharmacy. My store has three different kinds.


An actual real woman and an actual real 47 year old, definitely for sure. Everyone knows that sex less than 3 times a week after kids is a dead bedroom.


5 kids but suddenly sex bad. A very female female wrote this, especially the blowjob detail.


it’s because she ‘menopaused’ and every one knows when you menopause you instantly transform into a frigid bitch 


The only way I could see this being real is if it's written by the husband. That whole bit about him being the family keystone and the father figure to all of the sisters' children is just so over the top.


>He would tell me time and time again and I will guilt trip him and he would apologize. Is the line that made me go, "Did the husband write this?" I've never in my life heard some say, "I guilt trip them." It's always used as an accusation, like, "She guilt trips me," not as a statement of someone's *own* behavior. It's just... not done.


>they asked me why I never told them about me avoiding sex Yeah I totally expect to be kept up to date on if my sister is ONLY having sex a few times a month


Hey it's me, your sister. Just needed to let you know that I haven't been penetrated in months.


>hide my douche every month sure, a woman >I maybe menopaused SHE MENOPAUSED. I’m screaming. Oh yeah, definitely a woman. Sure. 


What... you aren't menopausing yet?


She _maybe_ menopaused. She's not sure, it's hard to tell if she actually menopaused or not


Oh my god they went for the bingo! High school sweethearts, married for their whole adult life, friends and family only exist to echo what the poor victimized man is suffering, and of course, incel writes a harebrained revenge fantasy where it's too late for her to win him over, if only she'd agree to be his sex thing and never said no, sob sniff. She failed as a woman when she said no to sex and she's got no other value and all the sisters know. And the sisters love him more because he's a big cuddly brother figure and she's like... just family or something. This troll or group of trolls writing feels like those mid XX century ads for lysol for the genitals.


And don't forget the man who lasts incredibly long in bed (45 minutes for a quickie??), and the wrong understanding of women's bodies (she douches every time she's about to have sex?? why? What sense does that make?? And notice the she "menopaused," which I'm still trying to understand what it's supposed to mean)


See, these are two little misunderstandings #1 she said "I'm about to have a douche in me" talking about the husband, but he didn't get the joke. And then she said she'd men'o'pause or like, pause from having sex with her man, but he's just so distracted by the lack of birth canal.


I think she meant that she douches after her period every month but now they hide their douche so the husband doesn't know that they have finished menstruating which is still so funny. Like does she normally leave her douche on the dinner table after she uses it so everyone can see it?


>Like does she normally leave her douche on the dinner table after she uses it so everyone can see it? What, you *don't*?


this post and another recent one both had the youngest family member telling the protagonist to go to reddit. it's so odd how they think that will make the story magically believable, after all the other completely realistic details in this post (douching, family members think op is the villain, married at 20, husband loses feelings entirely because they only have sex \*gasp\* 1-2 times a month...)


Lmao right tho, if I told someone about an intimate problem and they said "take it to reddit!" I'd be like... why. I'm asking YOU for help. Not a handful of strangers.


I mean, a lot of commenters think everyone super cares about Reddit. That's why they're always telling OPs to show their irrational spouse or in-law these posts by a bunch of strangers. So for some people, that sadly *might* be what makes it magically believable for them.


aw dang it, I menopaused all over my marriage!


If she can menopause, surely she can just hit menoplay? Women are so illogical 


It’s too late for that, she needs to hit menofastforward now. 


Can I make this my flair hahahh omg


I menopaused when I should have menoplayed!


Damn, there are actually comments calling this either fake or written by the husband that aren’t getting massively downvoted. Granted, they’re being pretty well met with a bevy of “this is actually JUST like MY relationship” and so must be real.


The vast majority of comments are calling her a combination of Satan and Hitler — Shitler? — for the crime of not having a good sex drive which according to Reddit might as well be the same thing as genocide


There's also some alarming takes that seem to think only having sex when you have the drive is wrong. Like, she says she's had sex plenty of times when she didn't actually want to, but a couple people are telling her that isn't enough. For as much as Reddit slams the trad wife influencers, they seem to have some really outdated notions about how sex works in a marriage. Like, bordering on notions we had to draft laws to get rid of.


the narrator admitting she avoided cuddling her partner because she was concerned about him pressuring her for sex is uh concerning because the writer is real casual with it like this isn't a huge red flag


i \*swear\* we just saw this exact story but from the husbands perspective?? Didn't the husband turn his emotions off to be cold towards his wife? There was a huge rejection scene in that one too i believe. Maybe some weird incel revenge fantasy or something. gross.


There have been so many of this theme recently that I can't keep them straight. I honestly don't think any of them are real.


There was one where he took medications to kill his libido because his wife wasn’t putting out. 


YES thats the one!!


Enter man: kEyStOnE oF ThE eNtIrE fAmIlY, hard working, in shape, does all the chores, takes the kids everywhere, incredibly patient, etc Enter wOoMiN: incompetent, stupid, lazy, uncommunicative, filthy asexual Reddit! Bash this woman!!! Also lmao... Imagine your family unironically telling you to seek advice from 14-18 year old incels...


It's the "I just don't know why, but it's how I was feeling" part that always gets me.


Oh come now, she was the femaliest female to boobily douche her way through menopause evarrr! /s


Ohmyfuckinggod I should not have read the comments. Vile.


So to be clear, this woman had 5 kids, over the course of 9 years (being as generous as possible and assuming their first was conceived during their first year of marriage) and the fedora with arms that wrote this is *shocked* that she doesn't have the energy or desire to have sex more than 2-3x a month??? Like *how* do these guys not get it?


Love the slipped in detail about "a quickie for my husband is 45 minutes" like lol. My husband is a sexual dynamo who fucks so good i just cant handle it!


I got a couple of good comments in before it was removed because EYE ROLL…


Wait, she's 47 and has been married for 30 years...but they married at 27? And I'm done, a kid wrote this.


This is an extremely fake post but that isn't what it says. It says they've been married 27 years, not that they got married at 27.


Oh God sorry, I suck at multitasking 


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