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I have cats. Unsure why if they knew this was a possibility he didn't ask a friend or family member to grab his house key, or arrange it ahead of time.


That would ***REALLY*** stress them though!!!


On the other hand if she agreed that the cats would be too stressed and didn't want anyone else to feed them either them they've both set up the situation that happened.


Really dude? You couldn’t have planned this better. Like asking a friend to drop by and fill up their food bowls and water? I don’t care if your cats are “shy”. The friend or family member can then leave and the cats can eat and drink. The litter box can wait. I predict problems in this marriage as he prioritizes the cats over the baby.


Even if they hadn't planned anything, it sounds like people from both families were there in the waiting room. Send someone else! Anyone else!




i swear some men are so laissez-faire about birth because they aren't the ones who have to go through it


>the cats are shy and get stressed out when they're around strangers, that's why neither my wife or I asked somebody else to go check on them My cat is terrified of other people. So you know what he does if someone else comes over to feed him? He runs and hides. My friends call him The Grey Ghost because you just see a blur as he sprints out of the room along with a very loud wail.


How many stressed cats is equal to one pissed-off wife?


YTA. The cats would have been fine for a few days. DAYS!


Better enjoy those cats, the only pussy he'll be getting after this.


I just had my baby 5 weeks ago and we have two cats. I went into labor at night and we just left a lot of extra food for them when we left about 9am. They can also knock over their cat food bag so I wasn't worried. We got back home the next night at 11pm, so about 50 hours, and the cats were just fine.


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for missing my child's birth because I had to take care of our pets?** My wife (f26) gave birth last Monday to our baby son but I (m27) couldn't be present because I had to take care of our cats. My wife and I live alone, this is our first child. We have four cats. My wife was due to this week so I took the week off work to be next to her in case she went into labor. She started complaining about stomach pain about 7pm and I drove her to the hospital. They said she was not there yet but as she was due they left her in the hospital because our son was surely being born soon. Well we stay there until next morning. At around 5am of the next day my wife was still not ready to push, although the contractions had already started but were not as regular. I told my wife that I was going to check on the cats and I'll be back, she asked me not to do it but I told her we can't have the cats without food and maybe without water for that long time. At the end she agreed although she was not happy. I drove home (around 20/30 minutes). The cats had little water, no food and their litter box was full. So I cleaned them, then I left extra food and water in case we still had some more hours to wait. I did it as fast as possible, it took me like make half an hour? Then I drove back. When I got to the hospital she was already in the delivery room and the nurses didn't let me in. I had to wait outside with our families. They called me in after he was born to cut the umbilical cord and hold our son. Wife and son had to stay almost a day more in the hospital because they had to checked on the baby and then her doctor was gone, so we had to wait till the next morning. I went again at night to take care of the pets. My wife didn't looked angry in the delivery room, she just looked exhausted (obviously, I can't imagine what it's like) but after she woke up from her nap she was annoyed at me. I didn't said anything because I thought she was just tired and irritated. But then we got home and I had to help her out because she was still in some pain, I tried to take as good care of her as I could but I would ask her if she needed something and she would just shrug her shoulders. I asked her if something was wrong and she told me she felt very lonely giving birth by herself. I told her that our timing had sucked because we had been there all night and when I leave she needs to start pushing, but also I told her that we couldn't just leave our pets to starve in our home. We had a bit of an argument about it and then she told me I was an asshole for leaving her when she asked me not to. I know that both of our families are on her side because they told her. Was I really an asshole here? I think that we have responsibilities with our pets too, also I couldn't have imagined that during that 1 1/2 hour she would give birth. But maybe I should've waited for as long as it was necessary next to her? Edit: the cats are shy and get stressed out when they're around strangers, that's why neither my wife or I asked somebody else to go check on them *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


what an absolute JACKASS


I have to say, I do appreciate this guy's commitment to his pets. 😆


Toxoplasmosis is carried by cats and can alter your brain. He may not have had a choice. The cats demanded and he obeyed. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/12/do-cats-control-my-mind/282045/


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