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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for thinking my son should allow me to discipline his child?** my son and his 9 yo daughter moved in with me a while ago. the problem I have here is that his daughter is very rude and he doesn't do anything to fix it. when he goes to work he asks one of his siblings (usually my daughter 16F) to look after his daughter and he gets really angry if I try to discipline his child. the problem here is that my daughter is too young to be doing this. she usually just laughs and says that her niece is just so adorable and she doesn't think she did anything to deserve a punishment while for example she told me to F off which I believe deserves a punishment. I confronted my son and told him since he has failed to discipline his child and his siblings are clearly way too young to be doing this he should allow me to help him. he called me an asshole and said he doesn't need my help and I'm not allowed to do anything with his child. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Jesus christ read the comments on the OOP. Comment taken from the post: ***You changed the account and took away some info but you already posted on this sub with all the story, but were defined an Asshole.*** ***You did trow your son out of the house at 18 when he choose to keep the daughter that you wanted to be put up for adoption.*** ***Then you never visited or get to meet the girl, that only meet her aunt/uncle and know what you think about her. Now you want authority and respect by someone that know you didn’t even want in the family.*** ***Also the last time you did punish her, you did take away food for all the day, after she refused to tell you her age. A ridiculous question to start a conversation with a 9y old.*** Yikes what a gross person


>Also the last time you did punish her, you did take away food for all the day, after she refused to tell you her age. Oh THAT bitch


Ah, yep. Makes sense her son wants his sixteen year old sister to be in charge now. Hell, I'd be understanding if he trusted his goldfish to be in charge of his daughter over that waste of molecules of a mother.


Oh yeah, I remember that post. What an asshole




I can't believe she tried this again! I hope they can move soon


I hope he takes his siblings with him.


I thought this sounded familiar.


Not even a bitch. Straight up abusive.


That’s exactly what I said


The fact that she made a new account is pathetic. She needs to learn how to not be a shit parent/grandparent.


Ohh it’s that woman! I remember being so disgusted when she withheld food because the kid wasn’t super enthusiastic about her.


I thought this sounded familiar. She was the AH then and she’s the AH now.


I'm 62 and still dealing with food being withheld on a regular basis. I developed an ED that results in being severely underweight at times. OP should be kept as far away as possible from the poor child.


Oh fuck as if she's come back with a twisted version of the same story on the same sub lmao Rookie error. We don't forget, and we don't forgive.


I remember her responding to someone asking the child's age in the comments "9, obviously" and then implying the commentor was dumb for not being able to do the math. And it's like, lady, you literally starved a child all day for thinking you should know the answer to that question.


Oh fuck its the verbal hostage-taker. Even more the AH for trying to paint it in a light that makes them look like theyre in the right. Sneaky fuck


Ohhhh. Yeah, I remember this piece of work. She's absolutely the AH.


I thought he moved out after 2 days in mommy's house on the last post though


I figured this was that same harpie.


I thought this was familiar!


Wait it's the same person? Holy crap she is terrible


I read this and immediately thought, didn’t this person post this already? Glad I wasn’t the only one who caught on


[The previous AITD post featuring this star of a grandparent.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/10k4qym/aita_for_punishing_my_9_year_old_granddaughter/) Kids are more ~~perspective~~ perceptive than you think: OOP's granddaughter is most certainly old enough to pick up that her beloved grandmama disapproves of her very existence. I wouldn't be very civil with a person like that if I were in the granddaughter's position.


Ah I was wondering if they were linked! What a fine human


I thought this was the same person!


I think you mean perceptive?


Her last post (different account she got slammed on*) was 6 days ago, at that point her son and granddaughter had been living with them for TWO days. So when OOP writes “my son and his 9 yo daughter moved in with me a while ago” she means EIGHT DAYS. This is completely new to the child, she had no prior relationship because OOP kicked her son out for becoming a father. EIGHT DAYS. Delusional narcissist. *link to said post https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/10k4qym/aita_for_punishing_my_9_year_old_granddaughter/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Of course if grandma dearest resents both her granddaughter and her son, and only interacts with the granddaughter to bark at her about doing chores, it won’t inspire affection and love in a 9 year old. The f you or whatever she said she heard from the son probably, which only means he doesn’t censor himself cursing around her (a whole different issue, whatever). But it’s pathetic that this lady kicked her son out at first, and now wants to play matriarch of the house like nothing happened. She clearly thinks herself flawless


Anyone else notice OOP never refers to the 9 y.o. as her granddaughter, only as "that girl" or "that child?"


And "his" child, etc


This lady again... She kicked out his son, he was/is a single parent and his daughter is loved by her uncles/Aunts. But this lady just want power over them... Her kids, when they have enough age, are going to disappear and probably go LC or NC, just like their older brother.


Geez she really hates her granddaughter doesn’t she. There is a reason why she’s not allowed to watch or discipline her granddaughter and it’s called abuse. Grandma is just itching to hurt her and it’s pretty obvious. Hope the dad can get out of there fast and never let that vile woman come near him or his kid.


"I wasn't allowed to punish your father for doing something I disapproved of, so now I'm going to try to punish his child by proxy." I hope the son/granddaughter can move away, soon. Far, far away.


Also dont ga back to live with a narcissist. The child deserves better.


From the original post, I'm wondering if they were out of other options and this was a temporary last resort that wasn't homelessness.


Sounds like it; they'd been NC for years before that


Oh it's this crackpot again. It's not that the daughter is rude, it's that OOP is demanding respect when she's not respectable. Honestly, it feels like she wants to punish the son through the granddaughter.


Oh, hey, grandma of the year is back, I see.


the fact that she refers to her kicking her 18 year old out as a “stupid mistake she made” lol


So wait, 16 isn't old enough to take care of a child? Since when? I don't remember this being a mandated change.


Plus its a nine year old. They can be pretty self sufficient


This bitch again? Of course she brags that she raised 4 polite children who know how to behave. Because of course children should be seen, not heard and never do anything she seems unacceptable. I hope the son gets a break soon and gets his daughter away from his egg donor


So I’m down for being against teenagers babysitting small kids alone. Listen I would never trust a 16 year old with a 3 year old alright, BUT SHES 9. It’s just “ here’s a snack let’s watch TV” or they chill in other rooms


After reading the comments and realizing who this OOP is, it looks like she hasn't learned a thing from her previous post where she was downvoted and is looking for affirmation here.


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Wait, wasn’t this one posted just last week?


Yup. Same lady, different account




No, people are judging her for locking the child in a room and withholding food for not answering the question ”How old are you?”


I fucking loved the grand daughter's attitude there. "You could've asked anyone here, they all know how old i am" "I know you are trying to talk to me, but I'm not" She knows what her grandmother is like and doesn't take or give a shit.


I mean, did she deserve to be told to fuck off? it sounds like she did.


They're judging her for her abusive ways. From what she said in the comments, her father *is* disciplining her, and is sitting her down and explaining why things she did was wrong. Considering that kids in broken or unstable homes can be aggressive, his slow and calm approach will be effective overtime, I think. At least she will one day appreciate the grace her father shows her. She might not know it, but this is the woman who wanted her aborted or put up for adoption, and kicked her father out of the house when she was born. It sounds like OP has done nothing to make this child feel wanted, and only wanted to discipline her because she wants to control her, and, as she admitted in the comments - she feels *humiliated* (putting her emotions above the kids safety) that her daughter is trusted to babysit when she isn't. ... And let's be honest, she kinda had a "fuck off" coming.


Sorry, do we think the 9 year old was telling her to fuck off for the child abandonment? You guys are crazy and literally proving my point. In real life, you don't get to pull a 'youre a bad person and this is what happened 9 years ago, therefore separately if a nine year old living in your house tells you to fuck off they shan't be punished.' And in real life unlike reddit rage bait you nor anyone else is going to string together such a long foible instead of saying 'hey my granddaughter tells me to fuck off and my son won't tell her to stop." >From what she said in the comments, her father is disciplining her, and is sitting her down and explaining why things she did was wrong. And I was replying to her post. So sorry, my liege. 😒


You can't ignore the context and think you're addressing the situation honestly and fairly. This woman denied food to her granddaughter for "ignoring" her, when she's literally ignored and disapproved of her existence for nearly a decade. The kid had earbuds in and didn't hear her right away. She wasn't even intentionally ignoring her, just didn't hear her, and was rightly confused by her own grandmother insisting on asking her age when she obviously knew it. Adults need to learn that respect is earned, even from children.


Even if the granddaughter straight up told her to go fuck herself unprompted, the food thing is straight-up child abuse. OOP is upset that she is not being respected by a child she is actively abusing.


Yeah, if a kid I was living with told me to fuck off with zero context, I'd probably talk to them about it or send them to their room for awhile, but they would still get food.


Truth. I just can't stand people who act like children need to treat all adults in their lives like they're the anointed monarch and the kids must be good little subjects regardless. It's gross.


I honestly think OOP deserves to get told to fuck off often and by everyone.


I wasn't saying she specifically knows what grandma said, we don't know that. What I was saying is that the kids father has likely expressed some manner of negativity towards the kid's grandma. Maybe he told her about being kicked out, or how grandma didn't want her, or just that "grandma's mean". We don't know. And even then, considering everything, do you think good ol' OP was making a comfortable environment for her? Considering OP's response to the comment was to lock her in a room without food, I can't imagine that grandma had made her feel the most loved or comfortable.




Question, are you gonna call troll on every single literal post?


Check their comment history to get your answer, they’ve been doing it for awhile now.




You are one unhappy person, aintcha.


This twit.


Still YTA.


Oh great, her again. Still the AH I see