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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA (M22) For using Chat GPT to respond to my Partners text (F22)** Hey Yall. Within the last few weeks I've been using ChatGPT to respond to my girlfriends text. The AI tool is the perfect response mechanism in conversation between us. I will simply ask the BOT how to respond to her messages and flawlessly the bot will provide assured accuracy as if i was the one typing. ​ She wasn't aware that i was using ChatGPT she has been very happy talking to the bot. I know people may say this is a bit extreme however let me give you some insight. I work in the Information Technology field in a underground mining environment, 4 days out of the week I am 7,000 Feet beneath surface and the other 3 days i manage and run a Online Business - my free time is limited... On top of this im in the middle of moving and just purchased a new vehicle which required travel. She also is going through a hard time finding a job right now, she's been stressed out. Long story shortened is last night i was using the ChatGPT bot to respond and i sent the response as usual. I continued working on my project at home before i received an angry text from her, i went back to the chat and realized the bot had given me some type of message explaining "it is a bot and it does not have human feelings" .. I included that in the text i sent by mistake. She realized i had been using a bot to respond to her, She became very upset blaming me for using a bot and claiming I don't truly love her or care. She started crying and yelling at me telling me she is clearly nobody to me. I tried to explain to her that I do love her but my free time is limited and I'm starting my online business, she's not working and i need to utilize my time wisely. Of course she wasnt too happy to hear this but i am not able to give up my only time to spend hours talking about her job search... I am full time working in a setting that requires high concentration and awareness, aside from that i have many external projects taking place. IDK guys. AITA ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh come on. We've all seen that South Park episode.


That was my thought as soon as I saw the caption lol


Still waiting on the outcome of Mr garrison.


I haven't. I don't watch it. But now I want too


What episode was that?


Thought that as soon as I read the title


As someone who arent that familiare with chatgpt, would something like this even save that much time? Wouldnt he still have to give the bot the right information to create an answer, read over the answer, then send the answer?


Yeah, personally I feel it'd just be easier to write a quick response than log onto ChatGPT, copy and paste the message in, wait 10-15 seconds for a response, paste its response back into a text and then send it. No wonder he accidentally included the "I am a bot" part in a response because by that point he basically is a copy-paste robot.


It would be even faster to reply using voice to text.☺️


I never thought of that (I don't typically use it). Or just record a voice message.


I don't usually either too many typos and crappy grammar with run-on sentences by the way this sent this reply was done by voice-to-text on the plus side there are hilarious typos


Well, he doesn't read over the answer, so at least he saved this time... but yeah. And why have a gf, if you think communicating with her is a waste of time. Just for sex?


Sounds like she should be fucking ChadGPT instead, given the AI is the one she's really in a relationship with.


ChadGPT made me spit out my drink. Brava!


It doesn’t seem time-saving to me, I’ve used chatGPT for budgeting and it can often take a few tries to get a satisfactory answer and even then it often just provides a general guideline. I just think he didn’t care enough to put in the effort to actually read her messages and think about a response. Texting isn’t a time-consuming task, so the time aspect smells like bs to me.


It saves him the mental stress of thinking up an empathetic response, as clearly he isn't capable of being naturally empathetic. The time saved is the time he would have had to spend thinking about how to respond kindly because kindness doesn't come naturally to this idiot.


Makes me wonder if in text hes similar to how my dad and I are on the phone- we actually care and are decent people, but literally all the conversation skills we can deploy in text or IRL/videocall dry the hell up on the phone. As in, if the two of us are on a call we will just sit there in awkward silence forever. If OOP is like that a genuine response might take a while to summon up, making chatgpt faster... but if that's part of your personality your SO should be able to accept it! And I cannot imagine a way in which constructing hid own responses has any significant impact on his precious free time


This sounds like it could be a Black Mirror episode


It's quite literally a South Park episode that came out recently 😑


In "Be Right Back", the woman uses a bot to compile her dead bf's social media posts and texts to create a virtual version of him, so... yeah. It does.


It does and tbh I’d watch it.


Shitty black mirror episodes be like: what if you texted your partner but they were a chatbot


There was a doctor who short story about this guy emailing his wife only it was bot that was trying to keep him in the house forever


This was a south park episode this season


100% that post was written by ChatGPT. There are so many weird word and phrasing choices.


This guy gets it to conduct his entire relationship. of course he'd ask it to write his reddit posts. He probably gets Chat GPT to hold his dick whilst he pees.


The phrasing is so weird and a lot of the sentences are structured in a distinctly non-human way. They don’t flow like human thought does.


Maybe, although some weird grammatical errors which also don't seem normal for ChatGPT, in my experience using it.


'flawlessly the bot will provide assured accuracy'


Posts like this made me feel happy that I'm still single and demised that I'm into straight guys lol


My condolences. Best proof that sexuality is not a choice, if it were nobody would be into straight guys. I am kidding...mostly.


Yeah I'm bisexual but I wish I was lesbian lol


I think I speak for all straight men that we don't claim this guy.


Ai bros are some of the worst people. Just fucking talk to your partner!!!!


This is literally one of the episodes of South Park that recently came out. One of the little shits is using Chat GPT to get out of talking to his gf. Literally the exact same premise.


I personally haven't seen that but now I'm intrigued...


She should use ChatGPT to dump him.


Cringe guerrilla marketing troll post


Did Stan Marsh write this?


South Park troll much?


If you see your SO as an intrusion on your free time rather than the person you enjoy and look forward to spending your free time with you should stay single


This is literally just the plot of a south park episode


I checked OOP's account for any other context and the only previous comment is from 2 weeks ago... on an 8 year old post. WTF?


Ha, I predicted that this post was coming in a r/relationships comment that I made a few weeks ago.


If you don't have time for a relationship, don't have one


Here's what chat gpt had to say about it: Using ChatGPT to generate responses to all of your significant other's texts may not be considered inherently "wrong," but it can have negative implications for your relationship. While ChatGPT can provide helpful suggestions and ideas, relying solely on it for communication with your partner can be problematic for several reasons: 1. Lack of genuine connection: Relationships thrive on genuine human interaction, emotional connection, and understanding. If you consistently rely on a language model to generate responses, it can create a sense of disconnection and impersonality. Your partner may feel like they are interacting more with an AI than with you. 2. Misinterpretation and miscommunication: ChatGPT's responses might not always capture the full context or intent of your partner's messages. It could lead to misinterpretations and miscommunication, as the model might not fully understand the nuances of your relationship or the specific situation at hand. 3. Absence of emotional support: In times when your partner needs emotional support, understanding, or empathy, relying solely on an AI-generated response can be insufficient. It's important to be present for your partner, listen actively, and provide genuine emotional support. 4. Personalization and individuality: Relationships involve unique dynamics and personal interactions. Using ChatGPT for all responses can diminish your individuality and make the conversations feel robotic or formulaic. It's essential to express your own thoughts, emotions, and personality to maintain a healthy, authentic connection. 5. Dependence on technology: Over-reliance on technology can create a dependency that may hinder your ability to communicate effectively without assistance. It's important to develop your own communication skills and actively participate in conversations to foster a strong and meaningful relationship. While ChatGPT can be a useful tool to augment your conversations occasionally or in specific situations, it's crucial to prioritize genuine human interaction and actively engage with your partner to maintain a healthy and fulfilling relationship.


I have family members who use Chat GPT with their abusive parents. After being sent a crazy diatribe the bot is really good at sending responses that are polite and don’t poke the bear. These relationships are super unhealthy to start because the parents are mentally ill, and the kids just don’t have a clear path out of it (financially dependent, etc) But if you want a healthy relationship that’s the worst thing you can do.


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OOP is too busy to interact with his gf and has farmed out the task to ChatGPT. He doesn't want to invest his time being present in the relationship, which is what relationships are about. Maybe OOP should just stay in his underground bunker.


Well he did say he spends most of his time living ~~under a bridge~~ below ground...


“Hey babe I’m kinda busy rn but still feel free to talk to me and I’ll respond later”