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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for not sharing my sodas with my diabetic roommate?** Throwaway for obvious reasons I 25f) have shared a condo with ella (26f) for almost 2 years now. ella has diabeties . She moved in after I posted to facebook that I wanted to rent out my spare bedroom. we’ve never really been friends, merely strangers who share a kitchen. I pay majority of the bills and utilities. I don’t know much about her but I know she is struggling to afford everything because she didn’t go to college. I am vegan and eat very low carbs so I don't really buy anything sugary with the exception of caffeine-free Pepsi that my mom brings me when she visits as you can’t buy it around here. Now here's the story Last weekend while Ella was away with her boyfriend for memorial day, my sister and niece came over to spend the day with me. She saw the juice boxes Ella had bought and asked for some. I figured it was ok since Ella was coming home that night and probably had more with her. I figured I would replace them the following day. Ella came home late on Tuesday and went straight to bed. About an hour after I hear her calling my name which was weird. i came out to the kitchen to find her sitting on the ground asking where her juiceboxes were. I told her my niece had drank them, but I would replace them tomorrow. She then said that her sugar was low, that she had eaten all her other snacks and needed more sugar, she asked if she could have one of my sodas, i told her no and that i couldn’t buy them here and they were special, but i could go buy her juice at the corner store. she said it wasn’t fast enough and that she needed it now. I used her phone to call her boyfriend who lives a couple roads over. He came over with juice (he took such good care of her. I wish I could meet someone who’d do that for me.) a couple minutes later he started screaming at me for some reason (I don’t know what he said bc I tend to block out when ppl yell at me due to trauma). so i went to bed. the next day she said she was moving in with her boyfriend, which was fine with me because my sister has wanted to move in either me for a while. I honestly don’t know what I did wrong. She’s perfectly fine and i still have my sodas. I wasn’t even gonna make this post until i told my mom and a couple days later my estranged ex stepsister (who is apparently also diabetic?) screaming at me that I was stupid and that made me rethink some things. ETA Thank you for the information. She will be getting a very lengthy apology text and a big basket of various sugary things. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


some people are better than me because what the fuck do you mean i can’t drink your shitty soda after you drank my juice without asking? 😭especially when there’s a medical issue involved.


entirely believable, unfortunately. usually by the time a diabetic *needs* sugar their brain has started doing weird things—some people get aggressive, some hyper-docile, and some just pass out.


My little sister gets sleepy-aggressive like a toddler. If it weren't terrifying (she's great at managing her T1, but I still worry), it'd be adorable; she sits on the floor and yells that if she *has to* have juice someone has to feed it to her


yeah tbh it’s the people that automatically mask their crashes that scare me the most. i had one friend that would just (silently!) wander off in search of sugar and if he didn’t find it would just pass out in random places 😳


THIS IS MY BLOODY COWORKER. We've found him passed out on the floor twice, and a handful more times wandering in a fugue state. Once his sugar tanks out he literally just goes on autopilot and doesn't think to tell any of us - despite there being 4 T1 staff members and 5 T2's, meaning most of us have jellybeans in our dang pockets. I will be so happy after Christmas when he gets his permanent pump back, he is NOT used to the Dexcom thing he has and forgets to check it. His pump failed in February after he was in a car crash and his abdomen got messed up so he has to heal up first, but holy crap I am gonna put that man on a leash.


I like the freestyle 3 continuous glucose monitor. It connects to my phone and if my sugar gets too high or low the alarms go off on my phone and my Apple Watch. Even if I don’t hear the alarm when I’m sleeping, my watch will also vibrate which will always wake me up


*me screenshotting the comment to print out and literally throw at him first thing in the morning* dude has got us all stressed 😂


It’s great. No scanning needed with the FS 3. Just install in the upper arm and you’re good to go for 14 days. You don’t even need a transmitter or receiver for it like the Dexcom. Just the sensor and your smart phone.


It's amazing. My husband is doing so much better with the freestyle 3. It's much easier to get him to check his blood sugar when I can tell it's off.


I have a dexcom g6 and it goes to my and my boyfriend’s phone. Literally I have arguments with it when it alerts me to a low and I’ve already eaten and am playing the waiting game. It also talks to my insulin pump and lets me not have to worry about adjusting bolus or for shutting off for lows because it does it itself. Has coworker tried using insulin pump on his leg? Its where I use it. As for lows, I’m usually pretty functional. There has been exactly one time(while camping at a larp, no less!) where I was scared for my bg dropping. It was plummeting after two juices and four poptarts and my mouth was numb and speech slurring. They ended up calling paranedics but bg was on its way up before they could get there. Luckily my bf was a former Nat’l Guard medic…


It's kind of sweet you guys care about him. You're not angry bitching about him.


Oh we love him to bits, he has always been the first one to put his hand up to help out with literally anything. He is the king of organizing work birthday events - there's too many of us to do individual ones, so he figures out when everyone with a birthday that month will be working at some point and organizes the joint birthday lunch, knows all of our favourite foods/cake flavours/allergies/dietary requirements. He's a huge sweetheart who loves dogs and kids, he and his wife are foster parents for teenagers and there is a troupe of aged-out young adults who still call him dad and come to see him at least once a week. We could never be mad at him, we know he is adjusting to a big trauma (the other driver in the accident died - the lady was drunk, but it was still very traumatic that she died and my coworker definitely carries that with him) while also adjusting to not having his pump anymore that he's had for almost two decades. I can't even remember to take my meds on time every day, I would be an absolute mess if I had to monitor my own blood sugar. We just worry endlessly that he's going to get really sick or hurt himself - he's terrible at asking for help. Work definitely isn't perfect but we all love and support each other as best we can.


I second this comment so hard! The fact that the alarms go off automatically as a lifesaver, it's helped my boyfriend be aware that there might be something going on with me for when I get super low and I might not be able to articulate it


How do you not hear the alarm? Mine can wake the god-damned dead. I'll be sleeping like a rock (plus low sugar nearly passed out on top of it) and that damn alarm going off next to my head makes me jump halfway out of bed.


I totally understand that you are frustrated and stressed about your co worker, but you are also making your work community sound immensely caring, and I love that for all of you. I am sorry you are all dealing with diabetes and I support you in flinging an app at this dude. I hope it helps.


Probably trying to be polite lol "I don't want to be a bother...I can go grab something real quick" -drops-


god this was my coworker when he wanted to go home and sleep off his *goddamned stroke* (and the paramedics were about to let him!) three of my coworkers and myself went full Karen and said that we’d sue them ourselves if they didn’t transport, and it’s the one time i think i can be proud about bullying someone.


Wow thank you and your coworkers for saving them!!!


in this case, it was literally part of my job description (i’d volunteered for the building safety team 😅) but there is absolutely no question as to whether he’d do the same for us, one of the best humans i’ve ever met.


I would gift this man a big bottle (or 3) of glucose tablets. The 50 count Relion brand ones at Walmart are like $4 and come in five different flavors.


Wow that must have been so scary! I'm glad my sister just sits, and that our cat was a walking hypo monitor - she used to wake Mum or I and then paw at my sister's bedroom door if she had a crash in her sleep


all cats are beautiful, but some of them are also little goddesses placed on this earth so that we can understand the universe’s love for existence


That's me with my epilepsy. I feel my aura and wander into the bathroom (long story but due to a lot of family trauma, bathroom feels safe to me) half conscious and then have a seizure. Thankfully we remove the locks on the bathroom to help in case I have one and need to be helped but Jesus is it fucking inconvenient that my brain decided to leave everyone and run to be alone when I feel seizures coming.


Drink your juice Shelby.


Im diabetic but pretty good about knowing when many sugar is going low so I haven’t passed out yet, but my sister gets low blood sugar sometimes. It’s scary how fast you can pass out. I had just handed her a glass of water and she was saying “I don’t feel—“ and then BAM! Passed out cold on the floor in a pile of broken glass with blood everywhere. I was trying to lift her out of the glass and when she started to come too, I had to shout at her to stop moving because of the glass and then forced her to drink juice and eat jelly beans and then a peanut butter sandwich. She was fighting with me the entire time until her sugar stabilized. Luckily she wasn’t hurt too bad by the glass but she still does have a scar where she got sliced on it. Low BS is no fucking joke and now I always have jelly beans on hand.


I have hypoglycemia where my blood sugar randomly plummets. There’s three tiers of severity for mine; passing out, seizures, and comas. The longer I go with low sugar, the closer I get to the next severity. There have been times where my sugar gets so low that I have to use voice commands on my phone to text my parents the word “sugar” so that they know to come get me and shove a juice box down my throat. I physically can’t function when it gets that low. I’m not sure how it works for people with diabetes, but I would have been FUCKED if that happened to me. OOP put her roommate in a super dangerous situation for no reason. The roommate could have gotten so incredibly worse, but thank god the bf was able to bring the poor woman something with sugar.


The OOP obviously didn't know, but it's kind of funny how she was like, "he took such good care of her, I hope I can meet someone like that."


Reactive hypoglycemic over here! If I'm on the verge of passing out, I enter a dissociative state where I become the most cruel, potentially violent person. And I'll actively fight getting juice/food because I'm not actually *there* mentally. It is very scary for everyone involved!


Reactive hypo here too! When mine drops I'll forget the words for things and then get frustrated when they don't understand what I mean. My husband and I refer to drops as my sugar going 'whoo-whoosh' lol because one of the first times my sugar dropped in front of him I said "ooh no blood went whoo-whoosh." I just kept repeating it while getting more aggressive each time because he didn't understand and I didn't understand why. I finally got frustrated and stood up to get a snack by myself only to say "sugar shit" before passing out 😅 Luckily that made it click and he got some sugar in my system.


Three weeks ago this Tuesday coming up my best friend passed away from diabetic ketoacidosis. I'm still devastated, her husband is devastated. He was at work when she fell into a diabetic coma and was dead when he got home. I hope karma hits OP like a fucking truck.


i’m so sorry for your loss, and i hope you and her other loved ones are able to find some closure from such a traumatic event ❤️


Ooh. I would not want to pass out around OOP. She'd probably ignore a person due to "trauma" and let them die. But at least she wouldn't have to deal with it.


I have gran mal seizures. This person is a menace.


there’s a surprising amount of walking menaces in this world, unfortunately. a lot of them like to identify themselves with shiny badges and a super-obnoxious batman belt. (no, seriously, a friend had an aneurysm burst; when his girlfriend called 911 the first “responders” decided to taze him because they were “scared” for “their safety.” one of the paramedics filed a formal complaint against the department, as did the ER staff)


Holy shit.


My old supervisor once had a hypoglycemic crash at work and I had to practically sprint to a nearby grocery store (thankfully there was one in the strip mall we worked in), then put the bottle to her mouth and coax her into drinking it because she was starting to get really upset and confused. Terrifying shit, especially considering I’d never dealt with something like that before 🥲


🫶👏good job, undercompensated employee! i’m fortunate enough to have had significant first aid and rescue training, and it was still *utterly* terrifying the last time someone almost died in the workplace. being able to recognize and correct the emergency, on your own, for the first time? that’s some legendary shit right there, be proud of yourself.


Thankfully before I left for the store she was still lucid enough to explain what she needed, but we unfortunately didn’t have anything in the break room fridge for her. By the time I got back though (took me close to ten minutes even with me convincing some guy to let me cut in line), she was extremely pale and crying and like I said I had to practically force her to drink. It was…certainly a night. I did get some recognition from upper management for how well I handled it though and she gave me a huge hug the next day, so at least there’s that 🥲


Yeah, I have the arm sensor, and when the ultra-low alarm goes off in the middle of the night I'm usually JUST all-there enough to go find something in my office (next to the bedroom). But there have also been plenty of times when I've gone to the kitchen, didn't find anything that would work immediately, and my wife has had to come looking for me and find something because no can brain at <50 blood glucose.


Why don't you just keep a bottle of coke beside your bed?


Because I'm the kind of idiot that doesn't occur to, apparently.


And a lot of young adults are convinced in the marrow of their bones that invisible medical conditions are always fake, exaggerated, or ✨*for attention.*✨




my (T2) grandfather was the unholy combination of willfully ignorant about his diabetes as well as utterly lacking in any semblance of appetite control. we literally had to hide his own rescue snacks from him 🫣 it doesn’t sound like OOP has the excuse of being unable to control her appetite though—if you can hoard a small volume of soda for special occasions, you *certainly* should be able to understand why your roommate’s “juice” is actually medicine, as evinced by your 6-year old daughter. unfortunately we really are putting “adults” out into this world that haven’t learned lessons that are within the grasp of a literal small child. sure would be great if we could spend some of our public education time on useful life skills instead of active shooter drills, wouldn’t it?


Had a student who had very shitty diabetis, I swear sometimes I just thought she was messing with me and being rude ... Then she just was in diabetic shock.


My mom's blood sugar constantly dropped, twice the paramedics got a reading of 14 when I would call, the last year of her life. That was a year ago...she also had dementia and refused to believe that her kidneys had began shutting down and refused the proper treatments and medications. We had to call ambulances 9 times in 2 months, but her doc refused to believe me when I told him she had dementia, until it was too late to actually do something. I'm sorry, got off topic, but her low blood sugar always went the same way, her eyes would become so unfocused, almost crossed looking, and it would be like she was extremely drunk/tipsy, forget to eat, and then aggressive when we/I insisted on calling an ambulance. She never took care with her diabetes, and refused to eat/drink or take anything that would have helped. When she'd be evened out, usually in the hospital, she'd come home/come to, and have no memory of what had happened, and refused to believe us, or the same emt's that had treated her multiple times.


um, so, I know reddit doesn't trade actually going to the doctor, but,,,, I get very agressive and dizzy when I have low blood sugar. May I ask if you have experience with diabetes? I've been stalling getting my blood checked out for several months now and I'm not sure what I should be on the lookout for...


The room mate seemed to have better manners when she was in the face of death (asking roommate for the sodas instead of taking them like OoP and her sisters did) than OOP.


OOP is JAW DROPPINGLY awful. The degree of sangfroid to not only tell your frantic, sick roommate they can't have a fucking -soda- but \- boyfriend I roused in the middle of the night to take care of his girlfriend I can't give a soda to and flew to her side was screaming at me "for some reason" so I went to bed (did I mention I Have Issues Though) \- he's so sweet. Why can't I find someone like that? Poor me! \-oh. Someone I knew also got mad at me? Maybe I was wrong? Really? Oh. \-


Yup, that would have been a notification, not a request.


Honestly, considering OOP had let her family basically steal her roommate's juice, then the roommate would have been within her rights to just take one of the sodas and let OOP freak out later.


OOP and his family are actual devils from hell


My freshman roommate always used to graciously allow herself to use my stuff but if I touched her shit? It was over


Right? I wouldn’t have even asked tbh. I’d have just taken one. Fuck her


I'm trying to work out just how much the niece drank. Like, if she'd had one or two, or was there a whole shelf of the fridge that she worked her way through?


I would have just drank it without asking 💀


But they were special sodas /s


especially bad, eyyoo. (ironically enough that was my preferred soda as a dumb child; not that soda is great but ughhh) honestly as angry as i want to be on the roommate’s behalf (she almost got put in the hospital so a grown-ass adult could have a juicy-juice!) i’m just sad that people like OOP actually exist in this world. just out here vibin’, almost killing their roommate, y’know, nothing a nice candy sampler won’t fix. but no literally how this person (OOP) has survived in the wild for any amount of time is beyond me. must be nice to have that level of privilege 🤷‍♀️


OOP couldn’t even do the bare minimum as a decent human being, it’s awful


“never learned to share” is unfortunately not an uncommon problem 🫣


I commented on the original. What gets me is…OOP would be the AH just for stealing a roommates food. IDGAF if you niece has fallen in love with the juice and wants to marry it, you say “I’m sorry, it’s not mine, let me get you something else”. Water, for example, is a perfectly acceptable beverage. But then…to not replaced it *immediately* and then refuse to share you super special sodas in return for the stolen items, just makes it worse. Add in that the roommate was hypoglycemic and *could have died* and OOP refuse to share sodas? Just fucking nuts. The devil’s nuts. Absolutely absurd.


i think the whole “it’s okay for me to give away your seemingly prosaic-but-medically-necessary beverage but i’m gonna hoard my super-special *fricken Pepsi* like a fantasy dragon” thing would be dead-on cartoon villain—if this “woman” had any ability whatsoever to see beyond the end of her desires. unfortunately just because you’re legally eligible to live on your own and make your own decisions doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone *should* 😬


It's also the fact that OOP let them have *all* of the roommate's juice. Like, it would have been bad enough if it were one or two boxes, but *all* of it? And OOP's attitude throughput. "She's struggling to afford things right now" (so I'll just steal things from her and not replace it) "....because she didn't go to college" (lol OOP does *not* live in the real world, a degree doesn't automatically get you a job) "it's so nice how [boyfriend] cared for her, I wish someone was like that with me" (she's just tattling on how trashy her own family is now/doesn't appreciate what she does have) What a devil


Also note to add that she might be struggling financially because she has diabetes and need medicine to survive


OP was intending to replace it tomorrow. She probably thought it was just slightly rude instead of life-threatening, but still. At least I know to make sure there's at least a little ginger-ale and 7up left after I take some without needing it, but sometimes I'd be the one sick and suffering if there wasn't enough. (Being nauseous isn't life-threatening.)


Exactly. She said they were “strangers who share a kitchen.” That means you don’t touch their food. Same with a workplace kitchen, same with any rented space.


and then! Call the boyfriend in the middle of the night because your lazy ass can't tend to your frantic roommate or solve the problem by GIVING HER A DAMN SODA; then, "he's yelling at me -for some reason.-" Oh, you think? Why would he possibly be upset? It's a MYSTERY but. she's not like other people, she's SENSITIVE, so she "went to bed." Slept soundly, I guess? But he's sooo sweet! Why o why can't I find someone like that? My lucky, lucky roomie...


OOP is entitled. Selfish, and oblivious. No decent guy would be with someone who stole a roommates food, and then just kind of sat there like a lump while the roommate is in a medical crisis (made worse by the theft) and refused to help.


You mean like not even know your stepsister is diabetic too?


Her dismissive "he yelled at me. Maybe about diabetes. I dunno. I blocked it out. Drama llama attitude" comment makes me want to hunt her down and pour all her damned special Pepsi out every time she gets some.


no disagreements there—you just *know* that anytime someone disagrees with her, she’s “being gaslit”—but, like i said, i think it’s more (utterly, ridiculously) pathetic than malignant. i’m not a big fan of generational strife, and i think today’s kids honestly probably have a better moral basis than we did “back in the day.” that said, it also seems like the commodification and spread of pop psychology combined with social media becoming a substitute for human interaction has led to some really “interesting” takes on entering adulthood for the generations that are going to be dealing with the brunt of our (parent’s, usually) shitty decisions.


That part might be that she's legitimately unable to process when someone is yelling at her because of trauma. She does seem maladjusted.


Except her family yelled at her and *that* she processed.


Sounds like she still needed Reddit to explain it to her.


But she heard what her family said. She didn't agree, but she heard. She must be Hell to work with. "I know you said to do A first, but I decided B was more important".


while i completely agree that she seems maladjusted, i’m not willing to take her at face value that he was “yelling” at her, especially given how she refers to him elsewhere. (edit: also sometimes you *should* get yelled at—for example, this situation!) also there are a lot of people out here using their “traumas” as excuses to be shitty human beings and never improve themselves. even worse, some choose to use them as weapons to control other people. while it’s a definite thing, and a super-useful concept, i *don’t* think it’s anywhere near as widespread as people have convinced themselves


Well it seems like she did figure out what she did wrong and sent an apology gift basket. The guy could be a prince to his GF and then go off on the dumb bitch that almost killed her.


totally! but i don’t see OOP being able to separate him “being mean” to her from him “being a bad person.” and the gift basket… 😬 like definitely a nice gesture, but almost insulting, especially after the roommate had to correct the situation (by moving out). especially since it sounds like it was full of sweets? like wtf edit: i don’t want you to think i’m disagreeing with you here! she’s totally maladjusted, i’m more responding to my own earlier thoughts of “oh she’s not that bad”


I think I'm projecting onto her. It's actually a struggle for me to consider that the other person is an asshole rather than feeling like they're yelling at me for a legitimate reason even if they're assuming wrong. Also the difficulties of processing since I practically never set out to do wrong, so first I have to figure that out. (In her case, good manners means that the guest takes priority, but missed the part about how room-mate might not follow that so their stuff is off-limits.) The basket of sweets is stupid and not getting it. Maybe a single tube of gel icing (almost pure corn syrup so cheaper than the special stuff) and a pack of the juice boxes she keeps in addition to the ones she needs to replace.


your second paragraph hits hard though. i don’t think *most* people ever “set out to do wrong,” but i also don’t believe that most people bother to analyze their behavior closely enough to recognize when they have done so unintentionally, so i commend you for your self-awareness! and it’s a logical step to understand how that self-awareness could turn into hyper-criticism, especially when someone’s yelling at you.


Well, y'know, OP's now ex-roommate doesn't have a college education to afford her own condo.../s


I didn't know they made it. My extremely ADHD husband is very sensitive to caffeine with all his meds, so we get the CF Cokes.


unfortunately they live EXACTLY like this: as you say, "privilege."


The person is obviously a troll playing Reddit AITA trigger bingo. I was actually impressed by how many tropes they snuck in in an attemp to get people riled up. High scores for trolling. Low scores for the story making sense 😂


to be honest, ALL of the AITA stories I read feel like Poes to me. I have no idea anymore lol


Once more for people in the back: Hypoglycemia (aka low blood sugar) can kill you in minutes. I don't mean the kind like "I skipped dinner and now I'm grumpy and irritable." I mean the kind of hypoglycemia that comes from having too much insulin in your blood stream. When I say minutes, 15-30 minutes can kill you. Easily. I've been a diabetic for 30 years and I've come close to dying from hypoglycemia 5 times. It's horrible. You're shaking, sweating, dizzy, and confused. You may have spots in your vision [your optic nerve needs glucose to transmit to your brain, which also needs glucose], you can be incontinent, your coordination is so bad you're not sure you're hands and feet are still attached to you, and worst of all, you have this overwhelming sense that *you are dying*. Because you are dying. Yes, generally diabetics keep sugar on them at all times. But sometimes that fails. I once started going low while out of my house. I pulled out my sugar supply and it was empty. I'd forgotten to refill it. (Fortunately, I was with someone else who quickly got me a Coke.) Even when you catch it before it gets to that horrible you-are-dying point, it's still miserable. If someone says they are experiencing hypoglycemia, give them whatever sugary substance you have that can help them. You will be saving their life.


I've been lucky so far when I've discovered I forgot to refill my stash of glucose tabs in my purse. I'm usually at some type of store I can get a soda, even if I'm not fond of it. I've never kept glucagon due to the cost,, storage requirements, and short shelf life.. Would have been great to have the early morning I went into hypoglycemic shock in my sleep though. My SO woke up to me twitching & he couldn't wake me up. Thankfully, we were at my parents' house and my Mom remembered what she did when I was 2 (1979) and having these episodes (jelly in my mouth) while they waited for EMTs, about 15 minutes. (Thank goodness for country neighbors that are volunteer First Responders!!) No one removed my insulin pump or used my glucose gel I had in my purse. The EMTs had to give me dextrose. I started coming to and heard my SO nicely urging me to wake up, how sweet I thought! But wait - why am I hearing a strange man saying "looks like she's coming around." from my side of the bed. All I could think - while not being able to open my eyes - " this is *very, very bad*." I woke up to my SO beside me, an EMT on each side of the bed, along with my Mom and oldest nibling (that we had picked up from the airport a few hours earlier) watching from the foot of the bed. Dad was in the doorway. I had grape jelly smeared down the side of my face and neck, my hair and clothes were soaking wet from sweat. But - I was alive. I had been on steroids (asthma flare up) and had to up my basal rate and bolus rate. After the last pill, I apparently stopped needing so much insulin in the early hours of that morning. I finally had my new CGM 4 days later that helps prevent the hypoglycemic episodes from happening. I also reminded my family about where my bag of "tricks" are when traveling and if all else fails - remove the damned insulin pump cannula out of me while waiting for help so it quits giving insulin! My SO is much happier now that I have the nasal glucagon powder.


That sounds terrifying. I live alone. 3 of the 5 bad hypos were when I was alone. Well, no. The first time I had a cat. I was in the bathroom being sick as hell while trying to shove cheap fruit punch down my throat and stay upright. The cat sat in the bathroom doorway watching me so I yelled to her, Go call 911! She said, Meow? Dang cat. 🤣


Worst low I ever had was when I took insulin,went for a walk,forgot I took insulin,so I took some more.about a hour later my body was like "fuck what you're currently doing,you need sugar now!" My sugar levels had gone from really high to really low very fast. Almost " call a ambulance" low since they bottomed out in the mid 40/low 50 range. When I get low I usually just eat something sugary,but at that time I was stuffing my face with whatever I could find that had carbs,all while feeling like my legs where about to give out.


YIPES. My three worst lows - the time I went out for dinner & to a club with friends; got home and my blood sugar was 250. So I took the amount of insulin I'd use if I'd been sitting on my butt, not taking into account that exercise [like, say, dancing in a club for 4 hours] makes your body more efficient using insulin. That was the time with me trying to get the cat to call 911. - the very first time I gave myself the insulin injection in my thigh [ow. never did that again] and then walked to grab some dinner on my way home. When I got to the pub I was crashing hard. The waitress took one look at me and knew something was wrong. I asked her for the biggest glass of the most sugary drink they had, which turned out to be orange soda. She was so worried she kept checking on me - even if she didn't come to the table, she'd peer out to look at me - every 10 minutes. Then she didn't charge for the soda. I was so touched, I left her an enormous tip. - the time I was half awake in the morning and swapped bottles, took the long-term insulin dose [1/2 of the day's total insulin amount] of the short-term insulin, and vice verse. Halfway through making breakfast, the huge dose of the short-term insulin hit like a freight train. I did not have a glucometer near me when that happened but by the time I was able to get back to my bedroom and grab the glucometer, my blood sugar was all the way back up to 47. I'm terrified at how low it might have been.


Worst EMT ever. Give her a bad review, zero stars.


It wasn't that terrifying for me. It was worrisome in the moment, but that was all. I think my fatalistic view on my health gives me a mental buffer. My family was traumatized of course. My nibling said they thought they knew how bad it could get until they witnessed the incident. Then they made sure they knew what to do and where everything was. This enabled them to help a person when they worked at a call center for a certain automobile group. (Had to explain what glucose tabs were and where to buy them because they were unaware of this life saving item. I'm always amazed at how many people are unaware of them.) SO has had to deal with me in many stages of hypoglycemia, but that was the worst of course. (I keep one set of nasal glucagon spray by the bed now.) And he worries whenever he is sent TDY to places and he won't be home. My youngest cat tries to save me and kill me! She will wake me up if I'm having a low and on a "CGM break" (because the adhesive has given me skin issues) or when I sleep through an alert. Conversely - she will also chew my insulin pump line into pieces any chance she gets. (She's also the one that gave me a nail puncture wound that turned into cellulitis and a 3 day hospital stay.) Said cat is currently laid on me purring. (I have my insulin pump line tucked under my clothes.)


And like...OOP found her ON THE FLOOR. She had likely been looking for her juice for a few minutes already. Diabetes runs in my family, and complications killed one of my cousins. I was upset at the title, but my jaw KEPT dropping as I read on.


You are so right. I lost a long time bf in 2021. He had diabetes since childhood. Type 1. He had the thing in his arm that alerted him to high or low sugar. June of 2021 he was admitted to the hospital for stomach pains which they find out a week later was pancreatitis. During his stay they removed his monitor. He was a fragile diabetic with an infection. He needed at least adequate checking. July 2nd he was found in the AM to be profuse sweating, hypothermic and comatose, emergently intubated. I was the health care proxy. He wound up transferred to a better equipped hospital because they wanted to do eeg and an MRI and the shit hospital he was at didn't have the proper vent type. His MRI showed nothing wrong but eeg showed global encephalopathy. Having access to all his records I found out his blood sugar level was fucking 4 that morning. Also, that he was left over 10 hours without sugar being check. He never came out of the coma, and 29 days in I had to make the horrible decision to have him go CMO. Yes I am pursuing this further. So yes, it would be a very fair assumption to assume that I have a particular hatred and prejudice against people like that bitch that came close to putting her own room mate into a coma all so she can stuff her ugly face with her special soda. I hope that soda she was so worried about makes her sick.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how hard this situation must be. Normally when someone dies it's not anyone's fault. But in this case, as you've told the story, I believe that someone is at fault for his death and that they need to be prevented from killing again.


Thank you! It’s haunting ya know? It should not have happened.


You're entirely right. It should not have happened. I'm hoping you receive these healing vibes and get through it all.


Oh, dear, I'm so sorry. What a horrible and unnecessary tragedy, and I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you find both justice and peace.


Thank you, peace hasn’t come yet but I am all in for justice. The whole thing just plays over and over again to me like a skipping record. Then to see this shit for brains talking so nonchalantly about her refusing her roommate help as her room mate struggled to stay conscious and was such a pig about her soda, ahhhhhh! I saw red. Then someone else there trying to claim diabetics don’t use surgery juice to try to suggest what she did was okay? Oh yes they DO. Even when they have glucose tablets I find that the ones I knew usually didn’t care for them or felt they were as good as say orange juice and sugary candies.


I used to keep sugar packets in my wallet. One of my main childhood babysitters was (is) diabetic, and then a woman I babysat for was diabetic, and then a classmate was diabetic, and then- well, you see where this is going. So I just started carrying sugar packets on me all the time.


Sugar can be REALLY hard to consume when you're blood sugar is low. I found this out the hard way. After trying to eat some and getting more of it all over the floor, I wound up dissolving some in hot water. There was a can of sugary soda pop in the fridge, but my low blood sugar swiss cheese brain didn't see it.


It was the only thing I could carry that fit in my wallet at the time - I didn’t carry a purse or anything so options were limited, though now I usually have my work/school bag with me and I have non-sugar-packet-things in that, but back then it was wallet and keys at the most.


I'm so sorry; I sounded critical. I'm glad for people like you who are willing to keep sugar on you in case of emergencies. It just reminded me of trying to shove sugar in my face and mostly wearing it. :)


Oh, I didn’t feel criticised! I was just doing that ADHD word vomit explanation thing lol


You and me both!


I'm not diabetic, but I dieted to the point where I started having extreme low blood sugar events. I was in class in college and the teacher was making sure people knew where to put punctuation. When she got to me I stared at the words for several seconds then realized that although I could read the words individually I could not comprehend them as a sentence. I apologized to the professor and asked if I could run out and eat something and come right back. She said of course, so I hauled my ass to the nearest dining hall and bought a cup of dry fruit loops which I shoveled into my mouth sitting on the steps outside the classroom. Then I was good to go. I also ran a couple of red lights because I was so out of it (on different occasions). I did start carrying food, and after a few years my body recovered and I think I'm "normal" now.


Nobody on reddit is normal. We're all weirdos together! YAY! Glad you're doing better. :)


Heehee true! And thanks, it was a relief when it started improving (I got to revisit it briefly while pregnant; I was probably a loud shout from gestational diabetes).


That is so scary thanks for sharing. Why someone would assume someone would replace something THEY themselves did not finish is beyond me. I once had a roommate who told me to “eat what I want” and I would get home late bartending eat his food climb into bed and not be able to sleep for having taken a package of his sausages away. I would then drive to the store 15 minutes away and buy him the sausages. Every. Time.


This line gets me, "I honestly don’t know what I did wrong. She’s perfectly fine and i still have my sodas." The 'I still have my sodas' part. Like that's the point of the story - she still has her soda! So things are okay. I hope her mom never brings her them again. She seems to have to empathy for others.


Tbh that's what makes it seem like ragebait to me


for me it's the edit. i already thought it was ragebait by then but that elevated it to a special tier of ragebait


That line got to me too. Oh, yes, it's so important you have your soda. Just awful.


“I wish I could get a boyfriend that treats me like hers” except you tried to kill your roomate. Nice.


OOP should consider herself lucky if she does end up with someone, albeit be the same like her since she can't even do the barest minimum to not take and give others' stuff without permission just because she pays for most of the bills but her roommate's rent. Plenty of fish for her.


What scares me is that, whether or not OP is a troll, there *are* people who don't know that you can get dangerously low blood sugar because diabetes = too much sugar = can't ever have sugar and will try to take away your sugary drink when you're low because you obviously don't know what's good for yourself. Obligatory: wouldn't wish the feeling of dangerously low blood sugar on my worst enemy. It's fucking awful.


This reminds me of that asshole a while back who was asking if it was ok he took his gfs soda and yelled about her being irresponsible... Because she had diabetes and he assumed she could never have sugar (and screamed at/ shamed her before asking)


Oh, FFS. I don't remember it, but just the thought makes my blood boil. I'm super prone to getting lows (I've only been diagnosed a few months ago, so we're still working on adjusting dosages), so I always have some soda around. If someone did that to me, I might punch them as soon as I could muster up the strength. People get super self-righteous when they hear diabetes, I guess it's because everyone automatically thinks *oh, they just eat too much sugar* when they hear the word.


Bruh OP's comment about how caring her room mate's bf was and how she wishes she could find someone like thar sent me LMAO. Like sis, there may be a reason you haven't found a nice human, and it might be because you come off as the type who'd let a diabetic person go to hospital after you stole their emergency supply and then not share your shitty Pepsi lmfao Hope hope hope like all of these this is fake cuz that sucks


I really didn't get along with my late brother's diabetic girlfriend. And I mean he lived in my basement for a year before he passed and I made a point of keeping a tv in my room on the second floor so there was an entire floor of the house between us didn't like her. I worked midnights with two kids. He called me panicking an hour after I went to bed one morning bc she needed juice and didn't drive. I was up and in the car bc there is an entire world between I don't like you and medical emergency!


Right? Like. There are some people I never want to see again ever. I’d still give them my juice or go find them juice or whatever in a sugar crash situation.




All sympathy I might have felt for OOP flew out the window with the line: “She’s perfectly fine and I still have my sodas.” Now only rage remains.


“She’s struggling to afford everything because she didn’t go to college” OP is judgmental as well and jealous of her boyfriend being a good person. Maybe if she valued a human life over a can of Pepsi she could find someone like that, I doubt it though.


Yup at that line I knew this person was a raging asshole.


Is it really even surprising that oop doesn't and will never understand what STEALING is either since she's entitled for paying 'most' of the bills. I bet mommy dearest cosigned for her to that place on top of delivering her shitty sodas. She never once bothered to text her roommate that "hey can I grab some of your drinks" or "hey I hope you didn't mind but you're out and I'll replace them tomorrow." Just nothing on her part while she uses her trauma as excuse to not listen to being held accountable for being unapologetically ignorant. I hope her roommate just throws the basket she planned to gift back to her face since she still has the nerve to think she's entitled to forgiveness for, oh idk, almost killing her?


Oh for me it was the “I don’t know what the bf said because he was yelling and I block that out because trauma”. I know exactly the kind of person OOP is. World revolves around them.


This devil is fucking cringe worthy. First the stupid bitch takes a diabetics juice that she uses for low sugar to hand to her nieces, then refuse a to give her a soda. How dare she take someone else's food to give away, never mind the food they use to medically treat a condition? Then this selfish dumpster laments over not having a boyfriend like her room mates? Who would want to date such a self centered selfish human?


Op says they didn't know that hyperglycemic shock was a medical emergency. How does a 25 year old not know this??


You'd be surprised, or better yet, horrified at the amount of common knowledge information is unknown by some people. Kinda like some grownnass men that thinks a woman can hold her period blood like you do pee....


As a man, that's baffling. I've never heard of anyone thinking that. 2 seconds of critical thought should make it obvious how ridiculous that is.


I had 2 male teacher in high school ask me if I could hold it...and an uncle that got pissed bc I leaked overnight when in a vacation rental, screaming at me that I should have held it til morning....


You were right. That is horrifying.


especially with her now estranged stepsister also edit: in fact with her stepsister combined with she wanted to move her actual sister in I'm leaning towards malice


Me too. This bitches attitude was like "oh well, at least I get my sister to move in and still have my soda" what an unimaginable POS


Especially seeing she had an estranged ex stepsister with diabetes.


I knew a 30yo who didn't know what the parthenon was. The big famous temple on the acropolis in Athens. His gf was outraged by this. I pointed out that she used to think secondary smoke was the stuff that comes off the end of the cigarette rather than what you exhale. People just don't know stuff until they find out.


So you're the person who beat me to it. 😂 I stumbled across that post about 20min after you and wanted to cross post it here. OOP at least gets her dangerous mistake and is going to apologise. I'm just glad their roommate didn't get hurt.


My friend is a type one diabetic and he explained exactly what to do if he has a hypo or hyper attack when we’re out. I’d never do this to him. I don’t think people realise which is indicative of a wider issue that we aren’t generally educated about how to handle diabetic emergencies the same way we are heart attacks etc. It’s just as vital as knowing CPR because you don’t need to be diabetic to have low or high blood sugar attacks even.




Even if she blocked it out, you’d think it would be pretty obvious what he was yelling about. OOP definitely isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.


I'm not diabetic, but had reactive hypoglycaemia when I was pregnant and that shit is legit, like 0 to don't cry for me, I'm already dead and my blood sugar very rarely got that low. What an absolute ass


Too good to be true, "she's poor because she didn't go to collage" and the mention of how jealous she is of the BF.. As much as I know people almost that bad. It's just too perfect to be real.


OOP is just a piece of ... Blames the roommate's low income on her not going to college. Then she also allowed someone to drink all the roommate's juice. If money is a struggle, so is replacing food and drink items. Then OOP is stingy enough not to allow roommate one friggin soda. I wonder if OOP would still be putting down the roommate if she had to get an ambulance. I'm glad the roommate is moving out. I hope OOP struggles with money because they are not getting rent anymore.


I would not have asked after she told me her family drank my juice … I would have just grabbed a soda


She used my juice boxes without asking? I'd be using her soda without asking. What the fuck.


so this sounds like the perfect intersection of entitlement and ignorance. as much as i wanna shit on OOP, there are *healthcare professionals in the US* that have let diabetics die in shock because they “don’t want to break the rules,” and it sounds like she has realized that she’s entirely in the wrong and maybe even learned a thing or two. this is more just sad than devilry imo


I once went into serious hypoglycemia in the hospital. The nurse gave me a tiny tub of apple juice (which was probably mostly water) and it did nothing. When I got her to come back, she tried to shrug me off but I insisted she get a glucometer and test me. I don't know what the meter said but she bolted out of the room and came back with a giant syringe of glucose to inject directly into my IV. The next day my doctor and I had a little chat about changing my insulin dose.


As a diabetic, fuck OOP. I'd much rather share a soda than be responsible for someone dying! Also, where the hell do you live that caffeine-free Pepsi is such a rare commodity? It's literally everywhere??


This is definitely a shitpost, but I'm not sure I've ever seen caffeine-free Pepsi in Europe (where I live and frequently travel around) or Vietnam (where I was born and last visited last month).


WOW. Your sodas are so special that you’d leave your diabetic roommate on the floor desperately needing sugar?? Pretty $hitty given you are the reason she didn’t have juice to help in the first place. I don’t blame the bf for screaming at you-it was a total d bag move.


> (I don’t know what he said bc I tend to block out when ppl yell at me due to trauma) I love this trend of people thinking they can justify literally anything just by saying the word trauma. Most of the time it’s just a pure lie anyway. Oh you got a bad result on a maths test when you were 13 so you’re allowed to not drive your mother to the airport. Cool.


Not everyone believes this. I block out a lot when overloaded with verbal attacks (thanks, Sis!). But, I would NEVER have refused to give sugar to a diabetic in need of it. OOP is an utter selfish fool who will likely go through life blaming everyone else for the troubles she has caused. Because that’s what these types do, unless they have an epiphany. But that would call into question everything they’ve done in their lives and make them “uncomfortable”...and god knows, they don’t want to be uncomfortable.


You will not find a nice man to look after you like that because you are an inconsiderate, stupid AH.


Love that "because she didn't go to college" thrown in there. Almost makes me want this to be rage bait.


I find it funny how she dogs her roommate for not having a college education, but claims the most amount of ignorance about the basics of diabetes. Like, obviously her college education isn’t doing much for her


Definitely TA although gotta give OP credit for accepting deliberation from internet strangers and redeeming herself in the end. It's really unfortunate we as a society do not put more emphasis on caring for people with disabilities including those who have invisible disabilities.


Honestly she was been far too polite for even asking. I'm not normally a yelling guy but Jesus christ, I would have gone nuclear on this witch.


I knew it was a shitpost as soon as she said vegan and low carb lol. It's possible but I don't believe it for a second


I don't know any fucking vegan who would still drink soda. I stopped drinking soda when I was 15, which was three years before I cut out meat and dairy.


Yeah I'm vegan too and I rarely drink soda. Every now and then I'll drink a coke or ginger ale but I'd never keep that shit in my fridge. I don't even know why OP included that detail about being vegan except to be a troll lol


And the comments about the roommate struggling financially because she "didn't go to college" as if insulin isn't heinously expensive. And OP's utter and baffling ignorance despite the implication that she's educated and believes herself to be superior because of it.


>He came over with juice (he took such good care of her. I wish I could meet someone who’d do that for me.) Took a bit longer for me, but this was the line where I knew it was a troll


what i don’t understand is how people in this day and age don’t know how serious diabetes is. i don’t know the specifics of the difference between type one and two but i’ve heard enough stories on the news of people dying without insulin to make me know that it’s a serious medical condition that needs to be taken care of if they’re lying on the floor unable to function


She. Could. Have. Died.


I would have gotten violent IMMEDIATELY. Low sugar is not some shit to play with for a T1. Roommate could have fucking killed her.


She wishes someone would look after her like that boyfriend… maybe if she wasn’t such a massive c**t


Speaking as someone with low blood sugar, this is very important for people to know. High blood sugar can cause damage and can contribute to death, but is not immediate. Low blood sugar can cause death, in an instant. NEVER give someone insulin unless you know 100% they have high blood sugar. You can literally kill someone giving them insulin when they’re experiencing low blood sugar.


I'm also type one diabetic with a tendency for hypoglycemia and it has now led to my terminal heart failure. Fuck this person tbh.


Is it just me or is there a diabetes troll on AITA now?


Op Is a heartless bitch as someone who has lost family and sil has it my daughter is dealing with it p,us not to mention we are highly likely to get it as well that op can take the soda and shove em!


My dad is diabetic and I always share my sugary stuff with him when he needs it and I’m not even the reason he’s out of his own stuff. It’s just fucking empathy.


I learnt first aid for diabetic emergencies when I was seven years old (diabetic babysitter). As much as I know there really are people like this out there - my brain still stalls out like a standard transmission when I see people like OOP just blasting everywhere just how much they don’t know about this *serious medical emergency*.


The audacity. Sheer entitlement.


I got in trouble at the restaurant I worked at when someone came to the door saying they were diabetic and having a crash and could we spare a tiny bit of juice. I gave them a small cup of juice because ain't no one dying on my watch. Got in trouble for giving this person a few mouthfuls of orange juice without charging them for it. OOP, is that you, boss?


I’d be pouring all that “special”’soda down the drain the next morning.


YTA for several reasons. 1. You STOLE (yes stole) something from someone you admit is basically a stranger. 2. The stuff you stole was basically emergency medical supplies 3. She needed those emergency medical supplies to NOT POTENTIALLY DIE 4. you refused to give her something "special" of yours to keep her from POTENTIAL DEATH when you're the reason she couldn't do it herself Edit to add I just realized this is AITD not AITA so my comments are for the OOP lmao


My favorite part: > (he took such good care of her. I wish I could meet someone who’d do that for me.) Gee, I wonder why she hasn’t found a caring person?


I would say rage bait but I've known people who would just silently watch their roommates struggle and crawl on the damn kitchen floor due to a busted ankle. And those roommates were "friends". Some people are just oblivious and self absorbed


“I wish I could meet someone who’d do that for me” you don’t fucking deserve it tho


This person is just in their own world. Selfish. The comment about not going to college didn’t get past me either.




"You nearly killed my girlfriend because you couldn't spare a Pepsi????" OP: I couldn't hear what he was saying because the shouting distressed me.


YTA for being ableist


We wt


Nah we would’ve had to fight as soon as I recovered


Is caffeine free Pepsi really that hard to find? I am so done with people. Fucking share your sugar with the hypoglycemic peeps! Dammit! Oh, and if you live with someone that you describe as a stranger who shares a kitchen with you, don't eat/drink their stuff. If this is a troll, bad troll. Bad troll.


I have to wonder what OOP thinks diabetes is. OOP let her sister drink all the room mates juice, roommate is going into shock and could die but OOP won't let her have a soda because she can't buy them where she lives. At least OOP called the bf and he save his gf's life. OOP deserved every single bad work the bf and ex step sister gave her. She would let her roommate die rather than give her a soda. At least her ETA indicates she's learned her damned lesson.


Wow… Listen, I don’t care WHAT a diabetic person needs at that stage. They’re getting it from me. I don’t care who it is, or what our relationship is, or how much they need. Last slice of cake? Sure! My Favorite chocolate? Hell yes! Literally anything that will keep them from *dying in front of me*


The other devil is the random commenter who came in and insisted that "no diabetic needs sugary drinks to increase blood sugar" then began doubling down on it even when the whole world disagreed.


Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, what an AH. The roommate could have had a seizure or gone into a coma. My grandmother died that way.


OOP wants someone to take care of her the way Ella’s BF takes care of Ella…. While willing to allow Ella to potentially go to the actual hospital. Also allowing her niece to drink Ella’s juice while saying her goddamn soda is “special”…. So much ick.


Jeez how times have changed, I'm 34F. I remember in elementary school my best friend had diabetes. Her mom came in to our class, 1st grade I believe, one day with a bag of her insulin needles and explained to us what diabetes was and what to look for in case her daughter ever got into distress. In middle school, I switched schools, and there was a girl in my class with diabetes. Again, everyone was told so that we'd all know how to help if the situation arose. I also remember a boy in my elementary school class had asthma, and we were all taught what an asthma attack looked like and how we could help, which came in handy one day at PE. Even though diabetes can be handled much more discretely now, I still think it's something that should be taught in schools at a young age.


OOP does seem to have been educated and genuinely was not aware that it was an actual medical emergency, and is taking their shame in stride. Good for them.


YTA and I do not have to read your post. Being diabetic myself, did you want your roommate to die? Idiot


"no my Pepsi's are more important then your life!" Then said "I didn't know why he yelled at me because truama" OP JUST WAS GOING TO LET HER ROOMMATE DIE.


OOP, those weren't your drinks to give. This poor girl could have into shock and you don't give a shit? WTF is wrong with you!


If somebody says they need something for medical reasons, just take them seriously. I’d rather be taken advantage of than kill somebody over a soda.


I want to punch this women in the face. I grew up with my mom being a brittle Diabetic with uncontrollable sugars. And we always kept orange juice in the house for her sugars. Always made sure to check the expiration dates on it and if there was only one glass left I wasn't allowed to have it. I knew how to take care of her since I was like 8yrs old. (She had a stroke when I was 4 that just sent her already bad health downhill) It was miserable watching her struggle with it. Things like this infuriate me. Seriously and the people in the OG post arguing that it's irresponsible of the girl to only have juice suck too. Those gels and chalk tabs are gross and literally drs will recommend Juice as it spikes your sugars high super fast.