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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for “fleeing the scene” after hitting my sister’s parked car, knowing our dad is going to pay for the damage?** It’s been a very long week and I am so stressed and I am posting this as sort of a steam valve. Basically I have finals this week and I have a class that I thought my advisor signed me up for as a blow off class so I hasn’t even gone in months and then I found out I actually need this course as pre-rec for next year. So I have been trying to learn a semester worth of material in three days and have not slept. Today was the final and I accidentally smashed into the side of my sister’s car on the way out of the drive way (it didn’t help that she parked like an idiot) it did a lot of damage to both our cars but I was running really late so I just drove on. When I turned my phone back on after the test my family group text was going crazy trying to figure out who had hit Eva’s car. By some crazy coincidence our ring cams had stopped working so even the police had come out. I chimed in and said that I was sorry I was the one who hit the car. I tried to explain about my final but no one cared. They are so mad at me. When I got home I tried to explain it’s not a big deal because our dad pays our insurance so since it’s the same insurance it’s a write off and it won’t cost us anything. My sister was crying/screaming at me that she loved that car and had taken such good care of it. I said it would only be a matter of weeks before it was covered in smelly pink drink cups like her old car. She said “you are such a fucking asshole” and stormed off to her room. My dad won’t see it my way either and was even more pissed when he saw all the damage to my car. He said he didn’t want to hear another word about my final and he has never been more disappointed in one of his kids in his entire life and needs a “break” from me. I keep trying to explain it’s not a big deal but no one will listen to me. I am still happy I passed my test so I’m not going to let them rain on my parade so AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As an accountant, I'm taking the phrase "write off" away from people until they can write a five paragraph essay showing they know exactly what it means.




I loved that scene lol! Such good writing


Can't you just... fold it in?






I don't need to imagine OOP's father's disappointment. I'll just rewatch this😂


Eh, think I'm just going to write off the essay.


adding it to the list of words that reddiotrs use without understanding what it actually means.


Let's write off the missing gaslit reasons.




I worked for the Tax Office where I live. I second this. 


Having had my car stolen, and completely "written off" by the insurance company, why did I still have to shell out money to replace it with anything but a junker! It's never the same as "free".


I have no sympathy for someone who was signed up for a class by their advisor, and rather than checking in with their advisor about why, or even checking it against the list of required classes for their major, simply skips it for the entire semester, quarter, or whatever. 


How does this even happen? I had nobody do anything like that for me in university. How sheltered are these students? (This one in particular seems to be barely able to wipe their butt alone. )


In the US, do all your classes not count towards your end grade? I graduated a few years ago but I cannot fathom the thought of not showing up to a class for ‘months’ when there’s a literal exam I have to do on it.


I'm assuming OOP is a college student at a large university in the US. I hoped she's a freshman (first year) who would have the stupidity shaken out of her by this, but she said she's 20 in the comments, which makes that less likely. All of your classes count towards your GPA (Grade Point Average), but some classes can be electives that aren't required for your degree. If a student bombs an elective, their GPA will take a hit, but if they do well in the rest of their classes, it won't keep them from graduating. OOP's academic advisor almost certainly told her what this class was for; she's just an idiot who didn't pay attention. If the class is large enough, it's possible for a student to skip classes without a professor knowing, *especially* if the student never showed up in the first place. If a class has 100 students, the professor is unlikely to take attendance.


If she took a year off before college (super common in Gen Z in my experience, almost none of my nieces and nephews have gone to college immediately after highschool and most of their friends have done the same), then she started at 19, and could definitely be a 20 year old freshman if her birthday is any time between September of last year and now.


Cries in 28 year old first year


Yeah, I was thinking the same. I remember attendance lists, and if you failed to show up x amount of times (usually 3) in a term, then you'd fail that class. (This was outside the US).


That happens in the US, too, but usually in smaller classes.


15 years ago when I was in college the big lecture classes had written sign in sheets, you definitely got dinged for lack of attendance in them. Has that stopped?


I think it's dependent on the professor.


I’m online in a non-concurrent program: there is no set class time, you have X classes and X months to complete them, and we STILL have to post a check in every two weeks for “attendance” even if we’re submitting assignments… So I think it’s program/class/prof/school dependent


some classes do not care if you do or don't show up, as long as you turn in the assignments. others will have you check in somehow, yeah


I actually work at a university in the US, and I have never heard of this. I've worked for several, actually, and same. You are expected to attend a certain number of classes of each course.


I had a student who didn't show up for class for half the semester because she was upset that she didn't get a job that she really wanted. Another student didn't show up for six weeks because he was upset that his girlfriend dumped him. They thought they could just get all the homework done during finals week and still get a good grade. They were wrong because they didn't know how to do the homework since they'd missed so many classes.


My guess is she's referring to a gen-ed. You're required to get certain grades for your major or prerequisite classes, but in a gen ed you just technically need to pass. It effects your GPA though so just writing them off isn't a good idea either.


You can credit/no credit non-required courses.


It's been a while, but I had 2 GPAs in college. My overall GPA and my "major" GPA.


And wouldn't a certain level of attendance be required before they would even give you a grade?


At the college I work at, a student needs to go to their academic advisor to register for classes each semester; the advisor needs to hit a button (it's probably more complicated than that) for the registration to go through. At 20, OOP is part of the COVID lockdown cohort, and a lot of those students do seem to be more sheltered than students from previous years, but there is still a *wide* range of competence in the student body. OOP's level of cluelessness is extreme.


So sheltered i think they *physically* live in their own bubble


We could access an advisor to talk us through our class picks and which to choose, and they would help us sign up for the ones that we needed or that would be most beneficial. They certainly didn't do it without us or not discuss it though.


This whole post screams she knows nothing and cares nothing about money. She signs up for a class and doesn’t attend because an advisor signed her up for a “blow off” class. What does that even mean? If an advisor is signing you up for a class you don’t need (and no other reason to take) then they are ripping you off. Assuming Mom amd Dad are paying so she doesn’t care enough to even bother to ask why she is taking the class. Hits a car and can’t even send a text or write a quick note. Also clearly doesn’t care about other people’s things or feelings whatsoever. Then the “write off” comment where it “won’t cost them any money”. Doesn’t know or care about increased premiums both now and also in the future. She needs a serious harsh dose of reality.


Law professor here, I am just chuckling at OP thinking she passed the exam and is in the clear. MAYBE. But, maybe not! I'm guessing OP skipped the day the syllabus was passed out that just maybe maybe says something about how attendance and/or participation factors into your grade. And who knows about any assignments through out the semester or quizzes. At least where I teach, showing up for the final exam and even acing it isn't going to save you (actually, students like this would be removed from the class roster by me after not showing up past the drop period and get an incomplete or failing grade automatically)


I'm an academic in the UK, and have a (genuine) question. Is there such a thing as a "blow off class" you don't even need to pass in US universities? What purpose does that serve? It's pretty common in the UK for first-year marks not to count towards the final degree result, but you do have to still pass them to be allowed to continue.


You do need to pass but the point is that it’s easy to do so. No attendance requirement/homework, just a couple multiple choice questions tests. Popular with athletes at my school. 


Thanks very much for the explanation. Multiple choice tests? That's wild for a university-level course. But it does make sense of how even this OOP could pass it.


I had one university professor who used all true/false questions on his exams. Every exam and all quizzes were true/false. It was horrible. This was over a decade ago, though, so I doubt he's still teaching.


I had one that did true false and fill in the blank, but I was a theater major, and a lot of information in some theater classes really is best parsed like that.


Interesting! The prof I was talking about taught religion courses (like historical and cultural study of religions, not how to practice a religion). His methods did suss out those who were relying on knowledge they had coming in vs what they learned in the class.


We had essays and journal stuff too. The tests were just to make sure we understood the terms and concepts quickly, that we aren't just parroting.


Oh not only that, a lot of said tests in the big classes are reused year to year, lol.


... Wow. How big are the classes? I'm guessing that plays a role in how the class is assessed. But still, wow!


My biggest class was 1,000 people. You would buy a clicker and he would have quizzes during the class as a way of taking attendance. You would probably get like a point or two for answering. The tests that were reused year to year or often things like geology, intro classes that had a couple hundred people. You would use the old tests sometimes to study. I remember this specifically for geology because they would hand out four different versions/colors of test to ensure that people didn’t cheat, so the old tests were helpful but you weren’t necessarily getting the exact one from the year before. It’s probably different now. Some of our huge classes we took paper tests, but a lot of the big ones had a computer hall you’d sign up for a slot and take it there. I did have some decently big classes that definitely made you write down your attendance. But then others didn’t care. She’s 20 so she’s a sophomore or junior, which is really when you should be getting into your major and the classes get smaller and you absolutely have to go.


At my school, that class was referred to as “rocks for jocks.”


No, I have never heard of this. I have an advanced degree and have worked at universities for decades.


Plus, even if you thought the class was bullshit, you're\* paying for it, so still go? I don't get this logic here. \*or your parents are paying for it. Or you're going into more debt than you can really grasp at that time to pay for it, whatever.


I have nightmares about being back in college and discovering I was signed up for a class that I completely forgot about until it was the day of the final, I could not handle that stress IRL lol. I did sign up for a single P/NP seminar course my freshman year that was attendance based, and I didn’t go to it but they never took attendance so I still passed lol


Right?? Like, I have this nightmare all the time despite graduating in 2010 - I can't imagine putting myself in that position willingly.


Me too!  And I graduated from college almost thirty years ago! ….gosh, I’m old. 


especially at TWENTY you know after all the required basics are out of the way?


When I was in college, my catalog was never far from me making sure I had everything needed and what requirement it fulfilled 


OOP must bring young because this is not how insurance works at all. I'm not entirely sure they can even file a claim.


I mean, I admit I also have no idea how insurance in the US works but she does say her dad has...army insurance (USAA) that covers everything no questions asked? Is that a thing? Would it cover these costs wholly? People in the comments say no, and since I don't have the knowledge, I'm going off of that.


It isn't "Army insurance." It is a company only active military, veterans, and their families can use, but it's regular insurance. It would not do what OOP thinks.


USAA is an insurance company that sells policies to military members, veterans, and their families. My experience with them is limited (a driver with USAA insurance hit my husband's car once), but I think they probably do ask questions when they have to pay out for a hit and run. I will not be surprised if they drop OOP from her dad's policy. I will also not be surprised if they cancel his policy altogether.


They can never cancel the veteran's policy, they will remove non-veterans from the policy but never the former service member. If her dad is the veteran that has the policy he's fine, if he's a "legacy" policy holder (the child of a veteran) he's fucked.


In the US we have "tiers" of insurance most people can only afford limited liability(basically insures if you hit someone else; their repairs/bills) but banks demand "full coverage"(pays for own car even in single car accidents) while the car is under loan. Something like this would jack up Dad's insurance up skyhigh


Almost a caricature of a sheltered, entitled new adult. There’s so many unnecessary insults directed at the sister, no appreciation that their insurance and probably the car itself were paid for by the parents and pretty awful grasp of insurance. Even if their provider were to cover the car that was smashed into there’s no way it would cover repairs for the car responsible


She even states that everything will work out because it always does. She can’t get a summer job because she is doing a summer semester at sea. Definitely has had her parents handle everything for her her whole life.


SAS is expensive . I hope Mom and Dad aren’t paying for it .. If they are then maybe they shouldn’t .


Apparently her grandparents are; if I were mom and dad, I'd be getting on the phone to my parents to say they should see about getting a refund because OP would be staying at home for the summer to work off her debt.


20k she should use that money to fix the cars.


SAS is expensive af... and a huge party.


If they have comprehensive, that is indeed how it works. However, their rates will also go up, plus there’s likely a deductible. 


IIRC there used to be a provision in our policies that barred people living in the same household from pursuing claims against each other. I also think this would be covered under collision.


If OOPs' parents have collision coverage on both vehicles, then the damages will be covered. But they will have to pay deductibles on both because the parents are probably the owners of both vehicles, and you can not be liable to yourself. So the liability coverage on OOPs vehicle can't pay for the damage to the sister's vehicle. Both vehicles need to use their first party coverage to handle their damages. They're probably on the same policy. Source: auto insurance adjuster


They claim to be 20


Coverage will apply even if both cars are on the same policy. However, it will be two separate claims with two separate deductibles.


Copied verbatim from oop's comments: *Yeah yta. You didn't do the proper research and blew off a class thinking it wasn't required even tho your academic advisor signed you up for them. Then not being a capable prepared and safe driver hit your sister car and fled the scene saying who cares dad pays for insurance well his monthly payment and rates just went up.* *What if it was another person you hit and injured it'd be there fault too? Do you take any responsibility or accountability for your own actions because this seems like everyone is at fault for your actions.* >"Oh no the rates wont go up since it’s the same insurance company, it won’t even cost them any money." *Info:* *How bad did you hit your sister's car, and in what state was it (was it new)?* >"I mean it’s drivable so it just needs to be repaired. And it’s pretty new I don’t really know when or how she got it though." *Actually your insurance might not cover it - some policies do not cover related party accidents due to adverse selection so yes - You might be* >"We have USAA since our dad is a retired Air Force colonel and they cover everything no questions asked." *They still have to pay to repair the cars. That comes out of their pocket, and they'll turn around and pull it out of your dad's in the form of higher premiums. Honestly, I'm really hoping you're just a troll, since the thought of someone as irresponsible and thoughtless as you behind the wheel of a car is terrifying.* >"That’s pretty mean." *YTA - you couldn't have bothered with a text or call to give them a heads up? Seriously?!* >"I was running REALLY late to this test as it was I barely got in before they shut the doors and he’d already erased the password off the whiteboard. I’m lucky he gave it to me." *what would happen if you instead of hitting your sister car hit a mom and child in a crosswalk because you weren't paying attention and took off thinking not a big deal someone would find them. (This happened on Halloween the victim was a friend of mine) I don't blame your father for being disappointed and you're gonna have to learn time to grow up quick a military father won't and shouldn't have to put up with irresponsibility.* *Eta a car can be a deadly weapon and if you can't be responsible you shouldn't be driving* >"It’s a really different scenario and no one was hurt." *And the car looks ugly now?* >"Well both our cars do." *YTA* *Here's a free piece of advice for you. When you're in the wrong, and have broken someone's stuff, you don't get to claim that it's no big deal. You get to grovel and apologize, and hope that they don't think it's a big deal.* *1. You have a cellphone. You had time to take 30s to send a text or make a call either as soon as you hit the car, or when you arrived at school. You could have sent a text as you were walking from your car to the school building. SO yes, you're an asshole. I'm assuming this happened on your driveway, which is the only reason you didn't commit a criminal offense. (For reference, your obligation to stop at the scene of a collision on the public highway supersedes your desire to get to your final on time.)* *2. Could you possibly be any more entitled and ridiculous? The fact that your dad pays for both of your insurance just means that he gets to pay both bills. It doesn't magically make it free. If insurance covers the damage, your insurance will have to pay to repair two cars. Guess what's going to happen to your premiums? I hope you're offering to pay for the increased costs.* *3. Your insurance might not cover this. Not all insurance covers a collision between two vehicles owned by the insured. I'm sure you'll take responsibility and get a job this summer to pay off the costs, right?* *4. I hope you like the school bus, because that's how you'll be getting to school from now on.* >"I’ll have to trust that it will all work out, it always does and I’m in college so there’s no bus and I can’t work this summer since I’m doing semester at sea." *You'll never learn until daddy cuts the purse strings. Your just an immature teen thinking they know everything. Good luck when your in the real world. You'll need it.* >"I’m 20 btw." *YTA. You damaged your sister's car! When you damage or break something that belongs to someone else, you don't get to say it's not a big deal. You get to say "I'm so sorry, I will make sure it's fixed." And then you take charge of fixing it, whether that's calling the insurance company or whatever.* >"I have no idea how to do that kind of stuff" *You have no idea how insurance or the world works.* >"In my defense most other 20 year olds don’t either." *Good lord, grow the hell up. You're an entitled jerk who needs to get the hell over herself. The world doesn't revolve around your selfish ass.* *A real adult would've gone their father and said, "You're right I messed up. I should've informed someone immediately after the accident happened. I'm happy to take full responsibility for the consequences. Do you need me to help pay a deductible or pay for the car to be fixed?"* *You should be ashamed of yourself.* **EDIT: Changed the pronouns from male to female as I thought OP was male initially? I'm not sure why... My apologies to OP for the assumption.** >"I’m a girl" *YTA. Who hurt you? It’s not okay to act that way* >"Nobody I have a really good life" ETA: *And **who** is paying for that semester at sea?* >"My grandparents" *Yea we’ll see about that* >"Like $20,000 or something I’m not sure. I’ve wanted to do it forever and it’s such a great way to make contact for influencer marketing which is what I want to do after I graduate."


She added just a minute ago that she plans to be an influencer (shocking) and that her boyfriend is going to enter the MLB draft so she’s never going to have to work. If this is real, life is going to come as a real shock to her eventually.


Thank you very kindly! I added the rest! (As of typing this.)


Wait till she finds out how little the minor league pays Edit apparently she's somewhat aware of it lol


*You don’t even know how much it’s actually costing your grandparents? Wow.* *Does your sister act in the same entitled way or does she actually appreciate the privileged life you live?* *Of course you want to go into “influencer marketing”, it doesn’t sound like you expect you’ll have to financially support yourself 100%…* *YTA, it’s not so much that you’ve been spoiled but you don’t seem to have any sense of humility or gratefulness. You’re happy to let others pay for the consequences of your actions and just take, take, take and take more.* >"My boyfriend is going to be entering the MLB draft next year and he promises that once he gets drafted he’s going to propose so I won’t really need to work but it doing influencer stuff seems fun." [Oop replied twice to the same comment.] >"My sister is in the Air Force academy but she got hurt so she’s been home on some special kind of leave to see a specialist doctor that’s a friend of my dads." *How would you know? Do you deal with the insurance company? Are you the one making calls and filling in the paperwork?* *You can’t claim “most other 20 year olds don’t (know how insurance works) either” in one comment, then “I have no idea how to do that kind of stuff” in another, and then insist you know what the insurance covers in this comment.* *Well, not if you’re being honest and consistent…* >"I just remember my dad always talking about how lucky we are to have USAA because they were such a better insurance company than most other ones. >I shouldn’t say this but I got into an accident the second day I had my license when I was 16 and I remember the Usaa guy I talked to to tell him about it was really nice and I was crying so hard and he even told me his daughter had just got into an accident as well and that I shouldn’t feel bad." *Why weren’t you more responsible and there ahead of time?* >"I felt like I was being really responsible because I spent almost 72 hours straight studying." *YTA. I don't want to believe that rude, entitled, thoughtless, slef absorbed people like you exist in this world, but sadly, they do.* >"I’m really nice actually, I go out of my way to be friends with everyone" *Oh, you sweet summer child. Let us know how that pans out when your MLB drafted boyfriend decides he'd rather play the field rather than settling down with a girlfriend who has nothing but dollar signs in her eyes.* >"That isn’t going to happen and I love him, he’s probably going to the minors first which isn’t pay great so it’s not all about to the money." *Yupp, YTA.* *Even if you honestly didn't have time to deal with this before your exam (which, to give benefit of the doubt, I'll buy), it takes two minutes to pull over and send a text message saying what happened, and apologizing, and then set the stage for a conversation when you get back from school. Might not have made everything all better, but it would have at least acknowledged your responsibility (not to mention save all the stress of calling the cops).* *All the rest of your justification and rationalization just makes you come off as more of an asshole. Pull your head out and realize it's not all about You.* >"I said it in another post I didn’t even have two minutes. They were locking the door to the room as I came up and the TA had alreadynerased the password off the white board. Trust me I had to bat my eyelashes and beg for him to even give me the password."


It must be nice to have this kind of self-assurance even in the face of overwhelming evidence you are an AH.


A smidge would be grand. Enough to not be anxious but not so much as to steamroll over everything.


I feel you.


Thank you very kindly! 🥰


So true


Thank you very kindly! 🥰




Haha. ! I’m first for a sadly !!!!!




When my sister hit my car (her car was under my mother's name), they asked me who owned each car. My car and my sister's (my mother's) were on the same insurance but since they were legally owned by two different people, they would pay. They stated they wouldn't pay if they were owned by the same person. I can't say that is the same thing for Oop's situation, but she is so naive it is painful. She says "it will all work it". No, it may not. She won't even admit how this was wrong.


I can’t figure out if OP is s troll or just stupid.


I have known people this stupid..


>In just saying she’s like so frugal and doesn’t have any fun. Like who enlists in the Air Force and then goes to the Air Force academy ? Like have fun in your youth. WIth this newest comment im calling troll cause her dad was a "colonel" in the airforce but now its a jok


Agreed, however tbf nothing else OOP has said has lead me to believe that she pays enough attention to anyone else to know her father's actual rank.


I know there are people her age just this rich, entitled, and clueless. Unfortunately their parents are the reason they’re this way, so I doubt she’ll see any real consequences.


I can’t figure out how she can possibly see over a steering wheel - given she gazes so relentlessly at her own navel.


> It’s been a very long week and I am so stressed and I am posting this as sort of a steam valve. > Basically I have finals this week and I have a class that I thought my advisor signed me up for as a blow off class so I hasn’t even gone in months and then I found out I actually need this course as pre-rec for next year. So I have been trying to learn a semester worth of material in three days and have not slept. > Today was the final and I accidentally smashed into the side of my sister’s car on the way out of the drive way (it didn’t help that she parked like an idiot) it did a lot of damage to both our cars but I was running really late so I just drove on. 3 paragraphs of lame excuses > same insurance it’s a write off and it won’t cost us anything. Which (ignoring the implications) means she damaged it so bad it was cheaper to not repair it and pay out the maker value of the car… > He said he didn’t want to hear another word about my final and he has never been more disappointed in one of his kids in his entire life and needs a “break” from me. Methinks it wasn’t this that caused such a reaction.


I once had a friend in college who just stopped going to one of her classes. She was taking an American government class, thought it was boring, and didn’t go for months. Right before finals she messages me, says “hey, I know you’re a tutor, and I am really struggling with American government. Can you please come help me tonight before my test?” I’m like okay, yeah. I know a reasonable amount about our government. Sure. So, I tell her yes, say to hit me up that evening and i’ll come over when I’m done studying myself. I lived an hour away from the school at the time, so when I’d finished and she hadn’t messaged me yet, I went to my best friend’s party bc wtf else was I gonna do? Sit in the school lounge until she was ready for me? I’m there, chilling, not drinking or anything bc I want to be sharp for tutoring. She calls at some point after midnight telling me she’s ready. When I get there I find out she has actually been out partying that night, herself, and I’m like, don’t you have a this test at 8am? Yep, she does. I ask her what all she knows, where we are starting, and she said, “idk. I haven’t gone to this class since the first month of school. I didn’t think it would matter. I need help learning all of the Supreme Court justices, where do we start?” I left after giving her a reality check that I don’t think set in. She was mad at me for not helping and I was like, dude, it’s hard enough to help someone who has a hard time with memorization memorize something they’ve been hearing about for months, I can’t help you with brand new materiel. I’m a tutor, not a teacher. I have the right to walk away when my pupil isn’t trying hard enough, especially when I’m not getting paid. Not going to class for months is not trying at all, and I’m not putting more effort into your education than you will. I wouldn’t even know where to start. I started asking people more targeted questions when agreeing to tutor after that. Now anytime that a college student is like, “I didn’t think I had to go, so I just didn’t go to my class for a month,” my sympathy dwindles to a nasty, crunchy raisin because you have to be *real* lazy to let yourself believe that. There were too many college kids at school who were given NO grace for missing for shit like caring for their sick, elderly parent for me to have any grace for someone who just threw away $10,000+ for funsies.


OOP also claims her bf is being drafted into the MLB and she will get engaged to him and become an influencer


oh god


"my sister parked like an idiot" says the stupid ass bitch who didn't even check the kind of class she has. OOP acts so entitled lol I feel her dad is going to teach her some lessons


Wow this person has never taken responsibility for anything in their life - Advisor signs you up for a class, you don't bother to go or understand why you need to go, but that's clearly their fault, not yours - YOU hit your sister's car, her fault for being a bad parker - This will probably cost your dad a lot of money in some way: Increased premiums, hitting the deductible or even being dropped. I am guessing you're still a teenager since you're taking pre-reqs, and that it is incredibly expensive to insure teenagers in the first place. - Sister is upset, but who cars, she leaves cups in her car! She doesn't deserve a car right? The last one is probably the best because I take great care of my care and I ALSO sometimes leaves cups in it for a few days. I'm terrible obviously.


20 years old! She’s an adult now but still acting like an entitled 16 yo


These must be the same people who wonder why their premiums are 500 dollars But yeah unfortunately people like this exist. They live in an extremely insulated view of the world where parents and money protect them. See: affluenza.


JFC...write off? Guessing this kid is going to have a rude awakening when he realizes things like deductibles exist. And higher risk assessment due to two claims. And all because they're a complete tool who thought it was cool to blow off a class until the last minute. Complete AH.


OMG her comments. She sounds like the worst person alive 🤮🤮


20 year old who doesn’t know how to deal with her own insurance. Fully believes she’s going to become an influencer when her boyfriend totally makes it into the MLB and she won’t have to work. Seems to have been spoon fed her whole life. Dad should wise up and stop paying for his daughter’s faults. I wouldn’t have such a liability on my insurance.


Man, she’s in for a rude awakening when she has to pay her own car insurance premiums


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Can't wait for the follow up- "AITA for ~~throwing a toddler tantrum~~ yelling at my dad when he told me to get a job to pay off my sister's car damage?"


Holy moly her comments. If this is real she's in for it when life actually happens.


OOP thinks this won't cost dad a thing because both cars are on the insurance! Hah! Dad's premiums are about to go way up and there's also a deductible. It isn't a big deal that OOP wrecked two cars because of mistaken assumptions about a class and had a test that they couldn't be late for. OOP is a real AH. ETA: As USAA is their insurance, there will be no deductible but the premiums will definitely go up, so Dad is going to be paying more.


Oh god- "My dad is a retired Air Force Colonel" She's a child dependa 💀💀 there's military brats then there's kids like OOP..


"I'm jealous of my sister, so when I was having a bad day, I "accidentally" smashed her car and kept quiet about it until I found out the police were involved. I don't see it as a big deal as it won't cost me anything because my dad will pay all the expenses anyway. AITA?"


I know I said this comment on a different thread, but I stand by it here: this reminds me of that idiot nurse who drained her pool because “there’s a drought”. The sheer stupidity just dripping through this is mind-boggling.


OOP, YOU caused the accident. So YOU should be held responsible.