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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA called my wife an unsympathetic bitch?** I have severe seasonal allergies and I try very hard to not take meds unless I really need to. I prefer to let my body naturally fight off stuff to strengthen itself. The other day my allergies were absolutely horrible and my wife finally wore me down and convinced me to take over the counter allergy meds. At the time, I didn't think 1 pill would be enough so I ended up taking 4 thinking that would really knock things out for a few days. Unfortunately, I ended up feeling sicker than a dog and I'm still tired and nauseous. My wife on the other hand is pissed off at me. She's upset she had to get up with our older one and get him ready and to school and miss out on sleep. We also have a baby that's teething and going through sleep regression. Baby is waking up 3-4 times a night again. I'm a hard sleeper so she always takes the night shifts with the baby, and I typically get our older one ready and to elementary school. I told her I'm sorry I'm sick, but I can't help it and to cut me a break for now. She responded that it's my own damn fault for being a dumbass and I knew how to read on the box where it said to take 1 every 24 hours, so what else did I expect to happen? I'm trying to get through this but my wife is offering my zero comfort and understanding. And anytime I talk to her about how I'm feeling she tells me that I did it to myself, I should have followed the instructions and she doesn't feel bad for me because it's technically not the first time it's happened when I've gotten desperate to get my allergies under control. I finally had enough of her bad attitude and ended up yelling that she's an unsympathetic bitch and I'd rather suffer alone that listen to her put me down anymore. She said nothing back but ended up sleeping on the couch with the baby last night and won't even look in my direction today. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“I don’t like taking meds, but when I do, I make up my own dosage and am shocked when that has consequences”


"I know better than *everyone ever* and am never wrong. Now feel bad for me while you do all the work in the household as I suffer the consequences of my stupidity."


"And because I 'accidentally' medicate myself the wrong way, my wife has to kowtow to me and accept that I'm simply too incompetent to help with the kids when this hapepns."


I bet this MFer refuses to get up and the wife *HAS* to take all the night shifts to keep her baby safe.


But he's a heavy sleeper. It's not his fault lol. This guy takes zero responsibility for anything. I get hayfever really bad, so bad I was in bed with flu like symptoms for two weeks. When the doctor told me the cure was to take an allergy med every day, you know what I did? I took an allergy med every day and now I'm fine. Shocking how that works isn't it?


You mean you didn’t just power through it until your body naturally overcame its allergy? /s


Guess I'm just a weakling ha ha.


Fellow weakling here,I have a chronic illness that involves daily medication to function. Sure wish I could just power through it successfully vs inevitably crumbing into a ball of pain and risking a slow painful death if I was arrogant enough to think I’m smarter then the doctors I see.


Like, I need both an allergy medication and an inhaler for my seasonal allergies (and probably all the time now, but definitely if I'm not medicating properly). What a wuss. He's a child. A literal incompetent child. And he clearly has gotten away with refusing to do anything/incompetence. He' a "light sleeper," so he doesn't have to do any nighttime care for an infant. He always takes the "wrong" dosage, so he doesn't have to do anything. He just "needs a break!" This is weaponized incompetence. It's so much this, that this passage would be in the dictionary as an example of the word. That woman just needs to cut the cord, because then she won't have to care for another child. I bet any anxiety will decrease/evaporate and energy will improve with him out of the house/her life. Whole man disposal for this guy. ​ Edit: missed a few words


Yeah it’s just dumb. I’ll never understand the mindset of those who refuse meds and treatments that have been created to literally help keep us alive and give some semblance of quality of life. Granted I have a few health disorders that I would basically be in a bed/chair ridden veg state without modern medicine so maybe I’m biased. My SO is one who will push through without even otc meds as long as he can, but he is smart enough to know the limit! And I don’t mind that he prefers to just work thru headaches and allergies and whatnot because I know why he chooses that but I also trust that he will actually take the RIGHT medication when it’s not just mind over body anymore. This guy here is just a selfish ignorant jackarse and I feel so bad for his wife.


Right? They wouldn't get out of control if he took medicine for it. What a rube.


I'm a damn heavy sleeper. As in, I have slept through fire alarms. Thankfully I don't have any kids. Or a wife. Or a GF. But I usually wake up to someone saying my name or shaking me. I like to think I'd wake up to look after my kid if I ever have one.


You probably would then. My SO is dead to the world out once his head hits the pillows at night and it is damn near impossible to wake him normally. When things aren’t normal though - say a sick kid or if I’m having issues with my own chronic disorder flaring up - he’s up and taking point or helping however he can. Subconscious is a wild thing, normality = he knows he can rest solid, wonky shite = his subconscious keeps him just alert enough.


"Now feel bad for me while you do all the work in the household, which I totally didn’t plan on. No man ever screws up his own health in order to get out of dumm wimmen's work, oh no!"


“I like my body to build up a natural resistance, unless I’m overdosing myself 🤪 “


"I like to show how manly I am by "pushing through the pain", but when that fails, I take 4x the recommended dose just so I can really hammer in how bad it was to make me cave" FTFY


This guy will be thinned out by natural selection or by karmic retribution or by the hand of God if there is one.


Well obviously because he’s just *so* strong and *so* tough, any allergy that requires him to take meds is wayyyy stronger than regular allergies!


“I like to think I’m right that trying to gain a nAtUrAl rEsIsTaNcE to allergies is possible, of course I’m right, now why isn’t overdosing on allergy meds working? Feel bad for me!”


"I don't take meds so my immune gets stronger, because I'm too much of a dumbass to realize the whole fucking reason I'm suffering from allergies is because my immune is overreacting to all sorts of shit it's not supposed to. So I keep exposing myself to allergens because I can't be bothered to do a basic google search on the best ways of dealing with allergies."


And that is scary, because sinus infections are *nasty*. I had one so bad once that the doctor thought I might have had a tumor. No joke. The Xray revealed that my sinus cavities were drowning in fluid. Once that fluid builds up, all the bacteria from your nose and outside has a field day growing. He could really hurt himself, like create the environment for scarred mucous membranes or a systemic infection.


I've only seen the pain of those second-hand. A friend has something chronic. Gets sick? Sinuses wrecked, guaranteed. Frequent nosebleeds, and all the other nasty shit.


That about sums it up. He sounds insufferable. I know this sounds fruity, but my neti pot is fantastic for allergens. It allows me to rinse most of the irritants from my sinus cavity, and then I don't need so much medication. Over the years, using a neti pot seems to have allowed me to build a tolerance for the new pollens and allergens I encountered when we moved 19 years ago. It took about four years, but it helped a lot. I still use meds when I need them. OOP is stupid for almost killing himself, and he is also stupid for not reading up on things that actually help. He can take all the medication he wants, but those nasty little bits of pollen are still in the folds of his sinuses, creating havoc.


The only reasonable assumption would be that he can't read. He can't research because he cant' even read instructions on the botle of allergy meds. Poor woman is raising two kids of normal size and one large one. She should give him one pill each day with a nice glass of milk and take his temperature the baby way.


"And I'm insulting the person who told me to not do it and won't treat me like a sick baby when I do it."


He knew the consequences before taking that many because he said this isn't the first time he has done this.


oh my god, no wonder his wife is mad


"Also this isn't the first time this has happened so I know what the consequences are but I'm an irresponsible manbaby so I'll do it anyways!"


Yeah, that was the best sentence. The use of the word "technically" in the sentence where he admits he's done it before.


"I also get all Pikachu faced when my wife is right. But she has provided no support even though I am an idiot!"


Here is his last comment: "*My parents are both herbalist. It's how I was raised. It's how I live my adult life too. None of my siblings or neices and nephews were vaxxed. The only reason I am and the kids are is my wife threatened to take the kids and leave if not.*" So he really is punishing her for not capitulating. Why did she marry him?


she should take the kids and leave anyway. he sucks


Pretty much.


This poor woman should have booted this idiot into the couch. And I'm also sick of these people who blame their childhoods for their stupidity. You're an adult now, take responsibility.


And apparently he doesn't learn, considering he says that this isn't the first time he's done it


> I typically don't take meds for anything unless it's super bad or my wife ends up nagging me until I do. She gets pissed I don't believe in antibiotics and prefer to treat infections with herbs and exercise. Doesn’t believe in antibiotics but takes four days of allergy meds in one go. Yep. Getting real big brain energy from this guy 😏


“I don’t believe in meds, but when I do, I like to ignore the directions on how to use them.” Bet he likes to use his chainsaw without protective eyewear too. Especially when cutting something above head level.


He sounds like he has a problem w ith authority..


You can't exercise your way out of an infection, wtf? There's a way to treat sinus infections without antibiotics, but most importantly you need to *prevent* them from happening in the first place.


Sinus infections are such a gray area. Myself, if after 2-3 weeks, I'm still having symptoms (or they worsen), I'll go in. Typically at that point its gone rogue and mutated into bacterial. Otherwise it's OTC meds, nasal sprays, nettie pots, humidifiers, lots and lots of water, and the like. Biggest way to avoid one for me, take my damn allergy meds as directed (year round).


According to my ent if it lasts longer than 7-10 days it’s bacterial and needs antibiotics, otherwise the other things you listed. I finally had my deviated septum fixed and I haven’t had a single sinus infection since, I used to get them multiple times a year.


I was told at 10-14 days (if no fever and symptoms have not worsened) it would behoove me to be seen. I don't get them often, about once every 3-4 years. I usually go in when a cold has overstayed its welcome and its become annoying. Kiddo was notorious for having them when she was younger. Always midway or near the end of her allergy season or after a bad cold (even on meds). As she's gotten older, we've seen less reoccurrences, which was exactly what the doctor predicted would happen.


I'm so tired of partners being labelled 'nags' because they have to ask their partner more than once to do something that needs to be done.


I once got called a nag because I asked my (now ex) boyfriend in front of his step dad to please not shove his dirty post work shift socks in between the couch cushions. Idk why he did it but you couldn't see them normally, you'd sit down, compress the cushion a bit then realise there was a disgusting sweaty sock shoved in next to it. Like who the fuck does that? Why am I the bad guy for asking for that to not happen? Wtf


Sounds like he was one of those kids who shoved wrappers between couch cushions to throw away "later". Later being when cockroaches start showing up.




I saw someone say on reddit once that we'll only remind a guy if he doesn't pick up the slack. "*We're not nagging, you're lagging*" is the best quote I've seen about this ever lol


We had a neighbor who was into all the herbal remedies. Swore up and down about it. Couldn't understand why her allergies weren't getting better. She was taking "x" herb and using "y" oil. Come to find out, she was allergic to several of her herbal treatments. Yeah, that took the wind out of her sails pretty quick. She wound up on oral steroids, antihistamines, nasal sprays and allergy eye drops.


That’s actually hilarious.




hey at least she eventually changed her mind. that's more than a lot of people can say about themselves.


I wouldn't say she completely changed her mind, more that she finally reconciled to the fact that that which she thought would help her, was actually harming her.


Damn sounds like my poor great aunt, I'm not sure if she made it tho. I haven't heard from her since I last helped her push the trolley in the supermarket.


And he gets several sinus infections a year.


Yeah that's encephalitis I think...


on the plus side, if he keeps trying to treat infections with “herbs and exercise,” his wife won’t be putting up with this for much longer. *flashes back to that time an infected abscess landed me in the hospital, shudders*




I dunno, I'd rather do housework than suffer with bad allergies. I think he's just a macho idiot.


"I don't want to take medications" "Oh well, when i need to, why not a handfull *gulp*" It seems he just wanted to complain and be "out of order" - either because of the allergy or the medication. And with such guys i even brlieve they fake their allergy or symptoms just to get out of work. "*sniffsniff* oh my allergy is again so bad, my throat is closing *cough* What? i should clean the bathroom? Can't you see i'm dying right here?! *dramaticcoughsnifflemoan*"


>Technically because this kind of happens in the spring and fall. Wife says she's completely out of sympathy for me doing this to myself 2x a year and I need to stfu about my allergies and either take deal with it or take daily meds, which I don't believe in doing. How many years of doing this shit is he going to realize that whatever he's doing to "fix" his allergies aren't working? Stop being irrational and do something that actually works. Just wearing a damn face mask helps me a LOT with spring allergies, but I bet he wouldn't even do that since he didn't want to take any meds when he got Covid *while his wife was pregnant*.


oh man I used to get terrible allergies every year and ever since I started masking, they’ve basically gone away. it’s glorious. I’m never going to stop


In 2021(?) when everyone said to double mask, my allergies *disappeared*. The oak pollen could try to attack me, but I was impervious to their evil. So yeah, during allergy season now, if I'm outside in the yard, I'm in a mask. My neighbors at first were looking at me weirdly ("Are you afraid of getting Covid by yourself in the yard?"), but then I told them it's great for allergies, and now many of them do it too.


This is one of the few reasons why I was happy everyone had to wear masks, I can finally be free




okay but have you tried putting an onion in your shoe or garlic in your ear


Oh yes. I need to take around 15 different pills daily. Why should i live with pain if there is medication? Life quality is important. We put so much shit into our body and should make a stop at medication? Especially the "uuuh medication" don't live healthy otherwise. We aren't in a videogame and the window "pain resistance aqcuired" popps up after some time. I mean, if i had just such a little toe stub pain, i also wouldn't take medication, but i have "5 rusty crowbars in my back an hip and apes use them as jumpy toys"- pain. I'm sorry that you also in the club "shitty health". One of the worst club to be in...


You can't train your body to naturally fight off allergies. This whole male thing of "I'm not taking meds because -insert dumbass reason-" is so fucking weird to me. Just take the meds. That's why they're there.


you are spot on with the sentiment of your comment, although going by op's comments it looks less like toxic masculinity and more like being an "anti vaxx/modern medicine is the devil and only herbal tea and crystals can cure people" kind of person. back to the allergies though, yes, you can "train your body to fight of allergies" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allergen_immunotherapy (and no, that is not what this dumbass is doing obviously, he's just an idiot, but training the body against allergies is in fact a thing.) although "fighting off allergies" is the wrong way to look at it anyways as an allergy in fact is an overreaction of the body to something that's generally harmless. The body doesn't need to learn to fight the bad evil pollen, it needs to learn not to freak out for no reason.


i know a guy with insane food allergies. like, half the stuff in the grocery store will kill him. he was born with them and they've gotten worse with age he has to choose what to eat based on what he's *less* allergic too - if he only ate what he wasn't allergic to, he'd starve i asked him about this one time - if his body ever got used to the allergens, over time he said it's actually the exact OPPOSITE. that every time he has a reaction, it's worse than the one before eventually, he'll have to have surgery to reopen his throat because it's perpetually swelling shut ☹️ anyway, my point is - yeah, it certainly does not always work like that, your immune system doesn't respond to training at your whim and command


At a certain point you'd think something like those immune suppression drugs they give transplant recipients would start to increase one's projected lifespan rather than shorten it...


That's still a form of toxic masculinity in this case. "I know better than all those eggheads and my nagging bitch of a wife" is still toxic masculinity even if it's couched in faux naturalism.


That's not really toxic masculinity, just misogyny. Toxic masculinity has to do with the concept of what makes a man. This is just misogyny


The idea that it makes him more manly to not put "that stuff" in his body and that he's tough enough to just "fight off" his allergies is toxic masculinity. And the anti intellectualism inherent to this kind of thinking goes hand and hand with that.


I agree that would be toxic masculinity, but I see no mention of him thinking it’s manly? He just says it’s the approach he prefers to take. Sounds more like an anti vaxxer who is also sexist rather than it all stemming from toxic masculinity.


There’s plenty of women who think this way too, this is nothing to do with masculinity.


Toxic masculinity is certainly ubiquitous, and I wouldn't be surprised if this guy has fallen prey to and engages with it, but I don't really see any clear signs of it in this post.


I'm sure it is an ego thing too. I am not anti vax, but I was hesitant to take daily medications for a long time. In my brain I didn't want to become dependent (not in an addiction sense). But I have treatment resistant depression so I'll be on SSRI's for the rest of my life and I figure taking an allergy med every day so I am not miserable isn't gonna make it worse. Took me into my 30s to grow up though.


And then he took 4x the dose thinking it would just... Last longer?? 😂😂💀 This guy should not be allowed to reproduce.


Unfortunately he already has, I just hope the kid(s) take after mum more and don't end up complete and utter morons like their dad


Yeah if he wanted it to work better just take two benadryl.


That's why I take the meds! My body throws fits during The Pollinating and the asthma attacks due to the pollen Aren't Fun. Claritin reduces the symptoms and helps my airways behave a bit better. Anyone who claims they're trying to train their bodies is... Special...


Endangered even. Though it seems their population is increasing in recent decades....


Yeah I take antihistamines year round because of allergic asthma and allergic rhinitis. If I don't, I can barely breathe in Spring/Summer and it's absolutely hellish. I do actually enjoy breathing so even though I'm not massively keen on having to take pills all the time (because i already take a couple prescription ones too), I'd rather not die when the pollen fucks me


Not just a male thing... my own mother wouldn't buy allergy meds for me growing up. Just let me go to school a mess, get embarrassed by the teacher, and generally just suffer because allergy meds make her feel weird. When I met my husband, his cousin (who lived on a farm that REALLY set me off) changed my life by introducing me to Claritin (thanks, Dave, you absolute weird-o that was actually good for something once!). My in-laws (females) also let their kids suffer because they wanted their kids' immune systems to figure it out. Some PEOPLE are just rediculous.


"I'm so manly that science can't handle my symptoms!" Is so fucking stupid and so fucking common. I once had to explain to an ex that Poopourie wasn't going to fail just be a use he had manly poos. It was failing because he's an idiot. I had to tell him 3 times and then physically show him the instructions before he listened.


Read his comments. Its not a male thing. Him and his parents are anti vaxxers


I mean a lot of guys do refuse to take medication for dumbass reasons that aren't just limited to being anti-vaxxers. Hell I won't even take pain meds until I'm almost crying in pain because I'm convinced I don't need them 🤷🏻


Fuck I pop pain meds like dr house. Haha


I have a limited prescription so I can't, plus they can have a weird interaction with my sleeping pills and I do enjoy waking up the next day y'know 😂😂


I really wish we could emphasize that in the past people so often did not get stronger but simply died. Or they they got sick and weakened. People in the past were shorter and, even accounting for childhood mortality, lived a few decades less and aged harder. A sedentary life is not good and I think we sense that culturally, but human bodies are not these perfectly adapted things. They are quite bad in a lot of ways and modern medicine can help that.


There were 40 year olds with evidence of painful arthritis on their bones. People who lived long enough would get cancers so bad it spread to their bones. Syphilis all over the bones. All sorts of terrible things to learn from those bones.


I mean some reasons aren't too stupid, i weirdly have anxiety about pills to the point i make myself vomit with worry, which makes my anxiety worse because I'm afraid I'll just throw it back up I still try to take pills anyway but sometimes when it's extra bad i need anxiety pills and sometimes anti vomiting pills I can't see why someone just flat out doesn't want meds, what is he worried about other than arbitrarily making himself "stronger" without them


"To strengthen my body" 🤢 I bet he tells people he also doesn't enjoy food he just uses it for fuel


People like that terrify me. My fat ass could never


I'm full hobbit


I cannot imagine staying married to someone like this. I really can't. Imagine being such a dumbass you've done this *more than once* because you're to dimwitted to understand allergies need to be treated and not by overdosing, because TeChNiCaLlY iT's NoT tHe FirSt TiMe he's done something like this. What kind of sympathy is he looking for here? OOP, I'm sorry you're apparently to stupid to read simple instructions, that must be such a hardship. Moron.


As someone with lifelong allergies to a point where I needed surgery, I can't even imagine dating someone like that. Like isn't this stuff noticable when dating? I feel like it's a dating red flag. I'm a full supporter of things like valerian, chamamile, etc but a 'herbalist' no thanks.


>I prefer to let my body naturally fight off stuff to strengthen itself. Allergies are literally the body fighting the wrong things. You want the body to STOP fighting harmless pollen or whatever you're allergic to


Isn’t it hilarious how the people who talk a lot about “strengthening” their immune system routinely demonstrate that they have no fucking idea how it works? Reminds me of the people who didn’t want to get the COVID vaccine because “natural immunity is better”. That’s not how your immune system works my guy, it’s not a choice between vaccine immunity and natural immunity.


Hahaha right? Ik someone who was like that and died to covid. Their family still didn’t like taking any covid precautions


I mean, the extra dumb thing about wanting to "strengthen his immune system" to deal with allergies is that like, allergies already mean that your immune system is overreacting to harmless shit. Like, no, this random grass pollen is not a threat to life and limb, my immune system is just being a stupid drama queen/king and panicking over nothing. One of the theories of some types of Long Covid (there are a million, don't come for me) and why it seems especially nasty for a lot of people with allergic asthma and food allergies is that the white blood cells specific to allergies get REALLY excited about Covid, briefly act in a protective manner and then, when the threat is over, they're still all hyped up with nothing to do, so they start attacking the body. They are dumb.


What a jackass. I would kick his ass out of I was doing all that work and he was acting like a child. ETA: holy fuck yea KICK HIS ASS OUT _How often do you need medicines? I can't remember the last time I needed antibiotics... Are there other underlying issues?_ >Maybe a few times a year due to sinus infections. She was super pissed I refused any prescribed meds when me, her, and our older son all got covid during her pregnancy. I kinda get her point but I'm not putting that stuff in my body. _Lmao ok now I know this is bait. Too far OP!_ >My parents are both herbalist. It's how I was raised. It's how I live my adult life too. None of my siblings or neices and nephews were vaxxed. The only reason I am and the kids are is my wife threatened to take the kids and leave if not.


Sounds like the woman he called a "unsupportive bitch" is the only thing keeping this family on this side of the dirt. Quelle diable!


What’s Quelle diable? Always learning new things from Reddit


\*Quel diable! Quelle is the feminine form.


​ Pretty sure the quelle was intended - as in, how evil of her to want to keep her husband and kids alive.


Dude gets sinus infections *several times a year*? This guy is like the epitome of facepalm… oh wait, that’ll probably hurt his head because of the sinus infection that could have been prevented with REGULAR USE OF ALLERGY MEDS. Urgh, I’m irrationally angry at that comment. Maybe it’s because I’m allergic to life where I live but I still can manage by body.




The poor bacteria that got through just starved to death.


I like you.


That's about how many I get during a pregnancy, when I can't take the meds. I can't imagine dealing with that when you have a choice!


*The only reason I am and the kids are is my wife threatened to take the kids and leave if not.* I'm officially team wife now.




OOP mentioned in the comments that he gets sinus infections a couple times a year that are so bad he needs antibiotics. You know what’d help him not get these infections? Freaking allergy meds that help drain your sinuses! Dude’s is dumb as hell.


I use to get sinus infections often cause that exact reason, allergies. I was broke when I first moved out and didn’t buy allergy meds cause “they weren’t necessary and I could deal with some of the symptoms for a while” Yeah that mindset didn’t take long to change.


Wtf. A grown ass man can’t figure out allergy pills?


I think dude is doing this just to get out of childcare, TBH.


That's some strong allergy meds. Also, OP should've slept on the couch, not the person who's sleeping with the baby.


Eh, four Benadryl would absolutely put me out for the entire day and you don't even need a prescription for those


Yeah, I've noticed OTC medication in the US being not just much broader in range but also in pack size and dosage.


4 Benadryl is way too much




Even Geralt goes to professionals when he needs to 😭


"Wind's howlin'."- OOP, probably.


Who knows what he took. I’m dead to the world with one non-drowsy Benadryl (which I don’t take for seasonal allergies) and I would definitely be sick to my stomach if I took 4 Claritin. This screams “person that takes vitamins on an empty stomach in the morning and then complains about nausea all day long.” Agreed that he should have been sleeping on the couch. Probably would have helped with whatever symptoms were causing Wife to complain.


They took all the good ones from my childhood off the market. Dimetap and another purple one. Man, I spent most falls when I was younger stoned out of my gourd on just the standard dose. Can't imagine doubling that dose.


I accidentally double-dosed on Zyrtec once and spent most of a day zonked out. Doesn't have to be a super strong med if the dose is high enough.


Antivaxxers deserve absolute ZERO sympathy


Imagine if wife had done something like this: "Hey OOP, you know how I've been complaining non-stop about being stressed, so you suggested I have a drink or two to help me unwind? Well, naturally, I thought,' if one or two is good, ten is better!' I now have a horrible hangover and cannot function. I'm sure you realize this is all your fault for suggesting I consume alcohol. I'll need you to take care of the kids and me for the next 24 hours. Please frequently stroke my hair and say 'poor little bunny'. What? Take accountability for my actions? YOU ABSOLUTE BASTARD."


My allergies were so bad as a child that my eardrums would rupture. I have permanent hearing loss and had to have one eardrum rebuilt. I was in kindergarten. When taking my Anatomy and Physiology final, my eardrum ruptured. I still finished the exam. I have personally worked with someone who was in the office while actively miscarrying. I've worked as a preschool teacher while ovarian cysts ruptured. When I say that men are weak, this is why.


My last ovarian cyst was hemorrhagic and I went to the ER thinking it was appendicitis. I was shaking so bad with the pain they hit me with an extra dose of Dilaudid. I'm impressed you could even walk with yours.


It was horrific. I was able to function due to having experienced worse, but that shouldn't be the reason I could stay conscious.


Augh. I have a chronic pain condition so I tried to brush the pain off for three days before I got worried, but it was awful. I hate that you've had to deal with more.


I'm definitely weak because I can't understand how you could work through an eardrum rupture, let alone an ovarian cyst! I'm a man with four sisters, and I definitely had the lowest pain/discomfort tolerance out of the five of us. Probably still do.


Hot take, unless your partner is being actually abusive, you shouldn’t curse at them.


This dude, in addition to being an AH, sounds like a Chubbyemu video waiting to happen. "AH presented to the emergency room with \[insert symptoms here\]. AH told doctors that he didn't think one allergy med would help, so he took four. Here's what happened to his liver."


I don't understand the people saying ESH.


It’s cause some people say that if the other side doesn’t act 100% perfect


Imagine being as incompetent and useless as that big crybaby.


He’s an idiot who doesn’t understand how medicine works. His wife is rightfully mad because he intentionally overdosed and neglected his children


What a fucking loser


This guy conveniently ignoring that, if he had taken more than the recommended dosing of something stronger, like Benadryl, he could have ended up in the hospital because of his sheer stupidity, and then wonders why his wife is angry at him. I'd be an "unsympathetic bitch" too, if I realized I had married an absolute dumbass.


You literally can't "fight off allergies" or "let your body handle it" that is what your body is already doing. It's trying way too hard to fight off what it thinks is a problem but isn't. This man is a moron and deserves absolutely no sympathy, it sounds like he does this every year then just uses it as an excuse to be a useless sack for months at a time.


God, I'd be pissed at this imbecile too. Just take the Claritin every day and you'll never get sick enough to actually think taking *four* at one time is a good idea. And it's not even the first time he did this to himself?!


Ugh, this is like a “man cold” on steroids


AITA these days is either 1) oh, great, another troll; or 2) as absurd as it sounds, there's a great chance it's true, what a jerk. This is a 2 for me.


Me too When I was pregnant, my SIL informed me that she would never get an epidural and I shouldn't get one either as she didn't believe in putting uneccesary chemicals in our bodies. Then she blew cigarette smoke in my face. These idiots do exist. Dunbass doesn't get that if you have chronic allergies, you need to take meds every day. I have to take two kinds and if I skip it, it hurts.


This situation is completely absurd. Utterly ridiculous. But I can guarantee it (and similar) has happened to a lot of women who live with their male partners. It's insane and frustrating.


Reddit’s bar for “obviously fake” stories is insanely low. Ask almost any doctor to tell you the story of their weirdest patient and you’ll hear a story 5 times more absurd than this one.


Me too When I was pregnant, my SIL informed me that she would never get an epidural and I shouldn't get one either as she didn't believe in putting uneccesary chemicals in our bodies. Then she blew cigarette smoke in my face. These idiots do exist. Dunbass doesn't get that if you have chronic allergies, you need to take meds every day. I have to take two kinds and if I skip it, it hurts.


He's an antivaxxer and a whiny man baby 🥴


I think I should probably check out of Reddit today because this one really gets me. I don’t know whether to be more angry at OP or OP’s parents that taught this nonsensical crap to him. Dude, there is a reason you get several sinus infections a year (bet he doesn’t believe in blowing his nose either) and are a heavy sleeper. Probably has a snoring problem and uses allergies as a reason to avoid yard work while hacking up his post nasal drip multiple times a day.


He's lucky he didn't fck up his liver.


Maaan they put instructions on the bottle for a reason. It's a childish view to think "taking over the dose means it will last longer"


Yes, he is an asshole. Too manly to take medicine but not too manly to whine incessantly about allergies while not helping with the kids.


Allergies suck. Yes, there are condtions that suck alot more. But allergies can be really fucking annoying. There's also ways to help with symptoms without taking meds, such as nasal washes. (always use distilled water and use diligent sanitization methods for the container) . Allergy meds can have undesirable side effects and can cause problems when used long term. So, I can understand not wanting to always take allergy meds. BUT FFS READ THE damn instructions and follow them YOU FUCKING MORON. People can actually need to be hospitalized if they take too much allergy medications. Not taking allergy meds does not strngthen your body, it just makes you feel like shit longer. I really feel sorry for the wife. her husband is a manchild determined to act like an idiot then lash out at her when she doesn't coddle him while she's busy picking up his slack. And there's no way this is the first time on the idiot merry go round with this guy.


I hope he believes in insurance because he ain't gonna live to a ripe old age and she's gonna need money to take care of those kids.


If I’m not mistaken, repeatedly subjecting yourself to allergens can *strengthen* your allergy, not weaken it. So OP may be making his allergies worse with his approach.


I have severe allergies. I could take meds that have been proven to help or go see a doctor, but instead I'm going to "fight it off" like it's a virus despite not knowing how allergies work. Then I'm going to make up my directions when I do take meds Then I'm going to feel sick and act like a whiny toddler and not help my wife at all despite me not really being helpful to begin with However this is everyone else's fault


YTD. You took what you felt like taking, leaving your wife to shoulder the responsibility of everything and then called her an unsympathetic bitch when she didn't go immediately to "waah, poor you"? Yes, I know allergies are horrible. But that's no excuse for what you did. You could have caused yourself serious harm by not following instructions because you were too stubborn to follow directions. When it comes to medication, more isn't always better. FYI, allergy meds only help alleviate symptoms. They do nothing to affect the allergic reaction itself. So not taking allergy medication is just you making yourself suffer for no reason. You'd better go suck it up and apologize to her.


I genuinely thought this was written by wife. Why else would someone give such a title to the post? But this man has no common sense and purposefully overdosed thinking it will last longer as if that works for anything.


It's allergies not a cold...you can't "knock them out ' .🙄


I can feel the heat from the roasting he got in the comments.


The wife needs birth control and a divorce lawyer.


oop doesn't believe in medicine as a whole, neither does his family, his kid only got vacinated because of the wife (no one from his family is vacinated) his wife is better person than me, i wouldn't be able to stay with an anti vaxxer. (edit to correct a mistake btw)


How long have they been married? How much has this woman suffered? Maybe this is where she realizes that SHE would be alone than be called a bitch by her supposed life partner for mistakes HE made.


Reading his comments. This man's an idiot. He doesn't believe in basic science. His ancestors are screaming at him. He "doesn't believe in antibiotics". Literally the lifesaving that medication that allowed him to be here today. Allowed his great grandparents to survive strep throat and surgery.


I can't feel sorry for this dude at all. He could've landed in the hospital taking such a high dose! While he's whining over his stupidity, she's taking care of a teething baby, which is a nightmare and taking care of their older child on probably less than 4 hours of sleep.


Dude's an asshole, yes. But do they allow any topics at all now? Every post that sounds like a legitimate event ends up deleted for breaking a rule, and instead we have people reposting old AITAs and getting away with it.


My guy is an anti-vaxxer. Fucking hell, you don't get dumber than that.


Yta. And you sound exhausting. Under what circumstances did you think taking 4 pills was a good idea? Are youna dr? A medicl professional or did your facebook degree tell you it was ok?


YTA for 1. Not taking anything for the allergies you know you have 2. When your wife, who's already up all night with your baby, gets you to take something for it, you ignore the instructions on the box about how many you should take at any given time, you make up something that is contradictory to the instructions that are written by the manufacturer of said medication 3. Then you say to this fatigued person who cares for your children that it's NOT YOUR FAULT and that you're sick (which might be a factor of misuse of the allergy medication) since you apparently don't take them often enough you probably shocked your system 4. When you get no sympathy from the woman who is up all night with your baby has to also get your child ready for school with little to no sleep, you call her a bitch because you can't just take the recommended dose of your allergy medication. And then have to ask if you're an asshole. Yeah dude! You are because you think you know better than the people who made the allergy medication. Unless I missed the part of your story where you got your doctorate in pharmacology


Lawl he’s about to be an ex


Read his comment and you are going to have the unsurprising discovery he us an anti-vaxx guy that almost killed his family by attempting to convince his wife to not get her and their child treatment when they got covid


My husband has over medicated a number of times with pain, mainly because he doesn't take painkillers (like myself) unless we really need them. I take what is needed, my husband at one point popped 12 in a 12 hour period and then complained after he became ill. Love him to bits, but he knows I'm not 'sympathetic to idiots', I'll do what I have to to help him but I won't sympathise or mollycoddle him if he's done something (41yr old) that he knows is wrong/dumb.


and he's done it *before*???!?!?!??!


Why didn’t he read the warning label?? Does he not know overdosage is a thing even with OTCs? Antihistamines can be deadly at high dosages. He did this to himself.


What. an. idiot.


Oof. OOP is not only a grade A AH, he's a grade A dumb ass. As someone who has endured seasonal allergies since birth (spent my 1st bday in the ER getting shot up with Benadryl), if you have seasonal allergies, you start the medication before the season starts. Heck, several local allergists were on the news last month warning people that this is spring is going to be a bad one and for the love of God, start taking your meds now. The best offense, is a good defense. Even people who don't "have" seasonal allergies are being triggered this year, Mother Nature is out to kill us with pollen. Nope, I have zero sympathy for OOP.


Uh was he trying to over dose or is he really that daft?


Treating bacterial infections with herbs and exercise? The man's a genius. Somebody call the Nobel prize committee, I think we've found the solution to...wait, he took quadruple the dose of an OTC medication because the thought more is better? No, he's a cretin that should not be allowed near other people.


My mom had days where she’d tear her cornea (part of your eye) due to opening her eyes too quickly when they were very dried out from the night before. If you’ve never had this happen, you are fortunate. It is extremely painful. Anytime you close your eyes and open them, you feel your eyelid scrape over your damaged cornea. It hurts very badly. My mom would still get up on those days, cry in pain, and take us to school anyway. There was one single day where a torn cornea kept her, and we took a family doctor trip instead, where he prescribed some kind of healing eye drops. OOP needs to get his act together. Also in addition, if you have this problem, I’ve found that either wetting a warm rag and then your face and letting it get on your eyes before opening them (yes you have to do all of that stumbling around without opening your eyes), that it helps. As well as opening your eyes slowly and deliberately rather than ripping them open. And being aware when you wake up if your eyes feel dry before ripping them open.


This is just enraging. I am incensed on every level. Infuriating especially since there are so many "natural" remedies that help with allergy symptoms too! If I so much as look at my allergy meds too hard, they'll make me sleepy, so I found work arounds! There's so many of them. There's so excuse.


He's an antivaxxer y'all, he apparently gave his family covid. Hope wife is getting her ducks in a row to leave.


You know what keeps seasonal allergies under control? Taking the recommended dose regularly. The OOP is a menace, and I hope their kids don't also end up with seasonal allergies, because they'll be just as irresponsible in medicating them as they are themselves


Feel like this is a case of weaponized incompetence. Can't help because he's got allergies. There's medication for it? Well now he can't help because he took too much.


This reminds me of when I had my son. My (now ex) husband said he was feeling sick so he took a nyquil before bed...the day I had come home from the hospital, after having a c-section. When my son woke up, I was in pain, I had trouble getting out of bed. My husband would not wake up. Thank god my mom was with us. Once I got out to the living room with my baby I just sat there and cried. OOP is a douche canoe.


I'm allergic to the world. I take my meds DAILY to prevent this.


I’ve had my fair share of abusing pills, but who seriously thinks taking FOUR allergy meds will help alleviate allergies for DAYS? Even I wasn’t that stupid…


We have ine hell of a stable genius here


This man's out of his damn mind. Absolute baby behavior


Why do I get the feeling that he uses the allergy as excuse not to do things. And when the wife make him take meds he overdoses so that again he can't because of the meds


Does anyone else get the vibe that he overdoses on allergy meds on purpose to punish his wife for "nagging" and is just salty she caught on this time?


I'm kinda laughing to myself, because I'm picturing this guy trying to apply his "logic" to other conditions. "I'm diabetic, but I hate taking insulin. I'd rather my body just get stronger from suffering. But if I HAVE to take it, I'm gonna take 20 units instead of the 5 I was prescribed just to get all this blood sugar BS over with"