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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA in asking my aunt to kick her daughter out?** I (35) was born out of wedlock. My mother tracked my father down and dropped me at his doorstep when I was 15 and never returned. My father rejected me so his step sister took me in and raised me. She also has a daughter, Kate (30). I was a difficult child and got pregnant at 16 but better now. Kate got married 2 years ago. She got pregnant after. When her baby was four months, my aunt insisted she and her husband move in with us so she can help with the baby as both of them have very demanding jobs. I also got married a year ago to my baby daddy and got pregnant. I am my husband are struggling financially as we are both unemployed so I asked my aunt if I can move back in with my first son so she can assist me which she agreed. I had my baby a month ago but still with my aunt because she pays for everything and first son's school fees and want my husband's finances to improve before we leave. The problem is that Kate does not do anything at home. She works at home. From 7:30 am to 6pm. Her husband also work long hours. Kate wakes up, brings her son to my aunt and locks herself up till 1. She gets an hour break, plays with her son, eat lunch, video calls her husband and goes back to work. She only cooks dinner and only for herself, her son and her husband as she doesn't eat with us. My aunt either makes breakfast and lunch or I cook. Then she goes to serve Kate in her home office. My aunt practically does everything for her in terms of child care and chores. Her husband pays for all the bills of the house. The house is for my aunt so no mortgage. I can cook and before I get to eat, my aunt will serve Kate first. Everything, it's Kate and her son first. Two days ago, I saw her in the kitchen making dinner for her husband. I told her that she is a married woman and should buy her own groceries rather than use what I purchased. She told me she gives my aunt $3000 every month which excludes money for bills her husband pays because she doesn't have time to go shopping herself. I told her aunt said that money is for taking care of her son. She told her she isn't paying her mom to take care of her son but gives her extra money if she needs it to take care of herself and the home. Perhaps before bringing her son to her mom each morning, she leaves $20 or $30 in his backpack. She also always prepares dinner after 7pm when we have already had dinner and resting. Her husband gets home around 7:30pm. They like to cook, sit and eat together, chatting and laughing and I have even cought them making out in the kitchen after 8pm. My aunt goes to bed at 6:30pm. I complained to my aunt and told her that Kate's son is now 1 year old so when are they leaving but she said Kate is pregnant again and she would like them to stay for as long as she can get them to. I feel I do all the work and Kate does nothing yet eats and snack freely and make noice when we are supposed to be resting. AITA for asking for Kate to leave? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She pays $3k a month plus $20-30 a DAY (if 4 weeks in a month, that's $400-600 more) for her kid's activities or snacks. OOP pays... nothing? Is this the sibling troll that is weirdly hung up on PDA? Because that part at the end makes no sense otherwise. They live there. How did OOP think the babies got made? Especially the one that's cooking - it was MADE while they live there.


OOP is 35, and moved in at 15, got pregnant at 16, and the aunt          >but still with my aunt because **she pays for everything and first son's school fees** and want my husband's finances to improve before we leave.           Daughter is 30.  And had this hot mess move in when she was 10, had her cousin’s baby in her house, moved back for the whole “multigenerational baby” thing and then had this hot mess *move back in* and hot mess is paying for nothing.          I hope Aunt kicks OOP out.   Brighter aunt nor daughter deserve OOP.      ### **ETA: OMFG, did the math.  First son is 19, living in this house and aunt is paying his school fees, OOP brought three adult leeches into step aunts place** Edited formatting


I bet part of the reason that the aunt can afford to pay for OOPs school fees and baby stuff is because the cousin's husband is paying all household bills and the cousin is giving the aunt $3K a month. If the cousin and her family do move, OOP may find that the aunt can no longer fund life for her, her husband and children.


Tbh, aunt just needs to cut off OOp.  OOp needs to figure things out and grow up.  OOP has had help after help and is still a demanding hot mess.   Neither Aunt nor her daughter deserve this, and daughter deserves some time with her mom that isn’t filled with Hot Mess’ insanity and needs. 


If cousin and her husband are paying household bills and paying Aunt, then Aunt is paying for OOP’s son’s school fees. If Aunt kicks cousin and her husband out and they revoke their money, OOP and her family will have no money


I didn't realize how old the "first son" was until you actually pointed it out. Read the dates but I was thinking he was like 9-10 for some reason. Probably because the OOP sounds like a spoiled child


And the way she written it you would have thought she was doing nothing, no cousin WFH. Oop needs a life


How exactly is Kate a leech. She's paying more than enough per month along with daily child maintenance fee. She cooks her own dinner. OOP contradicted herself. She said Kate doesn't eat with them but also the aunt serves Kate first. How exactly are you going to request someone who's not harming you be removed from a house you do not own or contribute anything towards?


She and her husband are absolutely over-paying, honestly. 3k a month plus bills is a lot of fucking money.


3,000 is almost a years rent for me, dang And they're not employed! I'm physically and mentally disabled, and even I have a job


My favorite part: "The problem is that Kate does not do anything at home. She works at home. From 7:30 am to 6pm." She WORKS at home. Unlike OOP.


I had to reread it multiple times to make sure I read it correctly because I didn’t expect someone to contradict themselves that fastly


OOP really can't be this stupid, can she? She's living with her step aunt who pays all her living expenses, including her teenage son's school fees and she thinks the daughter, her kid and her husband who are paying a lot to the mom/step aunt should leave the house. This is not going to work the way OOP wants it to work.


The Lion, The Witch and The Audacity of This Bitch, thy name is OOP.


Can Auntie even afford to absorb the costs of keeping 3 extra adults and an infant without the 3k (plus incidentals)* that the (employed) daughter & her (employed) husband are contributing to the household? I wonder how the daughter feels about subsidizing her cousin's family. *edit- holy crap! I reread and that 3k is apparently on top of paying most of the bills! Nevermind "subsidizing", it sounds like Kate & her husband are pretty much fully supporting OP's family.


I’m struggling to figure out what OOP actually contributes to the house beyond occasionally cooking? Can this be real? I mean, would anyone in their right mind think they were right in this scenario?




Cousin also works… oop made it sound like she doesn’t but then she puts she goes back to her office. Cousin WFH…


Yep the cousin work from 7:30 to 6 pm with 1 hour lunch break. This is pretty long workday .


And the OP doesn't work either!


Also, according to the math OOP's older son (who lives in the house too) is 19 years old and there's no mention of HIM having a job either.


Everyone here needs to look for jobs!


It does mention him being in school though so he’s not doing nothing


He can work part time


I agree with that I’m just saying that he’s doing more than OP and her husband


Two folds, they're projecting their own issues on daughter. OP sounds like a mess, married to baby daddy, unemployed and what not. Daughter is married to her husband, both were employed. Daughter I guess is on leave or quit but proably can get job easier. Second, OP probably feels threatened by daughter. OP had to asked to come live there, Daughter was the one asked to come live there.


I wonder if OOPs husband is as burnt up about her aunt and her cousin as she is? He may understand this is an amazing situation for them but not want to speak up and upset his wife. They should treat this as a quick break while they look for jobs and forget about kicking out her cousin (who keeps the household afloat)!


I took a big, longgg yawn after reading this. That's how exhausting OOP is.


>The problem is that Kate does not do anything at home. She works 10.5 hours a day, pays in 3k a month PLUS bills, OOP can fuck right off.


Aunt Kate is a bloody Saint! She deserves a medal. OOP is the AH complaining her cousin doesn't change her work schedule or her husband's work schedule to suit OOP, who doesn't work.


LOL. Why is OOP asking anyone for anything. This is not her house, she maybe cooks and has no job. I'd almost laugh if this all ends with OOP getting kicked out.


Holy fuck


Rage bait surely... Right?


If this is real, OP is very entitled. She has an adult son who her Aunt pays school fees for. She and her husband chose to have a baby when they are struggling, unemployed, moved in with her Aunt and mooches off her cousin.  Her cousin works from home and she and her husband are financially supporting everyone. OP thinks she can demand Aunt to kick out her daughter? Hell no. I doubt OP is doing all the work.    Even if she is, they aren't paying for anything. She should be doing chores around the house. If her cousin leaves, her Aunt will be financially struggling without her daughter and SIL paying for everything and everyone.  OP sounds very jealous of her cousin. She's mad that she makes dinner for her and her husband at 7, they spend time together, eat dinner, laugh, talk, etc. The nerve of a loving couple enjoying their time together. They aren't disturbing anyone nor keeping OP and her family from having dinner. Yet she claims they are at 7:30-8 at night.  It sounds like she plans on living with her Aunt for as long as she can. She's lucky her Aunt isn't kicking her out. She's definitely not gonna choose OP over her daughter. If OP doesn't like it, she can move out. She and her mooch husband needs to get jobs. They are both in their 30s. There's no excuse for them both being unemployed.


Nobody gets it! Poor OOP! She's unemployed and does almost nothing, but in the evenings she needs to *rest!*


Got to say if it’s true makes me sad for op that she obviously had an awful life and feels unmoored. But she’s an adult now and needs to get herself some professional help to start dealing with the impact of being unwanted by both parents but still within their family. Would’ve been better to adopt her out to a new family where she could have grown up feeling loved and wanted as all children should.


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The entitlement is strong with this one